Vulnerability Analysis and AssessmentSystem of Natural Disaster Jiang Shen1, Jing Huang1, Tao Li1, Man Xu2* 1College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin, P. R. China 2TEDA College, Nankai University (* Abstract - With regard to the overall vulnerability of the complex natural disaster system, correlation of disasterinducing factors, disaster environment and disaster bearing objects was analyzed, natural disaster forming efficiency was simulated, and vulnerability mechanism of natural disaster was researched using disaster-inducing factor-vulnerability chain and vulnerability curves. Assessment decision-making model of natural disaster vulnerability was built. Through constructing three index systems, natural disaster vulnerability was assessed by disaster risk degree, vulnerability of disaster bearing objects and risk loss degree. The frequent occurrence of natural disasters and serious effects of secondary disasters caused the focus of the overall vulnerability of complex systems of natural disasters. In the large complex system, the more complex the system, the more obvious vulnerability to natural disasters. Coupled with the dispersion of the system, it was a must from an overall perspective to assess the vulnerability of natural disasters. Keywords - Natural Disaster, Vulnerability, Disaster Risk Degree, Risk Loss Degree II. RESEARCHSTATUS OF NATURALDISASTER VULNERABILITY I. INTRODUCTION According to the research of Marco Janssen[1], vulnerability appeared 939 times in 2286 authoritative publications in the past 30 years, especially in natural disaster emergency management research and government documents, attracting researchers and policy makers’ concern. In natural disaster research, natural disaster vulnerability was defined as factors decided by nature, society, economy, environment, enhancing community sensitivity facing disaster. From the disaster point of view, vulnerability referred to characteristics easy to be damaged or injured by natural disasters, reflecting the affordability of various types of disasters. Various characteristics and performances of natural disaster vulnerability were shown in Table I. TABLEI. CHARACTERISTICSANDPERFORMANCEAOF NATURALDISASTERVULNERABILITY Characteristics Numerous types Wide range High Probability Long duration Concurrent Significant chain Reaction Severe damage performances A total of seven categories, 20 kinds, including rainstorm and flood, drought, tropical cyclone, frost, hail, fog, sandstorms and so on. Occurred throughout the year, in the mountain, plains, plateau, island, river, lake, sea and air. Drought, floods and typhoons, and other disasters occurred every year. The same disaster often occurred quarter after quarter, year after year. Some disasters occurred in the same period, such as thunderstorm, hail, high wind, tornado were often a concurrent phenomenon. Weather and climate conditions were often able to cause or worsen floods, landslide,and plant pests and so on. 121.3 million people were killed from 1947 to 1980, caused by natural disasters according to United Nations announcement. Global disaster research program had a major impact on disaster risk assessment index system, such as Disaster Risk Index(DRI) scheme, the world first global scale human vulnerability assessment index system with spatial resolution to the countries. Domestic scholars focused on single disaster with risk assessment system based on index. 1) Natural disaster risk assessment The Disaster Risk Hotspots Plan by Columbia University and ProVention Union established three risk assessment indexes and disaster risk maps of hazardprone areas[2]. European Spatial Planning Observation Network elaborated multiple risk assessment index methods on the potential risk of a particular area[3]. The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency and National Institute of Building Sciences developed the HAZUS model, a standardized national multi-hazard loss estimation method. 2) Vulnerability assessment Vulnerability analysis methods were mainly two ways: the index system and the vulnerability curve. Index system method, constructed the model through index optimization, weight assignment, and assessment result of a single disaster or multi-disasterwas a relative value more applicable in the lack of quantitative parameters or data limited circumstances, such as the pressure release model[4], the vulnerability model[5]. The disadvantage of rough assessment results and poor operability could be solved by vulnerability curve[6], such as the ANUFLOOD model developed by Australian Resources and Environment Research Center[7]. III. NATURALDISASTER VULNERABILITYMECHANISMS Natural disaster vulnerability mechanism was an input-output of operational efficiency analysis model of a complex giant system. In the process of natural disasters, disasters were the run results of a regional disaster system, also an input - output system. The formation of disasters as output factors could be regarded as the working result of