Maryland AskUsNow! Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit How to have a class visit online with Maryland AskUsNow! 2012-13 2012-13 Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit Introduction Included in this toolkit are resources to help you and your students enjoy an excellent experience using our online library virtual reference chat service. As an educator, we want to offer our support as you coordinate a class visit with Maryland AskUsNow! About Maryland AskUsNow! The brochure “How to have a class visit” Sample transcripts of chat sessions Best practices for having a class visit on Maryland AskUsNow! Bookmarks for promoting AskUsNow! and library online services Conclusion Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 About Maryland AskUsNow! Who are we? Maryland AskUsNow! is the statewide online interactive information service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We use the expertise of librarians to provide answers to questions, research guidance, and help navigating the internet. Who you're chatting with Librarians across Maryland are available to take your questions when our library buildings are open to the public. During the times that we are busy or offline, you may be chatting with a librarian from a partner library from outside Maryland. While the librarian you are chatting with can help you find most information and homework help you need, there may be times we’ll need to have someone follow up with specific or more in-depth information. In these cases, the librarian you are chatting with may offer to have your local library followup with you or can provide you with contact information so you can call your library directly. Our Agreement While every effort is made to provide accurate and authoritative information, Maryland AskUsNow! and QuestionPoint 24/7 Reference do not control the content of resources used. The user agrees to hold the participating libraries harmless from any claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities relating to the use of information obtained from these services. By using this service you agree not to send any question or content that is illegal, harassing, libelous, threatening, harmful, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. You agree not to send any question or content that otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national, or international law. Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 Privacy and Your Rights Maryland AskUsNow! respects patron privacy and confidentiality, and observes applicable laws, policies, and professional codes of conduct. When logging into the service you are asked to provide certain identifying information. If you check the box labeled anonymous, no personally identifying information about you will be revealed. Email addresses are not required to use the service, but when available are used to send you a transcript of your session or to follow-up on a particular question that could not be answered in the live chat. We do not sell, share, or otherwise provide customer email addresses to third parties. For more information, see Maryland AskUsNow!’s privacy and terms of service online at: Responsible Use We treat our customers with respect and expect the same in return. If you use abusive language or deliberately waste librarian effort in a way that denies service to others, we will end the session. We protect the privacy of your question. However, people who make threats or use offensive language forfeit their privacy. Threats are taken seriously. If you tell us that you plan to do something illegal, you can expect there to be serious consequences. We contact schools and internet service providers to report violations. For more information about using Maryland AskUsNow! see our disclaimer and more on our About page at: Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 How to have a class visit Setting up a class visit on Maryland AskUsNow! is similar to organizing a physical visit to your local library. The student experience Goal: To help students gain hands-on experience with library chat reference so they are comfortable logging on when needing help. Through class visits, students experience our virtual reference service to learn: 1. How to work with a librarian to obtain research and homework help. Sometimes they will chat with a librarian from Maryland, or even their local library, and sometimes the librarian will be from outside of Maryland. Note that if questions are not fully answered in chat, we offer patrons the opportunity to have the question followed up by a local librarian through email. 