School - Durham Teaching School Alliance

Specialist Leader in Education Handbook 2014
Who and what are Specialist Leaders in Education ? (SLEs)
Specialist Leaders in Education are outstanding middle and senior leaders such as assistant
headteachers, key stage leaders or subject leaders with at least two years of leadership
experience. SLEs have an excellent knowledge in a particular area of expertise and a successful
record of supporting other middle and senior leaders in other schools. The SLE focuses on
developing leadership capacity so that other leaders develop the skills to lead their own teams
more effectively. All SLEs are highly trained and hold national accreditation. The work of SLEs is
quality assured by NLEs and Headteachers. The Durham Teaching Schools Alliance has 15 SLEs
Why would I need an SLE?
 To develop leadership capacity in your school
 To coach and mentor colleagues
 To monitor and evaluate the impact of learning.
 To lead CPD
 To share resources
 To model best practice
The Durham Teaching School Alliance has strong links with other teaching schools alliances and
may be able to help broker SLE support if there is insufficient capacity within the alliance, though
costs may differ.
Professional Recognition and copyright:
SLEs may prepare and provide exemplars and materials during a deployment. All we ask is that
permission is sought first and acknowledgement is given to the SLE, the SLE’s own school and the
Durham Teaching School Alliance.
Daily rate/Half day/Twilight:
SLEs will be charged out at £300 per day, £175 per half day or twilight. The SLEs school will
receive payment of £250 (to cover supply costs/preparation). The Teaching School Alliance will
retain £50 for administrative purposes).
Deployment Forms and Evaluation:
The school requesting support will complete a Deployment Request Form outlining the priorities
for development. The SLE will complete a Deployment Form following the initial contact/visit and a
Deployment Evaluation at the end of the deployment.
SLE Logs:
SLEs will keep a log of phone calls and visits which will be shared with the Teaching School
SLE Commissioning Process:
A need is identified for SLE support and a request for support is made. This could come from:
 Local Authority or diocesan body
 Individual school or academy
 DFE, National College or other national body
 Another teaching school alliance
The Teaching School Receives a request for SLE support.
The Teaching School Manager reviews the needs of the school to be supported and matches an SLE
with the appropriate area of expertise and sufficient capacity to offer support.
The matching process may also take other aspects of the school into account:
 School phase
 School context
 Location/geography
 Specific experience
 Working style/approach
The Teaching School Alliance, The SLEs own school and the school to be supported agree on the
terms and scope of the deployment, including:
 The focus of the work
Expectations for outcome and impact
Any funding for the work
Length of the deployment
Frequency of contact (eg 1 day per week/1 term..)
All parties sign up to a contracting agreement, reflecting the agree terms for the deployment.
Deployment commences.
 SLE Request Form
 SLE Deployment Form
 SLE Deployment Evaluation Form
 SLE Log of Visits
Joe Sonnenfeld, Durham Teaching Schools Manager
Specialist Leaders in Education (SLEs) Request for Deployment Form
Deployment Details
School Making the Request Details:
School Name:
Identification of Key focus areas for the SLE
Identification of key focus areas for support (please indicate below the main priorities for the
deployment and any other relevant contextual information inc expectations of time)
Specialist Leader of Education details:
School Name
Other supportive information:
Signed: Headteacher
Name of School
Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) Deployment Form
This form can be used by teaching schools to support the SLE deployment brokering process. It is intended that the form will be
agreed by all parties (the SLE, the supported school and the teaching school). The form sets out the contracted arrangements and
the agreed objectives of the deployment. It will also support the completion of the deployment evaluation form, which should be
returned to the teaching school at the end of a deployment.
Deployment Details
Specialist Leader of Education details
School Name:
Supported School Details
Supported School Name:
Local Authority:
Headteacher Name:
Name of School Leader(s)
being supported:
Main School Contact:
Name of Broker:
Deployment Date:
Start Date:
End Date:
Identification of Key Focus Areas for the SLE
Identification of Key Focus Areas for Support (Indicate below the main priorities of the deployment and any
relevant contextual information)
Agreed Objectives/Key Impact expected at the end of the deployment
Time commitment Agreed (Indicate time commitment in terms of days per week/fortnight)
Other Arrangements Agreed (This can include funding agreed)
__________________________________________ (SLE)
_______________ ___________________________ (Headteacher of supported school)
___________________________________________ (SLE co-ordinator on behalf of teaching school)
Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs)
Deployment Evaluation Form
To be agreed by all parties (the SLE, the supported school and the teaching school).
If helpful, two copies of this form may be completed separately by the SLE (as a self-evaluation) and by the supported
school, before bringing the two sets of comments and ratings together for discussion and final agreement.
