CCDRR07: Promote community action and mobilization for climate

Promote community action and mobilization for climate
change and disaster risk reduction
Unit Descriptor
This unit defines the standard required to: review
the common natural disasters affecting Vanuatu;
explain the meaning of disaster risk reduction and
its three main elements; apply the elements of
disaster risk reduction to a real life disaster;
describe ways of preventing and mitigating natural
disasters; review measures for mitigating GHG
emissions and adapting to climate change at a
community level; describe steps that
communities can take to better organize and
mobilize themselves for climate change and
disaster risk reduction; describe ways in which
government agencies and NGOs can help
communities to prepare for climate change and
disaster risk reduction; and work with a local
community to prepare action plans for reducing
risks from climate change and natural disasters.
Co – requisite
1. Review the common natural
State ten types of natural disaster risks
and give an actual example of each.
Explain the meaning of disaster risk
reduction (DRR).
Construct a large diagram to show the
main elements of DRR (preparedness,
disasters affecting Vanuatu.
2. Explain the meaning of disaster
risk reduction and its three
main elements.
response and recovery)
Explain the meaning of each of these
three elements, with some examples.
Certificate I in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Endorsed date
Reviewed Date
Version: 1/2014
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Promote community action and mobilization for climate
change and disaster risk reduction
3. Apply the elements of disaster
risk reduction to a real life
For one recent real natural disaster (e.g.
a cyclone, flood, volcanic eruption,
earthquake, landslide) describe how the
following were or were not carried out:
preparedness, response and
4. Describe ways of preventing
and mitigating natural
Summarize some of the traditional
measures that can be used to reduce
climate and disaster risks (i.e. measures
discussed in unit CCDRR06.)
Describe some of the modern methods
used in Vanuatu for preventing and
mitigating natural disasters - building
design and location, relocation of
villages, planting of mangroves, risk
mapping, awareness campaigns,
establishment of Community Disaster
and Climate Change Committees,
consultation with local communities,
advocating for funding, promotion of
community coherence, etc.
5. Review measures for mitigating
GHG emissions and adapting to
climate change at a community
Summarize appropriate measures at a
community level in Vanuatu for adapting
to climate change and mitigating GHG
emissions (i.e. measures discussed in
unit CCDRR05).
6. Describe steps that
communities can take to better
organize and mobilize
themselves for climate change
and disaster risk reduction
State the primary roles and
responsibilities of a Community Disaster
and Climate Change Committee (CDCCC)
State the links between CDCCCs,
Provincial Disaster & Climate Change
Committees and the National Disaster
Management Office.
Certificate I in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Endorsed date
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Version: 1/2014
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Promote community action and mobilization for climate
change and disaster risk reduction
7. Describe ways in which
government agencies and
NGOs can help communities to
prepare for climate change and
disaster risk reduction.
8. Work with a local community to
prepare action plans for
reducing risks from climate
change and natural disasters
State the government agencies that are
helping communities to prepare for
climate change and disaster risk
reduction - VMGD, NDMO, DARD,
Department of Environment, PWD,
National Tourism Office, USP, UNDP,
Aid-donor and development agencies
such as USAID, GIZ-CCCPIR, etc. - and
demonstrate how they can be contacted
for advice and in emergencies.
State the various NGOs operating in
Vanuatu that are helping communities
to prepare for climate change and
disaster risk reduction - VANGO, Red
Cross, Care International, Save the
Children, ADRA, Oxfam, Live and Learn,
etc. - and demonstrate how they can
be contacted for advice and in
Identify some of the tools that are
helping communities to prepare for
climate change and disaster risk
reduction - The NAB portal,
NDMO/VMGD sms early alert system,
radio, television, newspapers, Facebook
page on climate change, etc.
Work in small groups to produce eyecatching charts that present key
hazard messages being promoted by
government agencies and NGOs in
Work in a team to prepare a proposed
action plan for a local community for
coping with disaster risks and the
impacts of climate change and at the
same time building the community’s
adaptive capacity.
In the same team, meet with
representatives of this local community
to share, seek feedback on, and revise
this proposed plan.
Certificate I in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Endorsed date
Reviewed Date
Version: 1/2014
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Promote community action and mobilization for climate
change and disaster risk reduction
Key competencies required for this unit
Key competency
Collect, analyse and organize
Communicate ideas and
Plan and organize activities
Work with others and in teams
Graphical skills
Practical skills
Show initiative
Examples of application
Collect, analyse and organize information on: types
of natural disasters; a real-life disaster and ways
in which DRR was carried out; traditional and
modern methods for preventing and mitigating
natural disasters; and the roles and
responsibilities of CDCCCs and government and
non-government agencies that are helping
communities to prepare for disaster risk reduction
and climate change.
