Establishing Scientific Proof

Establishing Scientific Proof
Which of the theories below do you think are supported by
scientific evidence? Which are based on faith and supported only by
popular tradition or imagination? How do you tell the difference?
Is your topic scientific?
Does it have a control?
Remember, just because something is scientific does not mean that it is real! Theories
can be wrong and change! And, just because something is NOT scientific does not
mean that it is NOT real! There just may be no way to test it and be 100% sure!
Pick one of the theories on the list below, one you at least mostly
believe is real or true or one you don’t believe in. Take a position! This is
a persuasion essay! The topics below are supported only by indirect or
circumstantial evidence. Investigate the theories and explanations for
the topics you choose. If the topic is clearly observable, then research
the most popular theory as to how it happens. Write an essay that is
about 1½ pages long (minimum for a C). Content and following directions
are very important, but length is not! Some topics will be longer than
others. Follow the rubric on the other side for specific directions about
each essay. Staple one of these papers to the top of your essay with the
rubric face up with your name visible. This is an essay not an outline so it
should be in paragraph form. Include the items on the rubric and try to
follow the order given, but do not write in bullet () or question/answer
Do not quote
form - No headers except for the Bibliography page.
Mr. Spencer!
Below are possible topic theories.
If you have ideas for another topic please ask the instructor first.
life cycle of a star
dowsing rods or unusual technology
Big Bang theory / universe origins
herbal remedies- how do they work?
global warming issues - what causes it?
Stonehenge or great pyramids - how
were they built?
GW - difficult topic because of the length; must take a side; is it real?
glaciers covered Ohio in the past
lots of info here – include Ohio glacier map
plate tectonics / Pangea / Earth’s
Interior – this topic better be long!
Cryptozoology: Bigfoot or Loch Ness
monster or Chupacabra
No Evolution!
dinosaurs were wiped out by a
meteorite impact Why did they
go extinct?
acupuncture or eastern medicine
energy remedies or chakras, chi
hypnosis remedies
dreams have meaning; DeJaVu?
Bermuda Triangle or lost city of Atlantis
No ghosts,
Mothman or leprechauns or mermaids
occult, etc.!
No vampires or
or werewolves extra-sensory perception (ESP),
Magic tricks? Very
hard topic! Pick a
specific trick – how
does it work?
2012 Mayan Calendar
simple life forms in outer space – NO ET
Establishing Scientific Proof
Pseudoscience Essay
Essay Title ___________________ Believe (Y/N) ____
This assignment is NOT just a REPORT about your topic!
This is a persuasive essay. You should research the
theory behind each topic and then attempt to prove or
disprove your theory using the scientific proofs we
discussed in class!
Total Points Earned:__________ out
of 33. This score will be doubled!
Watch out for plagiarism! Do not just cut and
paste text! You may re-word short sections of an
author’s written text (paraphrase) if you quote them.
This essay must be in YOUR OWN WORDS!
Items in Essay
suggested minimum lengths
(1) Facts: Start by describing the history, knowledge, and explanations of the topic / theory with
specific details and examples. Get the FACTS here. What is the theory that explains how or why
0 to 8: __________
the topic works or is real? Include enough details to allow you to answer the scientific proofs below.
Print lots of maps, diagrams, and pictures to prove your opinion. Place them in the text.
At least 1 page
Place the web site address beside any quotes or pictures in your essay!
(2) Limitations of Science: Describe why science cannot totally prove or disprove your topic’s
theory or explanation. Explain how science is limited here (present time and direct observation).
1 paragraph
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(3) Scientific Proofs: Describe in detail how the topic specifically meets each of the scientific proofs.
(A) Is it observable? Maybe a slight repetition of the facts above, but also include: Who, what,
when, how, where? Is the observation direct or indirect? Was the observation in the present time or
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past? Who did the observation? Are there biases?
1 paragraph
Observable because it is observable? Don’t say this! What is observable?
(B) Is it testable? Can it actually be tested or proven at all? If no, why not? If yes, what kind of
experiments have been done? WHAT WERE THE CONTROLS? What can be measured or
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compared to nature today? Were the experiments valid and conducted by scientists with no biases?
2 paragraphs or more
(C) Is it repeatable? Can the exact conditions of the experiment or observations be reproduced?
How many times? NOT the same as observable. How many tests or how many
times has a test been repeated?
1 paragraph
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(4) Fact or Faith Based: Conclude by offering your final opinion. Is the theory / explanation
supported more by real science (fact based) or more by pseudoscience (faith based)? Why do you
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believe or not believe? Be persuasive and honest here.
1 paragraph
(5) Bibliography: Place this on a separate bibliography page with a header. Find at least three
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internet sources (no WIKIPEDIA!). Include the source title, author, and date. When using
internet sites, you must include more than just the web address. Find the date the page was last
updated. No date=no source Bonus for more than five sources.
(6) Following directions / Neatness: Staple this paper with your name face up on top of the essay.
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Follow all directions given on this paper. Include a title, your name, date, and class. You may use a
title page, but do not need one.
Bonus: Typing (+2); (a lot of extra sources, and pictures stapled behind essay)
up to 4: __________
DON’T DO THIS!!!!!!!
This is an essay!
 (1) Facts
 (2) Limitations of Science
(3) Scientific Proofs
 (A) Observable
Scientific Proofs
 (B) Testable
 (C) Repeatable
 (4) Fact or Faith Based
Put the bibliography on a separate piece of paper with a header!