The Ohio AAP`s Good4Growth Learning Collaborative offers

Learning Collaborative
Thank you for your interest in the Good4Growth Learning Collaborative!
Good4Growth™ (G4G) is a partnership between Ohio AAP and The Cardinal Health
Foundation with the focus on forging stronger relationships between a child and their
caregivers. Our goal is to develop a solid foundation in early childhood by strengthening
three key pillars:
 Caring Environment—providing a nurturing relationship between the
child and their caregivers.
 Healthy Food — teaching kids healthy behavior on making the right
decisions for nutrition and food.
 Creative Play— making sure kids get abundant opportunities to develop
fundamental motor skills and exploration during play throughout their
See our website,, to learn more.
Recent research has illuminated the many ways that early childhood experiences
influence a child’s physical health, mental health, and cognitive development, as well as
their academic and social success throughout their life span. Adverse childhood events
(ACEs) and toxic stress can be devastating for a child, particularly for children in
poverty. On the other hand, studies also show that strong social-emotional skills that
arise from nurturing relationships with caring adults can counterbalance the negative
impact of stress on a child. This type of parenting entails more than just bonding. It is
centered on how the child and parent communicate and engage with each other.
Primary care physicians have multiple opportunities to shape the parent-child
relationship during the early years. However, it requires developing different health
supervision goals, ones grounded in fostering parental sensitivity to - and interaction
with - the developing child.
The Good4Growth Learning Collaborative has been developed to introduce clinicians
to a whole new way to practice, using the well-established Promoting First
Relationships TM strategy. This packet will provide you with additional information on
why the Ohio AAP is so invested in this style of practice, what the collaborative will
entail, and what you and your practice will gain from participating in this experience.
We look forward to working with you on this exciting, cutting-edge approach to
pediatric care!
Robert Murray, MD, FAAP
The Ohio State University
Colleen Kraft, MD, FAAP
Health Network by Cincinnati Children'
Any additional questions can be sent to the Good4Growth Program Manager:
Kellee Gautier, MPH
How can the Good4Growth Learning Collaborative Help You?
The Ohio AAP’s Good4Growth Learning Collaborative offers pediatricians:
 An opportunity to receive your entire requirement of MOC Part II and IV
American Board of Pediatrics Maintenance of Certification (ABP MOC)
 50 points of ABP MOC Part IV credit and 60 points of ABP
MOC Part II credit
To meet the requirement, you need to attend all 3 additional MOC
Part II sessions held during the annual meeting
1. Foster Care MOC Part II – 20 points
2. Adolescent Immunization MOC Part II – 20 points
3. G4G MOC Part II - 20 points
Here is a link to the website with the complete
FREE registration for the lead physician and discounted registration for
participating core team staff at the Ohio AAP Annual Meeting in
September 11-12, 2015
$1000 value (includes Promoting First Relationships TM training; one
free, and discounted team member rates for Ohio Chapter annual meeting;
and ABP MOC credits for participating physicians)
FREE Training in Promoting First Relationships™
Continuing Medical Education credits
Networking opportunities with other healthcare providers interested in
helping parents
How Will the Good4Growth Learning Collaborative Work?
This Learning Collaborative will bring 20 health care providers - and ultimately their
practices – together, from across Ohio to train and mentor on a novel approach to the
health supervision visit. We have divided the learning collaborative into two parts, each
with its own learning session and action period. The focus of the first period is on
changing provider counseling style and the aims of the health supervision visit
encounter. The second period of the collaborative will use the newly-acquired
counseling skills to shape the parent-child relationship. Outcome measures will assess
parental understanding of development, appropriate expectations, engagement,
communication skills, use of resources, and satisfaction with their role.
Period One: Practitioner mastery of Promoting First Relationships TM
skills and incorporation into health supervision practices (April to
September 2015)
Period Two: Reflective Parenting and Its Effect on the Parent/Child
o Introduction of the Reflective Parenting approach to practice teams
(clinician from period one PLUS a core Quality Improvement team
(1-3 members of their office staff who engage with families, clinical,
administrative, etc.)
Each period of this learning collaborative will have three main components that will
occur throughout the yearlong timeframe (April 2015-May 2016)
Learning Session
Period One
 Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2015
 Time: 9am- 4pm
 Location: Ohio AAP office, 94-A Northwoods Blvd. Columbus OH 43235
 Face-to-face meeting of participating providers and G4G project team
 Training in Promoting First Relationships TM practice style
 Planning for transition of health supervision visits from a Didactic to a
Relational focus
 Baseline data review and discussion (chart review on current health
supervision activities in your practice)
Period Two
 Date: Ohio Chapter, AAP Annual Meeting on September 12, 2015
 Time: 10am- 4pm
 Location: Embassy Suites Columbus – Dublin, 5100 Upper Metro Pl,
Dublin, OH 43017
 Registration fee for physician is complementary. Support staff
participation will be offered a discounted rate.
