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The Dermatology Center / Rockledge MedSpa
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Updated on 4/22/13
Home Page
“Seven years after the birth of my child, I can wear a bikini again.”
Learn more about CoolSculpting>>
“The person I feel like on the inside is now how I look on the outside.”
Learn more about Fraxel>>
“I came in to change my look. I didn’t know it could change my life.”
Learn how Exilis can make a difference>>
Rediscover your beauty
Meet the New You
At the Dermatology Center, we believe in complete care of the patient, which is why we come together to offer you an
integrated practice that takes care of every aspect of your skin. Our team of board-certified dermatologists, a Mohs skin
cancer surgeon, a dermatopathologist, a board-certified plastic surgeon, and clinical estheticians are here to help you
achieve the best skin health possible. We have three convenient locations in the metro area. Let us offer you our
expertise and breadth of services to help you meet your medical and cosmetic dermatology needs.
Renew Yourself
Reveal the Real You
Confidence is Beautiful
Look and Feel Better than Ever
Prevention is Good Medicine
Well-being is just one visit away
The clinical path to beautiful skin
Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin
Portal 1
Medical Dermatology Services
The Dermatology Center offers complete care of the skin. We recommend that all patients come in for at least an annual
skin exam. We offer medical dermatology services for all ages and skin types, for all skin, hair and nail conditions, to
Acne treatments
Contact allergen patch testing
Mohs Skin Cancer Surgery
Removal of moles, warts and age spots
Skin cancer
As a full service practice, we combine our collective knowledge and experience to address our patients’ skin problems.
(Click here for downloadable brochure)
Skin is a very large organ, made up of many layers, and responsible for guarding underlying muscles and organs. Skin
measures about 1 mm thick when we’re born, and it grows to about 2 mm thick by adulthood. As we age, skin gradually
thins and becomes much more sensitive to sun damage.
Skin has several roles:
1. Protective: Our skin’s main job is insulating and protecting our body against invasion by bacteria and other foreign
substances, guarding against dehydration and ultra-violet light.
2. Sensory: Our skin senses 5 different kinds of stimulation – touch, pressure, heat, cold, and pain.
3. Regulatory: Our skin helps control body temperature by fine-tuning heat insulation – like a thermostat.
4. Purification: Our skin purifies our system by eliminating waste fluid. And, it stores water, fat, and helps make
vitamin D.
Skin has an amazing resilience to injury, resuming its previous shape after withstanding considerable trauma, without
permanent damage.
However, from time-to-time or perhaps on a consistent basis, we have skin issues, and we need help from the experts.
Contact Us for an appointment or for more information. We look forward to meeting with you soon and giving you the best
of care in managing your skin problems.
• Acne Treatments
Do you treat acne?
Yes, this is one of the most common skin issues we deal with. We treat acne both medically and aesthetically. A
consultation with one of our dermatologists is the first step to determine the best course of action. Acne is not only for
teenagers, but can affect any age group.
What is acne?
Acne occurs when pores on your face, neck, chest, back or upper arms get plugged. This typically results in comedones
(blackheads and whiteheads). The continuous production of oil by the plugged pore can also result in bacterial overgrowth
and inflammation which results in painful acne (pustules or inflammatory cysts).
What acne treatments do you have?
After an initial consultation with a dermatologist, the doctor will discuss the best possible treatments which can include
oral prescriptions, injections, topical ointments (both prescription and non-prescription) and/or acne surgery/extractions or
peels with our clinical estheticians.
What is acne surgery?
Acne surgery is a treatment performed by an esthetician in our office working under the supervision of a doctor. The
purpose is to professionally cleanse the skin, extract blackheads and whiteheads and clean clogged pores. Acne surgery
helps to reduce current acne outbreaks. Patients receiving acne surgery treatments must continue to have periodic visits
with the dermatologist for acne management. Acne surgeries are often covered by insurance.
What acne products do you carry?
We carry medical grade cleansers, toners, moisturizers, lotions, and sunscreens which can help with your acne treatment.
Your physician will recommend a treatment regimen that is tailored to your skin. Our products are in-stock and available
for purchase the same day.
How do I know when I need a dermatologist?
Although almost 100% of children between 12 and 17 get some form of acne, you should seek a doctor’s care if you feel
any of the below statement fits your situation*:
My acne makes me shy.
I am embarrassed by my acne.
My outlook on life is less optimistic since I developed acne.
None of the over-the-counter products and/or remedies I’ve tried has worked.
I am beginning to see scars after acne lesions clear.
I have painful, pus-filled lesions in addition to blackheads and whiteheads and reddened spots on my skin.
I have dark skin, and a patch that is darker than my skin appears when an acne lesion clears.
*Source: American Academy of Dermatologists
Can my acne be cured/cleared up?
With new technologies and new products, almost every case of acne can be resolved. In addition, you can work with your
dermatologist or esthetician to develop/create a regime to prevent further outbreaks.
Is acne caused by poor hygiene or diet?
Acne is usually a normal part of adolescence and most teenagers will get some form of acne, but poor hygiene and diet
are not direct causes of acne. In most cases, if you vigorously scrub your skin to eliminate excess oils, dead skin etc, you
can further irritate your skin. Numerous studies show there is no direct link between diet and acne, however eating a
balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is always recommended.
If you have adult acne, it is best to consult a dermatologist to determine the cause and the best treatment options.
Is acne treatment just for cosmetic reasons?
No. Although the acne itself poses no threat to a person’s physical health, acne can cause permanent scarring. The
appearance of the acne and acne scarring can affect the way a person feels about themselves. With significant medical
and non-medical advancements, most acne can be cleared up, so it makes sense to explore all options available.
How do you treat acne scars?
We offer several treatment options to reduce the appearance of acne scars. Amongst these options for skin resurfacing
are the Fraxel Laser, Micropen, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion.
* Source: American Academy of Dermatology
• Dermatopathology Services
What is Dermatopathology?
Dermatopathology is a subspecialty of dermatology that studies skin disease at a microscopic level. It encompasses both
the diagnosis of individual patients through the examination of skin biopsies, and the study of the causes, or pathogenesis
of skin diseases at the cellular level. Dermatopathologists work in close association with dermatologists. In fact, many
doctors train in both specialties.
Who is a Dermatopathologist?
Dermatopathologists are physicians who after completing their training in either dermatology or pathology pursued
additional training in accredited programs for the interpretation of skin biopsies. These physicians integrate the clinical
information with microscopic observations of the biopsy from the patient to provide diagnostic information to the treating
Why is Dermatopathology an important service to have in a practice?
Dermatopathology is a consultative service to the referring dermatologist and not simply a laboratory test. The accurate
microscopic interpretation of the biopsy is important in the selection of appropriate therapies. All cases are examined by a
Board-Certified dermatopathologist.
One of the greatest challenges of dermatopathology is the high number of different skin diseases. There are an estimated
1500 different rashes and skin tumors, including variants. Therefore, dermatology and dermatopathology are among the
most complex specialties of Medicine.
[ GRAPHIC: Microscopic Views of Pathology ]
• Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Skin Cancer
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the history of Mohs Micrographic Surgery?
Mohs Micrographic Surgery is named in honor of Dr. Frederick E. Mohs, the physician who developed the technique in the
1930s. Developed for the removal of difficult and recurrent skin cancers, the surgical procedure has been refined and
perfected for over half a century.
What is Mohs Micrographic Surgery?
Mohs Micrographic Surgery is state-of-the-art treatment for skin cancer in which specially trained dermatologists serve as
surgeon, pathologist and reconstructive surgeon. For decades, the procedure has proven effective in getting to the roots
of skin cancer by combining the surgical removal of cancer with the immediate microscopic examination of the tumor and
underlying diseased tissue. The process enables Mohs surgeons to see beyond the visible disease and to precisely
identify and remove the entire tumor, while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible.
For more information, please refer to A Patient’s Guide to Mohs Micrographic Surgery.
When is Mohs Surgery the Treatment of Choice?
Although skin tumors are often visible to the naked eye, individual cancer cells are microscopic. Many “invisible” cells may
form roots or “fingers” of diseased tissue that can extend beyond the boundaries of the visible cancer. If these cancer cells
are not completely removed, they can lead to re-growth and recurrence of the tumor. The tumor may spread beyond its
obvious external margin, with “nests” of cells growing in unpredictable areas.
The types of cancers most likely to form these complicated root systems are the following:
Cancers located in cosmetically sensitive or functionally critical areas around the eyes, ears, nose, lips or scalp,
Previously treated cancers,
Cancers that grow rapidly and/or uncontrollably
Cancers that do not have clearly defined edges
Large cancers
Cancers containing scar tissue
Common treatment methods are often not successful for the cancers mentioned above because they rely on the human
eye to determine the extent of the cancer. Common treatment methods can remove too little cancer, which can cause it to
recur and require additional surgery, or too much healthy tissue, which can cause unnecessary scarring. Of all treatments
for skin cancer, Mohs Micrographic Surgery offers the highest cure rate, up to 99% based on data for treating basal and
squamous cell carcinomas.
Who are Mohs Micrographic surgeons?
The highly trained surgeons that perform Mohs Micrographic Surgery are specialists both in dermatology and pathology.
With their extensive knowledge of the skin and unique pathological skills, they are able to remove only diseased tissue,
preserving healthy tissue and minimizing the cosmetic impact of the surgery.
To regulate the quality of training in the United States, The American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS) oversees one or
two-year fellowship programs at ACMS approved training facilities. The training includes participation in at least 500 Mohs
Micrographic Surgery cases under the supervision of an experienced ACMS approved Mohs surgeon. Our Mohs
physician is a fellowship-trained member of the “Mohs College”, which ensures the highest level of expertise. Please visit if you have any additional questions.
• Psoriasis Treatment
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes itchy or sore patches of thick, red skin with silvery scales. The patches usually
develop on the elbows, knees, scalp, back, face, palms or feet, but can show up on other parts of the body.
Who gets Psoriasis?
It occurs mostly in adults but anyone can get psoriasis. The most common age range is from 15-35. There are certain
genes that have been linked to the disease and it can be more common if there is a history of psoriasis in your family.
One out of three people who develop Psoriasis has at least one family member who suffers as well.
What causes it?
Psoriasis is the result of an overactive immune system. In a process called cell turnover, skin cells that grow deep in the
skin rise to the surface. Normally this process takes about a month; however, in people with psoriasis, it happens in just
days because the cells rise too fast.
How is Psoriasis treated?
There are several methods used to treat Psoriasis including laser or photo therapy which can be used in combination with
systemic therapy (prescription oral or injected drugs) as well as prescription topical creams. One the most common and
effective treatments utilizes the XTRAC laser which can be used alone or in combination with medication and other
Can I be cured? How long does it take to treat?
There is no cure, but treatments can help with the symptoms. Each case is unique, however when using the XTRAC
laser, the patient benefits from 2-3 treatments weekly for a period of 4-6 weeks. XTRAC can also be used to treat Vitiligo,
however the length of treatment is typically much longer. Length of treatment for other therapies varies.
Do you have any doctors that have specific experience with Psoriasis?
Drs Lee and Yu have extensive experience in treating psoriasis. Click HERE for their Biographies.
Do you have the most up-to-date equipment to treat Psoriasis?
We have acquired the latest XTRAC Excimer Laser which is highly effective and suited for those tough to treat areas such
as elbows, knees and hands, also areas stubborn to other therapies. Many physicians in the area refer their patients to us
due to our extensive experience and advanced technology.
What should I do if I think I have Psoriasis?
Call our office at 301-530-8300 to schedule an appointment or email us at
• Skin Cancer Treatment
Frequently Asked Questions:
You should schedule an appointment to have a thorough skin examination for skin cancer every year. If you have any of
the following, you should schedule an appointment soon if you have not had a skin exam recently:
New or changed growth,
Family history of skin cancer,
Personal history of skin cancer,
History of blistering sunburns,
History of exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun, tanning beds or sun lamps,
Numerous moles,
Large, asymmetrical, or unusual-looking moles,
Fair skin,
The tendency to burn and freckle rather than tan, or
Immunosuppressive medications.
What is skin cancer?
Skin cancer develops when damaged cells begin to grow and divide uncontrollably. As the damaged cells multiply, they
form a tumor.
What are the types of skin cancer?
There are three main types of skin cancer. These cancers begin in a different type of cell within the skin and each cancer
is named for the type of cell in which it begins. The three main types of skin cancer are:
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC). BCC is the most common cancer in humans. BCCs usually appear in sun-exposed
areas. These tumors tend to grow slowly and can take years to reach an inch in size. While these tumors very rarely
metastasize (cancer spreading to other parts of the body), early diagnosis and treatment is important in order to
prevent extensive damage to surrounding tissue.
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). While most commonly found on sun-exposed areas of the body, SCC can
develop anywhere, including the inside of the mouth and the genitalia. SCC requires early treatment in order to
prevent metastasis (cancer spreading to other parts of the body).
Melanoma. This form of skin cancer can be life-threatening because it can rapidly spread to the lymph system and
internal organs. In the United States alone, approximately one person dies from melanoma every hour. With early
detection and proper treatment, however, the cure rate for melanoma is about 95%.
What is recommended for skin examinations?
A yearly skin exam by a dermatologist along with self-examination of your skin once a month is the best way to detect the
early warning signs of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma, the three main types of skin
What are the signs of skin cancer?
Skin cancer may arise in a number of ways. People of all races and skin types get skin cancer. If you notice any of the
following signs or symptoms, consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Any skin lesion that grows larger and turns pearly, translucent, brown, black, or multi-colored;
An open sore or wound that does not heal, persists for more than four weeks, or heals and later reopens; or,
Any skin spot growth that continues to itch, hurt, crust over, form a scab, erode, or bleed for several weeks.
What are the signs of melanoma? (The American Cancer Society’s ABCD rule):
Asymmetry: One half of the mole does not match the other half.
Border Irregularity: The edges are tagged, notched, or blurred.
Color: The pigmentation is not uniform. Shades of tan, brown, and black are present. Dashes of red, white, and blue
add to the mottled appearance. Changes in color distribution, especially the spread of color from the edge of a mole
into the surrounding skin, also are an early sign of melanoma.
Diameter: The mole or skin growth is larger than 6 mm, or about the size of a pencil eraser. Any growth of a mole
should be of concern.
Elevation/Enlarging: A mole suddenly grows in size or rapidly becomes elevated.
What are skin cancer treatments?
There are several effective methods for treating skin cancer. The method chosen will depend upon factors such as
location, size and prior therapy. Methods include surgical removal with suturing, curettage and electrodessication,
radiotherapy, cryosurgery, topical chemotherapy and Mohs Micrographic Surgery.
Portal 2
Cosmetic Dermatology & Plastic Surgery Procedures
::Our practice offers everything for cosmetic rejuvenation for the face and body. We have treatments that range from nodowntime treatments to more involved plastic surgery. Our plastic surgery practice also focuses on minimizing the
downtime for treatments, and our goal within every cosmetic service that we provide is for you to look as natural and the
most like you as possible. We ensure that patients are comfortable, and we discuss treatment plans and options
extensively, to make sure that what we are offering is the best plan for you. ::
Portal 2:1a
Cosmetic Dermatology Services
Welcome to The Dermatology Center and Rockledge MedSpa!
Our Center brings together dermatologists, a plastic surgeon, estheticians and a medical spa all within one practice. At
the Dermatology Center, we offer full-service medical and cosmetic dermatology services. Our Cosmetic and MedSpa
services are available at all three of our locations, and we call this part of our practice the Rockledge MedSpa.
Our full-service Dermatology center offers our clients a wide array of available aesthetic, rejuvenation, and medical
treatment options. We have a cooperative teamwork approach, further enabling us to customize a treatment plan for each
A main focus of ours is minimal to no-downtime procedures. This has been made possible by advances in technology,
resulting in much gentler procedures that are very effective in reversing the signs of aging.
Our philosophy is to help people look their personal best
First and foremost, we are concerned about the health of your skin. After we determine that your skin is healthy, we want
to help you to look your personal best. We want our clients to look better in a subtle, natural way. This is evidenced when
our patients get compliments about how good they look, without anyone realizing that any treatment was done. As a
result, you feel more confident about your appearance.
We use lasers, fillers, injectables, chemical peels, radio frequency, anti-aging skincare products, and other technologies to
help people look better. Over time, many new lasers have come on the market. We are highly selective about bringing in
new devices and products until there is convincing evidence that they offer real benefits.
Again, welcome to our Dermatology center. Please review the information we have here and contact us for a consultation
appointment. Or join us for an event to meet our team and learn more about all of the aesthetic options we have available.
To schedule an appointment, please call us at 301-968-1200.
Cosmetic Services:
Acne Treatments
Chemical Peels for smoother , more even skin
Botox® and Dysport Injections for Anti-aging and wrinkles
Dermal Fillers for wrinkles: Restalyne, Juvéderm, Radiesse, and more
Fraxel Laser Treatment for Skin Rejuvenation
Exilis for skin tightening and fat reduction
Latisse® for Eyelashes
Facial & Leg Vein Treatments with Diolite® & V-Beam®
Sclerotherapy Spider Vein Treatment
IPL Photo Facial / Photo Rejuvenation
Liposuction / Fat Transfer
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Tattoo Removal
Gentle Waves® Skin Rejuvenation
Hand Rejuvenation
Photodynamic Therapy
Removal of Moles
• Botox® and Dysport™: Anti-Aging / Wrinkles
Frequently Asked Questions About Botox and Dysport:
What is Botox? What is Dysport?
