School Supplies S.S. Peter & Paul School 2015-16 Each family should provide: ____2 boxes of Kleenex ____2 containers of disinfecting wipes ____1 pack dry erase markers (4 count) Each child will need a pair of tennis shoes if they are not worn to school. Be prepared to replenish supplies during the school year. You may wish to purchase extra supplies during the backto-school sales. PRESCHOOL – individual supply lists will be sent to families in the beginning of August KINDERGARTEN ___2 pocket folders ___1 large, old shirt for art ___1 mat or blanket for rest ___1 box of crayons (16 or less) ___1 composite notebook (9X7 sewn pages) ___1 box washable markers (8 only) ___ 1 small school box ___1 backpack ___1 pack of small paper plates Community property to be shared amongst the class (do not label with name): ___2 bottles Elmer’s school glue ___4 glue sticks ___10- #2 plain yellow wooden pencils GRADE 1 ___4 pocket folders -2 pockets in each ___1 shirt for art ___200 blank 3X5 index cards ___1 small pencil box ___1 bottle white Elmer’s glue (no glue gel) ___2 large erasers ___1 Fiskars scissor ___1 box colored pencils *continued next column ___20 -#2 plain yellow pencils ___4 large glue sticks ___1 highlighter ___1 black sharpie ___ 1 box gallon size storage bags *crayons or markers do not need to be purchased GRADE 2 ___2 pocket folders -2 pockets in each ___1 -12” ruler, standard/metric ___1 shirt for art ___200 blank 3X5 index cards ___1 wide-lined spiral notebook ___1 small pencil box ___1 bottle white Elmer’s school glue ___1 large eraser ___1 Fiskars scissor ___10 - #2 plain yellow pencils ___5 large glue sticks ___1 highlighter ___1 black sharpie ___ 1 box quart size storage bags *crayons or markers do not need to be purchased GRADES 3 & 4 *No trapper keepers ___5 pocket folders, each a different color ___1 -12” ruler, standard/metric ___1 highlighter ___1 small pencil box ___1 pack colored pencils ___1 box of crayons, 24 count ___1 pack washable markers ___2 glue sticks ___1 bottle of Elmer’s glue ___1 large eraser ___1 pair of scissors ___20 - #2 plain yellow pencils ___1 jar of rubber cement ___1 tri-fold display board *continued back page ___Grade 3 – 1 pack of multiplication cards ___Grade 3 - 2 rolls of paper towel ___Grade 4 - 1 box of sandwich size storage bags GRADES 5, 6, 7 & 8 **No trapper keepers ___zip pouch for binder ___5 3-hole folders, each a different color ___1- 12” ruler, standard/metric ___1 protractor ___1 scissors ___1 bottle of Elmer’s glue ___2 glue sticks ___2 red checking pens ___3 black or blue pens ___20 -#2 plain yellow pencils ___1 eraser ___1 pack colored pencils ___1 box crayons or markers ___1 scientific calculator –Texas Instruments only ___1 computer jump drive (unless you already have one at school) ___deodorant ___1 ream of copy paper ___1 multi-subject notebook, wide-ruled, for math only (5-Star is a good brand) ___Grade 5 – 1 package of napkins ___Grade 6 – 1 box of plastic forks ___Grade 7 - 1 box of plastic spoons ___Grade 8 – 1 package of disposable bowls