Model Document: Screening Questionnaire & Medical Practitioner Form for HCW Immunisation v1.0 June 2014 Screening Questionnaire and Medical Practitioner Form for the assessment of immune status for vaccinepreventable infections in Health Care Workers (including blood borne virus screening questions and contact details for tuberculosis screening) Instructions for Health Care Workers: Please complete as much of this form as you are able. Take this form and any records you have of vaccinations and blood test results to your doctor to verify your immune status. Where “Documentation required” is stated, this refers to original or valid copies of vaccination records or blood test results. June 2014 Acknowledgements: Many of the questions in this screening questionnaire have been adapted, with permission, from the Flinders University Health Advisory Booklet for Health Profession Students, School of Medicine, 2013, available from 1 Model Document: Screening Questionnaire & Medical Practitioner Form for HCW Immunisation v1.0 June 2014 PART 1: VACCINE PREVENTABLE DISEASES CHICKENPOX (VARICELLA-ZOSTER VIRUS) Have you had chickenpox in the past? Documentation not required. YES …GO TO DIPHTHERIA and TETANUS You are considered to be immune to chickenpox and do not need to take further action. OR NO or UNSURE You need to have a blood test (IgG to varicella-zoster virus) to see if you are immune to chickenpox. If the blood test result shows you are not immune, you need to have two doses of varicella vaccine given at least 4 weeks apart. You do NOT need to have a blood test following this vaccination to test for immunity. DIPHTHERIA, TETANUS and PERTUSSIS Have you had a booster dose of a diphtheria/ tetanus/ pertussis toxoid-containing vaccine (e.g. dTpa) in the last 10 years? Documentation required. YES …GO TO HEPATITIS A You are considered to be immune to diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. Please show your doctor the documentation of your most recent booster dose. OR NO or DON’T KNOW You need to have a booster dose of a diphtheria/ tetanus/ pertussis-containing vaccine (e.g. dTpa vaccine). There is no reliable blood test to check for immunity to diphtheria or tetanus or pertussis. HEPATITIS A If you have had two hepatitis A vaccines in the past, at least 6 months apart, you are considered to be immune to Hepatitis A …GO TO HEPATITIS B If you were born before 1950 OR spent your early childhood in hepatitis A endemic areas, including Indigenous Australian communities OR have had an unexplained previous episode of hepatitis or jaundice, you should consider having a hepatitis A blood test to check your immune status as you may already be immune. If you are not already immune, hepatitis A vaccine is strongly recommended for health care workers, including student HCWs, who work in remote Indigenous communities or with Indigenous children. If you are not already immune, hepatitis A vaccine may be considered by all other HCWs, including student HCWs. Please discuss Hepatitis A vaccine with your doctor. If Hepatitis A vaccine is recommended, it may be given along with Hepatitis B vaccine for those who are not immune to both infections. See HEPATITIS B for the option of combined Hepatitis A and B vaccination. 2 Model Document: Screening Questionnaire & Medical Practitioner Form for HCW Immunisation v1.0 June 2014 HEPATITIS B Have you completed a full course of hepatitis B vaccine (either 3 doses OR two doses if given at secondary school)? AND Have you had a blood test to confirm immunity (Hepatitis B surface antibody [anti-HBs] 10 mIU/mL)? Documentation required. YES to BOTH questions …GO TO INFLUENZA You are considered to be immune to hepatitis B Please provide documentation of the blood test result confirming immunity. OR NO or DON’T KNOW You need to have blood tests to assess your immune status for hepatitis B. Please discuss these tests with your doctor before and after the tests are done. If the blood tests show that you have immunity to hepatitis B you do not need to take further action. If the blood tests show that you are Hepatitis B surface antigen negative and do NOT have immunity to hepatitis B, you will need to have 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine at 0, 1 and 6 months, followed by a blood test 4-8 weeks after the last vaccine to check for immunity. See also HEPATITIS A for the option of combined Hepatitis A and B vaccination. If the blood tests show you are positive to Hepatitis B surface antigen you should seek confidential medical and career advice from an infectious diseases specialist and not undertake any exposure prone procedures. INFLUENZA Annual vaccination with the seasonal influenza vaccine is required. Please keep your influenza vaccination record so that you can produce it if requested. MEASLES Were you born in Australia before 1966? YES You are considered immune to measles …GO TO MUMPS Do you have evidence of vaccination with at least 2 doses of a measles-containing vaccine (e.g. measles-mumps-rubella [MMR] vaccine)? Documentation