2. How the chat software works. For example, librarians often send relevant web pages that are pushed onto the student’s screen while they interact with the student through chat. 3. What to expect when online with a librarian. The shape a chat takes has a pattern that becomes familiar after the first few times, from the greeting to the ending. 4. Students have a basic right to privacy. 5. Librarians share articles from databases that the patron’s libraries subscribe to whenever possible. This helps ensure that the resources offered the student represents relevant and high quality information from publishers that “goes beyond Google.” Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 Preparing for the class visit Librarians from Maryland and outside our state usually have one-hour weekly shifts to help maintain coverage of the virtual reference service. When classes come online, we want to make sure there are enough librarians available who have been given the information about what the students are studying in preparation for the visits. This helps make sure the time spent online is the best possible experience for both students and librarians. As a teacher or school librarian, you may want to try chat out yourself so you have a good idea of how it works from the patron’s end. Make sure to include your email address so you can view the transcript after the session ends. Just go to, select your library, and ask a question -- anytime! When you are ready to set this up, here are some considerations -1. Dates/Times: Have a couple of optional dates in mind for the class visits if possible, as well as times the classes will log onto the service (as close to the actual computer time as possible). We’ll coordinate with other chatting librarians and let you know if there are any conflicting events. 2. Number of students: Know about how many students will log on at once. If it is more than 10, it is recommended that students double up, and then trade, so both get a chance to try it out. 3. Determine a topic: It’s best to have questions that tie in with a school assignment, but one that doesn’t require an extensive amount of research for this first experience. Here are some examples: a. b. c. d. Students are studying Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Students need to know about pollution of Chesapeake Bay. Students are preparing for History Day and need topics. Students have to write a biography of a famous scientist, sports hero, writer, or inventor. 4. Possible visit in person? Sometimes we can attend the class in person to help during the day of your class visits. This is beneficial since as a team, the teacher, school librarian, and AskUsNow! librarian can help create an ideal experience by addressing immediate questions (such as about logging in, any tech issues, etc.) that may unexpectedly come up. Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 Sample Transcripts Maryland AskUsNow! is a way to instantly interact with librarians through our Internetconnected computers. The software allows for chatting with each other while also displaying web pages to the student so that each can discuss the resource and its relevance. It also provides a venue for collaboration, so that librarians can promote information literacy while assisting patrons. Below are five key examples of typical interaction between the student and librarian, highlighting subjects that are commonly seen by our libraries online and in person and demonstrating a variety of ways librarians can provide assistance. Try it! As a school representative, you may value trying out Maryland AskUsNow! too. Just go to or through your Maryland library’s website to begin, anytime! List of Sample Transcripts: 1. Environmental Science Sample Question 2. History Sample Question 3. Biography Sample Question 4. Math Sample Question 5. Science Fair Project Sample Question 2012-13 Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 1. Environmental Science Sample Question Patron: Chandra <> Assigned: Maryland librarian Rachel Wait Time: 19 Language: English Patron Institution: Status: Received: 09:31:52 2012/04/26 (GMT -0400) Survey: View (1: 09:42:28 2012/04/26 (GMT 0400)) Session Time: 600 MARYLAND ASKUSNOW! [generic PUBLIC queue] (MDAsk) Question History Patron: 09:31:52 2012/04/26 (GMT -0400) Chat Transcript: I would like some facts about the Chesapeake Bay for a project I'm doing. Librarian 1: 09:31:52 2012/04/26 Note: Patron's screen name: Chandra Librarian 1: 09:32:11 2012/04/26 Librarian 'MDASK_ADMIN' has joined the session. Librarian 1: 09:32:18 2012/04/26 (GMT -0400) Hello! My name is Rachel. Librarian 1: 09:32:27 2012/04/26 I'm a librarian in Maryland and glad to help you today. Librarian 1: 09:32:38 2012/04/26 What kind of facts are you looking for? Librarian 1: 09:32:52 2012/04/26 And it's also helpful to know what grade level is this for? Patron: 09:33:24 2012/04/26 I'm researching the watershed and the streams that flow into it. I want to know how they affect the Bay. I'm in 9th grade. Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 Librarian 1: 09:33:32 2012/04/26 Great! Thanks for the clarification! Librarian 1: 09:33:44 2012/04/26 (GMT -0400) I'm going to take a right back. Librarian 1: 09:34:22 2012/04/26 I found a preliminary site, all about the Chesapeake Bay (Facts and Figures). Let's start with this... Librarian 1: 09:34:24 2012/04/26 Librarian 1: 09:34:46 2012/04/26 This is from the Chesapeake Bay Program...scroll down a little Librarian 1: 09:34:51 2012/04/26 …and you will see some facts. Librarian 1: 09:34:54 2012/04/26 Does this help? Librarian 1: 09:35:17 2012/04/26 What else do you need to know? Patron: 09:35:59 2012/04/26 (GMT -0400) Yes. I want to know how the fresh water from streams affects the Bay. Librarian 1: 09:36:11 2012/04/26 Great question! Librarian 1: 09:36:42 2012/04/26 I'm going to look for the information about streams and rivers...on the site I just sent you'll see the number of streams, rivers and creeks is listed. Librarian 1: 09:37:06 2012/04/26 Under Water and Watershed: "About 150 streams, creeks and rivers drain to the Chesapeake Bay watershed." Librarian 1: 09:37:22 2012/04/26 Now I'll look for more indepth info about the effect of the fresh water that flows into the Bay. Librarian 1: Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 09:37:36 2012/04/26 Librarian 1: 09:37:58 2012/04/26 The USGS site has specific information. Librarian 1: 09:38:01 2012/04/26 Does this look helpful? Patron: 09:38:23 2012/04/26 Yes. I need to know more about pollution and what can be done to reduce it. That's my last question. Librarian 1: 09:39:04 2012/04/26 Great to know - how the rivers and streams feed into the Bay and what they carry...and what can be done to help. One moment or two and I'll see what I can find. Librarian 1: 09:39:14 2012/04/26 Are websites okay, or do you need articles? Patron: 09:39:31 2012/04/26 websites are ok Librarian 1: 09:39:36 2012/04/26 Good to know! Thanks! Librarian 1: 09:40:10 2012/04/26 The Chesapeake Bay Foundation has good information about what is polluting the Bay and what can be done. Here is the site: Librarian 1: 09:40:12 2012/04/26 Librarian 1: 09:40:18 2012/04/26 Do you see the page I just sent? Patron: 09:40:28 2012/04/26 yes Librarian 1: 09:40:40 2012/04/26 If you scroll down, you'll see the information about what is being done and should be done. Librarian 1: 09:40:55 2012/04/26 The major pollutants are listed here as well. Patron: This is great! Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 09:41:00 2012/04/26 Librarian 1: 09:41:03 2012/04/26 Wonderful! Librarian 1: 09:41:10 2012/04/26 Is there anything else I can help you find today? Patron: 09:41:21 2012/04/26 no, that's fine Patron: 09:41:25 2012/04/26 thank you! Librarian 1: 09:41:41 2012/04/26 Thank you for using Maryland AskUsNow! If you have any further questions, please contact us again. When you end the session, you should see our entire transcript appear on your screen, including the live web links. If you provided an e-mail address, you should receive a full transcript from "" in a few minutes. You can go ahead and click Exit to end your session. Bye for now - and please take a moment to fill out the survey! Patron: 09:41:46 2012/04/26 Patron ended chat session. Return to top 2012-13 Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2. History Sample Question Patron: Anonymous Patron Status: At: ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY PL (MDAsk) Received: Assigned: Maryland Librarian Matt Type: Wait Time: 12 Session Time: Resolution: Followup by me Language: English 15:38:39 2012/07/03 (GMT 0400) Chat Sessions 1122 Patron: 15:38:39 2012/07/03 Chat Transcript: I have to do a powerpoint on the War of 1812. Do you have any information I can use? Librarian: 15:38:39 2012/07/03 Note: Patron's screen name: Library Patron Matt (MDAsk): 15:38:51 2012/07/03 Librarian 'MD AArundelPL Librarian Matt' has joined