Book Writers, Publishers, Sellers, Marketers, Educational Consultants, etc. OF About Truth is Universal Publisher This diverse, dynamic, and highly inspired organization was founded by Anthony U. Aliche with several gifted and apostolic scholars. It was established to carry out the important task of providing humanity with great works, including a line of books. These works are gaining universal recognition. We are compelled and inspired to establish a mind and purpose-driven universal bank whose activities are centred on creating a museum of knowledge for the balanced wisdom of posterity. Located at Aba in Abia State, Nigeria, with branches in Europe and the United States, Truth is Universal Publishers is a nonsectarian, nondogmatic organization which operates principally and tactfully in the medium of the universal mind. It imparts honest and strict principles that foster greater awareness of spiritual tenets in the lives of humans. This institution is highly involved in propagating wisdom and truth, particularly in the areas of religion, health, psychology, science, engineering, technology, philosophy, and spiritualism—stimulating a colloquium of integrated and balanced education. We also have begun an online study, research, and development programme, Truth is Universal Educational Outreach, with members all over the world. This programme gives people the rare opportunity to explore beyond the boundaries of their present knowledge. For more information on this organization and its programmes, please write to Truth is Universal Publishers, 28 Okpu-Umuobo Rd., PO Box 708, Aba, Nigeria. You can reach us by telephone at 082-225217, 08037065227, 08059227752, or 08064718821; on our website; or by e-mail at or and on facebook hers 817099148 A CITATION ON PROF. ANTHONY UGOCHUKWU O. ALICHE FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY OF METAPHYSICIANS, (FSM), ENGLAND, FELLOW OF THE METAPHYSICAL RESEARCH GROUP (FMRG), ENGLAND, FELLOW OF THE CHATTERED INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATORS, (FCIA), FELLOW OF THE INTERNATIONAL AGE OF CHARACTER CLUB (FIACC), FELLOW OF THE CONCEPT THERAPY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, TEXAS, USA FELLOW OF THE NIGERIAN INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT, (FNIAM) AND FELLOW, ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESS EDUCATORS OF NIGERIA (FABEN) It is indeed a rare and enviable opportunity to be called upon to read a citation of Prof. Anthony Ugochukwu O. Aliche, a personality whose achievements in diverse fields of endeavour cannot be adequately chronicled within the space of time allotted to this august ceremony. For this is a figure, who like the Iroko tree stands out with a girt and height that few trees possess. An intellectual comet, whose appearance comes once in a century, he has emblazoned the skyline of knowledge, thinking, research and teaching leaving no one in doubt of his presence in the orbit of time. Like Albert Schweitzer, the celebrated French Clergyman, philosopher, physician, musician, scholar and writer, he has truly conquered and pushed further the frontiers of knowledge. He has studied, researched, taught, written and published his findings, leaving the imprints of his knowledge on the library shelves and university classroom audiences across the globe so much that he has been recognized as the most prolific writer in Africa by both the United States University of Science and Philosophy and the Philosophical Research Society. In the business arena, Prof. Aliche, like a young eagle has soared above the highest trees and hilltops, ever scenting for the highest points and peaks on which to make his nests, lay his eggs and hatch his birdings. Born fifty-two years ago, Aliche shares the birth year as our great country, Nigeria. Born in Umuoha Autonomous Community in Isiala Ngwa Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria, Prof. Aliche seems to have cut his teeth a little too early in his quest for knowledge, truth, philosophy, the meaning of existence and the essence of life. Enquires to his teachers/lecturers at both the primary, secondary and tertiary levels reveal how he consistently stunned them like boy Jesus with questions on life, source of life, origin of man, the purpose of the presence of man on earth, the creating force and many more issues that fail to agitate even adults and mature minds. Those early signs of serious enquiring mind have today blossomed into researches that have firmly planted him as a world honoured member in the circle of students and teachers of metaphysics. Outline of academic pursuits Soon after his primary and secondary school careers at St. Mary’s Primary School, Apu-naEkpu and Ihie High School, Ihie respectively, all in Isiala Ngwa North between 1968 and 1980, the restless spirit and the burning quest for knowledge drove him to the Concept Therapy Institutes of Texas, USA between 1980 and 1982 from where he moved to University of Science and Philosophy in Virginia, USA. RESEARCH