Dear Parents or Guardians, Over the next two to three weeks, the

Dear Parents or Guardians,
Over the next two to three weeks, the five major world religions will be discussed in class as a unit. The major
religions are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The founding, geography, major beliefs,
architecture, figureheads, and texts of each religion will be explained. Knowing that this can be of alarm to
people, it is my hope that you will be fully informed as we enter into this unit.
The first week of the unit will be an overview of each religion with information being taken from the textbooks
purchased by Paw Paw Public Schools. The next two weeks will feature the students putting together a World
Religion Portfolio with specifics of each religion being discussed in class. This will include reviewing a
passage from the texts used in each of the five religions. Please note, teaching world religions is part of the
Grade Level Content Expectations provided by the State of Michigan. It is not my intent to provide my
personal views, which are irrelevant, only to inform students about the different aspects of these religions. We
live in a world which is becoming increasingly complex. Understanding the motivations and beliefs of those in
countries across the world will help our children to become informed global citizens. Please contact me at if you feel it to be necessary.
Warmest Regards,
Marvin O. Taylor,
Grade Seven Social Studies
Dear Parents or Guardians,
Over the next two to three weeks, the five major world religions will be discussed in class as a unit. The major
religions are Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The founding, geography, major beliefs,
architecture, figureheads, and texts of each religion will be explained. Knowing that this can be of alarm to
people, it is my hope that you will be fully informed as we enter into this unit.
The first week of the unit will be an overview of each religion with information being taken from the textbooks
purchased by Paw Paw Public Schools. The next two weeks will feature the students putting together a World
Religion Portfolio with specifics of each religion being discussed in class. This will include reviewing a
passage from the texts used in each of the five religions. Please note, teaching world religions is part of the
Grade Level Content Expectations provided by the State of Michigan. It is not my intent to provide my
personal views, which are irrelevant, only to inform students about the different aspects of these religions. We
live in a world which is becoming increasingly complex. Understanding the motivations and beliefs of those in
countries across the world will help our children to become informed global citizens. Please contact me at if you feel it to be necessary.
Warmest Regards,
Marvin O. Taylor,
Grade Seven Social Studies