the session. Matt (MDAsk): 15:39:04 2012/07/03 Welcome to Maryland AskUsNow! I'm reading over your question and will be with you in just a moment. Matt (MDAsk): 15:39:23 2012/07/03 Hi. What sort of information about the war do you need to include in your PowerPoint? Patron: 15:39:37 2012/07/03 Basic Matt (MDAsk): 15:40:47 2012/07/03 OK. I can probably find you an encyclopedia-type article about the war that will have some important dates of battles, etc... does that sound like what you're looking for? Patron: 15:41:28 2012/07/03 It doesn't have to be a lot. I need to know who fought and why. Something about Fort McHenry would be good. It has to be about 5 or 6 slides. Matt (MDAsk): 15:42:12 2012/07/03 OK. I think I can help. It may take me a few moments to pull some sites together. May I ask, is this for a school assignment? Patron: 15:43:07 2012/07/03 yea. Summer school. I am in 7th grade. Matt (MDAsk): 15:43:57 2012/07/03 That's cool - thanks. Let me see what I can find. Matt (MDAsk): 15:46:13 2012/07/03 Still looking...thanks for your patience. Here is some info from the National Parks Service: Matt (MDAsk): 15:48:04 2012/07/03 Matt (MDAsk): 15:48:16 2012/07/03 Here's one thing to look at while I'm finding some other sources for you. Matt (MDAsk): 15:48:49 2012/07/03 This is from the park service's site about Fort McHenry itself...there are a few separate pages linked here about the fort's role in the war of 1812 Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 Matt (MDAsk): 15:49:04 2012/07/03 I'm looking at some of our research databases to see what else I can find for you Patron: 15:50:35 2012/07/03 ok that will help me about fort mchenry. I sitll need something about why the war happened in the first place Matt (MDAsk): 15:51:01 2012/07/03 Understood ... I'm on the case :) Matt (MDAsk): 15:53:31 2012/07/03) I found an article from an encyclopedia source -- an eBook actually -- it may even be more information than you want :) -- I can email it to you if you'd like to share your email address, or I can tell you how to get to it through the library's Web site Patron: 15:54:17 2012/07/03 you can email me. my email is and my name is Lucky Matt (MDAsk): 15:55:27 2012/07/03 OK. I'll send it just as soon as we log off of our chat as a follow up in your email. It is from the Gale Virtual Reference Library -- which is a really cool collection of reference eBooks that you can get to through the library's Web site. If you'd ever like to see how to get to it, just ask us. Check your email when we log off and make sure this has what you need. Patron: 15:55:56 2012/07/03 ok. Patron: 15:56:38 2012/07/03 this should be enough to help me. thanks. I have to get off now because my mom needs the computer Matt (MDAsk): 15:57:00 2012/07/03 OK. Thanks for using Maryland AskUsNow! and good luck in summer school! Matt (MDAsk): 15:57:19 2012/07/03 Bye! Matt (MDAsk): 15:57:21 2012/07/03 Librarian ended chat session. Matt (MDAsk): 15:57:36 2012/07/03 Note: Set Resolution: Followup by me. Matt (MDAsk): 15:57:48 2012/07/03 Note: Set Description: Student Assignment Note that librarian Matt immediately followed up with the patron with an email through the service since an email address was offered in chat, and the chat transcript was included with the promised article. Attachments are scanned for viruses before sending to our patrons. Return to top 2012-13 Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 3. Biography Sample Question Patron: Assigned: Anonymous Patron Maryland librarian JoAnn At: ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY PL (MDAsk) Wait Time: 6 Resolution: Answered Status: Received: 15:12:05 2012/07/03 (GMT -0400) Type: Chat Sessions Session Time: Language: 1436 English Patron: 15:12:05 2012/07/03 Chat Transcript: I need help getting a biography Librarian: 15:12:05 2012/07/03 Note: Patron's screen name: Library Patron JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:12:12 2012/07/03 Librarian 'MD AACPL Librarian JoAnn' has joined the session. JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:13:32 2012/07/03 Hello. Welcome to Maryland Ask Us Now service. Could you tell me what kind of biography you are looking for? Patron: 15:14:31 2012/07/03 It has to be like about someone who works with computers or the internet JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:14:59 2012/07/03 Is this for a school report? Patron: 15:15:08 2012/07/03 yes JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:15:49 2012/07/03 Do you have a person in mind