Surgical Technology Program

Surgical Technology
Progression Process
Admission to the core level courses of the
Surgical Technology program will be
determined by a selective process based upon
a point system. Students MUST complete ALL
program pre-requisites prior to applying for
progression to the core level of the program.
No more than 24 students will be admitted to
the core level of the Surgical Technology
program. Students will be responsible for
completion and submission of a Progression
Application packet. The packet will include the
Progression Application Coversheet, ST Student
Progression Application Checklist, an attached
copy of their degree audit, as well as
healthcare experience to the program chair at
the time of progression. It is the responsibility
of each applicant to make sure all transfer
credit has been received and processed by the
Office of the Registrar prior to progression. No
exceptions will be made for any applicant.
Students who have declared ST as their major
must attend ONE mandatory Surgical
Technology Information Session prior to
submitting a Progression Application. The
information sessions will be offered October 7,
2013; November 4, 2013; December 3, 2013;
February 3, 2014; and March 31, 2014.
Students are encouraged to attend within the
first semester of declaring ST as their major.
The session will include detailed information
about the profession, the program and
progression requirements for admission.
Prospective students interested in learning
about the program and profession are welcome
to attend.
WD (ST Progression information packet 2013-2014) REVISED
2.75 minimum overall GPA
High School or college biology and
chemistry within the last 7 years, with a
grade of C or better.
Ready for college level reading, writing
and math according to the COMPASS™
FYE 100, 105, OR 110 (if less than 12
credit hours of college coursework)
AFM 095
BIO 151
BIO 220
PHY 110
MCH 101
ST 100
25 possible points based on overall
25 possible points based on results of
the HOBET test and Critical thinking
25 possible points for Program
Prerequisites GPA – A point will be
deducted for any course that is
5 possible points for completed
curriculum Science and Non General
Education courses - Students will
receive points for science and non
general education course successfully
completed with “B” or higher, prior to
application that is in the ST curriculum.
A point will be deducted for any course
that is repeated.
5 possible points for attending ST
Information Session.
15 possible points awarded for
Experience Points will be granted for
previous masters, bachelors, or
associate degree, military experience
(DD Form 214 honorable discharge),
honors program participant and if
currently working in healthcare (patient
contact or central service/SPD, letter
from supervisor stating type of work
and years of service). Students will also
receive points based on the number of
college hours completed at Cincinnati
Students will take the HOBET exam prior to
submitting an application for progress. It is
recommended that you complete all
required developmental courses and precore level courses before scheduling your
exam. If you are transferring credit from
another institution, we encourage you to
refresh your knowledge prior to scheduling
your exam. Test locations, times, fees and
the registration process will be posted on
the Health Division and Surgical Technology
websites. Information will also be provided
at the information session. Students may
take the exam once per year and submit
your scores with your application. The
exam includes sections on academic
aptitude, reading comprehension, math and
natural science.
1. How do I prepare for this exam – are
there practice tests available?
You may purchase practice exams in the
book store or by going to this link:
What is the cost for the tests?
$100.00 for both the HOBET and Critical
Thinking tests (Registration and
Payment for CTT will be at time of
testing with a CREDIT CARD).
3. When and where are they offered?
Refer to the Health and Public Safety
website for current dates and locations
Home Page/Academics Programs /&
Certificates/HPS/ST Degree/Details/
Progression Process/HOBET
registration/click link and select HOBET
LINK. Registration and Payment for CTT
will be at time of testing with a CREDIT
4. Can I repeat if I am not happy with my
You can repeat the test in 6 months
Students will take this test to assess their
critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is the
ability of an individual to apply the
cognitive disciplines of interpretation,
analysis, inference, explanation; evaluation
and self-regulation to draw comprehensive,
well-reasoned conclusions or problem
solve, which is key in the practice of surgical
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5. How soon do I get my results?
You will receive your results immediately.
6. How do I interpret the results?
Refer to ST information session for
interpreting your results.
Once students are accepted into the Core Level
of the ST program, they will be required to
submit a Criminal Background Check in order to
verify eligibility for clinical placements. The
background checks must be received by the
program chair prior to starting the Core level
sequence. Failure to complete the paperwork
in an appropriate timeframe, to assure the
results are received in a timely manner, will be
grounds for dismissal from the program. You
should also be aware that some clinical
facilities may require a drug screening prior to
placement. That will be determined throughout
the year based on the sites you will be
assigned. Criminal background checks must be
completed by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal
Identification and Investigation (BCI&I) and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
*Felony records and misdemeanors may
prohibit you from continuing in this program
or obtaining employment.