required. YES You are considered immune to measles. Please show your doctor the documentation to verify your immune status …GO TO MUMPS Do you have evidence of immunity to measles infection (e.g. blood test results)? Documentation required. YES You are considered immune to measles. Please show your doctor the documentation to verify your immune status …GO TO MUMPS If NO, go to next page... 3 Model Document: Screening Questionnaire & Medical Practitioner Form for HCW Immunisation v1.0 June 2014 NO or DON’T KNOW You need to complete a two dose course of MMR vaccine. While there are reliable blood tests to check for immunity to measles it is NOT necessary to check serology BEFORE or AFTER vaccinating with MMR vaccine. If you are confident you have had two doses of MMR vaccine but do not have the documentation, you may consider having a blood test to check for immunity to mumps and rubella. MUMPS and RUBELLA Do you have evidence of vaccination with at least 2 doses of a mumps and rubella-containing vaccine (e.g. measles-mumps-rubella [MMR] vaccine)? Documentation required. OR Do you have evidence of immunity to mumps and rubella infection (e.g. blood test results)? Documentation required. YES to ANY ONE of these questions (GO TO POLIOMYELITIS) You are considered immune to mumps and rubella. Please show your doctor the documentation to verify your immune status. OR NO or DON’T KNOW You need to complete a two dose course of MMR vaccine. While there are reliable blood tests to check for immunity to mumps and rubella, it is NOT necessary to check serology BEFORE OR AFTER vaccinating with MMR vaccine. If you are confident you have had two doses of MMR vaccine but do not have the documentation, you may consider having a blood test to check for immunity to mumps and rubella. POLIOMYELITIS Have you received a full 3 dose course of polio vaccination (by mouth or by injection) as a child? Documentation not required. YES You do not need to take further action unless you are planning to travel to a country where polio is epidemic or endemic (please contact a doctor with travel medicine experience for advice) or you are a healthcare worker, including laboratory worker, in possible contact with poliomyelitis cases or poliomyelitis virus (a further booster dose of polio vaccine is recommended). OR NO or DON’T KNOW You need to complete a 3 dose course of polio vaccination There is no reliable blood test to check for immunity to poliomyelitis. OTHER VACCINE PREVENTABLE DISEASES If you are considering elective placements in developing country contexts, you are strongly advised to seek medical advice from a doctor experienced in travel medicine so that appropriate additional vaccinations and prophylactic medications may be discussed. 4 Model Document: Screening Questionnaire & Medical Practitioner Form for HCW Immunisation v1.0 June 2014 PART 2: BLOOD BORNE VIRUS INFECTIONS (EXCLUDING HEPATITIS B) HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV) Do you have the results from a recent HIV antibody test? NO or DON’T KNOW You need to know your HIV status but you do not need to inform SA Health of the result. OR YES AND HIV antibody positive You need to seek confidential medical and career advice from an infectious diseases specialist and not undertake any exposure prone procedures. OR YES AND HIV antibody negative You do not need to take further action unless you are potentially exposed to HIV in the future, including occupational or non-occupational exposure, when a further blood test may be indicated. HEPATITIS C VIRUS Do you have the results from a recent Hepatitis C antibody test? NO or DON’T KNOW. You need to know your HCV status but you do not need to inform SA Health of the result. OR YES AND HCV antibody positive You need to seek confidential medical and career advice from an infectious diseases specialist and not undertake any exposure prone procedures until cleared to do so by an infectious diseases physician following recommended testing. OR YES AND HCV antibody negative You do not need to take further action unless you are potentially exposed to HCV in the future, including occupational or non-occupational exposure, when a further blood test may be indicated. PART 3: TUBERCULOSIS SA Tuberculosis Service is providing an online Tuberculosis screening questionnaire which can be accessed at: For student Health Care Workers: You must complete this screening questionnaire and be given clearance from SA Tuberculosis Service prior to clinical placement in any SA Health facility. 5 Model Document: Screening Questionnaire & Medical Practitioner Form for HCW Immunisation v1.0 June 2014 SA HEALTH SERVICES OR EDUCATION PROVIDER HEADER HERE MEDICAL PRACTITIONER FORM COMPLIANCE WITH IMMUNISATION AND BLOOD-BORNE VIRUS POLICY For student Health Care Workers this form must be completed before you will be permitted to commence clinical placement. NAME …………………………………………………………….