EFFORTS AND PUBLICATIONS Because of Prof. Aliche’s background as a Metascientist, deeply tutored in metaphysics, and consequently seeing as indissoluble unity in the eco-systemic interactive process, his perspective to research of issues concepts and human actions seems to be periscopally adjusted. He sees what others cannot perceive and considers what others may not be willing to examine and from such integrative approach produce stunning findings. The focus of Prof. Aliche’s research interest is diverse and therefore his publications cover a wide range of subjects which however converged to solve common human problems. Issues of research are located in the economy, sociotechnical issues and problems, Politics, government and governance, science, metaphysics, religion, man and his creator, man and the element, power generation, ecological protection, etc. Prof. Aliche’s great and deep-seated concern for the proper functioning of economy of countries has produced thought-provoking titles from his research efforts. A few of these are: The need to involve the Private Sector in the Economic Development of the nation. How we can use our Inherent Genius to Develop our Technology The importance of Globalization in the Advancement of our Economy. The Benefits of Small and Medium Scale Industries in Nigeria. The Role of the Banking Sector in the Actualization of the Millennium Development Goals. Proposal on the Importance of Accountability, Probity, Financial Prudence for Civil servants and Political Appointees in Nigeria. Prof. Aliche’s solid foundation in meta-science and metaphysics has produced an intimidating catalogue of both published and unpublished titles, a few of which include: Metaphysics and Astral Physics. (A new cosmogony of the Astral Plane as Empowered by the Wisdom of the Rare Knowledge). Mystics and challenges of mysticism. The Adventure in Wisdom, The Mystical Life and Priesthood of Melchizedek. The World is in Need of the Universal One The Encyclopedia of Metaphysics. Metaphysicist Concept of Astrophysics. The Mystical Anatomy of the Universe Philosophy and Mysticism The World is in Need of Balanced and Illumined Thinkers The Wisdom of the Unseen Forces . His exploration of the scientific field has yielded several titles in science, technology and allied areas. They include: The First Principle of Science (The atmosphere of the Sun and Moon with other Elemental Beings Existing at the proximity of psychic phenomenon). Understanding the Dynamic Creative Process Through The Waves The Demystification of Occult Engineering Technology The Nature, Powers and Functions of Energy The Anatomy of Marine Technology. The Nature, Powers and Functions of Energy. Electricity is Spirit. There is Motion in Everything etc. In the Business and Management world his Managerial acumen has produced such works as Business Management and How to Achieve Organizational Goal. The Principles and Policies of Research Methodology Contemporary Issues Which Determine the Dynamic Functions of Business Management The Dynamics of Effective Marketing Financial Management and Marketing Strategy The Role of Management and Business Administration in a Competitive Environment etc. Prof. Aliche is indeed a veritable academic giant whose scholarship exploits have give to posterity over two-thousand books with titles in virtually all areas of human endeavours. He has to his credit several lectures and proposals presented to d different universities at the national and international levels lots of published books on library shelves across the world. People are sometimes referred to as voracious readers: I believe strongly that while an earlier description of him as the most prolific writer in Africa perfectly fits him, it would not be far from the truth if Prof. Aliche is described as a voracious African writer. The evidence is indisputable. The Industrialist Prof. Aliche in Mentioned earlier in the course of this citation is the fact that he has to several books in the area of Management and Business Sciences with a central thesis of the improvement of the national economy. Prof. Aliche has avoided acting like the proverbial signpost standing by the roadside, pointing the way to every passerby, but who refuses to move. Prof. Aliche believes in the age-long saying that examples are better than precepts. He has to his credit six very vibrant industrial outfits established to visibly exhibit and demonstrate what he proposes in his writings. Prof. Aliche is the: Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Ali Farms Nigeria Limited. Founder, St. Anthony and Francis Hospital and Maternity Amapu, in Umuoha Autonomous Community, Isiala Ngwa North, Abia State. Executive Director, Ugochukwu and Saints Health Services. Director, Rosanna and Kate’s Trading Company Limited. Founder, Truth is Universal Publishers. Founder, the Educational Network referred to as Truth Is Universal Foundation, which awards scholarships to talented students and the founder of the educational outfit known and