Give talks to each other on traditional methods of
preventing and mitigating natural disasters; the
meaning of preparedness, response and recovery;
DRR in a recent natural event; and on key hazard
messages promoted by CDCCCs, government and
Prepare a presentation on key hazard messages,
and work in a team to prepare a proposed plan for
a local community for coping with disaster risks
and the impacts of climate change.
Work in small groups to prepare charts on key
hazard messages. Work in a team to prepare a
proposed action plan for a local community and
consult on this with representatives of the local
Work with each other and the local community to
devise a suitable action plan for becoming more
resilient to natural disasters and impacts of climate
Construct eye-catching charts to convey key
hazard and risk messages.
Demonstrate how government agencies and NGOs
can be contacted for advice and in emergencies
relating to natural disasters and climate change.
Work with the local community to develop and/or
monitor action plans for reducing vulnerability to
natural disasters and the impacts of climate
Certificate I in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Endorsed date
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Version: 1/2014
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Promote community action and mobilization for climate
change and disaster risk reduction
Prior knowledge required
Knowledge and experience of the impacts of natural disasters and climate
change, and of some of the measures that might be taken to reduce the
negative effects of these impacts.
Basic graphicacy skills - interpretation and construction of graphs and diagrams,
mapping skills.
Knowledge of a local community, especially in terms of leadership structure,
cultural and religious practices and livelihoods.
Critical aspects of evidence
required to demonstrate
competency in this Unit
Correct definitions of disaster risk
reduction, preparedness, response
and recovery.
Application of the concepts of DRR,
preparedness, response and
recovery to a real life disaster event.
Meaningful explanations of modern
and traditional methods for
preventing and mitigating natural
disasters and reducing vulnerability
to climate change.
Demonstrated awareness of
Community Disaster and Climate
Change Committees, their roles
and responsibilities and their links to
provincial and national agencies
Demonstrated awareness of
government and non-government
agencies working in the field of
disaster risk reduction and climate
change, and ability to contact these
organisations in emergencies.
Effective visual presentation of key
hazard messages.
Capacity to work with a local
community to produce an action plan
for reducing community vulnerability
to natural disasters and climate
Certificate I in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Endorsed date
Reviewed Date
Version: 1/2014
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Promote community action and mobilization for climate
change and disaster risk reduction
Context of Assessment
Resource Implications
Assessment of underpinning knowledge and
communication of ideas can be done in the
classroom through observation and discussion.
Assessment of consultations with the local
community regarding action plans for DRR and
CCA should be done in the field.
Access to the NAB portal of VMGD and NDMO.
Relevant DRR guides produced by Save the
Children, Red Cross, Care International, Live
and Learn and other NGOs.
Guidelines on key hazard messages published
Toolkit pictures for “Learning About Climate
Change the Pacific Way” produced by GIZ-SPC
Teachers’ Guide for the above.
Access to a local village or community.
Choice of large sheets of paper and felt pens,
blackboard and chalk, notebooks, etc.
The range statement relates to the unit of competency as a whole.
Disaster Risk Reduction refers to ways in which communities can prepare for natural
disasters, as well as actions to take during and after the disaster event. The aim is to
build community resilience to natural disasters.
Preparedness refers to ways of ensuring that people are ready to respond to a
disaster when it occurs. It includes the identification of evacuation routes and safe
shelters, storing food and drinking water, emergency drills, training for search and
rescue activities, training in First Aid, etc.
Response includes all actions taken during and immediately after a disaster event to
protect life and property. Such actions are taken by individuals, community leaders, the
NDMO, Red Cross and other agencies. Response measures include search and rescue,
provision of First Aid, establishment of emergency operation centres, etc.
Certificate I in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Endorsed date
Reviewed Date
Version: 1/2014
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Promote community action and mobilization for climate
change and disaster risk reduction
Recovery involves the restoration, rehabilitation and improvement of basic services
such as health, water supply, sanitation, communication, and temporary housing. It
also includes provision of food supplies, seeds for crop replanting, and general cleaningup of debris.
Community Disaster and Climate Change Committees are …………………………..
The NAB Portal is a website with information on climate change and disaster risk
reduction programs and projects, contact details for key organizations, a calendar of
events, and hundreds of resources and documents for public awareness.
Key hazard messages consist of advice and instructions given to the public on
actions to be taken before, during and after a natural disaster.
An action plan refers to actions to be taken in the community to reduce the risks of
natural disasters and climate change. These actions are prioritized, with the most
important to be done first.
Certificate I in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Endorsed date
Reviewed Date
Version: 1/2014
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