My Room is NOT a Disaster Chris Bohne & Julie Dawson Stevenson Elementary Summer 2006 Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA-OWI Collection, [reproduction number, LC-USF34-040290-D DLC (b&w film neg.) In this lesson students will view primary sources related to disasters. Students will identify 4 different disasters and select a primary source that best represents the disaster. With each primary source chosen students will list the name, date, and location of each of the disasters. Overview/ Materials/LOC Resources/Standards/ Procedures/Evaluation/Rubric/Handouts/Extension Overview Objectives Recommended time frame Grade level Curriculum fit Materials Back to Navigation Bar Students will: use primary sources explain what a disaster is and isn’t determine what all disasters have in common 3 One hour lessons Third grade Language Arts, Technology Copy of the Book The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room (see resource page) Copy of the Book If You Lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthquake (see resource page) Copy of the Book Tornadoes: Disaster & Survival (see resource page) Power Point Comparing Disasters Worksheet Comparing Disasters Student Checklist Rubric Illinois State Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar STATE GOAL 5: Use the language arts to acquire, assess and communicate information. 5B. Analyze and evaluate information acquired from various An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Procedures sources. 5.B.1a Select and organize information from various sources for a specific purpose. Back to Navigation Bar Day One: Media Specialist will read the book The Berenstein Bears and the Messy Room. Students will be shown the Power Point presentation on what is and is not a disaster in the computer lab. Students and teacher will come up with a definition of disaster including the following key points: Causes severe damage, injury, and possible loss of life. Very costly to repair damage. Known world wide. Introduce the concept of Primary Sources. Model how to access the Library of Congress website. Model how to search for Primary Sources in the American Memory section of the LOC. Day Two: Read selected portions of If You Lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthquake . Review definition of a disaster. Review the concept of Primary Sources. Model how to access the Library of Congress website. Model how to search for Primary Sources in the American Memory section of the LOC. Model how to copy and paste images into the Comparing Disasters worksheet. Explain directions for completing Comparing Disasters Worksheet. Begin working on Comparing Disasters worksheet. Day Three: Read selections from Tornadoes: Disaster & Survival. Introduce Comparing Disasters Student Checklist. Continue work on Comparing Disasters Worksheet. Allow students to share disaster Primary Sources. Discuss student responses to the “How are all disasters alike?” section of the Comparing Disasters An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Worksheet. Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar To assess student understanding of Primary Sources the teacher will give examples and non examples of Primary Sources and ask students to give a “Thumbs up” if the example is a Primary Source, and a “Thumbs down” if the example is not a Primary Source. Students will be given a post it note and asked to write one example of a Primary Source and their name on the post it. As students exit Learning Center they will stick their note to the Learning Center marker board. Student Comparing Disasters Checklist Rubric for Comparing Disasters Worksheet Extension Back to Navigation Bar Create a Venn Diagram comparing two/three disasters Choose one disaster and design a poster showing facts and information about the disaster using Primary Sources. Do a KWL worksheet about a disaster. Read a nonfiction book about the disaster and complete the KWL sheet. An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Primary Resources from the Library of Congress Back to Navigation Bar Image/Resource Description Headline describing the Titanic disaster in the New York Herald newspaper. New England hurricane. Barn in Connecticut. Panoramic picture of ruins of Pompeii Soothing her kitten, a girl of Hickman Mills, Missouri, sits in the ruins of her home destroyed by a tornado, 1957 Copyprint of gelatin silver print Citation New York Herald, April 15, 1912 Serial & Government Publications Division (53.1), Library of Congress Exhibitions Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA-OWI Collection, [reproduction number, e.g., LCUSF35-1326 URL exhibits/treasures/tr m096.html http://memory.loc.g ov/cgibin/query/r?ammem /fsaall:@field(NUM BER+@band(fsa+8 c02263)) Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division [reproduction number, pan 6a23839 pnp/pan.6a23839 http://memory.loc.g ov/cgibin/query/r?ammem /pan:@field(NUMB ER+@band(pan+6a 23839)) LOC Prints and Photographs Division LC-USZ62-114377 (49) Grey Villet exhibits/young/imag es/y49-3c14377r.jpg An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Before and After the Great Earthquake and Fire: Early Films of San Francisco, 18971916 Debris litters the city of Meulaboh, Sumatra, Indonesia, following the Dec. 2004 earthquake and tsunami. View of World Trade Center towers, New York, New York, with tower #2 exploding in a ball of fire after the September 11th terrorist attack, September 11, 2001. Inkjet print Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. lcmp003 03734s1 03734s2 03734s3 03734s4 c.mbrsmi/lcmp003. 03734 U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Jennifer Rivera (RELEASED)., Science Reference Services, Library of Congress http://memory.loc.g ov/cgibin/query/r?ammem /papr:@field(NUM BER+@band(lcmp0 03+03734s4)) Gift of Thomas B. and Katherine B. Martin LOC Prints and Photographs Division (157) exhibits/911/images /01810r.jpg .com/imgres?imgurl =http://www.loc.go v/rr/scitech/SciRefG uides/images/debris. jpg&imgrefurl=http: // itech/SciRefGuides/ naturaldisasters.htm l&h=165&w=250& sz=28&hl=en&start =1&tbnid=GtxHjhx Pq6TpuM:&tbnh=6 9&tbnw=106&prev =/images%3Fq%3D tsunami%2Bsite:loc .gov%26svnum%3 D10%26hl%3Den% 26lr%3D%26sa%3 DG An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University coast line lashed by the tropical hurricane of Sept. 1945 Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress. LCUSZ62-106054 (b&w film copy neg.) http://memory.loc.g ov/cgibin/query/r?pp/ils: @filreq(@field(NU MBER+@band(cph +3c06054))+@field (COLLID+cph)) An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Rubric Back to Navigation Bar Student Name: ________________________________________ 4 3 2 1 Sources 4 Primary Sources shown. 3 Primary Sources shown. 2 Primary Sources shown. 1 or no Primary Sources shown. Requirements All 4 Primary Source examples have name of disaster, date of disaster, and location of disaster. Most Primary Source examples have name of disaster, date of disaster, and location of disaster. Few Primary Source examples have name of disaster, date of disaster, and location of disaster. None of the Primary Source examples have name of disaster, date of disaster, and location of disaster. Content Disaster comparison Disaster comparison Disaster comparison Disaster comparison section lists the three section lists two key section lists one key section lists no key key elements. elements. element. elements. CATEGORY An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University Handouts Back to Navigation Bar Student Comparing Disasters Checklist Name _____________________________ Date ___/___/___ Student has chosen 4 Primary Sources Each Primary Source has the correct name Each Primary Source has the correct date Each Primary Source has the correct location Student has listed at least 3 things all disasters have in common in the center section. Student Comparing Disasters Checklist Name _____________________________ Date ___/___/___ Student has chosen 4 Primary Sources Each Primary Source has the correct name Each Primary Source has the correct date Each Primary Source has the correct location Student has listed at least 3 things all disasters have in common in the center section. An Adventure of the American Mind Illinois State University ______________________ room is not a disaster! Student Name Insert Photo Here Insert Photo Here How are the disasters similar? _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Disaster Name __________________ Date of Disaster__________________ Location of Disaster_______________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Disaster Name __________________ Date of Disaster__________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Location of Disaster_______________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Insert Photo Here _________________________________ Insert Photo Here _________________________________ _________________________________ Disaster Name __________________ Date of Disaster__________________ Location of Disaster_______________ Disaster Name __________________ Date of Disaster__________________ Location of Disaster_______________ Resources