Volunteer Name: __________________________ Volunteer Email: __________________________ Volunteer Phone: __________________________ Essay Overview Thank you for donating your time to support our Road to College department and Uplift scholars in our efforts to ensure that 100% of our scholars are accepted into college and find their best fit schools. College essays are an essential component to each college application. It is the only opportunity for students to share their identity, their perspective, and their experiences in their own voice. Because of the importance and impact a college essay can have, our RTC counselors work individually with each scholar to create an outline and draft the college essay(s). We have created this form to leverage the support we provide for our scholars. Please use the questions listed below to guide you through the essay review process and provide concrete revision suggestions for our scholars. We want you to provide concrete advice on revisions while maintaining the student voice in the essay. Thank you again for taking time to support our efforts. Once you have completed this form, please turn the form into the RTC Counselor. Essay Information STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________ ESSAY TYPE (CIRCLE ONE): Personal Statement Supplement Essay Scholarship Essay PROGRAM NAME / INSTITUTION NAME: ____________________________________________________ PROMPT: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ MAXIMUM WORD COUNT: _________________________________ COUNSELOR IDENTIFIED AREA OF FOCUS (TO BE FILLED IN BY RTC COUNSELOR): ______________________________________________________________________________ Volunteer Name: __________________________ Volunteer Email: __________________________ Volunteer Phone: __________________________ Essay Review Since our RTC counselors have worked on identifying the topic/story, we would love your feedback on the mechanics and writing style of the essay. Please remember that the essay you are about to read is very personal to the scholar and he/she is entrusting you with a story that might not have been shared with others. Therefore, below are steps to take to build trust with the scholar and fully support them through this process. Thank you in advance for your warm and honest feedback. 1) Introduce yourself and ask the scholar about their essay and what he/she chose to write about 2) Thank the scholar for sharing the story with you 3) Inform the scholar that you will be reading their essay with the intent to provide concrete suggestions on how to improve the mechanics of the essay (feel free to share and walk through the rubric you will be filling out) 4) Inform the scholar that you will first read the essay independently to identify the areas that need improvement 5) Inform the scholar that after you read the essay independently, you will both work through the revisions together so that the scholar is able to fully understand why you are providing specific recommendations 6) Inform the scholar that you will fill out the rubric and turn the form into the counselor so that s/he may know what was worked on and what next steps the scholar needs to take on the essay N/A Address the question(s) asked Stay focused on prompt/topic throughout the entire essay Capture the reader's attention within the first 30 seconds Provide sufficient amount of examples, anecdotes and imagery Choice and placement of words seems accurate, natural, and not forced Write with a distinctive voice Conclusion is strong and ties essay together Makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling Beginner Developing Proficient Exemplar Revision Suggestions