Deployment details
Specialist Leader of Education details:
School Name:
Supported School Details
Supported School Name
Local Authority
Headteacher Name:
Main School Contact:
Name of Commissioner:
Deployment Start Date
Time Commitment Agreed (eg
Length, Number of Days a week)
Review of progress achieved during the contract
For each of the targets that were identified in the original contract for the deployment, please summarise the impact
made by the NLE and the evidence to support this.
Agreed Targets
Progress Made and Evidence of Impact
Please Evaluate the following using a RAG rating
Rating (Red, Amber or Green)
Rating (Red, Amber or Green)
The SLEs role in facilitating support and influencing change
The overall success of the deployment
Additional Comments (Where unsatisfactory progress has been made, please give reasons):
Please suggest how the partner/supported school can continue to make improvements in the focus area and
the requirements for any additional support
_______________________________________ (SLE)
________ __ ____________________________ (Headteacher of supported school)
On completion, please copy for each partner and email to Durham Teaching Schools Alliance Manager:
NLE, LLE,SLE School Visit Log
(* Delete as appropriate)
Contact telephone number/email address:
Support School
School Name:
School Contact:
School contact telephone number/email address:
Record of Visit/s
Time of visit
Duration of visit
Specialist Area
Mrs K. Bushby
Miss A. Grayson
Mrs E. Sturrock
Mrs T. Kidd
Mr P. Atherton
Mrs L. Cooper
Miss R. Stanhope
Mrs K. Costello
Mrs K.A. Lee
Miss A. Clough
Mrs J. Crosby
Mrs C. Speight
Mrs J. Madgwick
Mrs K. Lee
Mrs R. Newbold
Mr P. Robertson
Crook Primary School
Chilton Primary School
Ramshaw Primary School
Prince Bishops Primary School
Deaf Hill Primary School
Sunnybrow Primary School
Burnside Primary School
Vane Road Primary School
Prince Bishops Primary School
St Benet’s RC Primary School
Ludworth Primary School
Langley Park Primary School
Etherley Lane Nursery School
Hartside Primary School
The Oaks Secondary School
St John’s School and 6th Form
Financial Management
Mrs K. Bushby- Specialism Curriculum and English
I am currently Deputy Headteacher at Crook Primary School with responsibility for teaching and
learning. As an Advanced Skills Teacher, I have worked for the last six years using a range of
strategies to improve teaching and learning, in schools requiring support. This has enhanced my
ability to coach a range of staff to improve teaching and learning as well as enhancing professional
I have responsibility for developing a creative curriculum and have implemented an enquiry based
approach throughout all key stages. As lead teacher in writing, I have successfully developed the
Talk for Writing approach, which has had a positive impact on the quality of writing, attainment and
As a teacher, I take an innovative and creative approach to my lessons. I have found this beneficial
in motivating and inspiring teachers and initiating and implementing approaches to enhance pupil’s
Mrs Caroline Speight-Specialism EYFS
I am the Nursery Teacher and EYFS Leader at Langley Park Primary School. I have worked here
since September 2013, however, my work in Early Years began some eighteen years ago. I have
held various posts in County Durham all based within an Early Years environment, including being a
classroom teacher, Assistant Headteacher of an Infant and Nursery School and EYFS Leader in a
Primary Academy. I have worked at a Strategic County Level within my role as Access and Inclusion
Strategy Manager at Sure Start County Durham and worked as a Leading Literacy Teacher for the
County also. I am passionate about making a difference for young children and enjoy sharing my
experiences with other teachers so that together we can plan and deliver the best possible
provision for the children in our care.
Mrs Lynsey Cooper- Specialism Mathematics
I work at Sunnybrow Primary School as a Key Stage 2 teacher. Since qualifying, I have had the
experience of teaching from Year One to Year Six. This has given me a valuable insight into the
teaching and learning of maths across the primary phase. I am currently Numeracy Coordinator
within my own school and Key Stage Two Leader. In addition to this, I have recently completed a
two year degree, which has given me the opportunity to become a Mathematics Specialist Teacher
(MaST). I am passionate about ensuring that children in primary education have the best
opportunities to maximise the progress they make. By completing my MaST degree, and from the
experience I have of supporting colleagues in my own school and other schools, I am able to
confidently work alongside others to support and enhance all areas of teaching and learning in
Mrs Rebecca Newbold- Specialism Behaviour
I have been teaching since 1994, firstly as a languages teacher in mainstream comprehensives and
for the last 14 years in special schools where I currently work as the Behaviour Management Coordinator in the only “outstanding” special school in County Durham, working with students with a
wide range of special needs. Over the years I have led change within my school, helping to achieve
2 consecutive outstanding Ofsted grades. I oversee behavioural issues throughout the school and
run the Behaviour Support Unit. I have worked with class teachers, LSAs, parents and multiagency professionals to enable all students to reach their full potential. I have created behaviour
management programmes, a library of social stories, implemented applied behaviour analysis
strategies, and supported colleagues in mainstream settings. I look forward to beginning my
outreach work through the SLE role and using my experience and enthusiasm to support my
mainstream colleagues with behavioural issues.
