COURSE Acceptance Agreement

COURSE Acceptance Agreement
Student name: ________________________________________________________________________ (PLEASE PRINT)
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________Phone (___)____________ Mobile (___)___________
Email _________________
Student number: ___________________ (from Letter of Offer)
Date of birth: __/__/____ (dd/mm/yyyy)
Course name:
Course start date __/__/____ (dd/mm/yyyy)
Course code:
Number of course hours per week:
To accept the offer you must read and complete this course acceptance agreement – including signing it on the last page.
Return the completed form to ABILITY Education. Note, we will not accept or process your course fee payment until we receive
and accept this signed Acceptance Agreement.
Total course fees – for your information only
Total tuition fees
Enrolment fee
Material fees
TOTAL course fees
Australian dollars
Fees payable with this agreement form or when it has been returned to us
Course fees payable
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
TOTAL Australian dollars you must pay us when accepting this offer
Information in this form is correct at time of publication, however, we reserve the right to alter courses, prices and terms and
conditions without notice.
Conditions of enrolment
Conditions of your enrolment are included in the accompanying letter of offer and in your enrolment form. This
information is also available on our website
Course deferment, suspension or cancellation
Depending on circumstances, a student’s enrolment in a course can be deferred (that is, put off to a future time), suspended
(temporarily stopped) or cancelled. It is important that you know about the following:
Initiated by the student
Student withdraws from a course: If a student wants to withdraw from their course, either before it starts or stop attending
during the course, they must first tell us in writing that they are doing so – using the Course Cancellation Form available from
ABILITY Education’s student services department or by email request.
Students may choose to cancel their enrolment before completing their course, provided that their fee payments are up to date.
But, if a student is cancelling their enrolment so as to move to another education provider, they must first have completed 6
months of study in their principal course. Also, the Australian Government requires that before transferring they must first be
granted a letter of release by ABILITY Education. Letters of release will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Requests
for letters of release should be directed to Student Services at ABILITY Education and will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Student seeks to suspend studies: ABILITY Education does not allow students to suspend their studies, except for exceptional
circumstances such as truly compassionate events or other compelling reasons. The student must provide written evidence; for
example, a certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
Initiated by ABILITY Education
COURSE Acceptance Agreement Version 1.4
The student breaches our code of behaviour: We may suspend or cancel a student’s enrolment because of their behaviour or
other breach of our code or if they do not pay their fees. Where ABILITY Education suspends a student’s enrolment, we give
written notification to allow the student 20 working days in which they can access ABILITY Education’s grievance and appeals
policy and procedures. Please note that it may affect your student visa if your studies are suspended.
Students must attend at least 80% of their classes or they will be breaching their student visa conditions. ABILITY Education is
required to report students with less than 80% attendance to the Australian Government Department of Immigration and
Citizenship (DIAC) and this may affect your visa.
Course changes: ABILITY Education reserves the right to defer or cancel a course, or change start dates, curriculum or programs
at any time. In the unlikely event that ABILITY Education is unable to provide your course in full, you will be offered a refund of
all the course money you have paid to the date of cancellation. See information on refunds below. Alternatively, you may be
offered enrolment in an alternative course by ABILITY Education at no extra cost to you. You have the right to choose whether
you would prefer a full refund of course fees or accept a place in another course. If you choose placement in another course, we
will ask you to sign a document to confirm that you accept the placement.
How your course’s quality and continuity is assured
As an education provider registered on the Commonwealth Register of Courses and Institutions for Overseas Students (CRICOS),
ABILITY Education is subject to the requirements of the Australian Government Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS)
Act 2000 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas
Students 2007 (National Code 2007). These laws and regulations provide protection for overseas students and ensure the quality
of educational services within Australian education institutes.
ABILITY Education is a member of English Australia, the national association for accredited English language colleges in Australia. This
association’s Tuition Assurance Scheme ensures that if, for any reason, a member college such as ABILITY Education is unable to
continue to provide tuition, another provider will complete any portion of the course not delivered by ABILITY Education with minimal
disruption and no extra cost to the student. Finally, if the tuition assurance scheme cannot place the student in a suitable
alternative course, the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager will attempt to place the student in a suitable course or, if this is not
possible, the student will be eligible for a refund as calculated by the fund manager.
Protection for International Students
Overseas students are required to make themselves aware of the ESOS framework designed for prospective students
What you should know about refunds
It is important that you be aware of our refund policy, shown here.
Refund initiated by the student
ABILITY Education will refund on the following terms, in full or part tuition fees in Australian dollars to the party (that is, either
the student or their agent) who originally paid the fees to us.
 The student’s visa application is rejected by the Australian Government: We need to see the original letter rejecting the
student’s application. After sighting documentary evidence, we will refund within 10 working days 100% of tuition,
accommodation and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) fees and any materials fees. There is no refund on the
enrolment fee, accommodation placement fee, guardian arrangement and guardianship (police) check fee.
