TGTU60 Question Form Name: ID number: My subject: 1. Reference literature Search for your subject in three of the reference works below. Compare content, interface, level etc. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the reference works you tried? AccessScience - McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology Online ASM Handbooks Van Nostrand’s Scientific encyclopedia Berkshire encyclopedia of human-computer interaction Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering Encyclopedia of telecommunications Encyclopedia of Vibration ENGnetBASE - Engineering Handbooks Online Gibilisco: The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics Handbook of automotive power electronics and motor drives Encyclopedia of biological chemistry Encyclopedia of Life sciences Encyclopedia of analytical science Encyclopedia of applied physics Encyclopedic handbook of integrated optics a) b) c) Words that describe my subject: 2. Library catalogues Find three books related to your subject. Use the library catalogue (Linköping UB) and Libris! Write your answers as proper references: Gustafsson, F. & Bergman, N. (2003). MATLAB for engineers explained : with 123 figures. London: Springer Editorial material: Trendall, A. F. & Morris, R. C. (ed.) (1983). Iron-formation: facts and problems. Oxford: Elsevier Scientific Search words: Catalogue a) b) c) Choose one of the books and comment why that book is particularly credible and interesting. Book reference 3. Student thesis Find a student thesis from Linköping university on your subject! Write your answer as a proper reference: Olsson, Fredrik (2004). A lab system for secret sharing. Linköping : Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för systemteknik. (LITH-ISY-Ex-ET-0252). 4. E-books Find three electronic books related to your subject. Choose from ebrary, Books 24x7 and ENGnetBASE. Write your answers as proper references: McMahon, David (2007). MATLAB demystified (Electronic resource). New York: McGrawHill. Available: ebrary. (2011-03-21) Search words: E-book collection Book reference a) b) c) Choose one of the ebooks and comment why that e-book is particularly credible and interesting. 5. Bibliographic databases Find five journal articles from scientific journals on your subject! Write your answers as proper references: Peck, C., Hursey, J., Mccoy, J. & Pande, V. (2005). Building Internet distributed computing. Dr. Dobb's Journal, vol. 30: 11, pp. 39-41. Search words: Database a) b) c) d) e) Choose one of the articles and comment why that article is particularly credible and interesting. Article reference Full text or print journal? 6. Searching the Internet, and evaluating Internet sources Try three of the search engines below. Compare their search options, their content and their display options. What is good or bad about the search engines you chose? Choose 3 web sites related to your subject! Write your answers as proper references: Linux online! (last uppdated 2007-07-02). What is Linux. (Electronic resource) Available: <>. (2010-08-26). Scirus Google Scholar citeUlike DIVA Choose an archive from the following list: OpenDOAR Comparison: Use a search engine of own choice (Google, BING, Yahoo, etc) and choose three relevant web pages. Write your answers as proper references: Linux online! (last uppdated 2007-07-02). What is Linux. (Electronic resource) Available: <>. (2010-08-26). a) b) c) 7. Evaluating web sites Choose one of the sites / pages you found through the engines above. Make an evaluation of the page, using one of the templates below: Evaluation Criteria for the Web by The New Mexico State University Library. Evaluation Criteria Evaluating Information on the World Wide Web published by the Collins Memorial Library, University of Puget Sound, USA. Evaluating Information on the World Wide Web The evaluation should be some 15-20 lines. You do not have to mention every aspect according to the evaluation check list - choose the aspects you find relevant! 8. Quality criteria assignment A research group at IFM works with thin films technology and describes their research like this: “Our aim is to increase the fundamental understanding of vapor phase growth and reactions in thin films on an atomistic level, and to explore physical properties of structures unique to thin solid films. The strategy is to carry out basic research studies for describing the relationships between growth parameters, structure/composition and physical properties of thin films. The research covers several materials and growth techniques, and often forms the basis for new materials & processes of interest for future applications” (Lingefelt 2006) You attend a course given by the department, and you will write an academic paper in that course. When preparing for that paper you find the following sources. Rank after credibility and note the rank for each source with the most credible source as number 1. At the seminar you must be prepared to discuss your opinion! Source A. A textbook (also course literature) about thin film technology with the title Materials science of thin films : deposition and structure written by Ohring from 2002. Rank B. A review article with the title ”Thermal stability of nanostructured superhard coatings” in the journal Surface & Coatings Technology from 2007. C. A peer reviewed journal article in Journal of Physical Chemistry from 2009 D. [2010-08-26] E. A news paper article from 2008 in The Guardian about a company manufacturing thin films aimed for solar energy applications. F. A conference proceeding published in Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, 2006 G. An article from 2009 with the title Magnetic and transport properties of n-type Fedoped In2O3 ferromagnetic thin films found in H. A blog post from a non-scientist about thin films technology and batteries. I. Wikipedia on ”Thin films” J. An article from 2008 in Mac World on computer electronics based on thin films technology. K. A teacher on one of your courses means that thin films technology already has reached its full potential. L. A science program from BBC had a program on thin films technology in 2008. Lingefelt, T. 2006-01-27-last update, Thin Film Physics. Available: [2011-03-21] Based on similar exercises developed by Jude Carroll, Oxford Brookes University and Carl-Mikael Zetterling, KTH. 9. Sum up your work! Write a text (ca one A4-page) about the information search your have performed during this course: > write about the problem/subject you chose to work on > write about how you chose your search terms and analysed the problem. > discuss the different tools you have used - library catalogues, databases and search tools on the internet - when is the appropriate time for using the different tools? - what was difficult about using the different tools? - what was particularly good or useful about the search tools? > Summarize what you have learned during the course, and how you will benefit from it in the future.