… STUDENT ID (if a student) ……………………………………………… Instructions for Medical Practitioner: Please tick ONE OR MORE box for each vaccine preventable disease (if appropriate). Use the Acceptable evidence of immunity to specific VPDs for Health Care Workers table on the back of this form as a reference. Disease Immune Status IMMUNE Chickenpox (VaricellaZoster) Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Hepatitis A* NOT IMMUNE If vaccine given at this visit: vaccine name, dose, batch & date confirmed by history of past infection serological testing recommended confirmed by blood test result vaccination recommended confirmed by vaccination record confirmed by vaccination record vaccination recommended of booster dose (booster) confirmed by vaccination record confirmed by blood test result serological testing recommended Influenza vaccination recommended An annual influenza vaccination is required but need not be documented on this form Hepatitis B confirmed by blood test result serological testing recommended Measles Mumps and Rubella Poliomyelitis vaccination recommended vaccination recommended confirmed by vaccination record confirmed by blood test result confirmed by birth before 1966 confirmed by vaccination record confirmed by blood test result confirmed by history of vaccination recommended vaccination recommended vaccination *Hepatitis A: Screening and vaccination necessary for student health care workers who will be working in remote Indigenous communities or with Indigenous children. It is also recommended for students in childcare and preschool settings and carers of people with intellectual disabilities. For student Health Care Workers: the student has confirmed that they have completed the screening questionnaire provided by SA Tuberculosis Service PLEASE CONTINUE ON NEXT PAGE 6 YES NO Model Document: Screening Questionnaire & Medical Practitioner Form for HCW Immunisation v1.0 June 2014 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) screening test done no screening test done screening test no screening test done HCWs need to know their HCV and HIV immune status (but do not need to inform SA Health of the result) If the screening test for HCV or HIV is positive, confidential medical and career advice should be sought from an Infectious Diseases Physician. I confirm that the above named person has provided me with evidence satisfying the above requirements. SIGNATURE …………………………………………………… DATE …………………………………………………………… MEDICAL PRACTITIONER’S NAME AND CONTACT DETAILS OR STAMP …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Acceptable evidence of immunity to specific VPDs for Health Care Workers VPD Acceptable evidence of immunity Chickenpox (VaricellaZoster) Documented evidence of varicella antibody (IgG) on serology or documented evidence of varicella vaccination or a history of prior chickenpox or shingles (no documentation required for history of infection). Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. Documented evidence of a booster dose of diphtheria-containing vaccine in the last 10 years. Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. Documented evidence of hepatitis A antibody on serology (IgG) or documented evidence of completed course of hepatitis A vaccine. Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. Documented evidence of Hepatitis B core antibody or documented level of hepatitis B surface antibody (>10mlU/ml) following completion of a course of hepatitis B vaccine*. Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is required after completion of the vaccination course for all HCW. Documented evidence of influenza vaccination during the current influenza season. Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. Documented evidence of measles antibody (IgG) on serology or documented evidence of 2 measles vaccinations at least one month apart or born before 1966. Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. Documented evidence of mumps antibody (IgG) on serology or documented evidence of 2 mumps vaccinations. Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. Documented evidence of pertussis booster vaccination in the previous 10 years. Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. History of vaccination with a primary course of 3 vaccinations (documentation is not required). Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. Documented evidence of rubella antibody (IgG) on serology or documented evidence of 2 rubella vaccinations. Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. Diphtheria Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Influenza Measles Mumps Pertussis Poliomyelitis Rubella Tetanus Documented evidence of a booster dose of vaccine containing tetanus in the last 10 years. Confirmation of immunity post-vaccination is not required. *All HCW who have lived in a hepatitis B endemic country for at least 3 months are required to have serology that includes hepatitis B surface antigen prior to vaccination. For a list of endemic countries (intermediate and high risk) please see: For further details see the current edition of the Australian Immunisation Handbook available from . 7