Botox and Dysport are the latest advancements in botulinum toxin therapy. It is used to safely, simply and effectively
improve the appearance of frown lines, forehead creases and “crow’s feet”. By relaxing the underlying muscles, Botox and
Dysport reduce wrinkles. Both are a remarkable treatment for wrinkles resulting from repeated use of facial muscles.
How do they work?
Both prevent wrinkles from appearing by relaxing the underlying muscles so that they don’t contract. Botox and Dysport
block impulses from the nerve to the tiny facial muscles that are related to expression lines. After treatment, the overlying
skin remains smooth and unwrinkled, while the untreated facial muscles contract in a normal fashion, allowing your
normal facial expression to be unaffected.
Are there any side effects? What is the downtime associated with the procedure?
After an injection, there may be some redness and swelling at the injection sites. There is no “downtime”.
How much does it cost? How do I decide which one is right for me?
All pricing is determined by an individual consultation between the physician and the patient. Many elements affect the
final pricing including, the number of sites injected, package pricing and if Botox or Dysport is selected. To request a
complimentary consultation, call 301-968-1200 or email our Cosmetic Coordinators at, or tara.elton@dermskincom .
• Reduce Fat with Coolsculpting
Are you ready for a cool body?
1. I exercise.
2. I watch what I eat.
3. I want a treatment that’s non-surgical.
4. I’m scared of needles.
5. I don’t want any downtime.
6. I want my clothes to fit better.
7. I want to look better in a swimsuit.
8. I want the results to last.
9. I want my body back.
If you agree with 4 or more statements, check out CoolSculpting®
Frequently Asked Questions About Coolsculpting:
What is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting® is the safe, effective and non-invasive way to reduce fat in common trouble areas that tend to be diet and exercise-resistant. It is essentially non-invasive liposuction. CoolSculpting freezes fat cells, without damage to your
skin. This treatment is for patients who wish to reduce stubborn areas of fat without surgery. CoolSculpting was developed
by Harvard scientists to create a non-surgical, no-downtime option for fat reduction.
What is the treatment process?
You will either sit or lie down during your procedure. An applicator will be applied to the area for treatment. Vacuum
pressure will draw tissue into the applicator cup. Cooling panels will begin to cool the area, which will typically become
numb after 5-10 minutes. CoolSculpting takes about one hour per treated area and most patients are able to rest, check
email or read while undergoing treatment.
After treatment the applicator is then removed and the area massaged for a few minutes.
What results can I expect from Zeltiq?
You will see at least a 20% reduction in the area treated. As part of the treatment process before and after measurements
are taken to confirm results. You will find a reduction in size, and your clothes will fit better. You will have a firmer, tighter
appearance. Typically, you’ll see a noticeable reduction of fat in the treated area anywhere from two weeks to two
months. The fat cells are naturally eliminated from your body over a period of time following the treatment. There are no
pills or supplements and as long as you maintain your weight with normal diet and exercise, your long-term results should
remain stable.
Do I have to restrict my activities?
Most patients can resume regular activity immediately after treatment.
Is it possible to have an area treated that was previously treated by another modality?
Patients who have previously had liposuction or any other fat reducing technology can also have CoolSculpting. In fact,
this is a great complement to liposuction to further sculpt and tone the body.
How many treatments will I need?
Most patients need 1-2 treatments per area for optimal results. These areas include the upper and lower abdomen, the
obliques, the flanks (“love handles”), the upper back, and the thighs. To treat the abdomen area most patients need about
8-10 treatments in total for the full transformation effect. Up to four areas can be done in the same day. Most patients
need between 2-3 visits to our office to complete their treatments.
Results look natural and can be seen as early as three weeks following treatment, with the most dramatic results after two
Does it hurt?
There is initial pressure and cooling, however the area will numb after a few minutes and you can lie comfortably and
check email, read a book, watch movies, or nap.
Vacuum pressure draws tissue into the applicator cup, causing sensations of intense pulling, tugging, or pinching. These
sensations will be followed by an initial sensation of intense cold. As cold is applied and the area becomes numb (typically
in 5-10 minutes), one may experience sensations of tingling or stinging. These sensations typically subside after a few
Why Do CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is a way to reclaim your figure by reducing fat in common trouble spots like the love handles (“muffin top”)
that seem impossible to get rid of with diet and exercise alone. CoolSculpting results in an undeniable reduction of fat in
the treated areas. This means that your jeans fit better. You can feel confident on the beach or by the pool. And there’s no
need to add any more notches on the belt.
Get started today! Call our office and schedule a consultation. 301-968-1200
• Dermal Fillers: Restalyne, Perlane, Juvéderm, Radiesse, Sculptra,
and Belotero
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are Dermal Fillers?
The skin’s natural aging process in combination with sun damage and other factors manifest as changes in facial
contours. Our skin loses some of its elasticity and begins to sag. Dermal fillers reverse this sagging by “plumping up” and
adding volume to the treated areas.
Among the most effectively treated areas are the nasolabial folds (those smiles lines or “parentheses” that run from the
bottom of your nose to the corners of your mouth), around the mouth/lips, and under the eyes.
Do your physicians have plenty of experience with Dermal Fillers?
Our clinicians are experts in treating patients with fillers. They are trained in advanced techniques of filler use, and are
experts at both the art and science of achieving the best esthetic results.
How do you select a Dermal Filler?
Dozens of filling agents, called Dermal Fillers, are currently available. We have incorporated the ones we feel most
confident about into our cosmetic practice. Your physician will evaluate your needs, and the two of you will discuss the
options to determine which filler is best suited to address a particular skin imperfection.
Fillers are sometimes categorized by duration – temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent. We have tested everything
that we carry, and feel confident in providing you the best and safest quality in all things we offer. At The Dermatology
Center, we are not early adopters of new treatments that come on the market; instead for your safety, we prefer to wait
until they have been proven.
What Dermal Fillers do you offer today?
Restylane®, Perlane®, and Juvéderm®
[ Graphic/Link: Click Here to try the Juvéderm® Treatment Visualizer]
Restylane, Perlane, and Juvéderm are gels that are injected into the skin in order to add volume to lift up wrinkles and
folds. They consist of hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance already present in your body. Once in the skin,
Restylane, Perlane and Juvéderm work by creating volume.
During treatment, the gel is injected into the skin in tiny amounts with a very fine needle. The gel produces volume under
the wrinkle, which is lifted up and smoothed out. When enhancing lips or facial contours, Restylane, Perlane, and
Juvéderm add volume and shape to the treated area.
Within both the Restylane and Juvéderm lines, there are two different options available (Perlane and Juvéderm Plus). The
distinguishing characteristics are differences in particle size, which provide for variations in product consistencies. Thicker
consistencies are used for deeper wrinkles and folds, and thinner consistencies are used for finer ones.
Radiesse is a Dermal Filler for the correction of facial lines and wrinkles and for adding volume to areas such as sunkenin cheeks. Radiesse is made of unique calcium-based microspheres suspended in a natural gel that is injected into the
skin through a minimally invasive procedure.
Radiesse works below the skin’s surface. Tiny calcium-based microspheres form a “scaffold” to support and stimulate the
growth of your own collagen to create a natural, full, youthful look. Radiesse does more than just temporarily fill in facial
lines and wrinkles – it rebuilds your skin’s foundation, without the risks associated with permanent fillers. When injected
intraorally, Radiesse eliminates the possibility of bruising and swelling, and so therefore has no downtime associated with
the treatment.
Sculptra is a synthetic injectable material known as “poly-L-lactic acid.” Poly-L-lactic acid has been widely used for many
years in dissolvable stitches, and soft tissue implants. Its composition is especially well suited to increasing volume where
Sculptra is injected below the surface of the skin. Treatments provide a gradual increase in skin volume.
Is there any down time associated with dermal fillers?
Immediately after the treatment, you can expect slight redness, swelling, possible bruising, tenderness or an itching
sensation in the treated area. This is a normal result of the injection. The discomfort is temporary and generally
disappears in a few days. After a lip treatment, the lips may become swollen. This can persist for a few days. If the
discomfort continues, please contact your physician. There is no limitation on activity following treatment, however we
recommend avoiding upside positions (such as in yoga), or any facial rubbing (such as facials) immediately after. Due to
the potential of swelling and bruising, it is recommended to schedule filler injections at least one week prior to any special
• Microdermabrasion (DermaPeel)
::Microdermabrasion is a safe and non-invasive technique for mild resurfacing of the skin on the face and body. It
requires no downtime, and polishes the skin using a diamond chip wand that gently removes the outer layer of the
skin. This helps to stimulate collagen and new skin cell growth. It is helpful in treating acne prone skin,
hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, and sun damaged skin. It is effective for all skin types. Multiple
treatments are suggested to achieve optimum results. We offer packages of microdermabrasion so that you can
take advantage of special pricing.::
• Exilis
is an innovative new treatment for skin tightening and fat reduction. This FDAapproved treatment is a fantastic alternative to liposuction and plastic surgery to achieve
smoother, tighter skin, or contouring in certain areas.
The Exilis treatment is the latest technology in skin tightening and fat reduction, using
Radio Frequency energy to safely and effectively target problem areas. Collagen
production is stimulated and as the area cools it results in the tightening of the skin. There
is minimal discomfort and no downtime. Patients equate the heat felt during an Exilis
treatment to the heat similar to a hot stone massage.
Popular areas to treat with Exilis are:
- Eyes
- Neck
- Jowls
- Abdomen
- Upper Arms
- Thighs
- Love Handles
We recommend 2-3 Exilis treatments per area. Each session can take 1-2 hours,
depending on the size of the area to be treated. Our patient care coordinators will put
together a package for you depending on how many treatments you need, and the areas
you wish to have treated. Prices for Exilis start at $500 per treatment for the neck or eye
area. Larger areas are $800-$1600. Call us today to set up a personalized consultation and
get started with Exilis.
• Fraxel® Laser Treatment for Skin Rejuvenation
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Fraxel® Laser resurfacing?
The Fraxel® family of products, which include the Fraxel re:store® and the Fraxel re:pair®, have quickly become the
industry standard for aesthetic skin rejuvenation.
Never before has there been such an effective, non-surgical, non-invasive way to repair sun damage, improve the tone
and texture of your skin and remove years from your appearance.
Fraxel Laser Treatment (FLT) is a “fractional” treatment that produces thousands of deep, tiny columns in your skin, called
microthermal treatment zones. It is designed to treat aging and sun damaged skin by targeting a specific percentage of
damaged tissue. “Fractional” refers to the laser treating only a fraction of the skin in a pixel-like pattern leaving the
healthy, untreated surrounding tissue. This treatment method triggers the body's natural healing process, accelerating the
skin's natural production of collagen and new, healthy skin cells to replace the damaged cells.
Fraxel can treat facial skin, including around the lips, eyes and the eyelids, as well as body parts including neck, chest,
arms, and hands. Fraxel lasers have received multiple FDA clearances and have been found safe and effective in treating
many areas of the face and body.
Which Fraxel® product is best for me?
Each of the Fraxel procedures provides a unique treatment and the best course of action will be determined by you and
your doctor.
Fraxel re:store treatment - mild to moderately damaged skin:
Fraxel re:store can resurface damaged skin and uncover the skin of your youth - all with minimal impact on your daily
routine. You can return to normal activity the very next day.
Fraxel re:store typically treats these conditions:
Acne/surgical scars
Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Melasma (mask of pregnancy)
Irregular Texture
Sun Spots and Age spots (pigmented lesions)
Fraxel re:pair treatment - for more severely damaged skin:
Fraxel re:pair treatment corrects more severe damage without the prolonged downtime or adverse reactions of surgery or
other older resurfacing procedures. Fraxel re:pair treatment actually produces a significant tightening effect by vaporizing
hundreds of thousands of microscopic columns of tissue. Also, if you haven't yet developed the loose skin that comes with
age, then Fraxel re:pair treatment can help keep it that way.
It is the first fractional ablative laser to have FDA clearance for the following conditions:
Irregular texture
Sun spots and Age spots (pigmented lesions)
Sun-induced redness (vascular dyschromia)·
Acne Scars
How many treatments will I need?
Fraxel re:store
Clinical studies suggest that on average, an effective treatment regimen is 3 to 5 sessions, spaced about 2 to 4 weeks
apart. (Based upon our experience, our office offers treatments in packages of four.) Depending upon your condition
and schedule, you and your physician may choose to space treatment sessions even farther apart.
Fraxel re:pair
Since this is a more aggressive treatment, clinical studies suggest that for most people, maximum results are realized
in just one treatment.
When can I return to my daily activities?
All Fraxel procedures offer the benefits of speedy healing with minimal downtime.
Fraxel re:store
Side effects are negligible and typically involve swelling and redness. Mild swelling should subside within a day or so,
and redness usually fades over several days. The appearance for several days after the procedure is similar to a
Fraxel re:pair
Fraxel re:pair is a more aggressive procedure with slightly more downtime than re:store. After about 5-7 days, patients
can return to their normal activities with mild to moderate redness that resembles a sunburn. These effects may vary
in intensity and duration depending on your skin's healing characteristics and the aggressiveness of your treatment.
Does it hurt?
Fraxel re:store
Treatment is well tolerated and feels like a prickling sensation. A topical anesthetic cream is applied one hour prior to
treatment to minimize any discomfort. Stronger medication is available on a case-by-case basis. A cool air stream is
also directed at the skin during treatment to increase comfort.
Fraxel re:pair
Since the re:pair is a more aggressive procedure, topical anesthetic cream, oral medication and/or nerve blocks help
lessen the sensation and keep the patient comfortable during the procedure.
When will I see results after my laser treatment?
After your Fraxel Laser Treatment, you will begin to feel the difference in your skin, as it gradually becomes softer,
smoother and fresher. Fine lines around your eyes and mouth will noticeably fade, as will uneven coloring and the brown
spots caused by aging and sun exposure.
Fraxel re:store
Results are immediate and progressive. Optimal improvement is usually visible in about 2 to 3 months. This time
frame and treatment structure allows for complete healing and replacement of damaged tissue with new collagen and
elastin, and viable healthy skin cell growth.
Fraxel re:pair
Results are immediate and progressive. In the three to six months after treatment, you'll get even more results as the
deeper layers of skin continue to heal.
• Laser Hair Removal with GentleLASE®, GentleYAG®, Gentle Max, and
the Lumenis LightSheer Duet Laser
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a procedure by which a patient’s undesirable hair is eliminated or reduced.
How does it work?
The procedure works by slowing the growing capacity of hair follicles that are in the active growth cycle at time of
treatment. Since hairs will enter their growth cycle at different times, several treatments are necessary to disable all of the
follicles in a given area.
At The Dermatology Center, we employ several technologies for these treatments. The medical staff will determine which
method is best suited for your skin type during an office consultation.
In our Bethesda office, we have the LightSheer Duet by Lumenis, which is most effective in treating patients with light to
medium colored skin. This laser offers a more comfortable experience, as well as faster treatments. We also have the
GentleYAG by Candela, which can treat all colors of skin from light to dark.
In our Germantown office we offer the GentleLASE laser by Candela, which treats lighter skin colors.
At our Sibley office, we have the Gentle Max laser, which enables us to treat patients of all skin colors.
All of our lasers are operated by licensed clinicians, in our friendly clinical environments. We have a range of laser hair
options, and will find a package, price, and location suited to your needs.
It is important to have laser hair removal at a responsible facility. Our prices may be slightly higher than others, however it
is because we have well-trained, expert clinicians who perform the treatments. We often have patients that come to us
from other facilities, with burns or discoloration of the skin, because their hair removal wasn’t done appropriately. It is
worth spending more to ensure your safety, and the effectiveness of the treatments.
Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
A topical anesthetic may be applied prior to treatment to minimize discomfort. Patients describe the treatment pulses as a
heating sensation on the skin. You may experience some redness and swelling following the treatment that normally
resolves in a short amount of time.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments you may require will depend upon the area you wish to have treated, the hair density and your
hair’s growth cycle. This cycle is influenced by many factors: age, ethnicity, weight, hormones, diet, medication and
metabolism. Some hair is more resilient and therefore more resistant to treatment.
At The Dermatology Center, we provide treatments in packages based upon the patient’s needs. Once the treatment
regimen is complete, it may be necessary to come in for maintenance treatments, if there is regrowth.
Pricing for Laser Hair Removal
Prices start below, however when purchasing a package all prices per session decrease:
Brazilian: $350
Bikini: $200
Chest: $200
Chin: $100
Ears: $50
Linea: $200
Forearms: $300
Full Arms: $500
Upper Back: $500
Full Back: $600
Full Beard: $350
Full Legs: $700
Full Sideburns: $125
Lower Legs: $400
Toes/Feet: $100
Underarms: $200
Upper Legs: $500
Upper Lip $100
Lip and Chin: $100
Back or Front of Neck: $100
Other areas price upon request.
