Newman 10H This I Believe Speech and Essay Project Due Dates: Rough Draft for the purposes of speech practice – Monday, November 24, 2014 Final Draft – Monday, December 1, 2014 Hard Copy in class Speech in class (using notecards only) Final Draft to by 7:20am Task 1: Write an essay about your personal beliefs according to the original Edward R. Murrow invitation, and following the style and format of the many examples we have listened to and read. For this assignment, you will need to: 1. Establish a core belief which drives your perspective on and choices in the world. 2. Explain this belief in an essay of at least one page, maximum two pages (between 400 and 550 words.) a. Your explanation can take whatever form you see fit, but it should state the belief, explain your belief’s tenets, and explain how you came to hold that belief (through personal anecdotes, experiences, observations, etc.) b. Your essay should be written in the positive – explain what you do believe, rather than what you do not. c. Your essay should be somewhat formal and seek to effectively reach audience members using imagery, details, and specifics, but should use language that is, at the same time, natural to you. 3. See the original invitation for more specifics on the expectations. Task 2: Deliver your “This I Believe” essay as a speech in class. For this assignment, you will need to: 1. Partially memorize your “This I Believe” essay, as you will be allowed only notecards with bullet points to use as notes during your speech. 2. Speeches will be no longer than your essay, and thus should be between two and three minutes. 3. On the day of the speech, you will submit your final draft, rough draft(s), and notecards. Task 3: Submit your “This I Believe” essay to 1. We will complete this together in the library in class at the conclusion of the unit. When you submit your assignment, please attach the following documents in the following order, 1 being the top of your pile: 1. Rubric with your name 2. Hard copy of Final Draft of Written Portion 3. Hard copy of Rough Draft of Written Portion See the attached rubric for grading scales and expectations for this assignment. “This I Believe” Rubric Essay [100 points] Attention-Getter [15 pts] Claim / Purpose [25 pts] Organization [25 pts] Appeal to Audience [15 pts] Mechanics and Style [20 pts] Effective Partially Effective Not Effective Effective use of attention getting strategy (quote, statistic, question, story, etc.) to capture listeners’ attention and to introduce topic. Attention getter is relevant and meaningful. Clearly, explicitly formulates some form claim or thesis statement early in essay which reveals author’s own original viewpoint and beliefs. Thesis statement identifies topic and encompasses/previews main points or purpose, is engaging, and unique. Uses an effective organizational pattern for the essay purpose. Main points are clearly distinguished, and supporting details are clearly relevant, supporting the main points. Transitions are smooth and coherent, and essay as a whole flows well to achieve the author’s purpose. Use of somewhat relevant attention getting strategy, but does not adequately capture audience attention or lead to desire outcome. No attention getting strategy was evident, or attention getting strategy had no clear or relevant connection to topic and/or speech purpose. Thesis is implied, although not explicitly stated. Topic is identified, but main points are not clearly previewed, purpose may not be totally clear, or belief seems mundane, common, or unengaging. No thesis statement (implied nor explicit). Main points are not clearly identified, audience unsure of direction of essay, or of author purpose. General organization or structure seems adequate, but main points are not clearly distinguished from supporting details, or it is unclear how supporting details are relevant to main points. There is a logical flow to the essay, but transitions are weak or unclear, and it takes work to understand or uncover the author’s purpose. Author may make some choices that reveal the topic’s relevance to the audience’s own needs, interests, and/or experiences, but choices may be accidental, or not carefully thought out. Essay is relatable at times, but at a whole the audience struggles to find the author’s viewpoint and how they relate to it. Essay has few errors in grammar and mechanics. Essay demonstrates a writing style that is somewhat unique and somewhat engaging, though at times may be unoriginal or repetitive. Choices in the use of literary devices are sometimes apparent, but seem somewhat haphazard, careless, or ineffective. There is an illogical structure, or a lack of organization entirely – it is difficult to discern the different parts to the essay (introduction, body, conclusion.) Ideas are not coherent, supporting details are absent or irrelevant, and author’s purpose is completely obscured or absent. Author makes conscious choices in their use of topic, supporting details, literary devices, and rhetorical appeals that reveal the topic’s relevance to the audience’s own needs, interests, and/or experiences. Essay is relatable while still expressing author’s own unique viewpoint. Essay is free of errors in grammar and mechanics. Essay is written in the author’s unique, personal style which both expresses their individuality, strengthening their ability to express personal belief, and draws audience in. Conscious choices were made to adopt a personal, engaging writing style through diction, figurative language, imagery, and other applicable literary devices. Topic and/or details seem irrelevant or unrelated to audience. No attempts are made to connect with audience. Essay contains numerous or excessive errors in grammar and/or mechanics. Essay demonstrates a lack of conscious effort on the part of the author to adopt an engaging writing style, and is difficult to read and understand, repetitive, and/or carelessly written. Speech Delivery [80 pts] Effective Partially Effective Not Effective Eye Contact [20 pts] Consistently and effectively used eye contact to establish rapport with audience. Inconspicuous use of speaker notes and effective use of scanning to established an expanded zone of interaction. Conspicuous use of speaker notes. Seems disengaged from audience for noticeable periods of time. Reads speech from notes/manuscript. Avoids eye contact with audience. Only occasional and sporadic glances. Body Language [20 pts] Expressive, dynamic, and natural use of gestures, posture and facial expressions to reinforce and enhance meaning. Body language reflects comfort interacting with audience. Stiff or unnatural use of nonverbal behaviors. Body language reflects some discomfort interacting with audience. Limited use of gestures to reinforce verbal message. Body language reflects a reluctance to interact with audience. Distracting movement and/or use of self-adaptive behaviors. Voice [20 pts] Natural variation of vocal characteristics (rate, pitch, volume, tone) in Standard English to heighten interest and match message appropriately. Limited variation of vocal characteristics. Use of rate, pitch, volume and tone seemed inconsistent at times. Monotone or inappropriate variation of vocal characteristics. Inconsistent with verbal message. Fluency [20 pts] Appropriate pronunciation, enunciation, and articulation. Lack of noticeable vocalized fillers. Few noticeable errors in pronunciation, enunciation and articulation. Minimal use of vocalized fillers. Excessive fluency errors interfered with message comprehension. Excessive use of vocalized fillers. Student Self-Assessment Score: _________ / 180 Final Score _________ / 180 Name: