Solved Questions Improvement in Food Resources

Improvement in Food Resources Solved Questions
Q1 Name the following:
1. Pigeon pea is a good source of................(protein)
2. Berseem is an important..................... (fodder)
3. ..................are rich in vitamins.(vegetable/fruits)
4. _________ Crops are grown in winters. (rabi)
Q2 List some important traits in improved crops.
Ans. Some of the important traits in improved crops are:
1. high yield
2. improved quality
3. high resistance
4. wider adaptability
5. desirable agronomic traits
Q3 Why is excess use of fertilizers detrimental for environment?
Ans.Excess use of fertilizers has many bad effects like:
1. salination of soil
2. eutrophication 3. excess minerals in crop plants
Q4 Give one word:
1. growing of wheat and groundnut in the same field .(mixed cropping)
2. xanthium and parthenium are called.(weeds)
3. causal organism of any disease is called.(pathogen)
4. Farming without the use of chemicals. (organic farming)
5. planting of soyabean and maize in alternate rows in the same field .(intercropping)
Q5 Define hybridization.
Ans. Crossing of two individuals with different useful traits in order to bring them
together in a
progeny.The new organism thus obtained is called a hybrid and has better characters
as compared to
either of the parents.
Q6 What is vermicompost?
Ans. It is a manure rich in pulverized organic matter and worm castings.It is prepared
using earthworms. It is a quicker method of composting. Earth worms are seperarted and
the Compost is ready for use.
Q7 Explain the term bio fertilizers.
Ans. Living organisms like nitrogen fixing bacteria, blue green algae and minerals
solubilising bacteria are called bio fertilizers. Eg. Blue green bacteria,( nostoc, anabaena
Q8 Name two varieties of Indian fish
Ans. Fresh water : catla, rohu
Marine fish : hilsa , sardine
Q9 Name two indigenous and two exotic breeds of poultry.
Ans. Indigenous : aseel, basra
: rhode Island Red, white leghom
Q10 What are advantages of composite fish culture?
Ans.Composite fish culture is the practice of growing 5 to 6 species of fish in the
same Fish tank. It
includes the use of surface feeders, middle zone feeder and bottom Feeder.
It has the following advantages:
1. no competition for food or space.
2. proper utilization of food
3. fish yield is high.
Q11 Name two exotic breeds of cows
1. holstein- friesian
2. brown swiss
Q12 Define broiler
Ans. Chickens which are about 7-8 weeks of age and are raised for meat.
Q13 What is roughage?
Ans. It’s a course and fibrous substance which has low nutrient content .e.g.
fodder,hay and straw
Q14 Name some symptoms of sick animals:
Ans,If an animal is sick, it shows following symptoms:
1. inactive
2. look tired
3. remain isolated
4. low yield
Q15 Define animal husbandry.
Ans Branch of agriculture which deals with the feeding, shelter, health and breeding
animals is called animal husbandry.
Q16. Define Mixed cropping
Ans. The technique of growing two or more different crops together in same field
is Called mixed
cropping. Eg. Ragi and gram, maize and urad bean etc.
Q17. Define intercropping.
Ans. Growing two or more crops simultaneously in different strips in a same field
in definite row
pattern is called intercropping. Eg. Soyabean,maize, cow pea.
Q18. Define crop rotation
Ans. Growing different crops on the same piece of land in a pre planned succession Is
called crop
rotation. Eg rice- wheat.
Q19. What is biological pest control?
Ans. In this method, some birds, insects etc are deliberately put in the affected field. They
destoy the
pests in the field.
Q20. What are weeds and why are they unwanted?
Ans. The plants which grow along with the cultivated crop are called weeds. They
are Unwanted as they compete with the main crop for nutrient, space, sunlight etc.
Q21. What are layers?
Ans. Hens raised for egg production are called layers. They start laying eggs at the age
of 20 weeks.
Q22. What is mariculture?
Ans. Culture of marine fin fish,shell fish and sea weeds is called
mariculture. Mariculture is growing rapidly as the demand for fish is increasing while
the Stock is declining due to excessive exploitation from sea.
Q23. Why are Italian bee varieties preferred?
Ans: They are preferred as:
a)They are gentle in nature.
b) They have good honey collection capacity. c) They have less swarming activity.
Q24. What are concentrates?
Ans. The concentrates are rich in nutrients with very little fibrous or cellulose
matter. They are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. Eg oil
cakes, grains etc.
Q25. What is culture fishery?
Ans. It is cultivating , rearing and harvesting of fish. It is also called fish farming. Or
pisciculture. The growing of various types of aquatic organisms in water bodies is called