a regional disaster system as an input factors, including disaster-inducing factors, disaster environment and disaster bearing objects, and natural disaster vulnerability was the level of disasters forming efficiency. The greater the vulnerability, the higher the disaster efficiency, and the easier to form a serious disaster. Through collecting the relative data of basic information of the regional context of natural disasters and disaster bearing objects, characteristic information of risk factors, vulnerability information and historical disaster information, based on the analysis method of historical disaster, index system and vulnerability curve, natural disaster risk sources were identified and the refined three dimensional natural disaster vulnerability mechanism model of was constructed as Fig.1. spatial overlapping Disaster forming efficiency Input Disasterinducing factors Vulnerability Disaster environment Interaction de x sy st em Disaster bearing objects In Output Simulation Disaster regularityand threshold could be the modeled, such as the regularity of the vulnerability of mechanism model in three dimensions of natural disasters and vulnerability curve analysis, such as intensity-loss curve, strength-loss rate curve and intensity- per unit area curve. IV. ASSESSMENT DECIAION-MAKING MODEL OF NATURALDISASTER VULNERABILITY Assessment decision-making model of natural disaster vulnerability was constructed according to the requirements, guidelines, targets and layers of the disaster loss assessment, comprehensive index system. For the main features of the major natural disasters, an assessment index system of natural disaster risk was established, including the target layer, rule layer and scheme layer. Assessment of disaster risk degree, vulnerability of disaster bearing objects and risk loss degree were included in index system of natural disaster risk. In disaster risk degree assessment, the natural properties of the natural disasters were set as the basic starting point, and the intensity and the likelihood of risk factors were determined by analyzing the past frequency and intensity of risk factors. Vulnerability of disaster bearing objects, the loss tendency faced with natural disaster risk, was determined by sensitive natural, social, economic and environmental factors and interaction. Risk loss assessment evaluated the disaster loss in a certain risk. The details included the following three assessment index systems. Time Risk degree assessment index system of Major natural disasters Vulnerability assessment index system of disaster bearing object Assessment index system of natural disaster risk loss degree Fig.1Three dimensional natural disastervulnerability mechanism model 1) Disaster-inducing factor-vulnerability chain Through analyzing the internal and kinetic characteristics of the natural disaster risk bearing objects (population, community, region, infrastructure, environment, etc.), the expected loss under disasters was determined, and the regularity of natural disaster vulnerability was described using disaster-inducing factor-vulnerability chain. 2) Regularity model and threshold of vulnerability In order to improve the accuracy of risk assessment, whether disaster bearing objects were in disasters and disaster characteristics were specific and visual using scenario simulation method to simulate disaster scenarios and optimize exposure factors. Vulnerability A.Risk degree assessment index system of natural disaster According to risk degree assessments and indexes of main meteorological disasters, geological disasters, pests and disease disasters, risk degree assessment index system of natural disasters was constructed based on historical data for disasters combining each disaster with corresponding disaster bearing object types, considering the disaster intensity, the disaster probability of and environmental conditions. 1) Disaster intensity (G) assessment G was determined by the variability degree of natural factors (such as the magnitude degree, the size of wind, temperature or precipitation anomaly degree) or attribute index of natural disasters’ influence(such as seismic intensity, flood intensity). 2) Disaster Probability (P) assessment P was determined by the natural disaster occurrence number of the intensity in a certain period, represented by probability or frequency. Assessment decision-making Index system of natural disaster vulnerability Startup Natural disasters risk degree assessment combination type Of disasterinducing factor, major factors identification Basic geographic data Realtime sensing monitoring data Element abnormality analysis (occurrence time anomalous amplitude duration) Disaster intensity( Gij ) Disaster Probability( Pij ) Risk degree assessment (H) FuzzySettheory Target Scope Definition Bayesian Network Assessment Cluster Analysis Data collection Observation, monitoring, forecasting, data of geographic environmental factors Disaster bearing objects Vulnerability assessment Risk degree assessment (H) geographical distribution Dynamic socio econo mic data Disaster bearing objects types Historical disaster data Antirisk attribute data Economic level, social development, emergency management People Property Ecology Classification statistics Exposure ( V) e Sensitivity to disasters (Vs) Risk loss degree assessment Disaster formation process, mechanism or model: physical, statistics, experimental, empirical model Special disaster prediction , prevention capability Basic disaster response capacity ( Vd 1) Special disaster response capacity ( Vd2 ) Disaster bearing objects developments forecasts (including future design of antirisk properties, etc.) or scenario Comprehensive risk preventive measures Comprehensive risk loss (R) absolute number relative degree Comprehensive judgment Disaster response capacity(Vd) Disaster bearing objects vulnerability(V) geographical distribution Classified risk loss ( Rij) Risk loss geographical distribution Fig.2Assessment decision-making model of natural disaster vulnerability B. Vulnerability assessment index system of disaster bearing objects Considering previous disasters and future trend, associated with social and economic and disaster statistics system, vulnerability of disaster bearing objects was assessed from physical exposure, sensitivity to disasters and socio-economic and cultural disaster response capacity in favor of national, regional and community development strategy and mitigation decision-making principles. 1) Physical exposure (Ve) assessment Ve indexes wasdivided into quantitative and value types based on specific types and characteristics of disaster bearing objects. The assessment process was: Step 1: fix the minimum assessment unit. Step 2: determine the number of disaster bearing objects in each minimum assessment unit. Step 3: set the influencesphere of disaster bearing objects. Step 4: assess the physical exposure. 2) Sensitivity to disasters (Vs)assessment In view of the numerous disaster bearing object types, disaster bearing objects were mainly divided into population, housing, crops, livestock, and the road systems for the assessment of sensitivity to disasters. 3) Regional disaster response capacity (Vd ) assessment Vd assessment consisted of basic disaster response capacity index (human index, financial index and material resources index) and special disaster response capacity index (disaster prediction capability index, engineering disaster response capacity). C. Assessment index system of Regional natural disaster risk loss degree 1) Risk loss assessment methods of single disaster Adopting the analogy of historical scenarios, physical simulation and experimental method and expert scoring, disaster bearing objects were classified as demographic, economic property and ecological systems to do population risk assessment, disaster risk assessment of property loss and ecosystem loss degree assessment under specific disaster. 2) Risk loss assessment methods of Multi-disaster On the basis of risk loss assessment of single disaster, considering regional development, personal safety and property security of residents, different natural disasters of different power sources and characteristics were set in a regional system. The assessment was divided into two levels. The first level was independent multidisaster risk loss assessment of the three types of disaster bearing objects based on the assessment of the risk of loss considering risk loss and grade assessment. The second level wasintegrated assessment of the three types of bearing risk body based on the integration of assessment of the risk. V. CONCLUSION Certain disaster situation was formed through the interaction of disaster-inducing factors, disaster environment and disaster bearing objects, and vulnerability was to measure the disaster formation efficiency. In the thesis, the natural disaster vulnerability analysis method was put forward using vulnerability theory to analyze the vulnerability mechanism of complex natural disaster systems with consideration of comprehensive natural disasters. The proposed vulnerability assessment system could enrich the urban disaster risk assessment system and disaster risk management system, having important scientific significance in risk emergency management with risk prevention as the core, city's public safety, and the sustainable development of cities. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.71171143), Tianjin Research Program of Application Foundation and Advanced Technology (Grant No.10JCYBJC07300), Key Project of Science and Technology supporting program in Tianjin (Grant No.09ECKFGX00600), and FOXCONN Group. REFERENCES [1] Janssen M. Scholarly network on resilience, vulnerability and adaptation with the human dimensions of global environmental change[M] // Hesse A et a.l (eds.), Conference Book for the Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, Bonn, Germany, October2005, IHDP, P75-76. [2] Arnold M., Chen R.S, Deichmann U. 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