Mrs Kay Lee- Specialism Financial Management
I am School Business Manager at Hartside Primary School.
I came from a sales administration role in manufacturing to work in Primary Education 13 years ago.
Shortly after I came into education, I began studying first for the Certificate, then the Diploma in
School Business Management. My responsibilities and specialisms are in School Financial
Management. I have been a member of the County Durham Primary and Special School’s Business
Managers Forum since its inception in 2008 and was elected Secretary until recently handing over
the role. I enjoy the challenges of working in school and meeting the many diverse people who visit.
I am married, have 2 adult children and a young grandson who keeps me busy and active and makes
sure I keep a young outlook on life. I’m looking forward to working with everyone associated with
the Durham Teaching School Alliance.
Miss Allison Clough- Specialism Phonics
I am an experienced teacher, who has taught across both key stages. I am currently part of the
SLT team and KS1 phase leader with the responsibility for phonics, literacy and assessment. I am
very fortunate to be working in an ‘Outstanding’ school (Ofsted December 2011.) where I have
received many opportunities for professional development. I believe in the importance of continuing
professional development and that we all have a part to play in school improvement. I am a strong
believer that school to school support networks are successful and that we should be given the
opportunity to share and learn from each other as professionals. I think that the SLE role will
make this possible in a supportive way and I am pleased that I have been given the opportunity to
work alongside colleagues in different settings. I have experience of supporting and mentoring
both students and members of staff, therefore, I feel I will approach tasks with the right amount
of support and sensitivity. I became a teacher because I wanted to work with children, inspire and
enthuse them and have an impact on their lives. As an SLE I feel that I will be able to have an
impact not only on the children I am teaching but also on those in other schools.
Rachel Stanhope- Specialism Attendance
I have worked as deputy head at Burnside Primary School in South Stanley since 2011. I am
passionate about ensuring that all children get the best possible education and I see good
attendance as crucial to this.
I have successfully implemented various strategies that have improved attendance and punctuality
at Burnside Primary School and also enthusiastically supported other schools in the locality to bring
about positive changes in these areas.
I am skilled in analysing attendance data and using this to identify specific areas for development
and feeding this into action plans. More recently I have devised innovative intervention groups to
work with targeted pupils at risk of becoming persistent absentees.
Kelly- Ann Lee- Specialism ITT
I am Head of School at Prince Bishops Community Primary School. I have been a teacher for 12
years; teaching in several schools with a range of responsibilities. This experience has allowed me
to establish a well informed view of whole school practices. I have always had a keen interest in
Initial Teacher Training. I became involved as a School Based Mentor for High Force Education
SCITT in 2004. I have delivered training at High Force, marked assignments and mentored a broad
range of trainees over the years. I am currently the Lead Mentor for a cluster of schools providing
guidance, training and support for both trainees and mentors. I believe that effective teacher
training lies at the heart of outstanding teaching, the quality of which is intrinsically linked to
children’s learning. I feel privileged to be involved in the learning journeys of children and I am
driven to provide each child with the most effective education possible. I thoroughly enjoy my role;
the new things that I learn daily and also the opportunities to help and support others. I am
approachable and able to work well with both individuals and teams. I’m looking forward to the new
experiences that will come through my role as SLE for ITT.
Victoria Kidd- Specialism Mathematics
I have taught for eight years; my current role involves being EYFS Team Leader, part of the
Senior Leadership Team and leading mathematics and ICT. I have also been KS2 Team Leader, this
is where my passion for raising achievement and attainment in mathematics began. In the four
years I have led mathematics, results continue to improve and the number of children making two
levels and more progress across KS2 rise year on year. I have led whole school in-service training
and cluster training and continued my professional development by completing university courses. I
am an extremely positive and enthusiastic person. I am confident about identifying strengths and
areas for improvement, setting targets, sensitively supporting colleagues and delivering training to
ensure pupil progress. I am always keen to develop myself professionally and very much looking
forward to the opportunity to work collaboratively with colleagues in different settings.
