Secondary Transfer for Pupils with SEN Statements

Secondary Transfer for Pupils
with Statements of SEN
(September 2015 Transfer)
Guidance Note for Headteachers and SEN
Neil Hudson, Legal Compliance Officer
September 2014
Secondary Transfer for Pupils with Statements of SEN
This document provides information, advice and guidance for Headteachers and SENCos regarding the
process to ensure the smooth transition of all children and young people with a statement of special
educational needs transferring from Year 6 to Year 7 in a Hackney mainstream school.
Summary of the Secondary Transfer Process
12 September 2014
HLT send parental preference forms to
10 October 2014
HLT (Cluster Areas) issue amended
proposed statements to parents for all
children transferring. These statements
have been amended from the children’s
Year 5 annual reviews. Parents have 15
days to respond. HLT has a statutory 8
weeks to finalise them from the date of
10 October 2014
Completed parental preference forms due
back to Area Clusters
24 October 2014
Parental responses to amended proposed
statements due, including any proposed
changes (end of the 15 day period).
3 November 2014
Area Clusters determine which schools are
potentially over their notional number based
on first preferences expressed and contact
parents to discuss.
6 November 2014
Appropriate changes to amended proposed
statements are completed by Area Clusters.
Area Clusters determine a proposed
11 November 2014
Area Clusters consult all preferences for all
children and send proposed allocation to
the schools and the Secondary
Headteachers’ meeting information.
24 November 2014
Secondary Headteachers’ meeting to
discuss proposed allocation and any
1 December 2014
Deadline for schools’ written objections to
any proposed allocations and written
requests to Area Clusters for increases in
2 December 2014
HLT considers all written submissions
regarding secondary transfer children to
determine final allocation.
Secondary Transfer for Pupils with Statements of SEN
5 December 2014
Area Clusters issue all amended final
statements naming secondary schools.
1. What is the “notional number”?
While the process that HLT follows is not covered by legislation, it is a practical approach to the
potential problem of one school having significantly more pupils with statements of SEN than it can
ensure an inclusive education for. Therefore, HLT has the “notional number”. HLT believes that 1.5
pupils with statements of SEN per form of entry (Group of 30) is a reasonable number for a
mainstream secondary school to cater for. However it is important to remember the limitations of
this concept:
It is a purely notional number based on previous dialogue with schools. As it is not based on
legislation, it follows that it is not reasonable grounds not to admit a child, nor is it a concept that
the SEND Tribunal will take into account during an appeal.
The notional number is a guideline, not a limit. If a school takes more than 1.5 pupils with
statements of SEN per form of entry, it does not necessarily follow that the number admitted is
unreasonable for the school to cater for.
The population of the Hackney is increasing, therefore the demand for places in schools is
increasing and the number of SEN children is increasing.
Compared to its statistical neighbours, Hackney has the highest proportion of pupils with
statements of SEN.
2. What is the agenda for the secondary headteachers’ meeting?
A proposed allocation will be distributed to schools at the same time as the consultations are made.
This proposed allocation will form the agenda for the meeting of the Secondary Headteachers.
3. How is the proposed allocation made?
Area clusters will use the following procedure to make the proposal:
Every child is allocated their first preference.
Where parents have not expressed a preference for their child, HLT consult 2 local schools and
allocate the child one of these.
The total number of preferences for each school is then compared to the notional number of 1.5
pupils with statements of SEN per form of entry.
Where the number of first preferences is significantly above the notional number for a school or
that of other schools, HLT will contact the parents who have expressed such a school to explain
the pressure on places and to determine their views on the possibility of other schools being
Once each of these steps is complete, a proposed allocation will be determined for discussion
at the Secondary Headteachers’ Meeting.
Secondary Transfer for Pupils with Statements of SEN
4. What happens at the Secondary Headteachers’ Meeting?
The Chair of the meeting will go through each school alphabetically to discuss any concerns they
have about their proposed allocation. The aim of the meeting is to secure a place for all children
transferring to mainstream that year.
5. What happens after the meeting?
 If schools still wish to make reasonable objections under Schedule 27 or Section 9 of the
Education Act to the child being placed in their school, they must do so in writing.
If schools wish to request an increase in support for a child they will be admitting, the request
must be put in writing together with reasons for the request.
These written submissions will then be considered by HLT before a final allocation is
Please contact: Neil Hudson, Legal Compliance Officer
Phone: 020 8820 7550