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Computer Access/Email
In addition to the other requirements, all
students must be able to access the college
online teaching platform, Blackboard, and must
be accessible via an electronic mail address. We
will not use personal email addresses. All
correspondence will be sent via the students
Cincinnati State email account. Students may
utilize any of the computers on any campus to
create and check their email accounts and to
access Blackboard. Blackboard and email
accounts should be checked frequently (at least
3 times /week) for messages, assignments,
responsible for keeping their demographic
information current by updating their personal
information as needed.
Program Overview and Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to be placed on the ST Program list?
Be sure to complete all the prerequisites (no developmental courses, chemistry and biology
within the last 7 years, BIO 151, BIO 220, MCH 101, PHY 110, ST 100) with a minimum
grade of “C” and a GPA 2.75 or higher.
Attend a Surgical Technology Information Session. See brochures and HPS clerical staff for
dates and time.
Complete the HOBET and Critical Thinking Test. See website or advisor for dates and
Meet with the ST advisor at least once a semester.
How will I be placed on the ST class list?
The program uses a selective admission process. Selection is based upon a point system.
Completion and submission of the Surgical Technology Progression Application
Packet by the required deadline to the ST program chair.
You will be notified via MyCState email of your admission status by the preset date.
(Attend ST information session for specifics).
What are prerequisites?
They are courses that must be taken before a student is eligible to enter ST clinical
courses. Developmental prerequisites help to enhance basic reading, writing, math,
biology, and chemistry knowledge and skills. These courses make-up for poor grades or for
courses you may not have taken while attending high school. Program prerequisites
introduce you to the profession and potential course work required to be successful.
What are technical ST courses?
Technical courses teach you the professional skill and training required to perform your role
as a Surgical Technologist. All surgery courses start with the
acronym “ST”. You must have permission of the ST Program Chair in order to take these
What are non-technical ST courses?
Non-technical courses support your professional training and skill development.
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What is the difference between co-op and clinical?
The Surgical Technologist program has classroom, laboratory, and clinical hours.
Classroom hours are for learning theory and principles. Laboratory hours are for the
application of knowledge and skills in a controlled setting. Clinical hours are spent in a real
(hospital) facility under direct supervision while working with
patients. All classroom, laboratory, and clinical hours are a mandatory part of your training.
Co-op is paid experience in a relative field of study. The Surgical
Technology program does not have co-op hours.
What scholarships or financial aid are available for Surgical Technology students?
Federal funding based on need, forgivable loans, and scholarships are available once you
have started your technical ST classes.
Can I attend college part-time or evenings?
Yes, you can take any general educational or non-technical classes part-time or
evenings. However, once you start ST technical courses, you must be committed
to courses taken during the day for the next 2 years.
Will I get a job upon graduation?
The placement rate for Surgical Technologist graduates is very high.
Will credits from another college transfer?
Yes, as long as the college is regionally accredited, and credits are applicable to the ST
program with a “C” or better. All math and science courses must be retaken if more
than 7 years old.
What is the pay scale for a Surgical Technologist?
The starting pay in this area is $18.00 - $21.00 per hour.
When are the clinical courses offered?
All clinical courses are offered in the daytime. There are no evenings, nights, or
weekends. Exact specifics are in each clinical course syllabus.
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ST Semester Curriculum
Program Prerequisites:
Ready for college level reading, writing and math according to the COMPASS™ test
BIO 151: A&P 1
4 credits
BIO 220: Microbiology
3 credits
PHY 110: Health Physics
3 credits
ST 100: Exploring Surgical Technology
2 credit
MCH 101: Medical Terminology
2 credits
FYE 100, 105, OR 110: College Success Strategies (if less than 12 credit hours of college coursework)
2 credits
GPA 2.75 minimum
Fall 2012
ST 101: Surgical Foundation and Procedures 1
ST 111: Surgical Principles and Practice 1
BIO 152: Anatomy and Physiology 2
MCH 100: Healthcare Informatics
Spring 2013
ST 102: Surgical Foundation and Procedures 2
ST 112: Surgical Principles and Practice 2
ST 181: ST Clinical Skills Application 1
PST 135 Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Workers
Summer 2013
ST 182: ST Clinical Skills Application 2
ST 201: Advanced Surgical Procedures 1
ENG 101: English Composition
XXX XXX: Humanities/Social Science Elective 1
Fall 2013
ST 202: Advanced Surgical Procedures 2
ST 281: ST Clinical Directed Practice 1
ENG 102: Composition and Argument
Spring 2014
ST 282: ST Clinical Directed Practice 2
COMM 105: Interpersonal Communication
XXX XXX: Humanities/Social Science Elective 2
8 credits
2 credits
4 credits
2 credits
16 credits
8 credits
2 credits
3 credits
2 credit
15 credits
2 credits
5 credits
3 credits
3 credits
13 credits
5 credits
6 credits
3 credits
14 credits
6 credits
3 credits
3 credits
12 credits
Total Credits
70 credits
Humanities/Social Sciences Electives: (Choose 6 credits from two different subject areas):
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Surgical Technology Applicant Ranking Worksheet
Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
In the event that one or more applicants receive the exact same number of Total
Points, Date of Admission to the college will determine admission.
