
True Strides
8046 83rd St. NW
Maple Lake, MN 55358
True Strides gratefully acknowledges the donation of the following horse by
___________________________________________________ (Herein referred to as “Donor”)
Phone (____) __________________________
Horse’s Name
Age________ Breed __________________________ Sex _________ Color _______________
Registration Number (If applicable)________________________________________________
Donation became effective _________________________________________, 20_____
Donor fully understands that this horse will now become the sole property of True Strides and
as such, Donor has no further claims upon said horse. Donor understands that True Strides has
the right to retire, re-home, or euthanize this horse if necessary as is determined by the Director
of True Strides and the Advisory Board. Donor has been informed that True Strides is accepting
this donation with the intent to keep and use this horse for therapeutic riding as long as the
horse is appropriate and capable of such use. In the event that the horse is to be retired, rehomed or euthanized, Donor wishes to make the following preferences known:
(Donor understands that True Strides is in no way bound by law to honor this request.)
I request the first right of buy back
I request a yearly update (delivered through email)
Donor Signature _____________________________________________ Date _____________
True Strides Representative:
Signature ______________________________________________Date__________________
Please return to: Director of True Strides, 8046 83rd St. NW, Maple Lake, MN 55358
A copy will be returned to you for your records.