 Face-to-face meeting of participating providers and their core QI team
with the G4G project team
 Culmination of first collaborative: brief data review, case discussions, and
Serves as a transition from the first period of the collaborative to second
Attend an MOC Part II session: presenting an in-depth review of the
evidence base on attachment, parenting, learning and health (registration
is complementary)
To receive full MOC Part II credit, must attend one additional session (see
schedule information above)
Purpose: The Learning Sessions provide practitioners with an opportunity to meet
and network with the other collaborative partners. During the Learning Session,
providers will:
Monthly Action Period Calls (Periods One and Two of the Collaborative)
Understand recent research on child cognitive development, the effect
of Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) and toxic stresses on brain
structure and function, and the potential for negative academic, social,
physical health and mental health outcomes.
Learn the goals and strategies of the collaborative.
Review baseline data gathered in advance of the meeting
Discuss various quality improvement tools and resources, which will be
utilized during the collaborative.
Develop a practice plan for the next 30 days, 90 days, and remainder of
the collaborative to acquire new counseling skills and to transition visit
routines to a reflective parenting focus.
Dates: TBD by participants
Time: TBD by participants
Participation: Via webinar
Purpose: Monthly Action Period Calls are designed to delve more deeply
into the Promoting First Relationships TM method. Practitioners will
review recent experiences, while mentors help work through problems and
concerns. During the calls, faculty will:
o Review monthly data (chart review) and facilitate group
discussion with experts of short videos showing counseling
o Provide an opportunity for clinicians to present challenging
cases or issues for discussion with the group and expert mentors
Data Collection
 Period One - Chart audits and self-assessment, conducted at three
points during this period (baseline, prior to site visit, post period one)
Period Two - Monthly Data Collection
o Dates: Data will be due on the 5th day of each month
o Time: No later than 5pm
o Location: Data entry/download via Ohio AAP Data Collection
o Purpose: In an effort to achieve rapid improvement, data
collection is an important component of monitoring each
practice’s progress towards the developed goals. Monthly data
collection will allow providers to recognize shifts in counseling
style, shifts in the approach to the well child visit, and parental
satisfaction and perception of the office visit.
Are You Interested in Participating?
The Ohio AAP hopes you are interested in participating in the Good4Growth Learning
Collaborative as outlined in this packet. If you are interested in learning more, you can
participate in an Informational Call to meet the faculty and other interested providers.
The Informational Calls will allow you to clarify any questions you have about the
collaborative, how it will fit into your practice, and more. Please join us on one of these
Informational Calls are scheduled for:
 Monday, February 16 from 12:00-1:00pm
 Wednesday, February 18 from 5:00-6:00pm
 Friday, February 20 from 8:00-9:00am
The teleconference information for the Informational Calls is: 800-466-8543
Passcode 869197
What are the next steps for joining the collaborative?
After you attend an Informational Call, and you decide to participate in the
Good4Growth Learning Collaborative, there are several steps to complete prior to the
Learning Session on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. These steps include:
 Completing a registration form
 Participating in a Pre-Work Call (approximately 1 hour in length)
 Preparing for the Learning Session
 Attending the day-long Learning Session on April 14, 2015.
 Begin conceptualizing practice involvement and future participation in
period two of the Learning Collaborative (to be discussed at the Learning
Session in April)
Registering: The first step is registering as an official participant of the collaborative. A
link to the registration survey will be emailed to you following the Informational Calls.
In preparation for completing the registration form, you will need to provide contact
information about yourself and your practice. We will then provide you access to the
Ohio AAP Data Management System.
After you are registered, you will receive information on attending a one-hour Pre-Work
Call to help you prepare for the Learning Session in April. Pre-Work Calls will be held
the second week of March, to allow you time to complete the work outlined in
preparation for the Learning Session in mid-April.
Contents of the Pre-Work Call will include:
 An introduction to the Model for Improvement, which is the quality
improvement framework for the learning collaborative
 An introduction to the Key Driver Diagram for the collaborative, which
outlines the overarching goals and measures of the Learning Collaborative
 An explanation of the data that will be collected throughout the learning
collaborative, including the retrospective baseline data which will be due
prior to the learning session
 An introduction to storyboards, which are used to help practices and
faculty become acquainted with one another
While the first period of the collaborative focuses solely on improving provider skills,
the Ohio AAP recommends having an additional person from your practice to assist in
data collection and monitoring.
The April 14, 2015 in-person Learning Session will:
 Discuss why Good4Growth topics need to be addressed during well child
 Review the baseline data from all participating providers
 Introduce teams to quality improvements topics such as office flow
diagrams and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles, which will aid providers
in making changes towards the collaborative goals
 Assist teams in making plans for the next 30-days, 90-days, and the full
12-month collaborative
Should you have any immediate questions about the Good4Growth Learning
Collaborative, please contact the Good4Growth Program Manager, Kellee Gauthier at or 614-560-0092.
Thank you for your interest in the Ohio AAP!