PPG Minutes July 2015 - Werrington Village Surgery

Werrington Village Surgery
Patients Participation Meeting
16th July 2015
Present 20 patients , Dr Bennett , Alison Bennett, Joy Brassington Practice Manager,
Jeanette Coull SSOTP, Lisa Hutchinson SSOTP, Gina Gill Commissioning Manager North Staffs
1. Chairman welcome. – David Shaw opened the meeting
2. Lisa Hutchinson podiatrist SSOPT – gave a very informative power point presentation
on the work of the podiatrist service. Presentation contained some very gruesome
pictures to demonstrate the seriousness and complexities of the conditions under the
care of the service
Discussion regarding the podiatry service and specifically toe nail cutting at Salters
Lane clinic ensued. A patient gave an example how he felt he had wrongly been
denied the service. He has a formal complaint in the system.
Gina Gill explained the service is based on clinical need and a clinician decides on the
most appropriate treatment and times between appointments. The budget is
limited and the most complex serious cases must be given preference. The podiatry
service cannot simply provide a toe nail cutting service. Jeanette Gould explained
that if there was a social issue i.e. frail elderly with no one to cut toenails there was a
‘pathway’ to provide this care.
Jeanette Coull promised to chase up the response to the patients complaint
regarding the podiatry service. A number of patients commented that they were
happy with the explanation and understood why a toe nail cutting service was no
longer provided. A number of other patients questioned if it was wise to scrap this
lower level service as inevitably they felt it would create more extreme cases which
would cost more NHS money in the end.
Wendy Sambrook proposed that the Werrington PPG members of the Moorlands
Locality PPG ( Wendy Sambrook, Jocelyn Morrison and Doreen Plant) should raise
this issue at that forum. They would convey the strength of feeling .
3. Patient Survey – Action Plan
Jocelyn Morrison talked the group through the Action Plan the Practice had
developed in response to the PPG Patient survey. The group agreed the action plan
and Joy Brassington would feedback on progress at the next meeting. Doreen Plant
quickly explained how easy it was to book an appointment on line. Doreen has
previously agreed to be featured in the next edition of Village Life to encourage
4. Practice Update – Joy Brassington
GP Recruitment - Joy explained that the Practice were still advertising for a new GP
to replace Dr Bennett. The issues over GP recruitment have been well documented.
So far the practice has received little interest. The practice has plans to cover Dr
Bennett by other Partners working extra sessions and engaging two long term
Flu campaign 2015 – expecting flu vaccines in 1st week of October. Will be holding
Saturday walk in flu clinics and pre bookable weekday appointments . Last year the
practice jabbed 12% more patients than the previous year. The pharmacies have a
contract to provide Flu jabs to under 65’s with a condition i.e. asthma. The GP
surgery’s have a contract to deliver Flu jabs to all - Children , under 65’s with
condition and over 65’s.
Shingles Vaccinations – the practice will be writing to all eligible patients to ensure
that take advantage of vaccination.
Reviewing Patient Communication - Joy asked for volunteers to help the practice
review some of their standard letters from a patients perspective . Wendy Sambrook
and Doreen Plant volunteered.
CQC visit – Joy explained they were having a CQC visit on Monday 20th July. David
Shaw and Jocelyn Morrison were part of the presentation team and would explain
the work of the PPG. Joy explained the purpose and how the inspection would work .
5. Dr Bennett firstly thanked the group and the wider population for allowing him to be
their family GP for 30 years. Dr Bennett will retire on 31st July 2015. Dr Bennett
regaled the meeting with his reflections of a family GP in Werrington for the last 30
years. He passed around old photographs. He reassured the patients that they were
in safe hands with his Partners and the wider practice team
On behalf of the Patient Participation Group Jocelyn Morrison presented Dr Bennett
with a framed map of Werrington in 1922.
Doreen Jones presented Dr Bennett and Alison Bennett with a beautiful stained glass
candle holder depicting scenes of Werrington.
6. David closed the meeting - by a round of applause for Dr Bennett
7. Next Meeting October 8th with Dr Turnidge