Liz Sturrock- Specialism English
A little bit about myself; I am a mother of a one, originally from Yorkshire and I have worked in
Ramshaw Primary school for the past ten years, five as the Deputy. Within school I lead
Assessment, Literacy, Numeracy, MFL and I have responsibility for the school for half of the
week. I love what I do and still to this day get a buzz from seeing the children succeed and
achieve. One particular aspect I enjoy is supporting colleagues both within school and schools
throughout the county. I tend to find that I can support best where we can establish an honest,
open dialogue and a climate of trust. I understand what a demanding job teaching is and
understand that we all need support at one time or another.
Kathryn Costello- Specialism ICT
I am ICT Coordinator at Vane Road Primary School where there is a creative approach to ICT
which is integrated across the whole curriculum. I have experience of leading ICT in several
schools and of staff development and training. In the past I have been employed as an Advanced
Skills Teacher for ICT working cross-phase from Key Stage One to Key Stage Three. I have also
been employed as an AST for North Stockton EAZ where my role was to lead the development of
ICT across a number of schools providing staff training and in-school coaching for teachers and
support staff. I was the author of an award winning school website whilst at Nettlesworth Primary
School where I won a teaching award for Creative Use of ICT. My main areas of expertise are
using ICT creatively to support teaching and learning; staff training and teacher coaching; the use
of digital video across the curriculum; IPADs and mobile technologies in the primary school;
leadership of ICT (including curriculum and development planning) and the use of ICT to empower
learners. I am also conversant with the new primary curriculum for Computing and have supported
schools in preparing for the ICT Mark.
Peter Atherton- Specialism Mathematics
After teaching for 17 years, I decided to share my experiences and ideas by applying for, and
fortunately gaining, an SLE. I am especially passionate about working with colleagues on trying to
help them improve children's' learning as well as their own enjoyment of their teaching. My passion
is maths, in particular mental maths, and I get a buzz from helping children develop their mental
strategies and then ultimately their confidence. Once children understand the basics in what they
are doing, it helps them to develop and apply this important life skill. I have worked with student
teachers, colleagues, maths coordinators from partnership schools, parents and even my own wife
(!) on how, through strong mental strategies, improved results occur. I have previously been a
Visiting Lecturer in maths at Sunderland University to student teachers and whilst delivering the
modules, I found the students were particularly interested in practical classroom based activities
and ideas. This led me to think, that some of the things I was doing in my class might be of some
use to others. At my current school, Deaf Hill Primary, I developed, in consultation with staff, a
calculation policy, which I’ve since shared with partnership schools and schools of colleagues I know
across the region. Having taught an under- performing class of 25 for 2 years leading up to the
2013 SATS, they managed to achieve a VA of 103.4. If I get the opportunity to work with fellow
teachers, I hope they would find what I have to offer useful, workable and flexible, as well as
realistic and achievable. Ultimately, through a clearer focus for teaching maths, children would
feel happier because they understood what they were doing and as a result make better progress,
which would hopefully enable staff to see results improve.
Jo Madgwick- Specialism EYFS
I have been a teacher since 1989, most of those years being spent in Early Years. I have worked in
various authorities over the years, including teaching abroad in Brunei. I have a particular passion
for Nursery Education and believe it is an invaluable experience for all young children. I believe in a
holistic approach to learning where every aspect of a child’s life is valued and they are seen as
members of a family and a community. I believe in a child-centred approach where learning is active
and based on play. I joined the team at Etherley Lane Nursery School in January 2013 and soon
became involved with the Durham Teaching School Alliance. I see this as a great opportunity to
develop my own practice as well as collaborating with colleagues.
Mr. Philip Robertson – Specialism MFL
I am Head of Languages at St. John’s Secondary School and Sixth Form College in Bishop Auckland,
an ‘Outstanding’ school that has allowed me to mould and develop a department with innovative
teaching and learning at the heart of every MFL lesson, which are enjoyed by all students who
make outstanding progress. I am fluent in Spanish and French and have a passion for languages. I
have transformed the department and our curriculum to include, authentic materials including
music, film, drama and literature to give a ‘real life’ feel to everything the students do in their
I originally worked for 5 years at St. Bede’s Catholic School in Lanchester, but left to take up the
challenge of implementing Spanish into the curriculum at St. John’s. The response from the
students was overwhelming and is now a firm favourite in their timetables.
Taking up the reigns as Head of Department allowed me to apply the same principals with French
and German to create a forward thinking, dynamic curriculum, with a team of ‘Outstanding’
practitioners delivering lessons in the way I believe MFL should be delivered, fun, authentic but
driven by a passion for MFL where students excel.