wks 15-18

Art 2/ Intermediate plans weeks 15-18
D. Edgell
4 blocks
Expressionist self portrait showing emotion, tempera painting or oil pastel,
mostly warm or cool color scheme
Art history link: Vincent Van Gogh and expressionism
Criteria for success: I will use warm or cool colors to do a self portrait in the expressionism
Learning targets: I can identify expressionism and art by Vincent Van Gogh. I can create a self
portrait in the expressionism style using a warm or cool color scheme.
Supplies: 18”x12” board, handouts on emotion and on proportion and shading, mirrors, tempera
paint, oil pastels, brushes, art examples -expressionism
Teacher input: Introduce, show examples, demonstrate, review.
Essential Standard I.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.
Clarifying Objectives:
I.V.1.4 Analyze images through the process of deconstruction (the components of the image and its
Essential Standard I.V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.
Clarifying Objectives
I.V.2.2 Use experiences and observations to create content for art.
**I.V.2.3 Understand the role of emotion, imagination, and creativity in producing content for original
Essential Standard I.V.3 Create art using a variety of tools, media, and processes, safely and
Clarifying Objectives
I.V.3.3 Analyze the relationship between process and product.
Essential Standard I.CX.1 Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of
the visual arts.
Clarifying Objectives
I.CX.1.3 Classify art by artist, movement, and style.
I.CX.1.4 Explain the influence of contextual knowledge on aesthetic responses to art.
I.CX.2 Understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of the visual arts.
I.CX.2.1 Apply skills and concepts developed in art to daily life.
Concepts and/or vocabulary: proportion, shading, self portrait, warm and cool color schemes,
tint, shade, Expressionism, Van Gogh
Assessment: Self assessment and teacher assessment rubric, See above for Essential standards
and clarifying objectives.
Pointillism landscape: with funny brush in tempera, using stencils
Art history link: Paul Signac and Georges Seurat
Criteria for success: I will use funny brushes with stencils to paint in the pointillism style.
Learning targets: I can identify pointillism, art by artists Seurat and Signac, and learn how to
use stencils with funny brushes in the pointillism style.
supplies: landscape examples and photos,12”x18” thin and painting paper, paint, old colored
pencils, rubber bands, tape, tempera paint and egg cartons
Teacher input: Introduce, show examples, demonstrate, review
Essential Standard I.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.
Clarifying Objectives:
I.V.1.4 Analyze images through the process of deconstruction (the components of the image and its
Essential Standard I.V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.
Clarifying Objectives
I.V.2.2 Use experiences and observations to create content for art.
Essential Standard I.V.3 Create art using a variety of tools, media, and processes, safely and
Clarifying Objectives
I.V.3.3 Analyze the relationship between process and product.
Essential Standard I.CX.1 Understand the global, historical, societal, and cultural contexts of
the visual arts.
Clarifying Objectives
I.CX.1.3 Classify art by artist, movement, and style.
I.CX.1.4 Explain the influence of contextual knowledge on aesthetic responses to art.
Concepts and/or vocabulary: foreground, middleground, background, atmospheric
perspective, stencil, pointillism, Seurat, Signac, analogous and complementary colors
Assessment: Self assessment and teacher assessment rubric, See above for Essential standards
and clarifying objectives.
Koi and landscape watercolors : Students will use various watercolor techniques
including wet-into-wet, plastic wrap, wash. Landscape painted from foreground to background.
Art history link: Oriental art
Criteria for success: I will use various watercolor techniques to create paintings in the Oriental
Learning targets: I can use some of these watercolor techniques: wet-into-wet, wash, wet on
dry, dry brush, shaded edges, spattering, plastic wrap in a painting.
Supplies: heavy paper, tube watercolors, plastic trash bags (cut), palettes, brushes
Teacher input: Introduce, show examples, demonstrate, review
Essential Standard I.V.1 Use the language of visual arts to communicate effectively.
Clarifying Objectives:
I.V.1.3 Understand the use of global themes, symbols, and subject matter in art.
Essential Standard I.V.2 Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression.
Clarifying Objectives
I.V.2.1 Generate innovative solutions to artistic problems.
I.V.2.2 Use experiences and observations to create content for art.
I.V.2.3 Understand the role of emotion, imagination, and creativity in producing content for original art.
Essential Standard I.V.3 Create art using a variety of tools, media, and processes, safely and
Clarifying Objectives
I.V.3.1 Understand the function of tools in creating art.
I.V.3.3 Analyze the relationship between process and product.
Concepts and/or vocabulary: unity, rhythm, movement, wet-into-wet, wash, wet on dry, dry
brush, masking, foreground, middleground, background, atmospheric perspective
Assessment: Self assessment and teacher assessment rubric. See above for Essential standards
and clarifying objectives.