
Renal Terms:
Afferent arteriole – blood vessel supplying the nephron
Bowman’s capsule – a capsule shaped sac surrounding the glomerulus of each nephron
Collecting tubule – a tubular segment of the collecting duct that connects the distal
convoluted tubule to the cortical collecting duct
Distal convoluted tubule – portion of the kidney between the loop of Henle and the
collecting duct
Efferent arteriole – the blood vessel which drains the nephron
Glomerular capsule – aka Bowman’s capsule; capsule shaped sac surrounding the
Glomerulus – cluster of capillaries around the end of a kidney tubule, where waste
products are filtered from the blood
Kidneys – excretory organs which filter wastes from the blood and excrete them in the
Loop of Henle – part of a kidney that forms a long hairpin turn, with a descending and
ascending limb from which water and salts are reabsorbed into the blood
Nephron – the functioning unit of the kidney
Proximal convoluted tubule – portion of the nephron which leads from the Bowman’s
capsule to the loop of Henle
Renal cortex – outer portion of the kidney which contains the glomeruli and convoluted
Renal medulla – innermost part of the kidney
Renal papillae – location where the medullary pyramids empty the urine
Renal pelvis – the basin into which the urine formed by the kidneys is excreted
Aldosterone – stimulates the absorption of sodium by the kidneys and regulates water/salt
Angiotensin – a protein which promotes aldosterone secretion and tends to raise blood
Antidiuretic hormone – aka vasopressin; reduces urine flow by affecting reabsorption of
water by the kidney tubules
Bicarbonate – acts as a buffer to maintain normal acid/base balance
Carbonic acid – weak acid
Diuretic – causing increased passing of urine
Erythropoietin – a hormone secreted by the kidneys that increases the rate of production
of RBC’s in response to falling levels of oxygen in the tissues
Glomerular filtration rate – measure of the kidney’s ability to filter and remove waste
Renin – an enzyme secreted by and stored in the kidneys that promotes the production of
the protein angiotensin
Acetonuria – a form of ketonuria characterized by the presence of acetone in the urine
Acidemia – an abnormally high level of acid in the blood (<7.35)
Albuminuria – the presence of albumin in the urine
Anuria – the failure of the kidneys to produce urine
Azotemia – accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products
Dysuria – painful or difficult urination
Hematuria – the presence of blood in the urine
Hyperkalemia – higher than normal levels of potassium in the blood
Micturition – the discharge of urine; urination
Nocturia – excessive urination at night
Oliguria – the production of abnormally small amounts of urine
Proteinuria – the presence of abnormal quantities of protein in the urine
Pyuria – the presence of pus in the urine
Renal insufficiency – insufficient excretion of wastes by the kidneys
Renal osteodystrophy – a weakening of bones caused by kidney disease
Acidosis – an excessively acidic condition of the body fluids or tissues
Arteriolar nephrosclerosis – renal scarring caused by arteriolar sclerosis resulting from
longstanding hypertension
Glomerulonephritis – acute inflammation of the kidney
Hypertrophy of kidney – a general increase in the bulk of the kidney due to an increase in
cell volume
Nephritic syndrome – a collection of signs associated with disorders affecting the kidneys
Nephrolithiasis – the presence of kidney stones in the kidney
Nephromegaly – the process whereby a kidney or both kidneys become enlarged
Nephrosclerosis – kidney disease usually associated with hypertension
Nephrotic syndrome – edema and large amounts of protein in the urine, usually
accompanied by increased blood cholesterol
Pyelonephritis – inflammation of the substance of the kidney as a result of bacterial
Uremia – a raised level in the blood of urea and other nitrogenous waste compounds that
are normally eliminated by the kidneys
Nephrectomy – surgical removal of both kidneys
Nephrolithotomy – standard surgical procedure in which the kidney is opened and a stone
is removed
Nephrostomy – surgically created opening allowing for drainage of the urine directly
from the renal pelvis
Nephrotomy – surgical procedure in which the kidney is cut
Pyelolithotomy – removal of a stone from the pelvis of the kidney through an incision
Pyeloplasty – repairative surgery on the pelvis of the kidney
Pyelotomy – incision into the pelvis of the kidney
Renal biopsy – removal of a sample o the kidney tissue
Renal transplantation – organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-stage renal
Arteriovenous shunt – a device allowing patients with kidney failure to be connected to
dialysis machines for long term treatment
Dialysis – the process of clinical purification of blood as a substitute for the normal
function of the kidney
Hemodialysis – the use of a machine to clean wastes from the blood
Peritoneal dialysis – cleaning of the blood by using the abdomen as a filter
Intravenous pyelography – a radiological procedure used to visualize abnormalities of the
urinary system
Nephrogram – radiographic examination of the kidney after an intravenous injection of
contrast material
Nephrosonography – imaging procedure of the kidney using sound
Pyleogram – an x-ray of the kidneys and ureters
Ultrasonic laminograms of kidney
Urogram – a radiological procedure used to visualize abnormalities of the urinary system
Urography – radiography of any part of the urinary tract
ADH – antidiuretic hormone
A/G – albumin globulin ratio
Alb - albumin
BUN – blood urea nitrogen
CAPD – continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
cath - catheter
chr – chronic
CRF – chronic renal failure
ERPF – effective renal plasma flow
ESRD – end stage renal disease
fld - fluid
GBM – glomerular basement membrane
GFR – glomerular filtration rate
HDU – hemodialysis unit
IVP – intravenous pyelography
KUB – kidneys, ureters, bladder
LSK – liver, spleen, kidneys
NPN – nonprotein nitrogen
PDU – predialyzed uremics
PSP – paralytic secretory ptoein
PTH – parathyroid hormone
RER – renal excretion rate
RPF – renal plasma flow
RTA – renal tubular acidosis
SUN – standard unit of nomenclature ???
UA – uric acid
UTI – urinary tract infection