• IPL Laser Treatment - Photo Facial / Photo Rejuvenation Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions About IPL and Photo Rejuvenation:
What is Photo Rejuvenation Therapy?
Photo Rejuvenation Therapy, also known as Photo Facial, is performed with a light technology known as Intense Pulsed
Light (IPL). We treat our patients with Sciton’s BBLs Skin Rejuvenation system, the latest and most effective technology
on the market. IPL is highly effective for the treatment of skin conditions associated with aging, an active life-style and sun
damage. BBLs allows your clinician to precisely treat age and sun spots, small facial veins and several other types of skin
blemishes. Your treatment will be tailored to match your skin’s condition and your desired results.
What will IPL treatments do?
IPL laser technology utilizes the power of pulsed light to deliver excellent phototherapy results. By selecting the
corresponding wavelength or filter, your clinician is able to treat a broad range of skin conditions caused by skin aging and
sun exposure. Your skin will be smoother, more vibrant and will have a more youthful appearance as a result.
What conditions can be treated with IPL?
Pigmented Lesions
Age Spots
Brown Spots (Lentigines)
Vascular Lesions
Small Facial Veins (Telangiectasia)
Red Spots (Hemangiomas)
Redness and Flushing
Uneven Coloration (Poikiloderma)
How does IPL work?
The light energy delivered by IPL will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas
will stimulate your skin cells to generate new collagen and this will help restore your skin to its natural beauty, blending its
natural colors and making it smoother, vibrant and younger looking. In addition, the photo-thermal energy will target and
eliminate many of the fine blood vessels that cause redness and the unwanted melanin responsible for pigmented lesions.
What areas can be treated?
Any area of your body can be treated. The most commonly treated areas are those most exposed to the damaging affects
of sun light such as face, neck, back of the hands, chest and shoulders.
How many Photo Rejuvenation treatments will I need?
3 to 5 treatments at 3 to 4 week intervals will produce the desired results. You may benefit from additional treatments
depending on the severity of your condition.
How long will it take to recover?
This is a non-invasive and gentle procedure with virtually no downtime. In most cases you will be able to return to work,
apply makeup, and resume most of your activities right away.
What should I expect after the treatment?
You may experience some redness that should resolve within a few hours. For some pigmented lesions you will see a
darkening of the treated areas followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage. Your treated skin will feel smoother, fine
lines and pores will be less noticeable and sunspots or uneven pigmentation will fade. Results depend on your condition,
the number of treatments, and the area treated. Your physician will provide you with complete information about the post
treatment care and results.
Will it be uncomfortable?
The procedure is gentle, non-invasive and safe. You may briefly feel a warm or “rubber band snap” sensation as the light
is absorbed by the targeted areas but there should be minimal discomfort. This varies from patient-to-patient and depends
on the depth of the treatment. There is no need for a topical anesthetic; however, your physician may choose to use it on
more sensitive areas.
What will happen during the IPL procedure?
Your eyes will be protected with safety shields or glasses and your clinician will place a wand-type instrument over the
effected areas and deliver the pulsed light in short bursts. Your procedure may take a few minutes to half an hour
depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type of the procedure performed. Your clinician will discuss all of
your options with you.
What aftercare do I need?
It is important to follow your clinician’s instructions. Customarily, your clinician will make recommendations on skin care
products for appropriate after care and instructions for their proper use. These will minimize your risk of inflammation or
redness and ensure the shortest healing time. You will be sensitive to ultra-violet light and you must avoid direct sun
exposure until completely healed. It is very important that you fully cover your skin or use a good sunscreen whenever you
go outdoors.
• Latisse®: Grow Thick, Long, Dark and Beautiful Eyelashes
If you are losing eyelashes or would like to grow longer eyelashes and thicker eyelashes, then Latisse® might be right for
you. Contact our office to set an appointment. You will have to come in for a consulatation, since Latisse is a physicianprescribed treatment.
[ Graphic/Link: See what a difference LATTISE® can make. SHOW ME ]
Frequently Asked Questions
What is LATISSE®?
LATISSE® solution is used to grow eyelashes for individuals with inadequate eyelashes to make them thick, long, and
How does LATISSE® work?
LATISSE® is a prescription only solution that interacts with the growth cycle of the eyelash hairs to increase the growth
period and the number of hairs growing.
Why do I need to see a doctor to get Latisse?
Since Latisse is a prescription drug the patient needs to be evaluated for any symptoms or conditions that would make
Latisse inadvisable.
How often do I use it?
The solution is applied once daily.
How do I apply it?
A small brush is dipped into the solution and applied on the skin of the upper eyelid at the base of the eyelashes.
When will I see results?
Initial changes start at 4 weeks, are obvious in eight weeks, with the maximum effect achieved in approximately 16 weeks.
Can I continue to wear mascara while using LATISSE®?
Yes, you can use mascara in addition to LATISSE® solution.
What if I stop using LATISSE®?
Your eyelashes are expected to return to their previous appearance over several weeks to months.
Is Latisse safe?
The safety and effectiveness of LATISSE® was shown in a clinical trial. Since this was originally a product that was put
directly in the eye to treat Glaucoma, the product is very safe to use near the eye.
What are the possible side effects with LATISSE®?
The most common side effects after using LATISSE® are eye itching or eye redness. These were reported by about 4%
of users in clinical trial.1 LATISSE® solution may cause other less common side effects, which typically occur on the skin
close to where LATISSE® is applied, or in the eyes. These include skin darkening, eye irritation, dryness, or redness of
the eyelids.1 If you develop a new eye condition (like an eye trauma or infection), experience a sudden decrease in vision,
have eye surgery, or develop any eye reactions, particularly an infection and eyelid reactions, you should immediately talk
to your doctor about whether or not to continue using LATISSE® solution.
For full and complete instructions, talk to your doctor.
• Sclerotherapy Laser Treatment for Spider Veins
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy is a procedure for our patients who wish to treat the spider veins on their legs. The veins can be dark or
light shades of purple, red or blue. Spider Veins cause no health problems and many people get them removed for
aesthetic reasons.
What is the treatment for spider veins?
Sclerotherapy requires a series of treatments spaced about 6 weeks apart. The procedure is performed by one of our
licensed clinicians. Treatment is simple and relatively painless with no anesthesia or topical ointments needed. A drug
solution is inserted into each vein with a very small, thin needle. The solution causes the vessel to shrink.
What results can I expect from Sclerotherapy?
Some patients get excellent results after just a few treatments, but patients with larger veins or patients with a great
number of smaller veins may need additional visits.
Do I have to restrict my activities?
After treatment you are encouraged to walk but not participate in any strenuous activity for 48 hours. Also, you are
required to wear thick compression hosiery (15-20 gauge) during the initial 48 hours after treatment. In addition, you
should refrain from flying for five days after treatment.
Get started today! Call our medical office and schedule an appointment at 301-530-8300
• Tattoo Removal with Q-Switched Laser
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why is the laser a safe treatment for tattoo removal?
The Candela laser is safer than traditional methods because of its unique ability to selectively treat the tattoo or
pigmented lesion. Thus, it will eliminate the tattoo or pigmented lesion while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
What conditions are treated with the Candela laser system?
Dermal and epidermal pigmented lesions and tattoos (amateur and professional; multiple tattoo inks) are treated. The
effectiveness of the laser is dependent upon the age, location, depth, and type of tattoo and pigmented lesions, as well as
on the composition of the pigments.
Why would someone have a pigmented lesion or tattoo removed?
Many people are uncomfortable with unsightly dermal lesions like age spots, freckles and birthmarks, or with a tattoo they
had applied several years ago. It is estimated that as many as 50% of individuals with tattoos regret the permanency of
the tattoo and wish to have it removed. With the Candela lasers, treatment is now possible.
What does laser treatment involve?
Treatment with the Candela lasers varies from patient to patient depending on the age, size and type of tattoo, color of the
patient’s skin and depth to which the tattoo or pigment extends beneath the skin’s surface. In general, these steps will
take place:
The patient is asked to wear eye protection consisting of an opaque covering or goggles.
The skin’s reaction to the laser is tested during the first visit to determine the most effective treatment settings.
Treatment consists of placing a hand piece against the surface of the skin and activating the laser. As many patients
describe it, each pulse feels like the snapping of a rubber band against the skin.
Smaller tattoos or lesions will require fewer pulses, while larger ones will require more. All tattoos will require
retreatments, necessitating multiple patient visits.
The Candela system is less painful and requires less recovery time than some other treatment methods. The degree
of discomfort varies with each person, depending on his/her pain threshold. Most patients do not require pain
management. In some cases, however, depending on the nature and location of the tattoo or lesion, the clinician may
elect to use some form of anesthetic.
Is it possible to have a tattoo or pigmented lesion treated that was previously treated by another modality?
Patients with previously treated tattoos may be candidates for the Candela systems. Tattoos or pigmented lesions that
have not been effectively removed by other treatments may respond well to Candela laser therapy, providing prior
treatment did not cause excessive scarring or skin damage.
Should certain precautions be taken after treatment?
Immediately following treatment, an ice pack may be applied to soothe the treated area. A topical antibiotic cream or
ointment is recommended. Care should be taken in the first few days following treatment to avoid scrubbing the area, and
abrasive skin cleansers should be avoided. A bandage or patch may help to prevent abrasion of the treated area. During
the course of treatment it is recommended that patients cover the area with a sun block that is approved by the treating
Are there any side effects for the laser tattoo removal?
The Candela laser systems greatly reduce the potential for scarring or changes in skin texture. Patients will experience
temporary discoloration or reddening of the skin around the treatment site. Some patients may also experience a
temporary lightening or darkening of the skin for a few months following treatment. The skin will typically resolve to normal
pigmentation color. It is important to follow the recommendations of the treating physician for proper post-treatment skin
Are there tattoos that you won't remove?
We treat almost all tattoos, except for permanent makeup removal or tattoo removal from the face.
• Vbeam for Facial Redness
is a laser that treats skin conditions involving redness, such as Rosacea or other types of
facial redness. Redness often occurs when blood vessels are inflamed or broken. Vbeam destroys
the specific blood vessels in need of treatment, leaving the rest of the skin unharmed. Results are
often noticeable soon after treatment. Many people benefit from multiple sessions of Vbeam. ::
• Vein Treatment - Vascular Laser Treatment
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a Vascular Lesion? How are they treated?
A vascular lesion is formed by abnormally large or numerous blood vessels that are located directly under the skin
surface. These vessels may be visible through the skin and may be result in a red appearance. Vascular Lasers are the
gold standard for treatment of vascular lesions. Here at The Dermatology Center, we offer two laser treatments, V-Beam®
and Diolite®.
Sometimes both V-Beam and Diolite are used for certain patients, and other times the dermatologist will select the one
most appropriate for your condition.
What is the V-Beam procedure?
V-Beam is a pulsed-dye laser for treatment of a wide variety of vascular lesions and cosmetic applications, including port
wine stain birthmarks, facial redness, leg and facial veins and skin rejuvenation by wrinkle reduction, acne/acne scars,
warts and hemangiomas. Highly exact, V-Beam treatment is minimally uncomfortable, with no downtime for recovery.
What is Diolite laser?
Diolite laser has eliminated the bruising from vascular, pigmented and brown lesion treatment associated with older
lasers. With Diolite, we can direct the light to the treatment area only, leaving the surrounding tissue untouched. Diolite is
gentle, consistent and precise. There is minimal irritation – only a slight stinging sensation – and downtime is eliminated.
Learn about Sclerotherapy Treatment for Spider Veins here.
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Plastic Surgery Procedures
There are many reasons why plastic surgery becomes our best option for improving our appearance, and there are
aesthetic enhancements available to address our needs that are minimally invasive, in-office procedures.
It may be that your eyelids need a lift, because they make you look droopy and tired. There may be some extra fat around
your waist, thighs, legs or arms (despite exercise and dieting) that could use contouring. Plastic surgery helps to fix or
create what you cannot change yourself.
Feel more confident at home, work, and in life!
How we feel about our appearance is critical to our overall well-being and confidence. Here at The Dermatology Center,
we have extensive experience in helping patients look and feel their best through the art and science of plastic surgery.
Our goal is to achieve the desired effect with minimal downtime in your daily life. We encourage as much consultation as
you need. We want you to have all the information that is essential to your decision. We do not sanction unwarranted
drastic approaches.
Our plastic surgeon, together with our dermatologists, patient care coordinators, and estheticians, work together to
evaluate your wants and needs and create an appropriate treatment plan for you. Sometimes the best plan involves
several different options, plastic surgery, lasers, esthetic services, and other treatment plans, which is why we believe we
can offer you the best treatment, with our comprehensive team all within one place.
Contact Us for an appointment or for more information. We look forward to meeting with you soon and helping you Be
Your Personal Best.
• Blepharoplasty-Eyelid Surgery
is surgery of the eyelid. Excess skin or fat are taken out and the eyelid is
reconstructed to be smoother, tighter, and have a more pleasing shapre. Blepharoplasties are
cosmetic as well as practical. We often perform blepharoplasty on patients whose eyelids
droop in a way that interferes with their vision. Cosmetically, many people have this surgery to
look younger, less tired, and happier. It is a small surgery that makes a big difference.
On the lower eyelids it improves under eye bags (puffiness), and reduces wrinkling of the skin under the eye
The surgery usually takes between one and three hours. Patients often have swelling and
bruising that lasts up to two weeks, and final results become apparent after several months.
We keep in touch with you immediately after the surgery, and often, until you come in for your
final follow up visit. We compare your before and after pictures, and complete your care. This
surgery is one of our most popular procedures, and patients are very happy with their results.
• Breast Surgery: Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction & Breast Lift
The Dermatology Center offers a full array of breast procedures. In general, all of the breast procedures are done on an
outpatient basis, with minimal risk, and with the goal of a fast recovery and nominal downtime.
Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Procedures:
What Breast Surgery procedures are available?
Breast Augmentation / Breast Enhancement
Breast Augmentation enhances the size of the breasts using inflatable implants filled with saline, placed under or above
the chest muscle.
Breast Augmentation can enhance body shape, balance breast irregularities or reconstruct tissue following surgery. The
results can successfully alter the appearance of a woman’s body, helping her to feel more confident, feminine and
“whole”. Incisions can be placed in the crease where the breast meets the chest or around the areola (the dark skin
surrounding the nipple). At this time either saline or gel implants can be used in first-time breast augmentation patients.
The breast implant is inserted beneath the chest wall muscle or directly under breast tissue, depending upon the amount
of existing breast tissue. In nearly all cases, the post-surgery scars are inconspicuous.
Breast Lift (mastopexy)
Breast Lift, or mastopexy, raises and reshapes sagging breasts by removing excess skin and repositioning nipples and
remaining tissue, without changing breast quantity. Generally, this procedure is used when a woman is happy with the
size of her breasts, but wants to attain a more youthful appearance through the tightening and reshaping process.
Several techniques may be employed, based upon a patient’s requirements and breast conditions. In addition, Breast
Augmentation may be combined with a Breast Lift procedure to attain the desired results.
Breast Reduction
Breast Reduction reduces the size and reshapes the contour of large breasts by removing excess breast skin and tissue.
It may also include reducing the size of the areola (dark skin surrounding the nipple) and repositioning the nipple and
As with the Breast Lift procedure, several techniques may be employed, depending upon patient requirements and
Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Male Breast Reduction Surgery reduces enlarged, female-like breasts in men using Liposuction and/or cutting out excess
glandular tissue.
How is Breast Augmentation performed? What can I expect following surgery?
Incisions can be placed in the crease where the breast meets the chest or around the areola (the dark skin surrounding
the nipple). The breast implant is inserted beneath the chest wall muscle or directly under breast tissue, depending upon
the amount of existing breast tissue. In nearly all cases, the post-surgery scars are inconspicuous.
This surgery is performed at an outpatient surgical center and is done under general anesthesia by a board certified
anesthesiologist. The procedure takes one and a half hours and the first five days of recovery requires reduced activity.
Post-operative discomfort is controlled with medications during the first few days.
Patients return to work within five days and scars fade within 9-12 months. Reduced activity is required for the first two
weeks. After Breast Augmentation, follow up visits are required to assure a good outcome.
Am I a good candidate for a Breast Lift procedure? How is the procedure performed and what can I expect postsurgery?
Factors such as pregnancy, nursing, and the force of gravity take their toll on women’s breasts as the skin loses its
elasticity. The best candidates for Mastopexy are healthy women who have sagging breasts. Breasts of any size can be
lifted, but the results may not last as long in heavy breasts. The objective of Mastopexy is higher, well contoured breasts.
Breast Lift, or Mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts-at least, for a time. (No surgery
can permanently delay the effects of gravity.) Mastopexy can also reduce the size of the areola, the darker skin
surrounding the nipple. If your breasts are small or have lost volume (after pregnancy, for example), breast implants
inserted in conjunction with Mastopexy can increase both their firmness and their size.
