RAISE THE YOUTH FOUNDATION MEDICINES POLICY Drafted August 2012 by A V Connell Reviewed December 2013 by A V Connell Reviwed January 2015 by A V Connell Raise the Youth CIC Ltd Medicines Policy RAISE THE YOUTH FOUNDATION Rationale Although there is no legal duty for Raise the Youth (RTY) to administer medicines or to supervise a Young Person (YP) self-administering, we feel as an organisation that the benefits to our YP’s and their legal guardians would outweigh any risks. The advantages would be; YP’s on prescribed medication are able to continue to attend RTY. YP’s who need regular prescribed medication for behaviour management will have a greater chance of engaging with RTY and reaching their full potential. RTY has identified the need to asses any risks that this additional service could pose and have written the following policy in answer to this. All the information will be stored in a file in a locked cupboard and all information shared with staff on a need to know basis. Consultation of Young Person condition When the YP’s parent or guardian enquires about RTY administering medicines to their YP we can inform them that RTY can offer this service on the condition that an Individual Care Plan is set up to protect the YP and RTY. A meeting should be arranged with the parent/guardian and a senior member of the Raise team. The designated member of RTY needs to ask that any correspondence connected to the condition and medication, including the YP’s medicine, is brought to the meeting. The medicine needs to be in its original container, packaging and dosage instructions. The following points should be discussed and a copy given to the Parent or Guardian; The parent or guardian needs to fill out an Individual Care Plan form and a Medicine and Creams Permission slip. Parents or guardians have prime responsibility for their YP’s health and should give RTY sufficient information about their YP’s medical condition and treatment or special care needed whilst attending RTY. Raise the Youth CIC Ltd Medicines Policy RAISE THE YOUTH FOUNDATION If a YP requires medication that is of a life threatening nature then RTY cannot take responsibility for the administration and the YP should not attend RTY. It may be beneficial for a parent or guardian to call into the Centre to administer the medications. We can only store and supervise the self-medication of prescription drugs Very few medicines need to be taken during normal RTY hours and in most cases the appropriate dosage of medicine when prescribed to be taken “three times a day” can be given “before RTY, after RTY and at night”. The same principle can also be applied to medication such as creams/drops for conjunctivitis/ eczema etc. However, the school should not assume that this will always be the case as some prescribed medication will have times or conditions stipulated by the doctor. Where YP’s are recovering from a short term illness which requires medication (such as tablets, creams, eye drops, mixtures), any request for RTY staff to administer medicine by a parent/carer must be in writing and include evidence that the child needs to take medicine during RTY hours, e.g. instructions on the container or advice from the pharmacist General pain relief such as Calpol, Paracetamol, throat sweets, Food supplements and alternative medicine etc should not be brought into RTY although Guardians may come to RTY to administer these themselves if the YP is deemed well enough to be in RTY; or take the YP home in the event of illness, if they so wish. The above prescribed by a medical practitioner can be administered by RTY Drugs containing aspirin should only be given to YP’s under 16 with doctor’s advice All the information will be filled in the Medicines file and remain confidential. Information will be shared with staff on a need to know basis only. Individual YP Risk Assessment Form 1 included A risk assessment should be completed for every YP that attends Raise that has a medical condition. It will lead to a more informative and accurate ICP. Form included Raise the Youth CIC Ltd Medicines Policy RAISE THE YOUTH FOUNDATION Individual Care Plans Form 2 included An Individual Care Plan (ICP) must be completed for every YP that requires medication during their RTY sessions, or on trips and residential visits. It must be completed by a designated RTY staff member before any medication is brought in and left at RTY. Before filling in the ICP the YP’s Individual Risk Assessment must be consulted. Points to consider with the YP and Guardian are; When, where and how is the medicine to be taken to protect the dignity of the YP. How would it affect the YP, Staff, other service users when the medication is missed or refused? How would the medicating fit in with the YP’s timetable. The finished plan should be signed by all parties in order for it to become an official RTY responsibility . Refusal of Medicines If a YP refuses to take medicines, staff should not force them to do so, but should note this in Views and act in accordance with the ICP. Storage and disposal of medications It is necessary for RTY to make appropriate and adequate arrangements for the storage of medication. The following guidelines are in response to these needs to ensure they are only used by the YP named on the prescription; All medicines brought into RTY should be in their original packaging, labelling and with original full instructions included. All medicines should be stored in accordance with product instructions (paying particular attention to temperature). Medicines will normally be kept in the medicine fridge which is located in Interview room 2. The office is locked when unattended and a key left with reception staff. Medicines not temperature sensitive with be stored in a lockable medicine cupboard fixed to the wall in Karen’s office Medicine should be administered from the original container or by a monitored dosage system such as a blister pack. The designated member of staff should fill in the Medicines Given Log next to the Medicine cabinet. Staff should not sign unless witnessed first hand. Raise the Youth CIC Ltd Medicines Policy RAISE THE YOUTH FOUNDATION RTY will