PROTOCOL ANR – Generic Call 2016 FAPESP RESEARCH PROPOSAL FORM – FULL PROPOSALS ONLY Regular Research Award Thematic Project Research Award 1- PRINCIPLE INVESTIGATOR - FAPESP (do not omit or abbreviate names) NAME: 2- HOST INSTITUTION (SÃO PAULO) INSTITUTION (University): UNIT (College, Center, Institute): DEPARTMENT: 3- PRINCIPLE INVESTIGATOR - France (do not omit or abbreviate names) NAME: 4- HOST INSTITUTION (France) INSTITUTION (University): UNIT (College, Center, Institute): DEPARTMENT: 5- PROJECT TYPE (according to FAPESP list) PROJECT DURATION AREA OF EXPERTISE: CODE: 6- PROJECT TITLE (do not abbreviate) PORTUGUESE ENGLISH PROPOSED START DATE: -00- DURATION (MONTHS): 7- RESEARCH PROJECT SUMMARY PORTUGUESE ENGLISH 8) SUMMARY OF FUNDING REQUESTED FOR PROJECT (separate decimals with a coma) FAPESP EXPENSES (Euros) EQUIPMENT Exchange rate: R$/Euro: ANR EXPENSES (Euros) MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SERVICES TRAVEL ALLOWANCE (PER DIEM) TRAVEL EXPENSES CONTINGENCY FUNDS Project Infrastructure (RTPCIDP) * Institutional Infrastructure (RTPCIIP) ** Complementary Benefits (BC) *** Provision for Importation ***** FELLOWSHIPS - For Regular Awards: only Technical Training - For Thematic Projects: types can be found at: CONTINGENCY FUNDS for FELLOWSHIPS **** (only for Thematic Projects) STAFF OTHER COSTS (please specify): TOTAL (EURO) Notes: * For Regular Awards: 15% of the amount requested above; for Thematic Projects, 20% ** For Regular Awards: 10% of the amount requested above; for Thematic Projects, 20% *** For Regular Awards: R$ 8.000,00 per year; Thematic Project: R$ 12.000,00 per year per PI/co-PI. **** Must be the sum of the allowances for each requested academic fellowships (RTB) not applicable to Technical Training Fellowships. ***** Provision for Importation (15% of the total budget requested for foreign equipment). 9- GRANTS REQUESTED TO OR AWARDED BY OTHER FUNDING AGENCIES RELATED TO THIS PROPOSAL (please indicate currency) INSTITUTION AMOUNT REQUESTED AMOUNT AWARDED 10- TEAM MEMBERS (SÃO PAULO) NAME ACADEMIC TITLE INSTITUTION UNIT TIME DEDICATED TO THE PROJECT (PER WEEK) 11- STATEMENT FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE UNIT WHERE THE PROJECT WILL BE DEVELOPED (SÃO PAULO) 1- 2- 3- I declare to be aware of the project’s infrastructural needs and requirements and that the part of the Contingency Funds allocated to Institutional Infrastructure Funds is destined towards the support of collective research infrastructure that benefits research projects supported by FAPESP in the Unit, according to the Employment Plan to be approved by the Unit’s collegiate body and submitted to FAPESP. The guidelines for the application of the part of the Contingency Funds allocated to Institutional Infrastructure Funds can be found at Therefore, I declare that in case this Project is approved and for the duration of its grant, the researcher and group of researchers taking part in the project will have all the institutional support necessary for its development, as previously agreed with the Principal Investigator. The researcher and research group taking part in the Project will be granted with physical space, the permission to use all facilities (laboratories, computer networks, library, databases etc.) and access to all services (lab technicians, administrative support etc.) available at the institution and that are relevant for its fulfillment. If the development of the project is hindered or made impracticable due to the non-fulfillment of this clause and without previous consent from FAPESP, the Institution commits itself to reimburse FAPESP’s expenditures. I am aware that the failure to fulfill the terms of this statement may compromise the course of future requests submitted to FAPESP by researchers from this Unit. NAME: POSITION/TITLE: PLACE, DATE AND SIGNATURE: 12- PLACE, DATE & SIGNATURE FAPESP, OCTOBER 2015