Mastopexy is performed as an outpatient procedure. In this operation, the surgeon makes incisions following the natural
contour across the breasts. Working through the incisions, the surgeon removes excess skin from the lower section of the
breast. The nipple, areola, and underlying breast tissue are moved up to a new, higher position. Sutures close the wounds
under the breast and around the nipple area.
After surgery, pain is controlled easily by medication and subsides in a day or two. Mastopexy scars are permanent.
However, since incisions are made around and below the nipples, scars should not be noticeable even in low cut clothing.
Am I a good candidate for a Breast Reduction? How is this procedure performed and what can I expect postsurgery?
Breast Reduction offers many benefits for women with large, sagging breasts. Multiple symptoms including back or neck
pain or shoulder grooving can be improved with a reduction mammaplasty. Physical activities that were limited and/or
painful can be participated in comfortably after surgery. Overall, the procedure helps women increase their self-image and
activity and be more content with everyday life.
Breast Reduction surgery takes three hours and is done under general anesthesia in an outpatient surgical facility. Some
patients may elect to spend one night in the hospital. Various techniques are used to reduce breast tissue. We prefer the
“inferior pedicle” technique: Excess tissue is removed and the nipple and areola are moved to the new position. Skin from
both sides of the breast is brought down around the areola to reshape the breast similar to a breast lift or Mastopexy.
Pain is controlled easily by medication after surgery and subsides in a few days. Breast Reduction scars are permanent,
but scars should not be noticeable even in low cut clothing.
Reduced activity is required for the first two weeks. After Breast Reduction surgery, follow up visits are required.
• Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures: Facelift, S-Lift, Eyelid Surgery,
Frequently Asked Questions:
What facial procedures are available to me to improve how I look?
There are many facial plastic surgery procedures available today to help us look as young as we feel. They can effectively
rollback the effects of age, gravity, sun exposure and the stresses of life.
Critical to studying your options will be consultation with your physician, assuring you have a thorough understanding of
what procedure(s) will help you achieve the desired results.
What is a Facelift?
A Facelift improves sagging facial skin, jowls, and loose neck skin by removing excess fat, tightening underlying face and
neck muscles, and redraping the skin of your face and neck. Facelift can be done alone or in conjunction with other
procedures such as a Forehead Lift, Eyelid Surgery, or Nose Surgery.
Am I a good candidate for a Facelift?
The best candidate for a Facelift is a man or woman whose face and neck have begun to sag, but whose skin still has
some elasticity and whose bone structure is strong and well defined. Most patients are in their 40's to 60's, but Facelifts
can be done successfully on people in the 70's or 80's as well.
What is the Facelift surgery like?
The procedure is typically performed in an outpatient facility under general anesthesia. The surgeon places inconspicuous
incisions in skin folds or hairlines and on the inside of the ear. He then separates the skin from its underlying tissues and
tightens the superficial muscular system (SMAS) and neck muscle (platysma). Excess skin is removed and the area is
sutured snugly in place.
What is the recovery from Facelift?
Following surgery, loose bandages are applied and the patient typically stays 1-overnight in the surgery recovery facility.
Pain is minimal and relieved with oral medications for the first day or two. Bruising and swelling subsides in 7-21 days and
patients can then return to work and social situations. Patients should avoid the sun for several weeks. Prior to surgery,
patients are started on special homepopathic vitamins to reduce swelling and bruising. It may take 9 to 12 months to
achieve the final result.
What is Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty)?
Do you look tired even when you’re well rested? If so, then you may want to be one of the many who improve their
appearance by firming up the area around their eyes. As we age, our eyelids stretch, muscles weaken and fat
accumulates, all of which can lead to sagging bags under the eyes and droopy eyelids. Eyelid surgery can rejuvenate the
appearance of the eyes.
What is the Eyelid surgery procedure like?
Eyelid surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis in a surgeon’s office or at an outpatient facility. During the one to
three hour procedure, local anesthesia is normally used, sometimes with the addition of intravenous sedation. Some times
the patient will benefit from a browlift in combination with eyelid surgery to get the best result. Prior to surgery, the
surgeon marks the areas where incisions will be made. To minimize scarring, the marks follow the natural lines and
creases of the upper and lower eyelids. Fat, excess skin and muscle may be removed during the procedure. Fine sutures
make the incision almost invisible.
What can I expect during recovery from my Eyelid surgery?
Sutures are removed in 4-5 days. The physician will prescribe oral pain medication that may be taken for 1-2 days to
alleviate any discomfort following the surgery. The physician will also prescribe certain vitamins that minimize bruising.
Bruising and swelling subside in 5-7 days and the patient can return to work and social situations.
What is an S-Lift?
A number of different names are used to describe what is essentially a “mini facelift.” It will provide an overall lift to your
neck and the lower half of your face. These procedures use slightly smaller incisions and have quicker recovery than
standard facelift surgery. As in a standard facelift, the goal of the surgery is to enhance the appearance of the aging face
and neck by tightening the sagging tissues of the face and neck and by removal of excessive skin and fatty tissue.
What is the S-Lift procedure like?
The procedure is with sedation and for patient comfort and safety, this procedure is primarily performed in an outpatient
surgical facility. Incisions are placed in front of and behind the ear.
What is the recovery after the S-Lift procedure?
The physician will prescribe oral pain medication that may be taken for 1-5 days following the procedure. Patients may
expect minor swelling and bruising for a day or two. Some patients recover more rapidly, some may take a few days
longer. Sutures will be removed after 6-7 days. Most patients resume normal activities after 4 or 5 days.
What is a Forehead Lift?
A Forehead Lift minimizes forehead creases, drooping eyebrows, hooding over eyes, furrowed forehead and frown lines
by removing excess tissue, altering muscles and tightening forehead skin.
What are some of the other common facial procedures?
Below are listed some other common procedures. Again, consultation with your physician is critical to any decisions
regarding procedure(s) that are right for you.
Chin Surgery: Changes the basic shape and balance of the face, using carefully shaped implants to build up a
receding chin.
Contour Threadlift: A minimally invasive rejuvenation technique to achieve Facelift-like results. It can be used to lift
sagging eyebrows and forehead, reposition sagging cheeks, lift drooping soft tissues of the mid and lower face
(“jowls”), and smooth out premature skin aging. The procedure is performed in the office under local anesthesia.
Dermabrasion: Mechanical scraping of the top layers of skin using a high-speed rotary wheel. Dermabrasion softens
sharp edges of surface irregularities including acne and other scars and fine wrinkles, especially around the mouth.
Ear-pinning Surgery (Otoplasty): Sets prominent ears back closer to the head or reduces the size of large ears.
This procedure is most often done on children between the ages of 4 and 14 years.
Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty): Reshapes the nose by reducing or increasing size, removing hump, changing shape of
tip or bridge, narrowing span of nostrils or changing angle between nose and upper lip.
• Liposuction
Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction (Lipocontouring):
What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure employed to improve the appearance of the chin, neck, jowls,
cheeks, arms, thighs, buttocks, knees, hips, breasts, and abdomen. Liposuction is an effective tool in reducing a multitude
of “figure faults”, resulting in a thinner, healthier body.
Am I a good candidate for Liposuction?
When determining the ideal candidate for Liposuction, general body condition is more important than age. While patients
of all ages can benefit form this procedure, the ideal candidate practices good eating habits and exercises regularly. In
addition, age and skin quality are important to determine best outcomes.
What are the Liposuction options?
There are three ways to perform Liposuction. Treatment recommendations specific to your needs will be discussed during
your consultation with your physician.
Traditional Suction-Assisted Lipoplasty
Traditional Suction-Assisted Lipoplasty, which removes intact fat cells. This is the original Liposuction technique. Using a
small, hollow tube called a cannula, fat is removed by applying high suction to the fat cells and drawing them up into the
tube. A rapid back-and-forth motion of the tube breaks fat cells from surrounding tissue. Though an effective procedure,
suction-assisted Lipoplasty may not be able to remove all the desired fat.
Liposculpture and the newest method Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction
Liposculpture and the newest method Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction, in which fat cells are crushed and liquefied prior to
removal. Similar to suction-assisted Liposuction, ultrasonic uses a hollow cannula to remove fat cells; in this procedure,
however, the cannula is connected to an ultrasound generator that causes it to vibrate more than 20,000 times per
second. This vibration causes the fat cells to rupture, allowing the emulsified fat to be removed.
Power-Assisted Liposuction
Power-Assisted Liposuction, another tool allowing for the removal of fat cells, using a cyclic method of tumescent fat
removal. General intravenous or local anesthesia may be required for this procedure; and, recovery time can vary from a
day to two weeks, depending upon the areas treated, the extent of fat removed, and the general condition of the patient.
Sometimes an overnight stay is required. Pain is usually moderate. You will go home in a compression garment that you
will wear from four to six weeks to assure the best outcome.
What is the purpose of Tumescent fluid in the procedure?
Prior to suctioning fat, a relatively large amount of fluid is injected into the areas to be treated (“Tumescent”).
This fluid enables fat compartments to become engorged and firm, allowing the Liposuction cannula to move smoothly
beneath the skin as the fat is removed.
For traditional suction-assisted Lipoplasty, the fluid helps separate the fat and minimize the bleeding and bruising, making
it easier to remove.
Using the ultrasonic-assisted Liposuction method, the fluid enhances the affect of the ultrasound on the fat tissue.
In both cases, the fluid (which includes certain medications) makes surgery safer and more effective, helping to decrease
the risk of complications, such as bleeding, swelling and bruising. It also contributes to the effects of anesthesia.
• Tummy Tuck Procedures
Frequently Asked Questions About Tummy Tucks:
What is a Tummy Tuck?
Abdominoplasty, known more commonly as a “Tummy Tuck,” is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat
from the middle and lower tummy and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. A Tummy Tuck, whether partial or
complete, produces excellent results for patients with weakened abdominal muscles or excess skin. And in most cases,
the results are long lasting, if you follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
Am I a good candidate for a Tummy Tuck?
The best candidates for a Tummy Tuck procedure are women or men who are in relatively good shape, but are unable to
lose bothersome fat deposits or loose, sagging skin through diet or exercise.
Women who have stretched their muscles and skin because of pregnancy, typically multiple pregnancies, are good
candidates for this procedure. In addition, older clients who have lost skin elasticity due to the aging process and weight
fluctuations may benefit greatly, as well.
Patients who intend to lose a great amount of weight or women who anticipate future pregnancies should postpone any
Tummy Tuck procedure.
Do I also need liposuction?
Patients may benefit from a Tummy Tuck done in conjunction with liposuction to remove fat deposits from the hips
resulting in a better body contour. Or, perhaps liposuction alone would create the desired result. The surgeon will discuss
various options with you.
What is a belt-line Tummy Tuck?
If a patient would benefit from a lift of the buttocks in conjunction with a Tummy Tuck, a belt-line abdominoplasty can be
performed. In this case, excess fat and tissue is removed circumferentially. Liposuction can be performed around the
entire waist area in conjunction with this procedure, as appropriate.
What happens during surgery?
Abdominoplasty is performed in an outpatient surgical facility under general anesthesia and takes two to three hours to
perform. During the procedure, excess skin is eliminated and the muscles of the abdominal wall are tightened to create a
flatter, tighter contour. Following surgery, the patient may be discharged home or may require a 23-hour stay in the
How will I feel after my surgery?
Following discharge, the doctor will prescribe an oral pain medication to control typically mild to moderate discomfort. The
patient also is fitted with an abdominal binder during surgery to provide support while healing.
How long will it take to fully recover from the procedure?
Following surgery, patients should restrict their activities for 2 or 3 weeks and all strenuous activities for a full four weeks
or longer, if directed by the physician. The stitches are completely absorbable. Note that patients who are in good physical
condition with strong abdominal muscles will recover more quickly. As directed by the surgeon, moderate exercise is
helpful for a faster recovery.
Will the scar be noticeable?
While the Tummy Tuck procedure dramatically reduces the appearance of a protruding abdomen, it does leave a scar.
The length of the scar will depend upon the extent of the procedure performed. Within approximately 9-12 months, the
scar will flatten out and lighten in color, becoming less noticeable. It will not be visible under clothing or bathing suits.
Portal 3
Rockledge Med Spa - Spa Services
At the Rockledge Med Spa, our licensed estheticians provide a full range of cosmetic services for women and men
including facials, skin-care, body and facial waxing, make-up application and training sessions. Pampering Packages, Gift
Certificates and Special Packages are available.
Click here to download our Rockledge MedSpa Brochure
Skin Care Consultations
A 30-minute skin care consultation with an esthetician is complimentary. The esthetician will analyze your skin and
determine what skin care treatments and home care programs will help you to achieve your goals.
Med Spa Services: “Deluxe Spa Treatments with Clinical Results”
Deluxe Facials
Mini spa Treatments and Add-Ons
Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup
Clear & Brilliant Anti-Aging Treatment
Spa Children’s Policy
We kindly require all children under the age of 12 to wait in the medical side waiting room. We have children’s books
there, and the atmosphere is more suitable. Thank you for respecting our policy.
Our MedSpa Gift Certificates make great gifts! We also have several spa promotions throughout the
year. Check out our Specials page or call us to find out more.
• Clear + Brilliant Anti-Aging Laser Treatment
Ready to take control of the aging process?
Aging skin is a fact of life. The good news is the earlier you start taking care of your skin, the more you can prevent the
signs of aging and maintain a younger look. What you do in your 20s and 30s will affect how you look in your 40s, 50s and
beyond. Adding Clear + Brilliant to your collection of skin care tricks – at any age – will help you recover the glow,
luminosity and smoothness your skin, and you, deserve.
Clear + Brilliant takes skin care to a whole new level.
This unique treatment expands skin care to not only address unwanted signs of aging, but gives you the power to help
prevent them:
Visibly illuminated skin tone
Renewed, ultra-soft and smoother texture
Naturally radiant and glowing skin
Improved tone, texture and radiance
Reduction in the appearance of pores
Uncover your brilliance
Comfortable, fast, effective, affordable
Minimal downtime
Safe for all skin types
Frequently Asked Questions:
How does Clear + Brilliant work?
Clear + Brilliant is a gentle laser that refreshes your skin from the inside out. The laser energy creates millions of
microscopic treatment zones in your skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger looking tissue.
How do I know Clear + Brilliant is right for me at my age?
No matter how old you are, sun exposure, environmental conditions and lifestyle can contribute to lack-luster skin.
Whether you want to extend the younger look of your skin or even need to reverse these early signs of aging, Clear +
Brilliant can help.
I have had corrective laser treatments, is Clear + Brilliant right for me too?
Yes, absolutely, Clear + Brilliant is a great way to maintain the investment you have made in your skin, extending and
improving upon the results you´ve already seen.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments is tailored to your concerns and skin care desires. In recent studies, consumers reported visible
improvements after 4-6 treatments. We will discuss a personalized treatment regimen with you.
[ Video: Channel 7 The Morning Show 08/24/11 ]
Get started today! The Clear & Brilliant treatments are offered at our Sibley location. Call our office and schedule an
appointment at 240-444-4550.
• Facial Treatments
Express Facial
Acne Be Gone Facial
Customized Facial
Fire and Ice Facial
Innovative Deluxe Facial
Rockledge Signature Facial with Gentle Waves® or Mini Microdermabrasion
Gentle Waves®
Cancer Care Harmony Facial
Mini Spa Treatments and Add-Ons
Teen Clean Facial
HydraFacial Treatment
$225 for 50 minutes
This treatment thoroughly cares for your skin through hydration, deep cleansing, exfoliation, and nourishing antioxidants
for instant, significant results.
Express Facial
$75 for 30 minutes
This express facial involves cleansing, toning, minor extractions, treatment serums, a mask, moisturizer and sunscreen.
Acne Be Gone Facial
$75 for 30 minutes
This acne treatment’s emphasis is on proper exfoliation and extractions, as well as more potent skin formulations to treat
acneic skin. It includes a deep cleansing, enzymatic exfoliation, extractions, treatment serum, therapeutic mask, and may
or may not include high frequency, which is a treatment to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.
For clients with acne and over-active oil glands, this treatment draws out impurities, reduces oil production and provides
balanced hydration.
Anti-Aging Facial
$130 for 50 minutes
Nourish your skin with an oxygen-enriched facial. After cleansing, exfoliating and a facial massage, a mask is applied for a
rejuvenating and age defying boost. Hydrates, provides antioxidant protection, and promotes tissue regeneration.
Customized Facial
$120 for 1 hour
No matter what your skin type or condition, this customized facial will address your needs. This facial includes cleansing,
exfoliation with or without steam, extractions (if needed), face, neck & shoulder massage, treatment ampoule or serum,
treatment mask, and finishing moisturizer/sunscreen.
Your therapist will customize a treatment to address your unique skin conditions. Includes individualized products,
treatments, and facial massage.
Fire and Ice Facial
$140 for 40 minutes
This intensive clinical facial is designed to rapidly resurface the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and encouraging
cellular renewal. The centerpiece of this treatment system is a combination of two therapeutic masques; the extremely
powerful intensive resurfacing masque and the rejuvenating masque, complemented by a unique combination of serums
and creams. This system incorporates both active and soothing formulas, which evoke aromas of warm cinnamon spice
and brisk cool peppermint.