 The student cancels, giving more than 28 days’ notice before the course starts: We will refund within 10 working days 80%
of tuition fees, 100% OSHC, 100% material fee and 100% accommodation fees. No refund on the enrolment fee,
accommodation placement fee, guardian arrangement and guardianship (police) check fee.
 The student cancels, giving 28 days or less notice before the course starts: We will refund within 10 working days 50% of
tuition fees, 100% OSHC, 100% material fee, for each week of the course up to 24 weeks and 100% for the remainder. For
accommodation refund: 15 to 27 days cancellation notice there is a compensation payment equivalent to 1 week’s
accommodation to the accommodation provider, 8 to 14 days cancellation notice there is a compensation payment
equivalent to 2 week’s accommodation to the accommodation provider. 7 days and under there is no refund for
accommodation. There is no refund on the enrolment fee, accommodation placement fee, guardian arrangement and
guardianship (police) check fee.
 The student cancels on or after the course starts: No refund.
 The student cancels their accommodation on or after they have commenced their stay: No refund.
COURSE Acceptance Agreement Version 1.4
 The student wishes to change their homestay after they have commenced their stay: The student must repay
accommodation placement fee, give 2 week’s notice to the current homestay and stay a minimum of 4 weeks with the new
 The student’s studies are cancelled because they breach their visa conditions. No refund.
Refund initiated by ABILITY Education changing course arrangements
 ABILITY Education cancels a course before its starting date. We will refund within 10 working days all fees paid to ABILITY
 We defer a course start date and a new date is unacceptable to the student. We will refund all fees paid to ABILITY
Education, within 10 working days of receiving notice from the student that the rescheduled date is not acceptable.
 ABILITY Education cancels a course before its expected finish date. We will refund within 10 working days the balance of
tuition. In the unlikely event that ABILITY Education is unable to provide your course in full, a refund will be made for fees
paid for the part of the course not yet provided.
Process for claiming a refund
Students who want to cancel before they start their course and to claim a refund, should tell our admissions department
at Students will be refunded as described above. If ABILITY Education cancels a course in which
you are enrolled, you will be notified and if you do not want to enrol in an alternative course at ABILITY Education then
you will be refunded as above.
If you have paid us directly, ABILITY Education will refund you directly. (We will need your bank details to deposit your
refund.) If the payment for your course was made through an agent, we will refund the agent who, in turn, will refund
Change of student’s address
It is important that you keep ABILITY Education informed about your current address in Australia at all times when you are
studying with us. By law, you are required to notify the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), through ABILITY
Education, of their address within 7 days of arrival in Australia and to notify ABILITY Education (and hence DIAC) within 7 days of
any changes of address during your time with us. Failure to do so may result in your visa being cancelled
You must give notice of any change of address in writing. When advising us, please use a Change of Address Notification form,
which is available from ABILITY Education’s student services department.
Students’ consumer protection rights
This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not limit the right of students to take action
under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
Your privacy rights
ABILITY Education is committed to protecting your privacy including your personal information and is bound by the privacy laws
of Australia. The law requires us to take all reasonable steps to ensure that information we hold about our students is correct
and current. We need information collected on this form and during your enrolment to meet our obligations under the ESOS Act
and the National Code 2007; to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under
Australian immigration laws generally. The authority to collect this information is contained in the ESOS Act and regulations and
the National Code 2007. This information can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and
designated authorities and, if relevant, the tuition assurance scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager. In other instances,
the information can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law.
Please sign the declaration on page 4 and return this entire acceptance agreement to:
ABILITY Education
Central Station Campus
Level 4, 10 Quay Street
Sydney NSW 2000
COURSE Acceptance Agreement Version 1.4
ABILITY Education will not accept or process your course fee payment until we receive and have accepted this signed
acceptance agreement.
Student Acceptance Agreement
Declaration by student
I, ...................................................................................(Print name)
agree to ABILITY Education’s conditions of acceptance as detailed in this acceptance agreement, and I fully understand the
course details, the course requirements and the fees and conditions of enrolment as included in the accompanying Letter of
have viewed and am familiar with ABILITY Education’s terms and conditions of enrolment and ABILITY Education’s policies
and procedures, including the fees and refunds policy, privacy policy and the complaints and grievance policy and
procedures (as outlined in this form and also available at
declare that all information I have provided to ABILITY Education is true and correct.
Signature: ........................................................................................ (To be signed by the student, or if the student is under 18
years of age, by their parent or guardian; in which case, please specify the relationship.)
Date: __/__/____ (dd/mm/yyyy)
This agreement is valid for 28 days from the date of the letter of offer.
We urge you to keep a copy of this course acceptance agreement for your records
ABILITY Education Pty Ltd, ABN 60 075 234 007, CRICOS 01530K, Level 4, 10 Quay Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia.
Tel +612 9211 4161 Fax +612 9211 4899 Web Email
COURSE Acceptance Agreement Version 1.4