Write Your Own Latin Curse Tablet

Write Your Own Latin Curse Tablet!- 60 points
I would like you to complete the following assignment, as a way to practice ALL
of what you know about Latin:
1. Write a 5 sentence minimum curse tablet in Latin- it must follow the specific
instructions below; you may add to it if you like!
2. You will: create a person to curse, using a Latin name (you may NOT curse
anyone you know without permission from person and from me), choose a
Roman god to help you curse them, create a situation for which they need to be
cursed, explain what you want done to them, and explain what you will give to
the god once the person is punished.
Here is what all the sentences should be:
Sentence #1: Decide which god you want to ask to curse the person and ask their
Sentence #2: Tell why you want to curse this person- what did they do to you?
Sentence #3-4: Write what kind of curse you want taken out on this person. Use
a minimum of two adverbs, two participles, and one genitive construction
(description, amount/quantity, or possession), which will outline what you want
done to this person
Sentence #5: Write what you will do for the god, if your curse happens (give
gifts, be happy, etc.)
Finally, you will need to decorate your curse (either just on paper or on some
other material) to make it look authentic or creative!
*You will be graded on the accuracy of your grammar, vocabulary, and spelling,
as well as your inclusion of all elements listed above.*
Any inappropriate language will result in a “0” and parental discussion. If you
have to ask, it probably isn’t appropriate…