Also known as the “Red Carpet Treatment” for its instant brightening, tightening and smoothing effects. This is an
intensive clinical treatment designed to resurface the skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, smooth and soften, while
encouraging cellular renewal.
Innovative Deluxe Facial
$175 for 1 hour
All the elements of the Innovative Facial plus a relaxing customized facial including cleansing, with or without steam,
extractions (if needed), face, neck and shoulder massage, serum or ampoule treatment and finishing
This intensive anti-aging clinical facial is designed to rapidly and safely resurface the skin, reduce the appearance of fine
lines and wrinkles, hydrate, smooth and soften the skin, and encourage cell renewal. ** Deluxe facial includes a shoulder,
neck, and facial massage. **
Rockledge Signature Facial with Gentle Waves®
or Mini Microdermabrasion
$225 for 60 minutes
This is a deluxe customized facial plus a light peel and a Gentle Waves treatment (or mini microdermabrasion).
Our custom-blended treatment specifically tailored to your skin’s needs contains antioxidants and anti-aging products
formulated to penetrate deeply for maximal effect, while exfoliating, hydrating, rejuvenating and protecting the skin.
Gentle Waves®
This treatment involves the interaction of light delivered through Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) which stimulates cells to
increase collagen production and regeneration. The Gentle Waves treatment reduces wrinkles and pores while improving
skin tone and texture. Gentle Waves is also effective in treating facial redness, including sunburn. Gentle Waves® is
available only in our Bethesda location.
Cancer Care Harmony Facial
$125 for 40 minutes
This soothing and revitalizing facial is designed to gently awaken the senses while encouraging a re-storative balance of
harmony to the skin. Calming and hydrating, it will restore tone, clarity, resilience, and a healthy glow to fatigued skin. This
is designed for patients who have been through radiation or chemotherapy.
Mini Spa Treatments and Add-Ons:
Express Facial (30 min):
Microdermabrasion (40 min)
Non-invasive, no downtime polishing of the skin using a diamond chip wand that gently removes the outer layer of skin
and stimulates collagen and new cell growth.
Pricing is for the face, however microdermabrasion can be beneficial on the back, neck, hands, and other areas of the
body. Ask about pricing for all other areas.
Gentle Waves
This treatment uses LED to stimulate collagen production, helps to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,
reduces skin redness, inflammation, and promotes healing following other treatments. A great add on after almost any
treatment. Bethesda location only.
Extractions for blackheads and acne are $50.00 if not covered by insurance.
Just For Teens (12-18 years old): Skin Care for Teens
Prevention can be the key to a lifetime of good skin. Start now by regularly having your skin deep-cleaned and treated.
Teen Clean Facial
With Educational Consultation (30 min):
• Mineral Makeup by Jane Iredale
Our mineral makeup line from Jane Iredale is formulated to actually improve the condition of your skin!
Fantastic coverage for acne, brown spots, and uneven skin tone
Natural sunblocking properties of SPF 20 or higher
Reduces and covers redness and inflammation, especially post-treatment
No talc, fillers, alcohol, dyes, or mineral oils
Nearly 0% allergy rate
Natural anti-bacterial properties
Allows the skin to breathe
Makeup/Touch-Up/Consult (10 mins)
Makeup Application or Lesson
$60 for 30 minutes
• Microdermabrasion & Chemical Peels For Smoother Skin
Illuminize Peel
Vitalize Peel
Rejuvenize Peel
Glycolic Peels / Lactic Acid Peels
Salicylic Acid Peel
Custom Peels
A skin care consultation is required prior to having any peel treatments for the first time.
SkinMedica Peels
Illuminize Peel
$125 for 30 minutes
(Level 1) Tightens the skin and restores a more youthful appearance. Improves clarity, color and skin texture and leaves a
radiance and glow. Little or no visible peeling.
Vitalize Peel
$175 for 30 minutes
(Level 2) Helps fight the effects of time, sun damage, and environmental impurities. This powerful peel can take years off
aging skin.
Rejuvenize Peel
$225 for 30 minutes
(Level 3) The deepest of the SkinMedica Peels, this treatment penetrates into the skin to produce significant results with
minimal irritation. You will have noticeable improvement in skin texture and tone as well as acne, melasma, and
hyperpigmentation. It can provide noticeable results after one peel. Controlled exfoliation of the uppermost damaged
layers of the skin to reveal fresher and healthier skin.
Salicylic Acid Peel
$100 for 30 minutes
This is a 20% or 30% salicylic acid peel that is excellent for thicker, oily skin, acneic/ problem skin or even for resistant
mature skin that has enlarged pores. This peel is very exfoliating, and may involve some downtime.
Glycolic Peel or Lactic Acid Peel
$55 for 30 minutes
Glycolic Peels / Lactic Acid Peels help to:
Even skin tone
Minimize fine lines
Boost hydration, and
Smooth the complexion.
Multiple treatments are suggested to achieve optimum results. These peels involve minimal exfoliation, with no downtime.
Custom Peels
We pick an appropriate peel for you from the rest of our range of peels to address pigmentation. These range in strengths,
and if the above peels are not the right option for you, we have a variety of additional peels to help with pigmentation,
discoloration, and other skin issues.
Light $200+ Medium $250+ Advanced $300-$900
• Waxing
Brow design
Brow maintenance
Upper Lip
Bikini line
Brazilian Bikini
Lower legs
Full legs
Full Chest or Back
Tinting or Bleaching of Lashes and Brows
Lash tint
Brow tint
Lash/Brow tint
Secondary Navigation
::Every month we do a promotion of a product or a service, to allow you to try something at a special price! Please check
out page often for our wonderful promotions.::
::We have excellent events at The Dermatology Center and Rockledge MedSpa. Most of these events are free and we
encourage you to bring a friend along. Please check back often for our special events.::
• Promotions
June Specials
The Dermatology Center’s Annual 20% off Laser Sale!!
Take 20% off ANY laser, including Fraxel, Exilis, Laser Hair removal, IPL, CoolSculpting. Purchase must be made in
February, treatment can be used anytime within the next calendar year.
Rockledge MedSpa’s Valentine’s Package
Buy 2 syringes of any filler, and receive a FREE Jane Iredale Lip Gloss + a FREE Valentine’s Bag of SkinMedica Travel
Size Products.
Patient Rewards CoolSculpting Package
Purchase CoolSculpting in February and receive a SkinMedica Gift Bag with $180 of FREE products, plus the 20% off
from the laser sale!
Click here to connect to us on Facebook
• Events
Illuminize Treatment Events
Monday Feb 11th - Bethesda and Germantown
Come in for a pre-Valentine's Day Illuminize Treatment to get your skin prepped and perfect before Vday.
Treatments are 30 minutes, $125, and at check-out you will receive $50 dollars to spend on a SkinMedica Winter
Treatment Bundle that day.
Reservations are a must. This event is taking place in our Bethesda and Germantown locations.
Call 301-968-1200 for Bethesda
Call 301-444-0153 for Germantown
Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center
6410 Rockledge Dr., #201
Bethesda, Maryland
Please complete the following form to register:
(Note: Fields with asterisks* are required)
Full Name*:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Daytime Phone*:
Name of Seminar & Date*:
In order to serve you better please select your age range from the drop down list below:
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Click here to connect to us on Facebook
• What’s New? Check Out Our Latest News!
Exilis is a non-invasive, comfortable, and highly effective treatment that reduces fat and tightens loose skin using thermal
energy to stimulate collagen.
Exilis can treat many areas in several ways. It can be used to tighten skin on the face and neck, such as the cheeks, chin,
eyes, mouth, jowls, and décolleté. Exilis can also treat stubborn areas of fat such as the back, abdomen, arms, thighs,
knees and ankles.
Sessions are between 20-40 minutes, and the experience is a steady heat, similar to a hot stone massage. Prices vary
according to area.
What is Exfoliation and Why Is It So Important?
Exfoliation is the process of using a mechanical or chemical means to promote superficial skin cell shedding. As we age,
the natural sloughing/cell turnover slows down tremendously resulting in dull, rough or uneven tone, texture, clogged
pores and even blemishes. To put this into perspective, at birth, cell turnover takes about 2 weeks; in our teens and
twenty’s cell turnover takes about 28 days. By our late 40’s and 50’s the same process takes 4 to 6 weeks.
The benefits of exfoliation are improved texture and tone, lightened pigmentation, unclogged pores, a clearer complexion,
a reduction in acne breakouts and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkle, and a more even application and penetration
of skin care products.
The Importance of Using Professional Home Care Products
While professional skin care products may seem more expensive or cost prohibitive at first, they actually offer you a better
value in the long run. Products obtained from your licensed skin care provider contain higher concentrations of active
ingredients than over the counter or department store brands. By law, the active ingredients in these products can be of a
higher percentage and more concentrated. This is a savings to you because you actually need to use less of the product
per application to achieve better and faster results.
Clear + Brilliant takes skin care to a whole new level.
Aging skin is a fact of life. The good news is the earlier you start taking care of your skin, the more you can prevent the
signs of aging and maintain a younger look. What you do in your 20s and 30s will affect how you look in your 40s, 50s and
beyond. Adding Clear + Brilliant to your collection of skin care tricks – at any age – will help you recover the glow,
luminosity and smoothness your skin, and you, deserve.
This unique treatment expands skin care to not only address unwanted signs of aging, but gives you the power to help
prevent them:
Visibly illuminated skin tone
Renewed, ultra-soft and smoother texture
Naturally radiant and glowing skin
Improved tone, texture and radiance
Reduction in the appearance of pores
Uncover your brilliance
Comfortable, fast, effective, affordable
Minimal downtime
Safe for all skin types
Broadband Light Halted Signs of Aging in Small Study
By: SHARON WORCESTER, Skin & Allergy News Digital Network
KISSIMMEE, FLA. – Broadband light therapy virtually halted the signs of aging in women treated at least annually for 8
years, according to Dr. Patrick Bitter Jr.
"This really is the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth for delaying skin aging," Dr. Bitter said at the annual
meeting of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery.
Read More at the Skin & Allergy News Digital Network...
Before & After
::We have an extensive library of Before and After pictures for most of our treatments. Take some time to look through
them to help you better understand the great results that you can get from our procedures. ::
No copy needed. Links to ecommerce site.
About Us
Our Philosophy
Here at The Dermatology Center and Rockledge MedSpa we work closely with our patients to address their skin needs
and issues. We offer complete medical and cosmetic dermatology under the care of the top physicians and staff in the DC
metro area. We have the expertise, experience, and up-to-date technology to meet your needs.
We believe our patients have the right to fully understand their choices and receive the best treatments available. We take
care to spend time with our patients and explain procedures and treatments thoroughly.
First, we care about the health of your skin. No matter what you come in for, we want to make sure that your skin is
healthy and well taken care of. After that we look at any cosmetic treatment options that are of interest to you, and we find
options to suit every skin type, budget, and time restrictions. We recommend that all patients come see us for a yearly
total body skin exam, which is usually covered under insurance, to ensure the health of your skin everywhere on your
Contact Us for an appointment or for more information. We look forward to meeting with you soon.
• Patient Information & Forms
Select any of the forms below to download in pdf. To obtain Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here.
Patient Registration Form (Part 1)
Patient Registration Form (Part 2)
Rockledge Medspa Registration Form
Records Release Form - Incoming to Dermatology Center
Records Release Form - Outgoing to Patient or Outside Physician
Patch Testing/Contact Dermatitis Evaluation Form
Notice of Privacy Practices
MOHS for Rockledge Surgery Center
Excisions for Rockledge Surgery Center
Spa Brochure
Dermatology Practice Brochure
A Patient’s Guide To Mohs Micrographic Surgery
Insurance: Participating Insurance Plans
Patient Financing Options
Arrival Time
As a courtesy to our other patients, if you arrive late for your appointment we may have to re-schedule you for
another day. We recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes early to find parking and find our office, or arrive
30 minutes early if you also need to complete patient forms in the office. Please call us if you will be late and we
can let you know if your appointment needs to be re-scheduled. For surgical appointments it is extremely
necessary to arrive on time. For all appointments plan to be in our office for at least an hour, and please schedule
your day accordingly.
Cosmetic Contracts
All balances shall be paid in accordance with each client’s payment arrangement. A Processing fee equal to 10% of the
Contract will be charged against your total purchase if canceled after 72 hours. No refunds will be made for cosmetic
services after 14 days; however any unused credits may be applied toward other cosmetic services or purchase of
skincare products. If the contracted treatment package is not completed, the single treatment price will be charged for all
completed treatments, in which case The Dermatology Center will have no further obligation to complete remaining
treatments. For any treatment package, treatments must be completed within one year of the first treatment.
Weekend Parking
The building no longer offers free parking on Saturdays. We apologize, we wish it still did, but the building now charges for
parking at all times. It’s very easy to pay though, you can use credit cards as well as cash now, and you pay in the lobby
before heading back to your car.
Product Returns
Non Prescription Products and Makeup- Unopened
1. Full Refund with sales receipt if returned in new condition within 15 days of purchase with receipt.
2. Store credit given if returned in new condition, unexpired without receipt within 15 days of purchase. Store credit
may be used toward purchase of skin care products or cosmetic services.
Non Prescription Products and Makeup Products- Opened
1. If opened and minimally used, may be returned within 15 days of purchase for a store credit of 50% of the value.
2. Nonprescription products may not be covered by flexible spending plans, due to lack of medical necessity.
Prescription Products
1. No return is allowed by Maryland law
2. Prescription products include
a. Latisse
b. Tretinoin (all strengths)
Makeup Return
1. Open Jane Iredale makeup returns are accepted up to 15 days of purchase, ONLY if the product was defective or
the patient had a reaction to the makeup.
2. UNOPENED, NEW CONDITION returns are accepted within 15 days of purchase with receipt.
3. All other returns will not be accepted
The only way to ensure your product is genuine is to purchase it through an authorized medical practice. It is not
guaranteed that the product quality or authenticity of products purchased through any other outlet is authentic.
For any questions about the skin care products or packages you have purchased, please contact any of the following:
Denise West at 301-968-1212 or at
Lauren Mueller at 301-968-1214 or at
Jennifer Mullings at 301-968-1200 or at
Tara Elton at
Promotional items are non-refundable.
Thank you.
• Clinical Dermatology Staff
Roberta F. Palestine, M.D.
Thomas C. Yu, M.D.
Joseph I. Lee, M.D.
Khalique Zahir, M.D.
Christian Millett, M.D.
Chicky Dadlani, M.D.
Lynn McKinley-Grant, M.D.
David Spott, M.D.
Jennifer I. Whitman, PA-C
Amy Gawler, PA-C
Kelly Balestra, PA-C
Danielle Drezek, PA-C
Tara Elton, RN
Rockledge Med Spa Staff
Susette Lapina, Licensed Esthetician
Olena Kovalchuk, Licensed Esthetician
Carol L. Bendfeldt, Licensed Esthetician
Linda St. Jean, Licensed Esthetician
Allyssa Corun, Licensed Esthetician
Roberta F. Palestine, M.D.
Roberta F. Palestine, M.D. is the founder and Medical Director of The Dermatology Center and has been in practice since
1982. Dr. Palestine is a board certified dermatologist, and has been recognized as one of the top doctors in the
Washington metro area. She received her undergraduate degree from Cornell University, her medical degree with honors
from the University of Rochester, and she attended the world-famous Mayo Clinic for her residency in dermatology.
At Mayo, she received the coveted Paul A. O’Leary Award in recognition of excellence in patient care. “Patients have
commented on how well I listen. I think that's very important in customizing treatment for each individual patient. I find it
satisfying to help people optimize their appearance, because when people look better it makes them feel better and
therefore enhances their self-esteem and self-confidence.”
Khalique S. Zahir, M.D.
Khalique S. Zahir, M.D. is a native of West Virginia and came to this area after completing his General Surgery training at
St. Mary's Hospital/Yale University. He gained additional training in Cosmetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at
Vanderbilt University. Dr. Zahir is board certified by the American board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic
He practices in Maryland and Northern Virginia and has staff privileges at Suburban Hospital, Fairfax Hospital, Arlington
and Alexandria Hospitals. He is considered a scientific and clinical educator, having published over 20 articles in national
health journals on topics related to cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.
Lynn McKinley-Grant, M.D.
Dr. Lynn McKinley-Grant is a board- certified dermatologist, who has practiced in the Washington area for over 25 years.
She attended Harvard Medical School and did her Dermatology Residency at New York University. She is currently an
Associate Professor of Medicine at Georgetown University Hospital Medical Center. She has published extensively on a
variety of medical topics, and is a member of many medical boards across the country. She has been voted one of
Washington’s Top Doctors by Washingtonian Magazine for many years. She comes to The Dermatology Center with
years of excellent experience as a very well-respected dermatologist in the community.
Chicky Dadlani, M.D.
Dr. Chicky Dadlani is triple board certified in Dermatology, Pediatric Dermatology and Pediatrics. She practices general,
pediatric and cosmetic dermatology.
Dr. Dadlani graduated summa cum laude from the University of Michigan. She earned her MD from the University Of
Maryland School Of Medicine and completed her pediatric residency from Johns Hopkins Hospital. Then, Dr. Dadlani
completed her dermatology training at New York University. She also completed a one-year fellowship in pediatric
dermatology at NYU.