already? Patron: 15:16:31 2012/07/03 No but my teacher said we couldn't do Bill Gates or Steve Jobs because then everyone would do Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and she Patron: 15:16:39 2012/07/03 she'd get bored reading them JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:18:12 2012/07/03 Let me do some searching to see if I can find a few names to give you. While I am doing that, could you tell me what grade you are in? Patron: 15:18:30 2012/07/03 10th Patron: 15:18:33 2012/07/03 thanks JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:19:06 2012/07/03 still looking Patron: 15:19:13 2012/07/03 ok JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:20:36 2012/07/03 I found this magazine article in Computer Weekly that lists the world's top ten high tech people with a little bio information about them. JoAnn (MDAsk): Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 15:20:41 2012/07/03 Patron: 15:21:29 2012/07/03 thanks i'm looking at it Patron: 15:22:25 2012/07/03 I guess Tim Berners-Lee sounds kind of interesting. do you have anything else about him? i need 3 sources JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:23:48 2012/07/03 Let me see what I can do. While I am looking, I found another person, an article about the inventor of the computer. Konrad Zuse in’s “Inventors” area: Patron: 15:23:54 2012/07/03 and i can only have one website Patron: 15:24:14 2012/07/03 cool thanks JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:25:45 2012/07/03 I have a biography website in our databases. I can either email articles to you or walk you through how to access the database. Patron: 15:27:17 2012/07/03 email would be awesome. i'm at Patron: 15:28:11 2012/07/03 scratch that Patron: 15:28:39 2012/07/03 email would be awesome. i'm at Patron: 15:29:12 2012/07/03 are these databases websites? JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:31:49 2012/07/03 I will email you the articles. The databases are actual book sources and journal articles. However, we purchase electronic copies of these databases so that people can access library reference material. Patron: 15:32:37 2012/07/03 oh ok. sweet. sounds like I can use them. I'm taking a look at my email now JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:33:05 2012/07/03 ok. Let me know if they will work for you. Patron: 15:33:34 2012/07/03 yeah these look great thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:34:32 2012/07/03 Anything else today? Patron: 15:35:24 2012/07/03 no thats it thanks again! Patron: 15:35:26 2012/07/03 :) JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:36:00 2012/07/03 Ok. Have a great day and thansk for using the Maryland AskUsNow! service. JoAnn (MDAsk): 15:36:02 2012/07/03 Librarian ended chat session. Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 4. Math Sample Question Patron: Mike Received: 14:15:33 2012/07/20 (GMT -0400) At: HARFORD COUNTY PL (MDAsk) Assigned: Maryland librarian Annie Status: Type: Chat Sessions Wait Time: 9 Session Time: 505 Resolution: Answered Language: English Patron Mike: Chat Transcript: I need help with algebra. I’m in 8th grade. 14:15:33 2012/07/20 Librarian: 14:15:33 2012/07/20 Note: Patron's screen name: Mike Annie (MDAsk): 14:15:42 2012/07/20 Librarian 'MD Harford Librarian Annie' has joined the session. Annie (MDAsk): 14:16:18 2012/07/20 Hi there! Algebra sure can be tricky; I remember that much! There are some online resources that may help. We’re not tutors here, but we can provide good resources that may specifically address your algebra problem. Annie (MDAsk): 14:16:32 2012/07/20 Can you tell me a little more about the help you need? Do you have a specific type of problem you’re working on? Patron Mike: 14:16:42 2012/07/20 Well, it has to do with finding the solution to an equation using coefficients. Annie (MDAsk): 14:17:05 2012/07/20 Tell me a little more about where you are stuck. Patron Mike: 14:17:20 2012/07/20 Okay – first off I have trouble with the order of things. Like, first how to solve a problem. I get mixed up on what to work on first. Annie (MDAsk): 14:17:31 2012/07/20 Thanks for the clarification! Let me find a good explanation of how to solve equations, and we’ll take a look at that. Patron Mike: 14:17:48 2012/07/20 :-) Annie (MDAsk): 14:18:13 2012/07/20 Here is a site called AlgebraHelp – it has many parts to it. One part shows how to solve equations (the order in which to do this). I’ll send the link: Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 Annie (MDAsk): 14:18:30 2012/07/20 Do you see the site I just sent? Patron Mike: 14:18:44 2012/07/20 yes, thnx! So how do you use coefficients?? Annie (MDAsk): 14:19:03 2012/07/20 Look at the bottom of the AlgebraHelp page; do you see “next” there? If you click in a couple of times, you will see it. It’s on page four. Annie (MDAsk): 14:19:15 2012/07/20 Here, let me give you the direct link: Annie (MDAsk): 14:19:34 2012/07/20 Now go to the bottom of the page for the section “Identifying and Using Coefficients” Patron Mike: 14:19:47 2012/07/20 Great! That is really helpful! Annie (MDAsk): 14:19:57 2012/07/20 I also want to give you some other math help options that you can use in the future, too. Here is the Internet Public Library’s site on “Math Help”: Annie (MDAsk): 14:20:07 2012/07/20 (GMT -0400) Annie (MDAsk): 14:20:21 2012/07/20 Here you’ll see links to math sites and calculators recommended by librarians. Patron Mike: 14:20:30 2012/07/20 Wow! Thanks! Annie (MDAsk): 14:20:38 2012/07/20 And one more idea – your library may provide an online tutoring service for you to use for math (and other subjects). It’s really great to connect with an online tutor when you’re stuck on a problem, too. So if that ever happens, you can usually find the service through your library’s website, or just come back on here and let us know and we’ll get the information for you! Patron Mike: 14:20:45 2012/07/20 Really? Free? Annie (MDAsk): 14:20:56 2012/07/20 Yes! It’s great too because the software is interactive. Is there anything else I can help you with today? Patron Mike: Nope – I’m all set. I’ll go over the explanation you sent. Now I don’t feel so lost :)! Thanks so much. Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 14:21:22 2012/07/20 I’m going to use this all the time! Can you send me a copy of this chat? Annie (MDAsk): 14:21:36 2012/07/20 Absolutely! We can do this one of two ways – you can enter your email address after we log off. The field will show in the upper left side of your screen. That is for a one-time use only and librarians never see it. Annie (MDAsk): 14:21:53 2012/07/20 The other way is if you want to tell me your email address, I will follow up and send this right away to you, through this service as soon as we log off. Patron Mike: 14:22:05 2012/07/20 I’ll send it myself – that’s good to know. I’m not supposed to give out my email address! Annie (MDAsk): 14:22:19 2012/07/20 No problem and sounds good. Anything else I can help you with? Patron Mike: 14:22:35 2012/07/20 Nope! Thank you again- you are great! Annie (MDAsk): 14:23:01 2012/07/20 :) It’s our pleasure to help! Thank you for using Maryland AskUsNow! today and please, feel to come back on anytime. We’re here 24/7! Annie (MDAsk): 14:23:08 2012/07/20 Bye for now! Patron Mike: 14:23:15 2012/07/20 Bye! Patron Mike: 14:23:21 2012/07/20 Patron ended chat session. Annie (MDAsk): 14:24:05 2012/07/20 Note: Set Resolution: Answered Annie Kovach (MDAsk): 14:24:11 2012/07/20 Note: Set Description: Tutoring Annie (MDAsk): 14:24:13 2012/07/20 Note: Set Description: Student Assignment Return to top 2012-13 Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 5. Science Fair Project Sample Question Patron: Wait Time: Language: Ariel Student 9 English Question ID: Patron Institution: Descriptive Codes Status: Received: Session Time: 14:09:43 2012/07/09 (GMT -0400) 755 7828404 MARYLAND ASKUSNOW! [generic PUBLIC queue] (MDAsk) Student Assignment Patron: Chat Transcript: Can you help me with my science fair project? 14:09:43 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Note: Patron's screen name: Ariel 14:09:43 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Librarian 'MDASK_ADMIN' has joined the session. 14:09:52 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Hi Ariel! My name is Ellen. I’m a Maryland librarian. 14:10:14 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Hi Ariel! My name is Ellen. I’m a Maryland librarian. 14:10:23 2012/07/09) Librarian 1: I’m happy to help with your science fair project needs. Tell me more about it so we can get 14:10:51 2012/07/09 started. Have you chosen a topic yet? Patron: Yes I’d like to do something about electricity 14:11:07 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: That’s great! Ariel, can you tell me what grade level is this for? 14:11:24 2012/07/09 Patron: 8th 14:11:36 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Okay. Let’s begin with the Internet Public Library. Have you used this before? 