Body paragraphs exercise – Tablets vs. textbooks

Body paragraphs exercise: Tablets vs. textbooks
Block method compare and contrast - pp. 1-7
Point-by-point compare and contrast - pp. 8-16
Point-by-point comparison - pp. 16-23
Point-by-point contrast - pp. 16-23
Block method: Similarities paragraph
1. Topic sentence
Transition, + persons or things being compared + share several major similarities.
First of all, alligators and crocodile share several major similarities.
Transition, persons or things being compared + are alike in several major ways.
First of all, alligators and crocodiles are alike in several major ways.
Transition, persons or things being compared + resemble each other in a number of ways.
First of all, alligators and crocodiles resemble each other in three major ways.
Transition, persons or things being compared + resemble each other in brief list of similarities
(using parallel construction).
First of all, alligators and crocodiles resemble each other in physical characteristics, behavior
and habitat.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
2. First major supporting sentence
They both have + aspects being compared in category.
They both have long snouts, powerful jaws and webbed feet.
They are alike/similar in that they both have aspects being compared in category.
They are alike in that they both have long snouts, powerful jaws and four feet
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
3. Minor supporting sentences
In three or eight sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the first aspect
similarities. Be sure to use transitions indicating addition to add supporting sentences for each
of the aspects in that category and transitions indicating similarity for the two things being
compared. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not common knowledge.
Nostrils are located at the end of each snout. Moreover, alligators and crocodiles possess jaws
so powerful that they can do serious damage to anything or anyone they bite. For example,
Don Glass (2003) writes that researchers conducted an experiment to see how powerful an
alligator’s bite it. They found it is the equivalent of the weight of a small lorry. Similarly, the
jaws of a crocodile can exert tremendous pressure. Researchers found that an eight-foot
crocodile’s bite exerted 5,000 lbf (Wikipedia, 2013). A final physical aspect shared by both
reptiles is feet that help them distribute their weight evenly when they walk on land.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
4. Second major supporting sentence
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, + they are alike/similar in second category being compared.
Moreover, they are alike in behavior.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, they can be compared according to second category being
In addition, they can be compared according to behavior.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
5. Minor supporting sentences
They are developed in the same way as minor supporting sentences for the first major support
are developed.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
6. Third major supporting sentence
The final/last point for comparison is third category being compared.
The final point for comparison is habitat.
Finally, they can be compared according to third category being compared.
In addition, they can be compared according to habitat.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
7. Minor supporting sentences
They are developed in the same way as minor supporting sentences for the first major support
are developed.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
Block method: Differences paragraph
1. Topic sentence
Despite their similarities, persons or things being compared + are dissimilar in several major
Despite their similarities, alligators and crocodiles are dissimilar in several major ways.
Despite their similarities, persons or things being compared + are unlike each other in specific
categories (using parallel construction).
Despite their similarities, alligators and crocodiles are unlike each other in physical
description, behavior and habitat.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
2. First major supporting sentence
Their + aspects being compared in first category differ.
Their long snouts, powerful jaws and feet differ.
They are unlike/dissimilar in that they do not resemble each other in first category being
They are unlike in that they do not resemble each other in physical description.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
3. Minor supporting sentence(s)
In three or eight sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the first aspect
similarities. Be sure to use transitions indicating addition to add supporting sentences for each
of the aspects in that category and transition indicating difference tween the two things being
contrasted. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not common
Alligators have wide, U-shaped snouts, whereas crocodiles have longer, more pointed, Vshaped snouts. A second difference is the jaw of an alligator as compared to that of a
crocodile. The alligator has an “over-bite” because its upper jaw is wider than its lower jaw;
consequently, it overlaps the lower jaw. In contrast, the upper and lower jaws of a crocodile
are about the same size, resulting in the upper teeth and lower teeth interlocking when the
crocodile’s mouth is shut. A final physical difference is that alligators have webbed feet;
however, crocodiles do not.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
4. Second major supporting sentence
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, + they are alike/similar in second category being compared.
Moreover, they are alike in behavior.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, they can be compared according to second category being
In addition, they can be compared according to behavior.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
5. Minor supporting sentences
They are developed in the same way as minor supporting sentences for the first major support
are developed.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
6. Third major supporting sentence
The final/last point for comparison is third category being compared.
The final point for comparison is habitat.
Finally, they can be compared according to third category being compared.
In addition, they can be compared according to habitat.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
7. Minor supporting sentences
They are developed in the same way as minor supporting sentences for the first major support
are developed.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
Point-by-point: Compare and contrast
1. Topic sentence for first body paragraph
Transition, + persons or things being compared + resemble each other in first category, yet
there are some differences.
First of all, alligators and crocodiles resemble each other in physical description, yet there are
some differences.
Transition, persons or things being compared + can be compared and contrasted according to
first category.
First of all, alligators and crocodiles can be compared and contrasted according to physical
Transition, while persons or things being compared + have several aspects in common
according to category; nevertheless, they differ in other aspects.
