Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials XXI Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials XXI Manuscript Instructions (14 point, Arial, centered) Author(1) Name (12 point, bold, Arial, centered) Author(1) Affiliation (12 point, Arial, centered) Author(2) Name (12 point, bold, Arial, centered) Author(2) Affiliation (12 point, Arial, centered) Repeat author name and affiliation if required Manuscript Basics The conference proceedings book will be printed directly from the manuscript provided by the author. The members of conference secretariat staff do not edit or proofread manuscripts, so all material should be concise and error free. The entire paper must be legible (i.e., subscripts and superscripts no smaller than 6 pt. type, dark type, etc.) The components of a paper are (in order of appearance) Paper Title Author Information Abstract Introduction Text (Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion) Summary and Conclusion Acknowledgments References Appendix (if applicable) Metric System (SI policy); The International System of Unites (SI), as described by ASTM E-380, provides the official metric policy. Preparation of Pages This document can be used as a template for preparing your manuscript by “copy and paste” content into appropriate section. Authors should use the page size of A4 format (210 mm × 297 mm). Authors should place the title, author, and affiliation information on the first page of the manuscript. Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials XXI The use of company or trade names in titles should be avoided. Company affiliations are noted immediately following author(s) name(s) on the first page of the paper. Page numbering is not necessary. Manuscripts should be no more than 12 pages in total be even number of pages be in a one column format be 11 point type (fonts such as Century(for body text) and Arial(for Headlines) are easy to read) be single-spaced (including between paragraphs) be justified within the column contain an Abstract of 200 words or less as submitted Footnotes. Each footnote must be inserted at the bottom of the page in which its reference appears. Designate each such reference in the text with an asterisk (*), not a number. Use double asterisks if two footnotes occur in the same column. “et al.” may be used within the text of the paper, but not in the references. Names of all authors should be listed in the references. Equations. Center equations in column, splitting the equation before an operator if it is too long to fit on one line. Equations should be numbered consecutively with the number enclosed in parentheses, flush to the right-hand margin. Correct reference to an equation in the text is: Eq. 1. The equation should have one line of space above and below, except when the equation is at the top of a column. Margins “Mirror margins” have been set to facilitate printing of proceedings. Top and Bottom 25 mm Outside 25 mm Inside 35 mm Figures and Tables All figures and tables should be imported directly into the document and will be printed along with the text. Figures and tables will NOT be reduced or enlarged by the conference secretariat staff. All figures and tables will be printed in black and white, so do not refer to colors within text to describe graph lines or particular areas of photos. A bitmap resolution should be at least 300dpi for graphics. All figures and tables should be numbered consecutively and placed in numerical Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials XXI order within the manuscript. A figure or table can be centered within one or two columns and can be any length within the top and bottom margins. For each figure, a caption should be placed directly below the figure, and should include the figure number and caption text. Main Headings bold 12 pt. Type 18 pts. (1.5 line space) before and 12 pts. (1 line space) after upper and lowercase NO underline (underscore) NO italic one line of space above and below, except when the heading is at the top of a column left justified Subheadings be bold 11 pt. type (font: Arial) upper and lowercase NO underline (underscore) NO italic indented and on-line with the rest of the paragraph (no extra space above and below) Secondary Subheadings italic 11 pt. type (font: Arial) upper and lowercase NO underline (underscore) NO bold indented and on-line with the rest of the paragraph (no extra space above and below) References Literature references should be listed at the end of the paper in the same order that they appear in the text, and in accordance with the following examples. 1. Journal article (example): M. Ravi Sankar, V. K. Jain, and J. Ramkumar, International Journal of Machine tools and Manufacture, 50(7), 637-650 (2010) Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials XXI 2. Conference (example): M. Ravi Sankar, V. K. Jain, and J. Ramkumar, International conference on Wear of Materials, Las Vegas, USA, April 19-23, 531-538 (2009) 3. Book (example): Hans-peter Degischer and Brigitte Kriszt, Handbook of Cellular Metals: Production, Processing and Applications, p 88, Wiley-VCH, Austria, (2002) 4. Patent (example): P.H. Ralston and G.B. Hatch, U.S. Patent 3,803,038 5. A “private communication” or “unpublished research” may be referenced when required to give proper credit. The citation must include the affiliations and addresses of the persons involved. Submission File Format. The manuscript is to be submitted electronically as a .DOC document. You can follow the word file template to complete your manuscript, save it as .DOC file and upload. Method. Please use the Online Submission System provided at the pfam-21 website to submit manuscripts (URL: ). Please name your manuscript with your PAPER IDENTIFICATION NO. mentioned in the abstract acceptance letter and click on the right hand side menu, “Submit the final manuscript” to upload the manuscript. Deadline. August 30, 2012.