14:11:50 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: 14:11:58 2012/07/09 Patron: no 14:12:09 2012/07/09 (GMT -0400) Librarian 1: Do you see the site I just sent? 14:12:18 2012/07/09 Patron: ya 14:12:25 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Great! Now look under the header for #2 – Choosing a Topic 14:12:45 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Here’s a direct link: Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 14:12:56 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: 14:13:02 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: For electricity experiments, let’s use “All Science Fair Projects”. Just scroll down the page and 14:13:12 2012/07/09 you’ll see it. I’ll send a link to it here too: Librarian 1: 14:13:22 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Can you see that page too? 14:13:40 2012/07/09 Patron: ya 14:13:55 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Great! Now let’s use the search area – I’m going to put in “electricity”. You do the same on your 14:14:16 2012/07/09 end okay? Patron: ok 14:14:26 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Good! Now scroll down…do you see the list of experiments? 14:14:45 2012/07/09 Patron: ya! cool! one is about using the human body as a battery... sounds interesting! 14:15:22 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: It does to me too! Here’s a direct link to it, just so you have it: http://www.all-science-fair14:15:39 2012/07/09 Patron: wow there are tons of ideas 14:15:53 2012/07/09) Librarian 1: Right! And this is just one place. There are also science fair project books, in case you want to 14:16:25 2012/07/09 try them. Patron: I think I’ll stick to this. thanks :) 14:16:42 2012/07/09 (GMT -0400) Librarian 1: Sounds good! Do you think you have everything you need for now - or would you like more 14:17:26 2012/07/09 information? Patron: Well, the actual method …can you explain it? i dont get it 14:18:00 2012/07/09 Patron: You mean, the scientific method? 14:18:14 2012/07/09 Patron: ya 14:18:41 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: let's go back to the IPL 14:19:01 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: 14:19:08 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Do you see the four parts to the science fair project under the header? The scientific method is 14:19:16 2012/07/09 listed there: Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 Librarian 1: 14:19:26 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: This gives the explanation and approach. 14:19:36 2012/07/09 Patron: Thats so helpful! Thanks! You’ve been really great! 14:20:02 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: I’m so glad! :) It’s my pleasure working with you as well. Is there anything else I can provide for 14:20:47 2012/07/09 you today? Patron: that will do. Thanks! 14:21:00 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Please feel free to come back on anytime you have questions. We appreciate your service! 14:21:11 2012/07/09 Patron: ok 14:21:16 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: FYI: After we end the call, you'll see our entire transcript on your screen, including the web 14:21:28 2012/07/09 links! If you weren't able to provide an e-mail address at login, you'll be given an option to email the transcript to yourself then. Patron: oh ok 14:21:43 2012/07/09 Patron: Ok Bye! 14:21:52 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Bye for now, and thanks again for using Maryland AskUsNow! 14:21:59 2012/07/09 Patron: Patron ended chat session. 14:22:14 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Note: Set Resolution: Answered 14:22:25 2012/07/09 Librarian 1: Note: Set Description: Student Assignment 14:22:29 2012/07/09 Return to top 2012-13 Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit Best Practices for providing a class visit on Maryland AskUsNow! For Public Library Representatives Contact your school representative at the beginning of the school year to find a time to schedule your visits. Be prepared to arrive 30 minutes before visits to ensure time to get set up and test technology Inquire about internet access and availability before visit. Find out school enrollment numbers (school offices can provide this to you) in order to have the correct number of handouts or promotional materials for students. If internet will be unavailable or unreliable, prepare a presentation that shows screenshots of an AskUsNow! session. If using PowerPoint or similar presentation program, have multiple versions