~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ May 16, 2011, Regular Session of the County Commissioners The Board of Commissioners, in and for Beaverhead County, Montana, met in session on Monday, May 16, 2011 at 9:15 a.m. Present: Chairman Garth Haugland, Commissioner Tom Rice, and Secretary Patti Odasz. Commissioner McGinley was out of state attending a WIR Conference. Minutes: The minutes of the May 2 and 9, 2011 meetings were read and the following motion was made: MOTION: Commissioner Rice moved and Chairman Haugland seconded that the minutes of the May 2 and 9, 2011 meetings be approved. A verbal vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously. Updates on County Projects: Road Supervisor Scott Jones, County Engineer Jim Carpita, Road Secretary Jamie Flynn, and Dillon Tribune Reporter Polly Taylor joined the meeting. The following Road Department Report for May 8 - 14, 2011 was submitted: DILLON AREA Bladed on Nissen Lane. Hand patched on the following roads and lanes: Sweetwater, Carrigan, Ten Mile and the Scenic Byway. Checked culverts on the Blacktail Road. Hearing tests were given at the courthouse for Road Department employees. May 16, 2011 Book “V” 496 Moved equipment. Road checked local area roads. Equipment service and repair. LIMA AREA Plowed snow on Red Rock Pass. Hearing tests were given at the courthouse for Road Department employees. Moved equipment. Road checked Lima and Dell area Roads. Yard maintenance. Equipment service and repair. WISDOM AREA Plowed snow on Gibbonsville and Twin Lakes Roads. Bladed on Bannack Bench Road. Repaired a guardrail on the Upper North Fork Road. Checked a failing culvert on the Upper North Fork Road. Hearing tests were given at the courthouse for Road Department employees. Moved equipment. Road checked Jackson and Wisdom area roads. Equipment service and repair. Scott informed the Commissioners that two graders were hitched together to open the Pioneer Mountain Scenic Byway, which worked very well. The closed signs on the Byway will be removed today. Jamie has called the Wise River Ranger District and the Dillon Ranger District to inform them that the Byway will be open today. Jim informed the Commissioners that on Wednesday a representative from the Federal Highway Administration will be doing a frost heave inspection of the Byway. The Administration is in the process of designing a four million dollar repair project for the Byway. Jim is working with the Administration on a two year draft agreement for crack patching the Byway. Scott reported that on the Polaris Road the crew fixed a large hole by digging it out, compacting the bottom and filling it. Jim did an inspection on an Upper North Fork Road bridge. Jim found that big rocks need to be placed around this bridge for stabilization. Scott was given photos of the bridge. Jim feels that channel work at this bridge is needed. Jim will contact the adjacent landowner regarding this project. He will also submit an emergency application for the rip rapping of this area. Jim will do design work on the channelization, then a 310 permit will be completed and submitted. Scott reported that the County’s portion of Lemhi Pass Road is opened. Historically the County has opened the Forest Service portion of this Road, so the Commissioners gave Scott permission to open it again this year. Scott informed the Commissioners that a loader will be used for this project. Scott asked if there was an emergency fund to fix the pipes and do rip rapping in the Big Hole. He was told that there is not an emergency fund for these items. Scott reported that the new landfill signs will be installed this week. Commissioner Rice has talked to the Harrington’s about posting a sign by their ranch. The Harrington’s approved the posting of the sign by their outdoor arena on the west side of the large juniper. The Hildreth Subdivision Homeowners Association submitted the following letter to the County. 496 May 16, 2011 - Book “V” 497 Scott told the Commissioners that he will check the number of cubic yards that will be needed for the project and that this project would be done sometime this fall. Scott gave the Commissioners Western States Equipment’s estimate for fixing the CAT grader. The estimate to fix the brake is $6,000. The CAT grader is worth $50,000 to $70,000. RDO will also be submitting an estimate. The Commissioners gave Scott permission to have the brake fixed by the entity that submits the lowest estimate. Scott would like to trade in the John Deere grader with the most hours. Jamie will check to see which one has the most hours. Scott informed the Commissioners that due to shoulder