designated as- International Society of MetaphysiciansThis outreach of oriental studies provides people with the rare opportunity to explore beyond the boundaries of their present knowledge. He believes in wealth creation and wealth distribution through industrialization and the generation of employment. He continues to demonstrate this through the establishment of these industrial outfits. HONOURS, AWARDS, RECOGNITIONS AND APPOINTMENTS Prof. Aliche’s intellectual brilliance, his achievements in research and teaching have continued to be rewarded with honours, awards, recognitions and appointments both internationally and within the shores of the country, Nigeria. Prof. Aliche, who was appointed a one-time chairman of the Society of Metaphysicians by the world headquarters, was at the international level recognized as the Best African Student of the University of Science and Philosophy of the USA. He has the awards of the Crystal Ball and the Planchette from the Metaphysical Research Group in Hastings, England, for his excellent contributions in research and other advanced psychic works. As recognition of his scholarly research works, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy Degree by the Columbus International University, Virgin Island, England. He subsequently got listed in the WHO IS WHO book of International Age of Character Club founded by the Russell’s. The University of Science and Philosophy and the Philosophical Research Society, all in the USA have recognized Prof. Aliche as an ordained and most prolific writer in Africa, who is truly committed to Creating a museum of knowledge for the balanced wisdom of posterity.As a result of deep research in several areas of which science and philosophy occupies a monumental seat, the senate and the authorities of the University of Science and Philosophy honoured him as a Professor of Science and Philosophy. Prof. Aliche’s brilliance, intellectual and industrial achievements have attracted government recognitions accolades and appointments for him. Indeed, he has gained to himself not just a few Eagles’ Feathers for his cap! One could aptly describe his cap of recognition to be studded with whole spars of eagle wings. He was appointed a Director to the Progress Bank in 1990. Following closely at the heels of his tenure at the Progress Bank, government appointed him a Director to Modern Ceramics Industry Nigeria Limited in 1992, and within the same year was honoured with the position of Adviser to Abia State House of Assembly and subsequently had the rare honour of being listed in a published book of Who is Who in Abia State in 1996. This was followed by another very significant recognition by the whole of Ngwa who not only listed Prof. Aliche in Ngwa book of Who is Who in Ngwa land but also described him as a most illustrious son of Ngwa land. Prof. Aliche’s Achievements and commitment to service within the state seem to have given him the goldfish attribute. The state continues to see him and never misses an opportunity to assign him responsibilities. In 2000, Abia State appointed him Director to the World Bank Financed Community and Social Development Project (CSDP), a position he has continued to hold till today. Consequently, the many workshops, seminars and lectures organized by the World Bank to sensitize the state on poverty reduction strategies from 2001 to 2007 have continued to feature his papers and proposals. He has also been of tremendous service to religious and civil society. He is the Life Patron to organization of Gospel Artist of the whole of our great country, Nigeria and a patron to the Nation’s Nigerian Catholic Student Association. He is the Chairman of the Works Committee of St. Anthony and Jude Catholic Parish, Aba and also a key member of the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO). Presented to you as our guest lecturer is Prof. Anthony Ugochukwu O. Aliche, DSC, FSM, FMRG, FIACC, FCIA, FANA, FABEN, FNIAM, a thoroughbred illustrious son of Ngwa land, Abia State, Nigeria and a citizen of God’s world. Presented to you is an indefatigable industrialist, an achiever whose exploits return with noticeable rewards. Presented to you at this occasion is an intellectual and academic giant, a philosophical guru and scholar of no mean measure. Presented to you is a Metascientist and Metaphysicist whose drive to convergently apply these scientific fields to unravel the essence of God, energy, force creativity, dynamism and the scientific cosmic block is unparalleled. Presented to you is an unusual personality of multiple and variegated credentials, a researcher, philosopher, scientist, administrator, teacher, writer and publisher who is perhaps the only known Jack of all trades and master of all. Permit me to present Prof. Anthony Ugochukwu O. Aliche DSC, FSM, FMRG, FIACC, FCIA, FNIAM, FANA, FABEN an extraordinary quintessential star in African continental intellectual firmament, as today’s special guest lecturer who is known all over the world as an ordained author