She specializes in the care of disorders involving the skin, hair and nails in children and teens. Her areas of interest
include acne, inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and the evaluation and management of skin
cancers, birthmarks, moles, and skin growths. Clinically, Dr. Dadlani also maintains a special interest in women's
dermatology, dermatologic surgery and cosmetic dermatology procedures including but not limited to lasers, Botox, fillers,
and chemical peels. She has published articles in peer reviewed journals and textbooks.
She is an active member of the American Academy of Dermatology, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Board of
Dermatology, American Board of Pediatrics, Women's Dermatologic Society, Society for Pediatric Dermatology and
American Medical Association.
Joseph Lee, M.D.
Joseph Lee, M.D. is a board certified dermatologist. He received his PhD., medical degree and dermatology residency
training from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He is actively engaged in research at the National Institutes
of Health, and has a broad background in skin cancer research and a special interest in surgery.
“As a trained scientist, I look upon diseases from a scientific point of view, but I never lose sight of the patient. That’s
because, of the many different ways we can offer treatment, each person responds differently.”
Christian Millett, M.D.
Dr. Millett is a board certified dermatologist who received his medical degree with honors at Jefferson Medical College in
Philadephia, PA. Dr. Millett received his residency training in dermatology at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, NJ,
where he served as chief resident. His undergraduate degree is from the University of Virginia, where he was a top
scholar and recipient of several high honors awards. He has collaborated on multiple articles on the treatments and
findings of skin disease. He lives in Washington, D.C.
David Spott, M.D.
Dr. Spott is originally from Shaker Heights, Ohio. He attended the University of Pittsburgh for undergraduate work, then
attended medical school at Ohio State University. He attended the University of Pennsylvania for residency training in
dermatology, serving as chief resident in the final year. Prior to entering practice, two years of military service were
completed, one spent aboard a ship in southeast Asia during the Vietnam conflict. He has now been living and practicing
dermatology in the Washington, D.C. area for the last 36 years.
Thomas C. Yu, M.D.
Thomas C. Yu, M.D., is a board certified dermatologist. He received his medical degree with honors at the University of
Maryland School of Medicine and completed his internship in internal medicine at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.
Dr. Yu received his residency training in dermatology at Columbia University's St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Medical Center,
where he served as Chief Resident. He then completed his fellowship in Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic
Surgery at Columbia University’s Center for Laser and Dermatologic Surgery.
He is the author of multiple articles and book chapters regarding cutaneous oncology, reconstructive surgery, and
dermatologic surgery.
Jennifer I. Whitman, PA-C
Jennifer Whitman, PA-C is a board certified Physician Assistant (PA). She completed her Master of Physician Assistant
Studies at Chatham University, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Jennifer comes to the Dermatology Center with over 10
years of clinical practice including prior experience in Dermatology. During her career as a Physician Assistant, she has
also worked in the specialties of Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Urgent Care. Jennifer especially enjoys
treating acne patients, and says her patients find her to be compassionate and very thorough. Jennifer resides in
Rockville with her husband Jeff who is an architect.
Amy Gawler, PA-C
Amy Gawler, PA-C is a board certified Physician Assistant. She completed her Master of Physician Assistant Studies at
George Washington University in Washington DC. Amy comes to the Dermatology Center with over 15 years of
professional experience including Holy Cross Hospital, Children’s National Medical Center and Inova Fairfax Hospital.
During her career as a Physician Assistant, she has worked in a variety of subspecialties including general, orthopedic,
and plastics and reconstructive surgery. Amy grew up in the metropolitan DC area and now lives in suburban Maryland
with her husband and two boys.
Kelly Balestra, PA-C
Kelly Balestra, PA-C is a board certified Physician Assistant. She completed her MS from Nova Southeastern University in
Fort Lauderdale, Florida. One of Kelly’s defining moments was a 2008 medical mission trip to Ecuador, where she cared
for patients in an inner jungle outside the Capital city of Quito. She has since travelled abroad to work on medical
missions, and is passionate about patient care.
Danielle Drezek, PA-C
Danielle Drezek, PA-C is a board certified Physician Assistant. She completed her Masters of Physician Assistant studies
at Stony Brook University in Long Island, New York. Danielle comes to the Dermatology Center with prior experience in
subspecialties of Cosmetic Dermatology, Interventional Radiology and Pediatric Neurosurgery. She received a full
undergraduate scholarship in Gymnastics at the University of Rhode Island where she earned graduate degrees in
Psychology and Anthropology as well as participated in the Child Family Health International Program in Oaxaca, Mexico.
• • Rockledge Med Spa Staff
Susette Lapina, Licensed Esthetician
Susette Lapina, Licenced Esthetician, Susette Lapina is a native of London, England where she received her initial
qualification from the Steiner Beauty Therapy School in 1999. Licensed in Maryland and Washington, D.C. since 2002,
she is a member of the Confederation of International Beauty and Cosmetology Therapists.
She provides a full range of medical esthetic treatments and is certified in the Obagi System, endermologie and chemical
peels. Susette joined the practice in 2004.
Olena Kovalchuk, Licensed Esthetician
Olena Kovalchuk, Licenced Esthetician, Olena initially trained in Paris, France at the International School of Estheticians
and received the French University Degree in Esthetics/Cosmetics in 2000. From there, she went on to specialize in
medical esthetics in the USA with Medi-Clinical Intensive courses (Dermed), chemical peels specialization with Obagi
Skin Care Restoration Courses, Physicians’ choice of Arizona and TTNL Medical Esthetics Course in 2003.
She is a certified Aesthetic Medical Specialist. Olena is a member of the Society of Dermatology Skin Care Specialists.
She has won several awards, including Washingtonian magazine’s best facial in December 2001. She takes pride in
providing rigorous, scientific-based, results-oriented treatments.
Carol L. Bendfeldt, Licensed Esthetician
Carol L. Bendfeldt, Licensed Esthetician, is a Master Esthetician trained at Yvonne de Vilar Scientific Skin Care Ltd. in
facial and body treatments, makeup artistry, and hair removal. She then completed her Masters in Esthetics at Dermal
Science International Aesthetics Academy advancing her skills to microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and body
rejuvenating treatments. Licensed in Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C.
She exhibits a passion for scientifically proven skin care treatments and products along with nutrition and exercise tips to
complement the finest skin care.
Linda St. Jean, Licensed Esthetician
Allyssa Corun, Licensed Esthetician
• Hours & Directions for The Dermatology Center
Bethesda Office in The Champlain Building
Public Transportation to Bethesda Location
Parking at Bethesda Location
Office Hours at Bethesda Location
Germantown Office in the Shady Grove Medical Center II
Public Transportation to Germantown Location
Parking at Germantown Location
Office Hours at Germantown Location
Sibley Office in Washington, DC
Public Transportation to DC-Sibley Location
Parking at DC-Sibley Location
Office Hours at DC-Sibley Location
Affiliated Hospitals
Languages Spoken
The Champlain Building
6410 Rockledge Drive, Suite 201
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 301-530-8300
Fax: 301-530-4638
Directions to Bethesda Practice:
FROM NORTHERN VIRGINIA VIA THE BELTWAY: Cross the Potomac into Maryland. Bear left and take Rte 270 North
towards Rockville and Frederick. Take the Democracy Blvd. East exit (Exit 1A). Turn left at the third light onto Rockledge
Drive. Make your first u-turn and then come into the lot nearest the last building on the right. We are on the second floor of
the Champlain Building.
FROM BELTWAY (RTE 495 WEST): Take exit number 36 (Old Georgetown Road, Rte 187). Go about 1 mile North
towards Rockville (3 lights). Turn left on Democracy Blvd. After 1 block, turn right on Rockledge Drive. Make your first uturn and then come into the lot nearest the last building on the right. We are on the second floor of the Champlain
FROM RTE 270 SOUTH: Bear right where 270 divides and take Exit 1. Turn left onto Democracy Blvd and go towards
Old Georgetown Rd. Turn left onto Rockledge Drive, which is the first light after Fernwood. Make your first u-turn and then
come into the lot nearest the last building on the right. We are on the second floor of the Champlain Building.
FROM RTE 355: Turn onto Old Georgetown Rd. and go South towards Bethesda. Pass Georgetown Square shopping
center (Hamburger Hamlet is here) and make an immediate right onto Democracy Blvd. After 1 block, turn right onto
Rockledge Drive. Make your first u-turn and then come into the lot nearest the last building on the right. We are on the
second floor of the Champlain Building.
Public Transportation to Bethesda Office
To reach our office by public transportation: Bus 96 from Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro. This also passes by
Montgomery Mall.
Parking at our Bethesda Office
At our Bethesda location there are three options for parking: surface, multilevel garage and street metered parking. To
expedite your arrival at the Bethesda office we recommend you park in the multilevel garage due to the shortage of
surface parking spaces. The parking ticket you receive when entering the premises will also provide access to the parking
garage. Parking is managed by Colonial Parking and we do not validate for parking. The fee for parking is $2 per one-half
hour, up to a maximum of $10 per visit. ONLY CASH IS ACCEPTED.
Metered street parking is available from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. The cost is 60¢ per hour and the meter accepts nickels,
dimes and quarters.
Bethesda Practice Hours:
8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 7:00 PM
8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 4:30 PM
8:00 AM until 12:00 PM
Bethesda Med Spa Hours:
8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 7:00 PM
8:00 AM until 7:00 PM
8:00 AM until 7:00 PM
8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 1:00 PM
Shady Grove Adventist Medical Center II
19735 Germantown Road, Suite 210
Germantown, Maryland 20874
Phone (301) 444-0153
Fax (301) 444-0158
Click Here For Additional Directions From MapQuest
Directions to Germantown Office:
Take I-270 north from the Washington Beltway. Take exit 15b which is route 118 south (Germantown Road). The Practice
is in the large, new medical office on the left, just after you pass the Exxon station. Go to the 3d light after you are on 118
s and make a u-turn at Middlebrook Road. Proceed past the Mi Rancho restaurant and the parking lot is the next right.
Public Transportation to Germantown Office
To reach our office by public transportation: Bus 61 from Shady Grove Metro. It also goes to the Transit Center.
Parking at our Germantown Office
At our Germantown location there is ample surface parking at no cost.
Germantown Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 4:30 PM
Saturday (once a month)
8:00 AM until 12:00 PM
Washington, DC-Sibley Office
We are located right next to Sibley Memorial Hospital, in a separate medical building on the Sibley campus (please see
image to the right). You can park in the garage right next to our building.
Sibley Office Address
5215 Loughboro Road NW
Suite 140
Washington, DC 20016
Phone (202) 244-4550
Fax (202) 244-3198
Directions to Washington, DC - Sibley Office
FROM DOWNTOWN WASHINGTON, DC (Applies to NE, SE, SW) Take Massachusetts Ave. west (uptown toward
Maryland) Follow Massachusetts Ave. to Ward Circle (by American University) From Ward Circle, turn left onto Nebraska
Ave. Follow Nebraska Ave. until you see 5215 Loughboro Road on the right. (Loughboro Rd. is an extension of Nebraska
FROM I-270 (GAITHERSBURG, FREDRICK) I-270 to I-495 (The Washington Beltway) Beltway toward Northern Virginia
Exit at Cabin John Parkway Take first left exit to MacArthur Blvd. Turn left at third traffic light onto Loughboro Rd. 5215
Loughboro Road will be on the left.
FROM ROCKVILLE OR BETHESDA VIA WISCONSIN AVE. Follow Wisconsin Ave. to Western Ave. Turn right on
Western Ave. to Westmoreland Circle (past River Rd.) Halfway around Westmoreland Circle, exit on Dalecarlia Pkwy.
(Look for sign pointing to Sibley Hospital.) Follow Dalecarlia Pkwy. Make a slight right on to Loughboro Road. 5215
Loughboro Road will be on the right.
FROM VIRGINIA VIA I-495 (THE WASHINGTON BELTWAY) Cross American Legion Bridge. Take immediate right to
Clara Barton Pkwy. Follow Clara Barton Parkway to MacArthur Blvd. exit. Turn right on MacArthur Blvd. and follow to
Loughboro Rd. Turn left at traffic light onto Loughboro Rd. 5215 Loughboro Road will be on the left.
FROM VIRGINIA VIA GEORGE WASHINGTON PKWY. George Washington Pkwy. to Route 123 (Chain Bridge Rd.)
Take second Route 123 exit toward Chain Bridge. Follow Route 123 to end. Turn left to cross Chain Bridge. Turn right
onto Canal Rd. Take first left onto Arizona Ave. Turn left at the first light onto MacArthur Blvd. Follow MacArthur Blvd. to
Loughboro Rd. and turn right. 5215 Loughboro Road will be on the left.
FROM VIRGINIA VIA KEY BRIDGE (GEORGETOWN) Stay in left lane on Key Bridge; turn left onto Canal Rd. At second
light, turn left onto Reservoir Rd. Reservoir Rd. to MacArthur Blvd. and turn left. Follow MacArthur Blvd. approximately
three miles. Turn right at Loughboro Rd. 5215 Loughboro Road will be on the left.
We are connected to Sibley hospital, and are on the same medical campus. To reach us turn into the hospital and park in
the parking garage. We are just off the parking garage.
Public Transportation to Sibley Office
Our Sibley Office is served by the D6 and M4 Metrobus routes. The D6 route connects with Metrorail at Stadium Armory,
Union Station, Metro Center, Farragut Square and Dupont Circle in downtown Washington. The M4 connects with the
Tenleytown Metro. Our Sibley Office is also served by the Number 23 Ride-On Bus which connects at the Friendship
Heights Metro. For information about transit schedules, call Metro Information at (202) 637-7000 or Ride-On at (240) 7777433.
There is a free shuttle that goes from the Tenleytown Metro to directly outside our Sibley office.
Sibley Shuttle Service Schedule
Tenleytown Metro Station to Sibley Medical Building
The Shuttle Service will leave the Tenleytown Metro Station every hour on the hour at:
5:00 (last trip to Sibley)
The Shuttle Service will leave the Medical Building every hour on the half-hour at:
5:30 (last trip to Metro)
Washington, DC - Sibley Office Parking
At our DC location there are two options for parking: surface and multilevel garage. To expedite your arrival at the DC
office we recommend you park in the multilevel garage due to the shortage of surface parking spaces. Payment is due on
exit, and we do not validate for parking. Cash or credit cards are accepted at the ticket booths upon exit.
Washington, DC - Sibley Office Hours
7:30 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 5:00 PM
8:00 AM until 4:30 PM
Saturday (once per month)
8:00 AM until 12:00 PM
Affiliated Hospitals:
Suburban Hospital and Shady Grove Adventist Hospital
Languages Spoken:
English, Russian and Spanish
• Dermatology Links
American Academy of Dermatology:
[ Graphic: ASDS Logo ]
American Society of Dermatologic Surgeons
[ Graphic: ASLMS Logo ]
American Society For Laser Medicine & Surgery:
[ Graphic: Weddzilla Logo]
Dermskin is proud to be a launch partner of Weddzilla
The American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology (ACMMSCO):
American Society of Plastic Surgeons:
Skin Care Physicians
DermaNetwork: Resource for Cosmetic Dermatology
• Patient Education Articles
General Interest:
What is Exfoliation and Why Is It So Important?
The Importance of Using Professional Home Care Products
“The Importance of Seeing a Dermatologist”
"Help Your Skin Survive the Change of Seasons Beautifully"
"Mom Pleads with People Not to Tan"
“How Well Do You Know Your SPOTS?”
“Are you allergic to your cosmetics?”
“Tips to clear up your complexion”
“Why do Men see Dermatologists?”
“Your Children and Dermatologists”
“Be Sun Smart™”
Overall Cosmetic Improvement:
Asset Protection: Protecting Your Appearance
"Fraxel® re:pair"
“The Latest in No-Downtime, Anti-Aging Procedures”
“Fraxel® Skin Resurfacing Just Got Easier”
Breast Augmentation:
"Breast Augmentation, is it for you?"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTICLES ----------------------------------------------------------------
What is Exfoliation and Why Is It So Important?
Exfoliation is the process of using a mechanical or chemical means to promote superficial skin cell shedding. As we age,
the natural sloughing/cell turnover slows down tremendously resulting in dull, rough or uneven tone, texture, clogged
pores and even blemishes. To put this into perspective, at birth, cell turnover takes about 2 weeks; in our teens and
twenty’s cell turnover takes about 28 days. By our late 40’s and 50’s the same process takes 4 to 6 weeks.
The benefits of exfoliation are improved texture and tone, lightened pigmentation, unclogged pores, a clearer complexion,
a reduction in acne breakouts and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkle, and a more even application and penetration
of skin care products.
Two of the most common exfoliation methods performed in the medical spa are microdermabrasion and chemical
Microdermabrasion is a mechanical exfoliating technique that involves using a machine to physically dislodge the dead
skin cells and vacuum them off the skin’s surface. It can help refine pores, improve the appearance of acne scars and
help even out blotchy, thickened and sun-damaged skin. For best results, this treatment should be performed by a
licensed and very experienced skin care therapist to ensure best results and reduced inflammation.