MAX 25
Required: Overall GPA of 2.75
=25 points
=15 points
=5 points
=0 points
Attended ST Information Session
5 points
HOBET and Critical Thinking Test
Reading Mathematics Science English Critical Thinking
≥ 80
= 5 points for category
= 4 points for category
= 3 points for category
= 1 point for category
= points
Program Prerequisites *A=4 pts; B=3 pts; C=2 pts
Use highest grade when course is repeated. Subtract one point for each
time a course is repeated, no matter what grade earned in course.
2.75 GPA is minimum accepted
BIO 151 Anatomy & Physiology 1
(4 cr.hrs) x (grade) = _____
BIO 220 Microbiology
(3 cr.hrs) x (grade) = _____
PHY 110 Health Physics
(3 cr.hrs) x (grade) = _____
ST 100 Exploring the ST Profession
(2 cr.hrs) x (grade) = _____
MCH 101 Medical Terminology 1
(2 cr.hrs) x (grade) = _____
Total points ______divided by 14 = _______GPA
Science and Non General Education Courses Work Ahead Points
Up to 5 points for curriculum science and non general education
courses successfully completed with a grade of B or greater not
required for admission and completed ahead of schedule.
BIO 152 Anatomy & Physiology 2
= 2 points
MCH 100 Healthcare Informatics
=2 points
PST 135 Disaster Preparedness for HPS
=1 point
Courses at Cincinnati State
5 points
Prior Degree/Courses from Accredited Program
3 points max
Master or Bachelor
= 3 points
= 2 points
1 year certificate
= 1 points
Health Care Experience:
3 points max
Minimum 1 year documented experience within past 3 years
Direct or Indirect Patient Care
=1 points
Central Service OR SPD Experience
=1 points
Current Certification in Central Service OR SPD
=1 points
Honors Program:
2 points
Military Service:
2 points
WD (ST Progression information packet 2013-2014) REVISED
MAX 25
MAX 25
4.0-3.5 = 25 points
3.4-3.0 =20 points
2.9-2.75 =15 points
2.5-2.74 =10 points
=0 points
Max 15
Progression Application Coversheet
Surgical Technology Program 2014
This form must accompany your ST progression application checklist, test scores and your Academic
Evaluation (Degree Audit). Please complete these steps to ensure your application is completed in its
entirety. Step 1: Complete all required documents for progression. Step 2: Submit your documents in an
8x10 envelope to the office staff in room 312 HPB between January 1, 2014 and May 1, 2014.
Applications will not be accepted after May 1. 2013. Please include your name on the envelope and
address it to the attn of: Wanda Dantzler, Program Chair. Step 3: Receive a receipt from the front office
staff and keep copies of all your documents. Once your documents are received by the program chair, you
will receive a confirmation email to your Cincinnati State email account.
Legal Name
Jr., etc
Preferred name, if not first name______________________ Former last name(s), if any_________________________
Home address
Number & street
apartment #
Zip/postal code
Current mailing address, if different from above__________________________________________________________
Number & street
apartment #
Zip/postal code
Preferred telephone (
) _______________________
College E-mail _________________________________
I certify that all information submitted in the admission process- including the application is factually true and
honestly presented. I understand that these documents will become the property of the institution and will not
be returned to me.
Signature ______________________________________________________ Date______________________________
Complete application
Incomplete application _________
Missing documents:
WD (ST Progression
packet 2013-2014)
sent ____________________
Date ________________
Accepted _____________
Alternate ____________
Denied ______________
Surgical Technology Program
Progression Requirement Checklist
Requirements to Apply for Progression (please check):
Application Coversheet
Declared Program major: ST (Active status)
Completion of all Pre-requisite courses with a C or higher
Overall GPA of 2.75
Academic Evaluation (Degree Audit)
HOBET & Critical Thinking test Score Printouts
Experience Documentation:
Hours completed at Cincinnati State
Documentation of prior degree
Letter documenting current healthcare work experience
Documentation of honors experience
Military DD 214 honorable discharge form
Repeat applicant
Attendance ST Information Session
Make a personal copy of packet
All forms must be complete. Submit your application packets no later than May 1, 2014.
Incomplete forms and packets will not be reviewed. You will receive an email confirmation from
the program chair once your packet is received. Do not call the program chair. If you do not receive
a confirmation within 5 days of submission, e-mail the chair with the subject line: Receipt of
Application Packet
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