including being the ideal legend of our race. Welcome To Our World! An Overview of Some of Our Titles Philosophy the Maker of Great Thinkers A civilization, which is built upon ignorance and perpetuated by ignorance, must and shall certainly collapse under the weight of ignorance. It is important to reveal that only philosophy can be with us and assist us to derive that enlightened courage with which to face the day. Those who have life within themselves will wisely pass triumphantly through the difficult years ahead. Philosophy is energy with an electronic and scientific enigma, which overcomes doubt and rescues man from this space. This is why it is a luminous course that fights injustice and restores vision with hope and faith. It is unfortunate and deeply regrettable that in our present age, theology has succeeded in leading man into a degenerated grievous confusion; science to a hopeless unbelief; culture and tradition reduce man to the rank and file of ego and beastling state; government and power are degenerating man not to remember that absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is here that only philosophy can bring us to the golden time we look for. institution. It will serve as a reference book. It may even be recommended as a valid textbook. To all and sundry, I would rather say, read this book and be wiser! The Fundamentals of Core Logic Prof. Aliche has come out with a work that is monumental. This is a work that will open up a new horizon in the discipline of logic. His expose of the Core Logic needs the appraisal of scholars. I personally admire his courage in venturing into this area of study. He stands tall among his contemporaries as metaphysician that should be admired and encouraged. In this book, Prof. Aliche has demonstrated the applicability of logic in many spheres of life. He wants to make it loud that just as life is mathematical, so also it is logical. This work- The Fundamentals of core logic is highly recommended. It should have a niche for itself in every library in the home, office and educational Business Management and How to Achieve Organizational Goal Man is a manager of man and natural resources. He is not yet vast to appreciate the urgent challenges of management and why he must understand the universe is in search of honest managers for “nature’s resources are honest and dynamic. Everything created by man first exists as a universal principle which is perfect in nature and imperfectly worked out In our contemporary business era which is technically driven with the ingenuity of Microsoft engineering with scientific technology, there is need to explain, appreciate, examine and understand why and how some businesses fail. What can be termed the management of industry in our present global meltdown has spirated into other economic activities like economic meltdown, computer meltdown with its elongated viruses, administrative meltdown, engineering, agricultural, industrial, political and all that are contained in our present catastrophic era which is orchestrated by the inglorious and un-illumined activities of man. In earnest, this situation can best be defined as a direct and indirect economic world war which is causing poverty in the face of humans and in the national and international psyche with a view to recessing a lot of business corporations. This is why and how it is practical and tactical in the tedium of this work to present what can best be accepted as a management master plan with economic guideline which will bring a turnaround in the actions and transactions of human activities. Man finds himself in an environment fraught with socio-technical crises and problems (economic, political, scientific, social, religious, etc). Aliche, for instance, believes that the underlying philosophy of initiative research is geared towards solving problems, and improving global achievements, in the area of industry and international trade relationship. In essence, Principles and Policies of Research methodology deftly avoid the presentation of detached, exclusive, compartmentalized approach to research. It rather has designed a holistic and global perspective of problem solving techniques aimed at attacking peculiar local problems leading to a proper appreciation of cosmic perplexities and vice versa. The Principles and Policies of Research Methodology is not just one more book on the shelf designed to give guidelines on how to approach research and report research findings. Aliche’s book goes beyond this dimension. While it will serve as an invaluable companion to university academics and students of research, it captures the theme expressed by Thomas Kuhn in his celebrated contribution to scientific enquiry, “The Structure of Scientific revolutions”. Aliche has expounded and expanded the borders of research as he seems to re-echo Kuhn’s insistence that, “no natural history can be interpreted in the absence of at least some implicit body of intertwined theoretical and methodological belief that permits