The Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom program is offering special topic grants to teachers across the state of Illinois to ship the following books.
Literature Circles Books
This grant will provide your choice of the following junior high reading level suggested book titles: The Thing About Luck by Cynthia Kadohata, Black Radishes by Susan Lynn Meyer,
Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman, My Louisiana Sky by Kimberly Willis Holt, Out of the Dust by Karen
Hesse, Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
To apply for project funding, please complete the form, outlining the project, goals and desired outcomes.
Projects should focus on integrating agriculture into a variety of curriculum areas .
High School Ag teachers may apply with an elementary teacher if their classes or FFA
Chapters are working with a specific classroom.
Grants that are accepted will have books shipped directly to the teacher. The teacher will complete the follow up report by May 30, 2016.
Teacher will need to complete the section asking for a specific amount of books, total not to exceed $200.
Applications must be postmarked by no later than October 1, 2015. ** Note: We are accepting
ONLY postmarked (mailed) applications. Teachers selected for the project funding will be notified by
November 16, 2015, and will receive an agreement to be signed and returned by December 4, 2015.
Agreements not returned by December 4, 2015, will forfeit the grant application. A final report and project evaluation is due to the Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom office by May 30, 2016.
Guidelines for the final reports are mailed with the books.
Teacher’s Name __________________________________________________________
Grade Level: Pre-School K 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th
High School (List Subject Areas: _________________________________)
Name of School _________________________________ Phone # ___________________
School Address ____________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________ State _____ Zip Code _____________
County of School Location ____________________________________________________
Home Address _____________________________________________________________
City _____________________________________ State ______ Zip Code______________
Email Address ______________________________________________________________
Past Teacher Grant Recipient: _____ Yes ______No
(just for our records; will not disqualify this request)
Literature Circles Books
Quantity of books requested:
_____ The Thing About Luck @ $5.00 each
_____ Black Radishes @ $5.00 each
_____ Seedfolks @ $9.00 each
_____ My Louisiana Sky @ $6.00
_____ Out of the Dust @ $8.00
_____ Hunger Games @ $8.00
Total ___________
Total ___________
_____ TOTAL BOOKS TOTAL PRICE ___________ (not to exceed $200)
Describe how you will utilize these reading materials in your classroom.
Number of Students Involved in Project for 2015-2016 School Year:
Common Core Leaning Standards Addressed:
Overview of Activity and Project Timeline :
(When will you use these books/how will you implement project and how you will evaluate)
How will you specifically relate this project to agriculture?
SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: _______________________________________
SIGNATURE OF BUILDING PRINCIPAL: ______________________________
Questions? Phone: 309-557-3334
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
** Note: We are accepting ONLY postmarked (mailed) applications this year.
Please keep a copy of this grant for your records.
An electronic version of this application can be found at