A chemical exfoliation involves using products that contain enzymes or acids that help loosen the bonds that hold dead
skin cells to the epidermis. Many chemical exfoliants use alpha-hydroxy (AHA’s), and beta hydroxy acides (BHA) The acid
solution works to gently dislodge the outmost layer of the skin ; encourages cellular turnover and brings new, healthy cells
to the surface.
To determine which method of exfoliation is best for you, schedule a complementary skin care consultation with one of our
highly trained and experienced master medical estheticians. They will analyze your skin, discuss your skin care concerns,
medical history, recommend the appropriate treatment for you and design a home care regimen to enhance and extend
your in office results.
The Importance of Using Professional Home Care Products
While professional skin care products may seem more expensive or cost prohibitive at first, they actually offer you a better
value in the long run. Products obtained from your licensed skin care provider contain higher concentrations of active
ingredients than over the counter or department store brands. By law, the active ingredients in these products can be of a
higher percentage and more concentrated. This is a savings to you because you actually need to use less of the product
per application to achieve better and faster results.
Manufacturers of over the counter products and department store brands spend huge amounts of their resources on mass
marketing, advertising, branding and packaging. Conversely, manufacturers of pharmaceutical grade products spend
more of their resources in the research, development and testing of their ingredients.
Additionally, using home care products prescribed by your provider will enhance and maintain the results you receive from
your professional treatments. Think about it this way, you wouldn’t put regular gasoline in your high performance vehicle
and expect it to run efficiently. Likewise, you wouldn’t want to use lower quality home care products and expect to achieve
healthy and radiant skin.
For more information, stop by one of our locations and receive a complementary skin care analysis. Our highly qualified
medical professionals and master medical estheticians will design a skin care regimen and treatment plan especially for
The Importance of Seeing a Dermatologist
This story is about a long term cosmetic and medical patient of ours. During a cosmetic procedure, Dr. Palestine noticed a
brown spot near her eye. The patient said she had had this for many years, and even had photos from years ago to prove
that it hadn’t changed. Dr. Palestine thought it looked irregular and should be biopsied. The patient didn’t want a biopsy
there, because it was on her face, close to her eye. She brought in photos showing that it had been there for a long time.
But Dr. Palestine still didn’t like the look of it, and insisted on a biopsy and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Eventually the
patient agreed. The biopsy showed malignant melanoma, the most severe form of skin cancer. Because of the location on
the eyelid, the patient required a complex surgical procedure coordinated by eye surgeons and plastic surgeons at Johns
Hopkins in Baltimore. When the patient returned to our office, she gave Dr. Palestine a hug for insisting on a biopsy, and
saving her life.
Another patient came for a stubborn brown spot on her face. She had been going to a spa and getting chemical peels to
try to lighten the spot, but nothing helped. She finally realized that she should see a dermatologist about it. Dr. Palestine
examined the area, and it looked suspicious – a biopsy proved to be melanoma. The technicians at the previous spa were
merely trying to lighten a brown spot, without having any idea of what it actually was.
That is why it is so important to have skin issues evaluated and diagnosed by a dermatologist. What we do here is a
necessary part of your health check-ups, and you should see a dermatologist at least once a year for total body skin
exams. This is also why it is so important to have your cosmetic treatments done by a dermatologist, not just a spa, or
even a medspa. Dermatologist-run practices keep skin health as a top of mind priority, and will be vigilant on your behalf
to keep your skin safe and healthy.
Help Your Skin Survive the Change of Seasons Beautifully
Roberta Palestine, M.D., Dermatologist, Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center
With the leaves changing colors and the start of the holiday season, fall is a wonderful time of year. But unfortunately the
onset of winter can wreak havoc on our skin. Cooler temperatures outside combined with arid, artificial heat inside create
a recipe for dry, itchy skin.
For patients who experience dry and itchy skin when the weather changes year after year, I advise being proactive. If you
start moisturizing sooner rather than later—especially when fall just begins to set in—these uncomfortable skin issues can
usually be avoided.
When it comes to the face, a few simple skincare steps can alleviate uncomfortable and unsightly dryness, but you don’t
have to stop using the anti-aging or anti-acne active ingredients you rely on to keep your skin looking great. Retinol is
commonly used to treat visible signs of aging as well as acne, and many patients find it difficult to tolerate this ingredient
even when the weather isn’t in flux. If the change of seasons makes your skin more reactive, first try switching to a
cleanser designed for sensitive skin. You can also step down the concentration of your retinol until spring. For example, if
you find SkinMedica Tri-Retinol Complex ES or prescription retinoids too harsh this time of year, try SkinMedica’s original
Retinol Complex for the short term. Other skin-soothing options include mixing your retinol with moisturizer when applying,
or using a more intense moisturizer such as SkinMedica’s Dermal Repair for the winter months. Your best bet is to talk to
your dermatologist, so he or she can give you recommendations that are well suited to your skin and your concerns.
Exfoliation is key for eliminating dead, flaky skin, and SkinMedica Skin Polisher contains ultra-fine jojoba spheres that
gently remove dry skin without irritation or stripping the skin of essential moisture. This time of year is ideal for in-office
chemical peels since most of us are outdoors less, making it easier to avoid the post-peel sun exposure that can lead to
complications. Within just a few appointments, skin is smoother and softer with less signs of summer sun damage, and
eliminating the build-up of dull, dry skin helps your moisturizer penetrate better.
For dry, itchy skin on the body, daily moisturization is key. Apply cream or lotion immediately after showering when skin is
still damp, and remember to be generous. Don’t try to spread your cream or lotion too thin, even if it means waiting a few
extra minutes before getting dressed. And don’t take too-hot showers either, as this can dry out skin even more.
While most of us associate winter with bundling up and being out of the sun, I can’t stress enough the importance of daily
sunscreen use year-round. We all need to use a sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection regardless of the weather, since
even incidental sun exposure from walking to and from the car and driving can contribute not only to visible signs of aging,
but to skin cancer as well. My rule of thumb: Apply sunscreen anywhere that’s not covered by clothing, so in the winter
this means concentrating on your face, neck and hands. During the colder months, your sunscreen doesn’t have to be
thick, greasy or water-resistant, and I recommend SkinMedica’s TNS Ultimate Daily Moisturizer + SPF 20 because it
works like 3 products in one by delivering moisture, sun protection and anti-aging benefits. But if you take part in outdoor
activities like skiing (the sun is stronger at higher altitudes), be sure to have a high-performance sunscreen that offers a
high level of UV protection.
There’s no reason your skin can’t survive winter comfortably and beautifully, but when in doubt, talk to your dermatologist.
As the only doctor trained exclusively in the care and health of your skin, he or she is your best ally year-round.
Roberta F. Palestine, M.D. is the founder and director of the Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center in Bethesda
and Germantown, Maryland, and has been in practice since 1982. Dr. Palestine is a board certified dermatologist.
She received her undergraduate degree from Cornell University, her medical degree with honors from the
University of Rochester, and she attended the world-famous Mayo Clinic for her residency in dermatology.
Mom Pleads with People Not to Tan
Donna Regen’s daughter Jaime spent her high school lunch hours tanning in a nearby salon in an effort to be tan and
popular. Jaime, who also spent time in the sun, went from a self-proclaimed tanning bed addict to a melanoma patient in
just a couple of years. She died just three weeks shy of her 30th birthday. Her family is sharing Jaime’s emotional story in
the American Academy of Dermatology’s TV and print public service advertisements (PSAs) that plead with people not to
tan because of the increased risk of melanoma. Watch Donna’s PSA and read Jaime’s story at
Research shows indoor tanning increases a person’s melanoma risk by 75 percent. Melanoma is the most common form
of cancer for 25-29 year olds and the second most common form of cancer for 15-29 year olds. UV radiation from the sun
and tanning beds also has been associated with non-melanoma skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous
cell carcinoma, as well as wrinkles and age spots.
Jaime’s story puts a face on the statistic that one person dies of melanoma every hour. Reduce your risk of melanoma by
protecting your skin from the sun and avoiding tanning beds. If you notice anything growing, changing or bleeding on your
skin, please call my office to schedule an appointment. The earlier skin cancer is detected, the easier it is to treat.
How Well Do You Know Your SPOTS?
By Roberta F. Palestine, M.D
Recently a woman in her 30’s came to see me because she had noticed a tiny new dark spot on her cheek. It was only 1
mm, about the size of blackhead, but was darker than the rest of her freckles and moles. Because it was new and
different from the rest, I removed it and sent it to the lab to be examined under the microscope. The report came back
malignant melanoma. Fortunately, it was very superficial in depth as well as being very small in diameter, and there is an
excellent chance that this woman is cured of a potentially fatal cancer because she noticed a change and took care of it
right away.
Brown spots, red spots, pink spots, yellow spots – which are normal and which are not? Which are potentially serious or
Body mapping, or a total skin exam, should be part of everyone’s yearly physical exam. The skin is the largest organ in
the body, and since it is visible and easy to examine, even problems such as skin cancer are usually curable when caught
early. The incidence of skin cancer has reached epidemic proportions in this country over the past several years. The
good news is that early detection and treatment can cure most people.
A total skin exam involves looking at the skin from head to toe, including hard to see areas. This should be performed by
a board-certified dermatologist annually, and skin self-exams should be done monthly. Mirrors can help with visualizing
some areas of the body, and a family member or friend can help examine the scalp. Some precancerous or suspicious
lesions can occur in areas that you cannot readily see yourself. An important part of the dermatologic exam involves
documenting any lesion that needs to be monitored or removed, either on a body diagram or with photographs. This
serves as a baseline for future monitoring. Adults as well as children with an inherited tendency toward irregular skin
lesions benefit from this type of monitoring.
Body mapping (total skin exam) not only is useful to document suspicious lesions, but also serves as a visual
documentation for any other skin conditions to be addressed, such as rashes or other medical skin conditions, or areas
that would benefit from cosmetic procedures.
Put a yearly body check on your health agenda – remember, it can save your life!
Are You Allergic To Cosmetics?
By Roberta F. Palestine, MD
Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center
Your Health Magazine – April 2001
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Cosmetic products may be the cause of a skin allergy, such as allergic contact dermatitis. Facial rashes, in particular, are
a frequent sign of allergic contact dermatitis. Signs of contact dermatitis may also include skin sensitivity, redness, and
itching. Other areas commonly affected include the neck, ears and eyelids. In fact, eyelid dermatitis may represent the
only evidence of allergy because the eyelid skin is thinner and more sensitive than other areas of the face.
Frequent allergens, which cause allergic contact dermatitis, include fragrances and preservatives. Fragrances are thought
to be the second most common allergen, following nickel, in the entire spectrum of patch testing (discussed below).
Fragrance is a common ingredient in most cosmetic products. Many skin-care products labeled as “unscented” or
“fragrance-free” have masking fragrances, which may also cause an allergic reaction.
Preservatives are used in cosmetics to increase the shelf-life of the products. They prevent the growth of contaminates
such as bacteria or fungus. While these chemicals have a valuable role in cosmetics, they can cause allergic contact
dermatitis. Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives are the most common culprits in this group of allergens. Skin reactions
may be due to either the release of formaldehyde or the actual preservative itself.
Other cosmetic products, which are not directly applied to the face, can cause facial dermatitis. This group of products
includes nail polish, hair dye, perm solutions, and jewelry containing gold or nickel. Both nail polish and metals in jewelry
are frequently related to eyelid dermatitis. Hair products may cause rashes around the hairline, neck and upper back.
Dermatologists test for allergic contact dermatitis by patch testing their patients. Patch testing is considered the “gold
standard” for the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis. Patch testing involves the placement of allergens on the skin
using special aluminum disks and tape. The allergens are left in place for 48 hours. The sites are then evaluated by the
dermatologist at 48 hours and again at 96 hours after the initial placement. At the final visit, the patient is educated about
his or her allergies.
What are the benefits of patch testing? EDUCATION.
1. Learn how to avoid allergens,
2. Learn which chemicals may crossreact with allergens,
3. How to choose “safe” skin-care products,
4. Hopefully prevent recurrences of skin symptoms.
Tips To Clear Up Your Complexion
Options To Treat Acne In Adult Patients [Link to Acne Treatments Page]
By Roberta F. Palestine, MD
Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center
The Medical News (Northern Virginia editio) – November 2000
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Acne is usually thought of as a teenage problem, right? Wrong! Acne frequently starts well before the teen years, and
lingers well into adulthood, even plaguing mature grandparents. It can even bypass the youthful years altogether and start
for the first time in adults.
Fortunately, there is a wide array of current options to treat acne. There are treatments for mild occasional pimples, and
other treatments for more significant and severe acne. Therapy can be customized to fit the level of severity and the
person’s lifestyle.
What causes acne?
It starts with the oil glands, which is why the usual areas that are involved are the face, neck, upper chest, and back,
because there are many oil glands in these areas. The opening of the oil glands, the pore, becomes blocked, and bacteria
then feed on the oil and cause the gland to become inflamed. Stress and hormones can act on the oil glands and
aggravate the condition.
Treatment is aimed at fighting the above factors, namely, the clogged pores, the bacteria, and the excess oil. It should be
noted that the skin can appear dry and still have acne, and this combination needs extra gentle therapy.
Home Treatments for Acne
The first line of treatment is topical creams, gels, lotions, and solutions. Most of the over-the-counter acne products are
very drying, and frequently irritate even teenage skin. Adult skin is usually less oily, and requires a more thoughtful,
individualized approach to design a treatment regimen appropriate for each person. A dermatologist can prescribe the
right mixture of cleansers and topical products.
For deeper or inflamed acne lesions, an internal antibiotic is added to the regimen. Accutane is reserved for very
stubborn, resistant acne, since it is a powerful medicine and needs to be monitored closely.
Office Treatments for Acne
Sometimes painful, tender cysts occur on the face, which in addition to being uncomfortable, can look unsightly and
interfere with social activities. These are injected with cortisone, which helps them heal very quickly. Usually, the office will
accommodate this dermatologic “emergency” and work the person into the schedule the same day.
In addition to home treatment, acne patients frequently benefit from some mild office procedures. These include Derma
Peels (microdermabrasion), which helps to unclog the pores and smooth the skin, mild chemical peels, and acne facials.
Sometimes a combination of these procedures is helpful.
These are all fast, painless, and require no recovery or downtime; they are truly “lunchtime” procedures. And for the
mature adult with both acne and wrinkles (Is life fair?), we can kill two birds with one stone, since these procedures are
anti-aging as well as anti-acne.
Treating Acne Scars
Finally, if the acne has resulted in scars, these can be treated also. Mild scars can be treated with microdermabrasion,
moderate scars with the CoolTouch laser or filler substances such as collagen injections, and more significant scars are
treated by laser resurfacing.
Adult acne can be treated and controlled. Dermatologists are skin specialists who are familiar with the latest options for
both home and office treatments.
Why Do Men See Dermatologists?
By Roberta F. Palestine, MD
Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center
Your Health Magazine – November 2001
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What do you think of when someone says that they are going to the dermatologist? Not only women and teenagers make
appointments to visit their dermatologist so do men. What skin conditions and concerns do men have?
Skin problems in men are about the same as in anyone else and include such conditions as psoriasis, eczema, acne,
warts, and infections. Also, growths such as moles and skin cancer occur in both men and women.
There are some unique dermatological conditions that occur only in men. For example, shaving bumps from ingrown hairs
develop in the beard area of some men. Women can develop a variation of this condition in other areas. And some skin
problems can be worse in men such as advanced rosacea.
Now more than ever, men are also going to the dermatologist to improve their appearance. It is no longer considered vain
to want to look one’s best and to optimize how one presents to other people. In fact, society now accepts and promotes
the ideas of staying healthy and keeping up with preventative maintenance. And what most people see is another
person’s skin.
In the past, cosmetic procedures used to involve a lengthy recovery period. This was impractical for working people who
could not take several weeks off while they recuperated. However, technology has advanced to the point that there are
now many “no down time” procedures that accommodate the desire to improve one’s looks without missing any work —
and without being so drastic that it is obvious to other people. Some of the newer procedures are done in several
sessions, so that the improvement is subtle and progressive, rather than broadcasting that you have had cosmetic
What procedures do men frequently have at the dermatologist’s office to improve their appearance?
The most common one in my office is removal of brown spots, also called “age spots” or “liver spots.” Another easy and
quick procedure is Botox to treat frown lines that make people look angry or upset even when they are not. Spider veins
or capillaries on the face, especially on and around the nose, are easily treated with a laser that does not leave any
bruises or marks. Wrinkles can be treated by a variety of methods, and an overall freshening of the complexion is
accomplished by DermaPeels (microdermabrasion). Scars can frequently be less obvious by several office procedures.
Removal of unwanted hair is another category of procedures frequently requested by men. The common areas for this are
the back, chest, and back of the neck. The EpiLight hair removal system can treat large areas and is popular with both
men and women. Appointments for smaller areas usually take about half an hour, and sometimes a little longer for larger
Men also visit a dermatologist for larger procedures such as liposuction (especially to get rid of “love handles” at the sides
of the abdomen). Hair loss is another concern that brings men to the dermatologist, for medical treatment as well as hair
I frequently see many members of a family, spanning several generations and find the family aspect of dermatology
particularly rewarding.