selection, evaluation and criticism”. It is hoped that this treatise on research will be given the appropriate exposure it deserves. It should be a veritable reference book for institutions of higher learning. Professor Mkpa .A. Mkpa (Vice Chancellor, Abia State University, Uturu The immutability of the fact that the success achieved in every sphere of human endeavour is fostered within the ambit of certain natural laws and beliefs embellished with some standard code of practice remain gloriously sacred. In the beginning, God after work of creation saw that all his works of creation were BEAUTIFUL Genesis 1:31. A leader was appointed to oversee all God’s creation with definite standard code of conduct. Once Something may be ethically the right but morally wrong and hedge is broken vice versa giving rise to the what may be termed ethical snakes dilemma will bite. The great deviation from the rule which can be analyzed from both the ethical, moral and dilemmatic view point but it is either the right or wrong. The result is the FALL OF MAN. The high level of moral decadence in our society and world over heralding to heinous criminal issues such as terrorism, kidnapping, youth restiveness and the likes are anchored on the fact that something right has been rejected and wrong values embraced. In the corporate world, corporate moguls have thrown caution to the wind and became reckless in handling the affairs of their organizati ons. Ethics which is the guiding rules for piloting the affairs of the organization were discarded and humans lost every iota of morality resulting in the collapse of several big organizations in Europe, America and the unprecedented collapse of Banks, Public Enterprises and infrastructures in Nigeria and other African countries. Reasons for this unfortunate scenario in the corporate world remain man’s inability to adhere to the wisdom of Ethics and Morals guiding the corporate world. It is on the note that this inspired and ingenious work of Prof. Aliche on The Role of Ethics and Morals in Corporate Governance is timely and germane. Something may be ethically right but morally wrong and vice versa giving rise to what may be termed ethical dilemma. Corporate Governance which is concerned with the way corporate entities are governed addresses issues facing Board of Directors’ interaction with top management, relationship with the owners and other interested parties in the affairs of the organization. It is presently more associated with the modern codes of best practices. The Role of Ethics and Morals in Corporate Governance will then be a handy tool and great source of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. This book is a must buy to all Professionals or rather a professional’s companion. Our corporate world will be saved by institutionalizing the values and ingredients of Ethics, Morals, and Corporate Governance as eulogized in this book. Dr. Nyerere C. Anyim Unity House Abuja The Economic Importance of IT and ICT IT/ICT is gradually becoming an econometric amalgamation by which the Microsoft dynamism is propelling and directing the affairs of the world through the use and application of the World Wide Web (WWW) with a lot of computers which tends to drive the wisdom of internet engineering with material technology. A. U. Aliche in his usual charisma has in a no mean measure explained that life could not have been a business necessity with the use and application of IT/ICT which he further detailed to be the economic and business driving force that will anchor humanity to an expected globalized family with a technological village. This book will serve professional bodies, research institutes universities, etc., as a communication Britannica. Have You Discovered Your Assignment with Destiny? The subject of destiny has inspired various explanations from diverse schools of thought. While some people believe in and espouse the philosophy of predestination, others believe that man is the architect of his own destiny, while still others do not believe in the concept of destiny at all. Even among those who believe in the concept, there is a lack of consensus about its definition and function. Given the critical nature of the subject, and the need for man to clearly understand destiny and employ that knowledge in his journey from mortality to immortality, the author has done a great job in guiding the reader through that process. How terrible would our world have been if no one ever discovered and accomplished his assignment with destiny? How pleasant would our world have been if all people discovered and accomplished their assignments with destiny? How terrible would our world have been if no one ever discovered and accomplished his assignment with destiny? on our stamina in carving out a stable path for ourselves. The Orphan Leonardo Ravenhall, the accomplished revivalist, told us the story of a man who visited an alien community and asked an old man there, “Has any great man been born here?” In response, the old man said, “No great man