store no more than is necessary and will only store medicines while the YP is in attendance at RTY. YP’s should be told where their medicine is stored and who has access to it. Inhalers, adrenaline pens and other emergency medicines will not be locked away and could be carried by the YP if part of the ICP or within easy reach of staff members. Where needles are used, a sharps container and adequate arrangements for collection and incineration should be in place. Such arrangements are necessary for any equipment used which may be contaminated with body fluids, such as blood etc. Any unused or outdated medication will be returned to the parent/guardian for safe disposal. Where drugs are controlled drugs, the Directors should be informed and only named persons should have access to them. No drugs should be given other than to the person they are prescribed for. Once removed from the cabinet, medication should be administered immediately and never left unattended. All medical needs are strictly confidential. Trips and Outings YP’s with medical needs are given the same opportunities as other children. Staff may need to consider what reasonable adjustments they might make to enable children with medical needs to participate fully and safely on visits. This may include discussing the YP’s Individual Risk Assessment will management. Roles and Responsibilities RTY responsibility to staff Staff will not be asked to administer medicines to YP’s without an ICP in place. Staff who volunteer to administer medicines must have the appropriate information and / or training specific to the YP’s medical needs particularly in the event of YP’s with particular medical needs such as Epipens, Inhaler, diabetes etc. Staff that assist with any form of medication in accordance with the procedures detailed within this guidance are explicitly reassured that they will be acting within the scope of their employment. Any protective clothing or equipment needed for the medicine administration is supplied. Raise the Youth CIC Ltd Medicines Policy RAISE THE YOUTH FOUNDATION Parent/Carer Must complete and sign the ICP in full. Where at all possible administer the medication. The parent or guardian is still ultimately responsible for the correct medication of the Young Person but will allow Raise to assist as detailed in the Individual Care Plan. The parent or guardian named in this plan has the responsibility to notify Raise the Youth of any changes to the medication used by the Young person. The parent or Guardian has given full and accurate account of the YP’s condition and has provided all the medical evidence needed for Raise the Youth to form an accurate assessment of the needs of the Young Person. The Parent or Guardian must arrange for the medication to be handed over in person to a member of the Raise the Youth staff in the original container, packaging as dispensed by the pharmacist which include the prescriber’s instructions. The Parent or Guardian will collect the medication at the end of the term. The parent or guardian will allow the Young Person to access their doctor if there is an issue with the medication and the parent or Guardian is unavailable. Staff Make their selves familiar with the Individual Care Plan. Discuss with a lead person on the correct way to administer the medicine if you feel you are not adequately trained to do so. Ensure they give the medication to only the correct recipient. Locate the correct medicine for the right YP and read all information with regards to the administration. Ensure they fully understand how each medicine or drug should be stored and administered by checking the instructions included on the packaging. Only take on the role if written confirmation is recorded with RTY. Record the relevant information after the medicine has been taken on the Medicines Given form. Return the medicine to its correct storage place. Locate the emergency contact information, particularly for the G.P. and parent or guardian. Never change a prescribed dosage - even at parental request unless as a review of the ICP Be aware of a YP’s right to dignity and privacy and keep any medical information confidential Raise the Youth CIC Ltd Medicines Policy RAISE THE YOUTH FOUNDATION YP’S Present their selves for medication. Take the medication as per the instructions. Notify us if they think their medication has changed so we can investigate. Notify us if the medication has an adverse effect on them. Accept the follow up to medicines not being taken. Accidental failure of the agreed procedures Should a member of staff fail to administer any medication, give incorrect dosage or give medication to the wrong YP they should; Consult the Individual Care Plan. Contact a line manager. Consult the medicines packaging and follow helpline details Allergies Where a parent/Guardian has indicated their YP has a food allergy, a photograph of the YP with details of the allergy should be displayed in the Kitchen. Staff Medications Raise the Youth CIC Ltd Medicines Policy RAISE THE YOUTH FOUNDATION Staff (and other adults in RTY) should take full responsibility for the secure storage and appropriate usage of their own prescribed and non-prescribed medications. They should act as a ‘responsible parent’ with regard to the use of these medications. Paracetamol and Ibrufen supplied by Raise the Youth Raise the youth have purchased Paracetamol and Ibrufen that is stored in the medicine cabinet. The procedure for administering is as follows; The parent or guardian must be contacted by a member of the Raise administration and permission given in person( Raise will not accept the word of any YP that their guardian has agreed) The permission should be obtained for every occasion needed and not given because we have previously. The logs should be completed on every occasion. This policy will be reviewed annually or when there is a change in circumstances, in work practices or the introduction of new legislation. It will be uploaded to Behaviour Watch for the purpose of sharing information with staff and outside organisations. Signed -----------------------------Jason Steele Director Raise the Youth CIC Ltd Medicines Policy Date: