
SLV Quarterly Assessment: Earth’s
Changing Surface
Figure A
Using Figure A answer questions 1-3
1) Higher layers of ozone are absorbing ultraviolet radiation. In which layer is this most likely occurring?
A) Thermosphere
B) Mesosphere
C) Stratosphere
D) Troposphere
2) Explosive eruption plumes such as those generated at volcanoes like Mt. St. Helens or Pinatubo can
reach high into the atmosphere. The highest Mt. St. Helens plume on May 18, 1980 reached about 31
km (101,700 feet). Which layers would the effects of this eruption be felt most?
A) Troposphere and Stratosphere
B) Thermosphere and Mesosphere
C) Troposphere and Thermosphere
D) Mesosphere and Stratosphere
3) Global CO2 levels have rose over 10 times from 1900 to 2000. Where does the majority of that CO2
stay in the atmosphere?
A) Troposphere
B) Stratosphere
C) Mesosphere
D) Thermosphere
4) Which evidence would support Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift?
A) 1 and 5
B) 2 and 5
C) 3 and 1
D) 4 and 6
Figure C
Use Figure C to answer questions 5-10
5) What is the driving force behind the motion of the tectonic plates?
A) Ocean Currents
B) Gravity
C) Subduction
D) Convection Currents
6) Using figure C In what area are you most likely to find a convergent boundary?
A) Interaction between plate 1 and plate 2
B) Interaction between plate 2 and plate 3
C) The fault in plate 1
D) The mountain range on plate 3
7) What landform is most likely to be found at the interaction between plate 1 and plate 2?
A) A folded mountain ridge
B) A volcanic mountain ridge
C) An ocean trench
D) An ocean ridge
8) What is causing the volcanic activity on plate 3.
A) The subduction of plate 2
B) The subduction of plate 3
C) The lifting of plate 2
D) The lifting of plate 3
9) Which natural disasters are most likely to occur to a city near the mountain range on plate 3?
A) Volcanic eruption and Hurricanes
B) Volcanic eruption and Earthquakes
C) Hurricanes and Earthquakes
D) Volcanic eruption and Tornado
10) What best explains the extinct volcanoes found in figure C
A) The interaction between plate 2 and the hot spot
B) The interaction between plate 2 and plate 3
C) The interaction between plate 1 and plate 2
D) The interaction between plate 1 and the hot spot
Figure D
Use Figure D to answer questions 11-13
11) What technology helped scientists to develop the model of the Earth found in figure D.
A) Several data points from Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
B) Refraction and Diffraction data from Seismographs
C) Infrared images of plate boundaries
D) Satellite images of the Earth from space
12) What layer is responsible for Earth’s magnetic field?
A) Inner Core
B) Outer Core
C) Mantle
D) Crust
13) Which layer of the Earth is the primary source of plate tectonics?
A) Crust
B) Inner Core
C) Outer Core
D) Upper Mantle
Figure E
Use figure E to answer questions 14-16
14) Which fossil is oldest?
15) Which layer of rock was deposited second to last?
A) Layer 1
B) Layer 2
C) Layer 5
D) Layer 6
16) Layer 4 is made up of the same rock as the intrusion. Why would you expect to find no fossils in
layer 4?
A) Life is uncommon or impossible in metamorphic rock
B) Life is uncommon or impossible in sedimentary rock
C) Life is uncommon or impossible in igneous rock
D) Life is uncommon or impossible in intrusive rock
Figure F
Use Figure F to answer questions 17-19
17) What type of technology was used to create the map seen above?
A) Chromographic Imaging System
B) Infrared Camera Imaging
C) Global Positioning System
D) Geographic Information System
18) Which crop is the most common in the area covered by the map?
A) Alfalfa
B) Barley
C) Potato
D) Spinach
19) Who would be least likely to use the information found in the map found in Figure F
A) Farmers looking to buy land in the area
B) Crop dusters
C) Urban Planner
D) Rio Grande Water Conservation District
Figure G
Use Figure G to answer question 20
20) What type of map is shown in Figure G and who would most likely use it.
A) Geographic Information System ; Farmers
B) Geographic Information System; Engineers
C) Geologic; Engineers
D) Topographic; Farmers
Figure H
Use Figure H to answer question 21
21) What type of weathering is best illustrated by figure H?
A) Biological
B) Chemical
C) Physical
D) Geological
Figure I
Use Figure I to answer question 22
22) If you were a hiking guide leading a group of senior citizens down into the depression and back out
which trail would you use?
A) Trail A
B) Trail B
C) Trail C
D) Trail D
23) Explain how water, air, and gravity impact the rock cycle.
http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/atmosphere/q0112.shtml (Layers of the Atmosphere)
http://volcano.oregonstate.edu/how-high-can-explosive-eruptions-go-and-how-far-can-debris-and-ashbe-spread (Mount Saint Helens)
http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/global.html (global CO2 data)
http://5vashidr.xarabor.ru/world-map-svg.html (world map)
http://www.planetward.org/EarthSciencesTestReview.html (plate tectonics and earth cutout)
www.troy.k12.ny.us (rock profile with fossils)
http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/PAPERS/tetracorder/ (GIS Map)
www.colorado.edu (figure G Geological map)
grauathiker.blogspot.com(tree in rock)
Carbonplanet.com (where carbon dioxide is stored)