has ever been born here, only babies.” God moulded us with equal and adequate and inner constitution to rise to all we choose to become. It is not to be argued that all great men and all of us are born as babies. What we eventually become is a game of choice, not of chance, a choice that is founded on our determination and Ugochukwu Aliche presents the story of Aliche, the orphan, who decides to convert the challenges of life into It is not to be argued that all stepping stones great men and all of us are with which he rode born as babies. What we the horse of eventually become is a game of greatness. choice, not of chance, a choice He presents a that is founded on our character who falls determination and on our in proper stamina in carving out a stable place with Zig Ziegler path for ourselves. findings that: 75% of 300 world class leaders are raised in poverty and abused as children… Success Is My Portion And Who is Truly Successful That he is driving the best of cars and I am not does not make me less successful. That he married four (4) wives and I have only one is just a liability on his side and does not make me less relevant. That he lives in the best of houses and I am comfortable in my little beautiful and peaceful home does not make him better than I am. That he eats in the best of eateries and I manage to have a good variety of vegetables in my garden and eat happily does not make him better. Perhaps the only difference could be that while his stomach is protruding and mine normal, he could be tagged "a big man". That he goes to the best of hospitals in India for his routine medical checkup and I use the local hospital could just be as a result of the canned and packaged foods he eats while I eat fresh vegetables"Pay back period". So That he eats in the best of how do you eateries and I manage to define have a good variety of success? vegetables in my garden Are these and eat happily does not your criteria make him better. Perhaps for defining the only difference could a be that while his stomach successful is protruding and mine man? Then normal, he could be you must tagged "a big man". have a rethink. And I am sure you will need a copy of my work SUCCESS IS MY PORTION AND WHO IS TRULY SUCCESSFUL. From Problems to Praises Every problem has a purpose and this is why we must have the desire and the drive in ensuring that they are handled and tackled with a purposedriven communion, purpose-driven meditation, purposedriven prayers, purpose-driven confession and atonement. It is unfortunate that our thinking when problems come and our approach in solving these problems do not make us to think of God first before thinking of what man can do. We must have that unfailing assurance that God walked where we walk, he stood where we stand, he felt what we feel, he knows us and our problems more than they worry us and beyond the level they destabilize We must have that unfailing us. That is to assurance that God walked say that he understands where we walk, he stood what we are where we stand, he felt what passing through and we feel, he knows us and our will never problems more than they leave us. He will equally be worry us and beyond the level our they destabilize us. stronghold but he admonishes us to CALL UPON HIM IN THE TIME OF PROBLEMS AND HE WILL DEFINTIELY ANSWER US. clarion call and encourages us to pause a little, make a soul assessment and ask ourselvesWhose Vessel we are. Whose Vessel are You? But in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and earth; and some to honour and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purges himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work. (2nd Tim 2: 20 – 21 KJV) In a time like this when men seem to have forgotten the reason The issue is not that you are why we are called but what matters most called and is who called you? the purpose for which we are created, the author by inspiration makes a The unfolding events in our present era have greatly made us to doubt the honesty and purity of those who claim to be called. The issue is not that you are called but what matters most is who called you? Find out more from this interesting book. Challenge is a Catalyst to Success Life, which is God’s supreme gift to all creations, is full of ups and downs. This is why every generation, decade, including persons of different ideologies, governments, families, societies and the universal institutions are faced with multiple and enormous challenges. It is said with honour that challenges are basic necessities, which helps man to become a master of life and at the same time a greater achiever. Challenge is one powerful motivator humans ordinarily do not expect in their lives. But the irony of life is that it comes most when not expected. Challenge is like change, it is likeable to the equatorial easterly wind and the conventional maritime air mass that comes to us when we are not ready for them. This is why it is clearly and glaringly stated that challenge when accepted and honoured in the