surgery Dustin Hirschy will be gone for six weeks. This is not a work related injury. There was a conference call from Nathan Korb of the Nature Conservancy regarding installation of culverts in the Centennial Valley. Jim estimates that it would take approximately 10 loads of gravel. Nathan will make a short list of culverts that the Conservancy would like to see installed. Scott asked if the County could supply an employee and machinery for in-kind services instead of gravel. Nathan stated that that would be fine, that the Conservancy would find another way to have the gravel hauled. Nathan will talk to Red Rock Refuge Manager Bill West about a gravel supply. Nathan asked the Commissioners to commit to $6,000 of in-kind services for FY2012, to which the Commissioners agreed. The Commissioners will write a letter stating the County will commit to $6,000 of in-kind services to the Nature Conservancy for FY2012 At a previous meeting Nathan had asked the Commissioners to commit to $12,000 of in-kind service for 2012, today Nathan asked if the County would commit $6,000 for 2012. The Commissioners explained that they do not know what level of Secured Rural Schools funding the County will be receiving, so the Commissioners would not commit to in-kind services for FY2013. Jim submitted pictures of the 42” culvert at Governor Creek. A rancher is trying to raise the water flow to better irrigation. The culvert is designed to protect the road not to irrigate. The Road Crew will remove this culvert. 497 498 May 16, 2011 Book “V” Commissioner Rice received a call from Mike Probst about the barrow ditch that parallels Chute Canyon that is being used for irrigation, which is washing out the banks. Mike asked if the County could haul in some rock to stabilize the banks. Scott will have Luke Fitch do an inspection of the area. The City of Dillon is supposed to mark where the waterlines are for at the Dillon County Shop, but has not done so. Chairman Haugland told Scott the crew did a good job of patching Sweetwater Road. Jim reported that the Governor signed HB 351 without vetoing any of Beaverhead County’s TSEP projects. Jim submitted a copy of the award letter. These TSEP monies will be used for replacing the Steel Creek Bridge, the Bannack Bench Road Bridge, and the bridge over the West Side Canal on Anderson Lane. The County can now start incurring costs for these projects. Jim will talk with the engineers from Great West Engineering about these projects. 498 May 16, 2011 Action on Transfer of Ray Lynch Park to the City of Dillon: Book “V” 499 County GIS Coordinator Scott Marsh, County Attorney Jed Fitch, and Deputy County Attorney Evan Moppert joined the meeting. Jed distributed copies of a draft deed for transferring the Ray Lynch Park to the City of Dillon. This is a complicated deed because of all the past surveys and conveyances of the property over the last several decades. The deed was reviewed and changes were suggested. Commissioner Rice will talk with the City of Dillon regarding the water rights. Jed will get more information on the water rights he will then meet with the Commissioners at a later time to regarding this deed. Recommendation of Award on the Dillon Airport Project: The Commissioners reviewed the following Peccia and Associates Bid Tabulations for the Dillon Airport Project: The following motion was made: MOTION: Commissioner Rice moved and Chairman Haugland seconded that the County recommend to the FAA that IState Truck of Missoula, Montana be awarded the snow removal equipment bid for $137,871.00 and that Diamond Construction of Helena, Montana be award the combination of Base Bid (44’ x 56’ building with 10’ wide concrete “apron”) + Additive Alternate #1 (bituminous asphalt pavement connection to Taxiway D) for a total of $161,100.00. A verbal vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously. Old Business: No old business was brought up for discussion. 499 May 16, 2011 Lunch Recess: Book “V” 500 Chairman Haugland recessed the meeting at 11:40 a.m. for the lunch break and at 1:30 p.m. he reconvened the meeting with Commissioner Rice present. Other Topics of Discussion: The Commissioners opened their mail and email and responded accordingly. Payment of Invoices: The Commissioners reviewed and approved the May 8 - 14, 2011 invoices for a total of $57,743.44, beginning with check #179884 and ending with check #179928. The Invoice Payment Schedule is located in the Financial Administrator’s Office. Public Comment on Subjects Under County Jurisdiction: No public comments were received. Adjourn There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. 500