First of all, alligators and crocodiles have several aspects in common according to physical
description; nevertheless, they differ in other aspects.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
2. Major supporting sentence (similarity of first aspect)
Please note that you must choose on the other hand in sentence 4 if you choose on the one hand
for your first major comparison supporting sentence.
They both have + aspect being compared in category.
They both have long snouts.
They are alike/similar in that they both have aspect being compared in category.
They are alike in that they both have long snouts.
On the one hand, their aspect being compared in category are similar.
On the one hand, their long snouts are similar.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
3. Minor supporting sentence
In one or two sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the first aspect
similarities. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not common
Nostrils are located at the end of both reptiles’ snouts (Glass, 2003).
Instructions. Write your minor supporting sentence(s) in the space provided below.
4. Major supporting sentence (difference of first aspect)
Despite this/these similarity/similarities, there is/are (a) minor/ major + difference/differences
in (the) + aspect being compared in category.
Despite this similarity, there is a minor difference in the snouts.
Transition, their + aspect being compared in category are dissimilar in one/some way/ways.
However, their snouts are dissimilar in one way.
On the other hand, their aspect being compared in category differ in number aspect(s).
On the other hand, their snouts differ in one aspect.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
5. Minor supporting sentence(s)
In one or two sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the first aspect
differences. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not common
Alligators have wide, U-shaped noses, whereas crocodiles have longer, more pointed, Vshaped snouts.
Instructions. Write your minor supporting sentence(s) in the space provided below.
6. Major supporting sentence (similarity of second aspect)
Please note that you must choose on the other hand in sentence 4 if you choose on the one hand
for your first major comparison supporting sentence.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, + they are alike/similar in that they resemble each other in
second aspect being compared.
Moreover, they are alike in that they resemble each other in the power of their jaws.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, + they are alike/similar in that they both have aspect being
compared in category.
In addition, they are alike in that they both have powerful jaws.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, +, their aspect being compared in category is/are similar.
Moreover, their power of their jaws is similar.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
7. Minor supporting sentence(s)
In one or two sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the second aspect
similarities. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not common
Both reptiles possess jaws so powerful that they can do serious damage to anything or anyone
they bite. Don Glass (2003) writes that researchers conducted an experiment to see how
powerful an alligator’s bite is. They found it is the equivalent of the weight of a small lorry.
Similarly, the jaws of a crocodile can exert tremendous pressure. Researchers found that an
eight-foot crocodile’s bite exerted 5,000 lbf (Wikipedia, 2013).
Instructions. Write your minor supporting sentence(s) in the space provided below.
8. Major supporting sentence (difference of second aspect)
Despite this/these similarity/similarities, there is/are (a) minor/ major + difference/differences
in (the) + aspect being compared in category.
Despite this similarity, there is a minor difference in the jaws.
However/Nevertheless, their + aspect being compared in category are dissimilar in one/some
However, their jaws are dissimilar in one way.
Instructions. Write your major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
9. Minor supporting sentence(s)
In one or two sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the second aspect
differences. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not common
The alligator has an “over-bite” because its upper jaw is wider than its lower jaw;
consequently, it overlaps the lower jaw. In contrast, the upper and lower jaws of a crocodile
are about the same size, resulting in the upper teeth and lower teeth interlocking when the
crocodile’s mouth is shut.
Instructions. Write your minor supporting sentence(s) in the space provided below.
Major supporting sentence (similarity of third aspect)
The final aspect for comparison is + third aspect being compared.
The final aspect for comparison is feet.
Finally, they can be compared according to third aspect being compared.
Finally, they can be compared according to feet.
Finally, their third aspect being compared is/are similar.
Finally, their feet are similar.
Instructions. Write your second major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
Minor supporting sentence(s)
In one or two sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the third aspect
similarities. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not common
Instructions. Write your minor supporting sentence(s) in the space provided below.
Major supporting sentence (difference of third aspect)
Despite this/these similarity/similarities, there is/are (a) minor/ major + difference/differences
in (the) + aspect being compared in category.
Despite this similarity, there is a minor difference in the feet.
Transition, their + aspect being compared in category are dissimilar in one/some way/ways.
However, their feet are dissimilar in one way.
Instructions. Write your major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
Minor supporting sentence(s)
In one or two sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the final aspect
differences. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not common
Alligators have webbed feet; however, crocodiles do not.
Instructions. Write your minor supporting sentence(s) in the space provided below.
Topic sentence for second body paragraph
Not only can persons or things being compared be compared and contrasted according to first
category, but also they can be compared and contrasted in second category.
Not only can alligators and crocodile be compared and contrasted according to physical
characteristics, but also they can be compared contrasted according to habitat.
Secondly, persons or things being compared + can be compared and contrasted according to
first category.
Secondly, alligators and crocodiles can be compared and contrasted according to behavior.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, persons or things being compared + have several aspects in
common according to second category; nevertheless, they differ in other aspects.
Moreover, alligators and crocodiles have several aspects in common according to behavior;
nevertheless, they differ in other aspects.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
Continue developing your second body paragraph in the same way that you developed your
first body paragraph.
