MnDOT Office of Traffic, Safety and Technology 2014 ITS Project Management Design Class (Full and Review Course) Course Information Dates: January 15-16, 2014 – Full Course January 16, 2014 – Review Course * Review Course open to those that attended the 2010 or 2012 course. Those attending the full course also attend the review course. Location: Arden Hills Training Center Purpose: Full Course - This 1½ day ITS Design course is designed to enable the participants to obtain a high level understanding of the fundamental concepts and MnDOT standard design practices related to the design and construction of Intelligent Transportation Systems within the State of Minnesota. Class participants will receive a 2014 MnDOT ITS Project Management Design Manual and other related training material. This class in not intended to cover detailed design process, computer design or programming class. Review Course – This ½ day ITS Design Review Course is intended for individuals that attended the 2010 or 2012 ITS Project Management Design Course. The main emphasis will be a discussion on new items and changes since the prior year courses. Workshop Presenter John Albeck, P.E., PTOE Senior Transportation Engineer Albeck + Associates (402) 964-9824 MnDOT Technical Experts Rashmi S. Brewer, P.E. ITS Project Engineer (651) 234-7063 Kenneth Hansen ITS Section (651)234-7064 Terry Haukom TMS Design & Integration Supervisor (651) 234-7980 Ralph Adair RTMC Maint., Design & Integration (651) 234-7027 Daniel J. Rowe, P.E. ITS Section (651) 234-7059 MnDOT Office of Traffic, Safety and Technology Agenda Day 1: January 15, 2014 (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM) Topic Registration Chap 1: Introduction Chap 2: Definitions Chap 3: Systems Engineering Process Chap 4: ITS Warrants Chap 5: Power Break Chap 6: Electronic Communications Chap 7: Detection Chap 8: Cabinets Chap 9: Warning Beacons Chap 10: Closed Circuit TV Chap 11: Traffic Management Software Chap 12: Ramp Meter Chap 13: Dynamic Message Signs Lunch Chap 14: Dynamic Speed Display Signs Chap 15: Electronically Operated Gates Chap 16: Intelligent Lane Control Signals Chap 17: Road and Weather Information Systems Chap 18: Variable Speed Limit Chap 19: Highway Advisory Radio Break Chap 20: Curve Warning System Chap 21: Intersection Conflict Warning System Chap 22: Travel Times Chap 23: New Technologies Chap 24: Experimental Technologies Chap 25: System Design Adjourn Comments Housekeeping, attendee Intros, what is ITS, Purpose and Scope of Manual, Manual References Summary of Common Terms used in ITS High Level Review of the Systems Engineering Process Review of Current ITS Warrants (summarized, not detailed discussion) ITS Power Requirements Overview of Communication with ITS Devices Detector Devices and Design Cabinets used for ITS Information on Beacons Design and placement of CCTV Software used for ITS Design and placement of ramp meters Design and placement of DMS Use of DSDS Information in gates Design and placement of ILCS Design and placement of RWIS Use of VSL Information on HAR Overview of Curve Warning Systems Overview of ICWS Travel time systems New technologies in use Possible future technologies Component placement and design MnDOT Office of Traffic, Safety and Technology Day 2: January 16 (8:00 AM to Noon) Topic Chap 26: Plan Development What’s New in MnDOT’s ITS PM Design Manual Break Discussion Adjourn Comments Required Sheets, sample plans An overview of items that are new in the ITS PM Design Manual. A discussion with MnDOT ITS team experts Course Hours Each participant will receive Professional Development Hours (PDH's) for this course which shall be noted on their training certificate. Those attending the full course will receive 11 PDHs and those attending the review course will receive 4 PDHs.