Your Children and Dermatologists
By Roberta F. Palestine, MD
Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center
The Medical News (Montgomery County) – October 2000
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When you think of dermatologists, do you think mostly about beautifying your complexion and getting rid of wrinkles and
age spots? That certainly is an important part of dermatology, but is not the whole story of what a dermatologist does.
Actually, a dermatologist is the primary care provider for your skin, the family practice doctor for all skin conditions.
I frequently see several generations of the family for various skin problems, and delight in following my patients from
childhood through adolescence and into adulthood.
Why do children go to a dermatologist?
Warts can occur at any age, but are particularly common in children. They are bumps that stick out above the surface of
the skin, and can occur anywhere on the skin, Warts are caused by a wart virus, and are contagious — they can spread
elsewhere on the person, and can spread to other people.
A related type of condition is called molluscum, which is caused by a slightly different virus. There are many over-thecounter wart remedies, but stubborn or persistent warts can be more effectively treated in the office. There are several
treatments for warts and molluscum, depending on the size and location, and also on the age of the child.
Rashes and Eczema.
Itchy, miserable rashes have a variety of causes. Sometimes the tendency toward eczema and sensitive skin runs in
families, other times it involves only one person. Some rashes have specific causes that are straight forward, such as
poison ivy, and other times we have to search for the cause if it persists. Sometimes the treatment involves prescription
creams and internal medicines, along with advice on general skin care.
A common myth is that acne is only a teenage condition. While the teenage years are frequently accompanied by acne, it
can actually start much younger, and persist long into adulthood. Pimples can start appearing as early as eight years old,
and appropriate treatment can help minimize scarring. Discussing proper skincare, including make-up, can often have
more significance coming from the dermatologist than from parents.
Moles can develop or change in childhood and adolescence, and having them evaluated by a dermatologist can serve as
a baseline. Some may need to be removed because they arc changing or irregular or become irritated, while others can
be observed, Having moles examined can serve as an excellent opportunity for the dermatologist to educate a young
person about the sun. Again, hearing about sun protection from the doctor can have more impact than from the parents,
and can reinforce parents’ teachings.
In fact, an early education about the dangers of too much sun exposure can reduce the need to treat the wrinkles and age
spots later on.
Be Sun Smart™
Sun exposure is the most preventable risk factor for all skin cancers, including melanoma.[1],[2] You can have fun in the
sun and decrease your risk of skin cancer. Here’s how to Be Sun SmartSM:
Generously apply a water-resistant sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 that provides
broad-spectrum protection from both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays to all exposed skin. Re-apply
every two hours, even on cloudy days, and after swimming or sweating. Look for the AAD SEAL OF RECOGNITION®
on products that meet these criteria. A much higher SPF of 30+ is highly recommended for prolonged outdoor
Wear protective clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, where possible.
Seek shade when appropriate, remembering that the sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If your
shadow is shorter than you are, seek shade.
Protect children from sun exposure by playing in the shade, using protective clothing and applying sunscreen.
Use extra caution near water, snow and sand as they reflect the damaging rays of the sun, which can increase
your chance of sunburn.
Get vitamin D safely through a healthy diet that may include vitamin supplements. Don't seek the sun.[3]
Avoid tanning beds. Ultraviolet light from the sun and tanning beds can cause skin cancer and wrinkling. If you want
to look like you've been in the sun, consider using a sunless self-tanning product, but continue to use sunscreen
with it.
Check your birthday suit on your birthday. If you notice anything changing, growing or bleeding on your skin, see a
dermatologist. Skin cancer is very treatable when caught early.
[1] American Cancer Society. 2008 Cancer Facts and Figures.
[2} Robinson, JK. Sun Exposure, Sun Protection and Vitamin D. JAMA 2005; 294: 1541-43.
[3] Hemminki K, Dong C. Subsequent cancers after in situ and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Arch
Dermatol 2000;136:647-51.
Source: American Academy of Dermatology
Asset Protection: Protecting Your Appearance
By Roberta Palestine, MD, Medical Director
No, this isn’t a newsletter about your finances – it’s about your appearance! Your appearance is one of your most valuable
assets. And it can require a little effort and upkeep on your part – but it’s definitely worth it! And, it can actually play a role
in your net worth!
We’re very lucky that we live in a time when modern technology has brought us an array of minimal to no downtime
options to enhance and maintain our appearance. The key is to look your personal best for whatever your age. Many
people require just a little freshening to look better.
If you know exactly what you want or need, you can schedule an appointment specifically for a certain procedure, such as
Botox. However, most people find it helpful to come in for a cosmetic consultation, and a customized treatment plan can
be formulated that best suits your appearance and budget. There are far too many options available to get enough
information (or misinformation) from the Internet or a magazine for most people to know what would actually be best for
So, how can your appearance be improved and freshened up? Frown lines, crow’s feet around the eyes, and forehead
lines can be relaxed with Botox. Fillers of various brands can help soften the lines between the nose and mouth, treat lip
lines, enhance the lips and the area around the lips, and can even be used as a “liquid facelift” to replace volume that is
lost with the aging process. Lasers can treat a red complexion, spider veins, wrinkles, brown spots, and can even tighten
up the skin. Unwanted hair is also removed with lasers. These days, many people can avoid or postpone needing more
drastic procedures, by opting instead for minimal to no downtime procedures, and then following an easy program of
ongoing maintenance.
What are the benefits of improving/maximizing/maintaining your appearance?
There are the obvious returns of increased self-confidence and compliments from friends and family. There is also a less
obvious benefit, which involves staying competitive in the workplace. Many of our patients invest in themselves for this
reason, either to help them in their existing job or to look better at job interviews. Whether we like it or not, or want to
admit it or not, it’s a fact that appearance does influence the way that we are perceived. Fortunately, we now have an
array of user-friendly options to help us age gently and gracefully, and to continue looking our best at every age.
Fraxel re:pair® – The Most Advanced Non-Surgical Treatment For Wrinkles
Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center is one of the first medical practices nationwide to offer the Fraxel re:pair® laser,
the most advanced skin rejuvenation treatment available on the market today.
“The results we are achieving with the Fraxel re:pair system are remarkable.” said Dr. Palestine. “My patients have shown
dramatic improvement in skin tightening, smoothing out wrinkles, and evening out the entire complexion.”
With the revolutionary new Fraxel re:pair® laser treatment, patients achieve:
Smoother, tighter skin
Reduced wrinkles and fine lines
Improved tone and texture
“I recommend Fraxel re:pair® treatment for patients who have age or sun spots, wrinkles, loose skin, deeper scars*, acne
scars* or surgical scars*,” said Dr. Palestine, who attended the world-famous Mayo Clinic for her residency in
dermatology. “Previously we did not have a treatment as effective as the Fraxel re:pair® procedure for these more
advanced conditions.”
“Before my Fraxel re:pair® treatment, my face was covered in brown spots and age lines. Now, the brown spots are gone,
wrinkles are reduced, and my skin is tighter and feels much smoother,” said patient Rick Lenkowsky of Gaithersburg,
Fraxel re:pair® treatment is the most advanced skin resurfacing procedure available to patients today. A result of more
than two years of clinical testing by Reliant Technologies®, the market leader in aesthetic skin rejuvenation, the Fraxel
re:pair® laser has received FDA clearance to treat wrinkles and fine lines as well as textural, pigment and vascular
irregularities. It is backed by data from hundreds of treatments conducted at top clinical centers nationwide.
Roberta F. Palestine, M.D. is the founder and medical director of the Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center and has
been in practice since 1982. Dermatology & Clinical Skin Care Center is the area’s only full service cosmetic and
dermatology practice. With offices in Bethesda and Germantown, Maryland, seven board certified physicians treat
patients in general dermatology, leading-edge cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery and Mohs skin cancer surgery. In
addition, the adjacent Rockledge MedSpa in Bethesda provides a full offering of Medi-spa services.
*clinical trials underway
[ Article link title from main page: “The Latest in No-Downtime, Anti-Aging Procedures” ]
You Look Great...Were You On Vacation?
By Roberta Palestine, MD
Washington’s Finest – April 2006
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Your friends are saying that you look better, more relaxed. Maybe you were away, maybe you have a new hairstyle? In a
subtle way that they can’t pinpoint, your appearance is improved. Nothing drastic, just better, fresher, more relaxed.
What’s your secret?
Only you and your dermatologist know... that you’ve had a few “lunchtime” procedures.
These days, with today’s busy lifestyles, many people prefer to maintain or enhance their appearance with gradual,
subtle, more discreet methods than in the past. And technology has kept pace with this demand, and has allowed the
concept of “no down time” to become a realistic approach to cosmetic improvements.
What procedures fit into the “No Down Time” category?
“No down time” procedures include microdermabrasion, many of the newest lasers and light sources, Botox, mild
chemicals peels, filler injections such as Restylane, and Thermage. The newest procedures that have become very
popular are Thermage and Fraxel. Some procedures do double duty by treating sun-related precancerous growths while
at the sametime improving your appearance. Sometimes one specific procedure may be all that you need, while other
times a combination of procedures and several sessions help achieve your best look. This can be customized for you
during an individual consultation with a dermatologist.
The skin has several layers. Treatments targeted at the top layer can improve brown spots, surfaces roughness, fine
wrinkling, and the overall tone and texture of the skin. Deeper treatments are used to improve deeper wrinkles, some
pigmentation problems, and acne scars. Treating the deeper layers can tighten the skin and result in a “non-surgical
facelift,” and can also recontour the cheeks, jowl area, and loose skin under the chin. Other treatments help relax the
muscles that cause the frown lines between the eye’s, the crow’s feet at the sides of the eyes, and the horizontal forehead
lines. It is also now possible, with some of the newer fillers, to improve the hollow appearance that some people develop
under the eyes. Fillers are also wonderful to restore volume in the lips, the area around the lips, and the cheeks. The
border of the lips can be treated so that lipstick doesn’t “bleed” up into the lines that frequently develop with maturity.
With so many procedure and skincare options now available, sometimes it can seem overwhelming. Rather than deciding
on your own on a particular laser or brand name of equipment or cream, the smart approach is to decide together with an
experienced cosmetically-oriented dermatologist what skin issues are present, and what the best treatment options are for
you as an individual. Let an expert take the guesswork out it!
Another reason to put yourself in the hands of an expect is to formulate a more global approach to looking better, to avoid
the common mistake of improving one’s face but forgetting that the neck and hands are also visible and can create a
glaring, telltale mismatch if not treated appropriately. Where as older techniques and technology were only safe for use on
the face, newer options offer the opportunity to treat nonfacial skin as well. So the effects of sun damage that caused
brown spots and wrinkling on the hands and décolletage can now be safely and effectively treated. Even legs and arms
are candidates for evening out the mottled appearance that can result from past sun exposure. And the non-surgical
options for tightening loose skin are also effective for places such as the abdomen, for example after weight loss or
Nowadays, there’s no need to put off improving your appearance just because you can’t take time off to heal. Skip lunch,
zip into your dermatologist’s office, and leave already looking better. This is the 21st century!
Fraxel® – An Amazing New Laser for Skin Resurfacing
Looking your best recently got easier. Much easier.
Sun damage? Brown spots on your face, neck, chest, hands? Acne scars? Excess pigmentation on your face (melasma)?
Fine lines and wrinkles? Now science and technology have linked forces with laser experts to create an amazing new
laser called Fraxel.
Fraxel has many advantages over older lasers. The recovery time is minimal – only a few days of what looks like a
sunburn. The skin surface remains intact, so that women can apply makeup the next day, and men can shave. The
process is done gradually, with a series of usually 3 to 5 treatment sessions. And not only the face, but other areas of the
body, are also excellent candidates for treatment. This is especially important in people with considerable sun damage,
since it is possible to treat a continuous area such as the face and neck and chest, without any telltale cutoff lines.
What is the Fraxel procedure like exactly? How long does it take? Does it hurt?
First, the area(s) to be treated are cleansed, and a topical numbing agent is applied and left on for approximately one
hour. Then a blue coloring is applied to the areas – you look like a Smurf for a brief period of time, before and during the
procedure. The blue is what allows the computer in the laser handpiece to “read” the areas to be treated. The treatment is
relatively quick – about half an hour for the face. It does sting a bit, but well worth it. Then the blue is washed off, and
sunscreen is then applied. The aftercare is merely continuing to apply these products, with the usual sun protection.
Treatment sessions can be done at 2-4 week intervals, but with busy schedules, the interval between treatments is quite
flexible. Many people return to work the next day. Others plan their treatments for the end of the week and return to work
and other activities on Monday.
Many times, Fraxel laser is one component of a customized treatment plan. Other components might include Thermage,
Botox, fillers such as Restylane, and home skincare with anti-aging products. This newer approach to age management,
involving combinations of minimal to no downtime procedures, has largely replaced older more drastic procedures that
required a long recovery process. Now all the layers of the skin can be treated and improved, to give a much more natural
and appropriate appearance. Many people now realize that it didn’t make much sense to merely cut away loose skin, but
still leave a weathered sun-damaged outer complexion. It also did not work well to have a dramatic mismatch between the
face and elsewhere on the body. The Fraxel laser fits beautifully into the global approach of optimizing one’s appearance,
and looking one’s personal best.
Breast Augmentation: Is It For You?
By Khalique Zahir, MD and Roberta F. Palestine, MD
Your Health Magazine – April 2001
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Augmentation, which is the art of enhancing the natural breast contour, is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic
procedures in the United States today. The procedure is used to enlarge small breasts, underdeveloped breasts, or
breasts that have decreased in size after a woman has had children.
Breast augmentation surgery first gained popularity with silicone gel implants, however, today only the saline (salt-water)
filled implants are in general use. Recent studies have supported the safety of saline breast implants. Should a saline
implant leak, the body safely reabsorbs the salt water as the implant deflates. Most of the implant companies provide a
replacement warranty. Most women can also safely breast feed after augmentation surgery.
While many of us are on a never-ending quest for “the perfect figure”, breast enhancement is one of the few aids used
today in achieving your new shape.
The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting using local or general anesthesia. Prior cosmetic evaluation will
determine the appropriate shape for each individual. Operative time is about two hours using our surgical techniques with
small incisions either below the breast, just below the nipple, or in the crease of the armpit. The endoscopic technique is
used to create a pocket for placement of the breast implant. This technique uses small incisions that maximize the
aesthetic result. Once the breast implant has been placed in its optimal position the implants are filled with saline solution
to achieve the contour best suited for the patient, and the wound is closed with stitches, which do not need to be removed.
Dressings are removed after 24 hours at which time you may bathe or shower as usual. Rest is recommended for the first
few days following surgery with a sports bra for comfort during the first few weeks. Most discomfort can be well controlled
with oral pain medication. The majority of patients are back to work within the first week and nearly all patients are back to
work by the second week.
Breast augmentation is a safe and easily attainable choice that women have today to achieve that fuller figure they desire.
• Employment Opportunities at The Dermatology Center
You have found the perfect place to pursue your professional healthcare career. We have a wide range of career paths
within our organization: clinical, customer service, marketing, administrative, patient accounting and management. Are
you ready to take on new challenges? Experience a rewarding and successful career? We invite you to contact us
regarding posted employment opportunities. Moreover, our growing company is always interested in meeting applicants
with a heart to provide outstanding care and customer service to our patients.
The Dermatology Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, veteran
status, or disability. It is our intention that all qualified applications be given equal opportunity and that selection decisions
are based on job-related factors.
Current Openings
Bethesda Maryland/National Capital Opportunity
Exceptional full-time opportunity for a board eligible or board certified dermatologist with clinical and surgical interests as a
member of our well established 11 Provider dermatology practice.
Join a busy and well-established private practice in the Bethesda Maryland area, complete with satellite locations in
Northwest DC and Northern Montgomery County.
This group practice:
Represents clinical dermatology and most dermatological subspecialties
Prides itself in consistently providing patients with the highest quality of care in a friendly, inviting environment.
Believes that their physicians should have a healthy work/life balance.
Is constantly upgrading their equipment so that their physicians have quality tools to assist their patients.
Has a very talented and experienced administrative and clinical support staff.
Our opportunity would include the following:
Production based Compensation with Base Salary Guarantee
Built-in Referral Base and Practice Name Recognition
Benefits include professional liability, health and dental insurance options, CME book/ dues allowance, vacation and
CME leave, retirement plan
Buy-in to Partnership an option after 2 years
Collegial support approaching that of an Academic Environment
Our educated, upscale community is the perfect place to raise a family and realize your professional ambitions. Within the
lovely environs of the National Capital regions’ parks, rivers, and cultural amenities enjoy the beauty of our four seasons.
You will be the perfect addition to our physician-friendly and growing practice. This is an outstanding opportunity for the
right individual.
Direct Contact Information:
Please send CV with letter of interest to:
Medical Assistant, Full-time
This is the job you’ve been waiting for! Assist licensed medical providers in office-based clinic setting for both medical and
cosmetic dermatology patients. Work together with a great team! Apply now:
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