saved (in different file formats, if possible) to ensure compatibility with the school’s computer. For School Representatives Connect with your local librarian or library contact person to set up a visit and to ask any questions that you might have. If you have no such contact, please feel free to contact the Statewide Coordinator of Maryland AskUsNow! directly ( Familiarize yourself with your local library and its available resources (like AskUsNow!). When possible, make sure that visits are conducted in a space with a demonstration computer and projector. It’s helpful to show how this works (before having the class log on). Give as much lead time as possible so Maryland AskUsNow! can recruit additional librarians to be online during the class visit. Let the local librarian know what the class topic is so Maryland AskUsNow! can prepare its resources ahead of time. Allow a full class period or longer for visits from your local librarian. Chat sessions take about 1520 minutes on average. Try to set up visits with paired-up students (no more than ten at a time) to allow more time for students to interact with the librarian. Encourage the students to interact with the librarian and to notice how the chat functions. Take down any questions your students may have after the visit is complete and direct them to the librarian via email or phone. It’s always great to let your local library know about special projects, assignments, and events that they might be able to help with or become involved with at the schools! Return to top 2012-13 Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit Bookmarks for promoting Maryland AskUsNow! and library online resources The following two oversized bookmarks are intended as a handout to the students when having a class visit. They are available in black/white and color for ease of use. Feel free to edit and customize these, or use them as they are. Color versions are shown after the black and white versions. Please contact the Statewide Coordinator if you need these in a different format: Return to top Another late night? For more information about Maryland Libraries: Check with your local Maryland public library for online resources that can further assist your students, such as: By Wing-Chi Poon [CC-BY-SA-2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons Stumped on homework? Don’t know where to start your research? Need to know how to do citations? The expert help and guidance you’d receive in a library, available 24/7 on your computer. Maryland AskUsNow! We stay up all night so you don’t have to. Magazine articles Citation resources Dictionaries Online tutoring service Book lists and lit crit Almanacs and maps Encyclopedias The library’s catalog Expert homework help and research guidance, available 24/7 on your computer. Maryland AskUsNow! Online, ready to help, anytime! When your work isn’t going as well as you’d planned… For more information about Maryland Libraries: Check with your local Maryland public library for online resources that can further assist your students, such as: Magazine articles Citation resources Dictionaries Online tutoring service Book lists and lit crit Almanacs and maps Encyclopedias The library’s catalog Help is just a click away! Expert homework help and research guidance, available 24/7 on your computer. Expert homework help and research guidance, available 24/7 on your computer. Maryland AskUsNow! Online, ready to help, anytime! Maryland AskUsNow! Online, ready to help, anytime! Maryland AskUsNow! Class Visit Toolkit 2012-13 You’re ready to use Maryland AskUsNow! Whether you are setting up an online class visit or needing to ask a librarian a question, remember that Maryland AskUsNow! is online 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To make this possible,… …remember that you may be chatting with someone from one of the cooperative libraries around the world. Maryland AskUsNow! is a partnering member of an international consortium called the QuestionPoint 24/7 Reference Cooperative; this international support allows us to have librarians available whenever you need information. While the librarian you are chatting with, regardless of location, can help you find most information you need - there may be times we do not have access to your library card account information. In these cases, the librarian you are chatting with may offer to have your local library follow-up with you or provide you with contact information so you can call your library directly. We hope to see you online soon!