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One Side for Evidence of Evolution
Biology Center #2
Developed by: Lauren Flurry
Westlake High School
Next Generation Science Standards:
HS.LS-NSE Natural Selection and Evolution
Students who demonstrate understanding can:
b. Use evidence to explain the process by which natural selection leads to adaptations that result in
populations dominated by organisms that are anatomically, behaviorally, and physiologically able to
survive and/or reproduce in a specific environment. [Assessment Boundary: Evidence should center on
survival advantages of selected traits for different environmental changes such as temperature, climate,
acidity, light.]
c. Analyze and interpret data to explain the process by which organisms with an advantageous heritable
trait tend to increase in numbers in future generations; but organisms that lack an advantageous heritable
trait tend to decrease in numbers in future generations.
e. Use evidence obtained from new technologies to compare similarity in DNA sequences, anatomical
structures, and embryological appearance as evidence to support multiple lines of descent in evolution.
Why is evolution a controversial subject? Why does it stir up emotions in people? How do you feel about
Evolution is simply a process of change in living things over time. When scientists speak of evolution as a
theory they do not mean that it is just an idea. Scientists have uncovered a massive amount of evidence which
supports evolution as an explanation for how life on earth has changed and how life on earth will continue to
change. What evidence do scientists have to support the theory of evolution?
You have just been selected by the National Science Society to conduct studies and present a special
assignment to expose the public to the ideas behind the theory of evolution. You are going to be searching for
the evidence that for the theory of evolution on behalf of supporters of the theory to provide support for their
beliefs. Your job is to organize your findings by creating a Brochure/Pamphlet that you will use to pass out at
the National Conference.
In this activity you will visit various websites and discover the different types of evidence which supporters the
theory of evolution use when defending their ideas and beliefs. Your task during this project is to research the
evidence which supports the theory of evolution. Be sure to investigate anatomical/structural evidence, fossil
evidence, and DNA/genetic evidence. Take accurate notes in your notebook.
Before creating your Brochure/Pamphlet, research must be conducted by the group members. The information
found will be combined to create the final presentation.
Three Student Investigators: Each researcher is responsible for locating examples and two images for their
portion of the project. The investigators should take notes on the Researcher Notesheet and give the completed
sheet to the Layout Artist to insert the information. The Researcher Notesheet must be turned in with the final
project at the end of the activity.
Anatomical/Structural Evidence Investigator (Researcher 1)
 At least two examples of anatomical/structural evidence for evolution. Be sure to provide a quick
explanation each example.
 At least two images of anatomical/structural evidence for evolution from the examples provided in your
Fossil Evidence Investigator (Researcher 2)
 At least two examples of fossil evidence for evolution. Be sure to provide a quick explanation each
 At least two images of fossil evidence for evolution from the examples provided in your evidence.
DNA/Genetic Evidence Investigator (Researcher 3)
 At least two examples of DNA/genetic evidence for evolution. Be sure to provide a quick explanation
each example.
 At least two images of DNA/genetic evidence for evolution from the examples provided in your
Visit the following websites:
Evolving Ideas (First click on Evolving Ideas. Then view Videos 1,3,4, and 6.)
Tetrapod Limbs
Evolution and the Fossil Record
The Anatomical Record
Vestigial Structures
The Molecular Record
Lines of Evidence
Evolution Entrance: Theory & History
Exploring Evolution
Natural Selection
Layout Artist: you will be responsible for creating the tri-fold Brochure/Pamphlet in Microsoft Word. While
you are waiting for the Researchers to bring you their findings:
 Use the pamphlet tri-fold template to create a sketched draft of the brochure. This draft will be turned
in with your final brochure.
 You can experiment with adjusting the Brochure/Pamphlet tri-fold template in Microsoft Word to meet
your group’s needs.
Your Final Brochure/Pamphlet should include:
1. Title with the heading "One Side of Evidence for Evolution" and your name.
2. Introduction information about evolution. Points to Include:
What is evolution?
Which person made significant contributions to the theory of evolution?
What observations did he make to lead him to his theory of evolution?
3. At least two examples of anatomical/structural evidence for evolution. Be sure to provide a quick
explanation each example.
4. At least two images of anatomical/structural evidence for evolution from the examples provided in
your evidence.
5. At least two examples of fossil evidence for evolution. Be sure to provide a quick explanation each
6. At least two images of fossil evidence for evolution from the examples provided in your evidence.
7. At least two examples of DNA/genetic evidence for evolution. Be sure to provide a quick explanation
each example.
8. At least two images of DNA/genetic evidence for evolution from the examples provided in your
9. A conclusion which summarizes the scientific evidence for evolution. Points to include:
o What did you learn?
o What did you find interesting?
1. You and your team mates will collaborate to make the final product. Each of researchers will
contribute the information that you found in the step above.
2. As a team, review final project for accuracy. Be sure all team members are credited for their work. Use
the rubric to ensure that all project criteria addressed and included.
3. The Layout Artist will email an attachment copy of the brochure to lauren.flurry@cpsb.org. In addition,
print ONE copy of the final brochure, attach your draft brochure to the printed copy, the Researcher’s
Notesheets, and turn it into your class bin upon completion.
See Rubric.
Reflective Question or Constructive Response:
Upon completion of this learning center, you should have learned …
 Who contributed to the development of the evolutionary theory.
 About anatomical/structural evidence, fossil evidence, DNA/genetic evidence.
 How living things have changed over time.
Reflection Question: Despite all of the evidence you have found to support the theory, why is evolution a
controversial subject?
Post your response to the reflective question in the discussion board in BlackBoard under your correct hour.
Adapted from resources found at the following website
Based on a template from The WebQuest Page