Topic sentence for third body paragraph
Finally/Lastly/Last of all, persons or things being compared can be compared and contrasted in
third category.
Finally, alligators and crocodile can be compared contrasted according to habitat.
The final point for comparison and contrast is third category.
The final point for comparison is habitat.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
Continue developing your third body paragraph in the same way that you developed your first
body paragraph.
Point-by-point: Compare OR Contrast
1. Topic sentence for first body paragraph
Transition, + persons or things being compared or contrasted + resemble each other/differ from
each other in first category.
First of all, alligators and crocodiles resemble each other in physical description.
First of all, alligators and crocodiles differ from each other in physical description.
Transition, persons or things being compared or contrasted + can be compared/contrasted
according to first category.
First of all, alligators and crocodiles can be compared according to physical description.
First of all, alligators and crocodiles can be contrasted according to physical description.
Transition, persons or things being compared + have several aspects in common according to
First of all, alligators and crocodiles have several aspects in common according to physical
Transition, persons or things being contrasted + are dissimilar in several aspects according to
First of all, alligators and crocodiles are dissimilar in several aspects according to physical
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
2. Major supporting sentence (similarity or difference of first aspect)
They both have + first aspect being compared in first category.
They both have long snouts.
They are alike/similar in that they both have first aspect being compared in first category.
They are alike in that they both have long snouts.
Their + first aspect being contrasted in first category differ.
Their long snouts differ.
They are dissimilar in that first aspect being contrasted in first category do not resemble each
They are dissimilar in that their long snouts do not resemble each other’s snouts.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
3. Minor supporting sentence
In one or two sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the first aspect
similarities or differences. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not
common knowledge.
Nostrils are located at the end of both reptiles’ snouts (Glass, 2003).
Instructions. Write your minor supporting sentence(s) in the space provided below.
4. Major supporting sentence (second aspect)
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, + they are alike/similar in that they resemble each other in
second aspect being compared.
Moreover, they are alike in that they resemble each other in the power of their jaws.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, + they are alike/similar in that they both have aspect being
compared in category.
In addition, they are alike in that they both have powerful jaws.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, + their aspect being compared in category is/are
Moreover, the power of their jaws is similar.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, + they are dissimilar/unalike in that they do not resemble
each other in second aspect being contrasted.
Moreover, they are unalike in that they do not resemble each other in the shape of the jaws.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, + they are unalike/dissimilar in that they differ in aspect
being contrasted.
In addition, they are dissimilar in that differ in the shape of the jaws.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, their aspect being contrasted is/are dissimilar/unalike.
Moreover, the shape of their jaws is unalike.
Instructions. Write your first major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
5. Minor supporting sentence(s)
In one or two sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the second aspect
similarities or differences. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not
common knowledge.
The alligator has an “over-bite” because its upper jaw is wider than its lower jaw;
consequently, it overlaps the lower jaw. In contrast, the upper and lower jaws of a crocodile
are about the same size, resulting in the upper teeth and lower teeth interlocking when the
crocodile’s mouth is shut.
Instructions. Write your minor supporting sentence(s) in the space provided below.
6. Major supporting sentence (similarity or difference of third aspect)
The final aspect for comparison/comparison is + third aspect being compared/contrasted.
The final aspect for comparison is feet.
Finally, they can be compared/contrasted according to third aspect being compared.
Finally, they can be contrasted according to feet.
Finally, their third aspect being compared/contrasted is/are similar/different.
Finally, their feet are similar.
Instructions. Write your second major supporting sentence in the space provided below.
7. Minor supporting sentence(s)
In one or two sentences, add facts, statistics, examples, etc. about the each of the third aspect
similarities or difference. Also, be sure to cite your source for any information that is not
common knowledge.
Instructions. Write your minor supporting sentence(s) in the space provided below.
8. Topic sentence for second body paragraph
Not only can persons or things being compared/contrasted be compared/contrasted according to
first category, but also they can be compared and contrasted in second category.
Not only can alligators and crocodile be compared according to physical characteristics, but
also they can be compared according to habitat.
Secondly, persons or things being compared/contrasted + can be compared/contrasted
according to first category.
Secondly, alligators and crocodiles can be contrasted according to behavior.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, persons or things being compared + share several aspects
according to second category.
Moreover, alligators and crocodiles share several aspects according to behavior.
Furthermore/In addition/Moreover, persons or things being contrasted differ in several aspects
according to second category.
Moreover, alligators and crocodiles differ in several aspects according to behavior.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
Continue developing your second body paragraph in the same way that you developed your
first body paragraph.
9. Topic sentence for third body paragraph
Finally/Lastly/Last of all, persons or things being compared/contrasted
compared/contrasted according to second category.
Finally, alligators and crocodile can be compared according to habitat.
The final point for comparison/contrast is third category.
The final point for contrast is habitat.
Instructions. Write your topic sentence in the space provided below.
Continue developing your third body paragraph in the same way that you developed your first
body paragraph.