concept and deeper knowledge of positive approach, reveals the secrets of working willingly with God. In this respect, one becomes an ecclesiastical icon and at the same time, a dynamite from the infinite and Unequalled indomitable wisdom. Challenge makes us It is said with honour that to be true challenges are basic necessities, possessors which helps man to become a of master of life and at the same knowledge. time a greater achiever. It is unequalled teacher of life and it is known that Challenge and experience are the best teachers of all ages. Find out interesting life secrets in this book! Alex: Dad, I didn’t know Mr. Yan could run that fast. Mr. Greg: Son, You will not understand. Until you are challenged, you may not know what potentials are lying fallow in you. between the masters and the labourers, wanton destruction and the spirit of the brotherhood of man is adversely thrown to the dust. With Love all Works are Easy The urgent necessity of love as a business companion is not greatly known by man since the dawn of consciousness. This is why in vain we labour without love, which is a spiritual ingredient that will make all works easy, kind, understanding and peaceful. It is only love that will reduce the strenuous energy wasted in labour in the course and process of work. It is sad to know that humans are utilized in the industries and other business areas without the masters and the law applying and employing love as human beings are been employed in their industries, factories, farms, offices to name but a few. The resultant effect of this has been hatred We must work to be paid and the payment must be with love, trust, honesty and sincerity so that our labour will not be in vain. It is believed that millions of people globally that will come across We must work to be this book will paid and the payment sincerely appreciate and must be with love, trust, apply the natural honesty and sincerity philosophy which so that our labour will is an exposition not be in vain. for all and sundry to adopt and accept that with love all works are easy. God and that truth will forever remain the fulcrum of all creations and the balanced vision in action. What Is Beyond Truth Truth which has been with man from the beginning of life is scientifically known as a living photographic camera that produces the original image of all past and present in its infinite postulation. This book has a message that will make man understand and deeply appreciate that truth is God and life. Truth authored and created wisdom, it is the powerful and absolute knowledge of all ages and scientifically known as the supreme Alpha that manifested the Omega principle, which is neither known nor applied by man in all his transactions. When it is stated that nothing is beyond truth it is a proverb and a scientific maxim that reminds our intuition to understand that nothing is beyond It is known that creation is greatly in need of truth. The wisdom in this message is coming at this hour of man’s degenerated evolution where he is completely out of tune with nature and mother universe. Truth which has been with man from the beginning of life is scientifically known as a living photographic camera that produces the original image of all past and present in its infinite postulation This is why man needs an urgent reversal of his trends in order to maintain a simultaneous alignment that is needed for him to be in tune with the Infinite Totality and the supreme grail that made the grail message a living truth that is beyond words and thoughts. Using Your Gifts to Help Others In the life of every man, we discover that there are peculiar or rare qualities that make people what they are. In most cases, these qualities which are not wholly used by man have turned to be a ginger and a harbinger to the discovery of our destiny. One thing that is glaring is that genius is inherent in every one, but the task and choice of developing it remains the handiwork of each individual. Gifts are special talents from God, bestowed on individuals to use for the service of humanity in order to better the one-world family for the happiness of mankind and to the glory of God. But it is a pity that humans are no longer using and employing the gifts of God to the happiness of mankind. It is important to note that it is the wrong use of our gifts that is causing poverty, sickness, lack, war, fear of atomic/nuclear bomb suicide as well as biological/chemical weapons which are threatening the lives of humans and the civilization of the present generation. Get this book and get an urgent education of who God is and the purpose of his gifts, so that you can know better its application. God’s Gifts Are Irrevocable God’s gifts are universal, permanent, balanced and enduring. He does not cease in giving to man and the entire creation. Man is the product of God thus the creator is not tired of him. Man’s sufferings are not God’s making. It is unfortunate that man does not realize that he is the cause of his problems but he wrongly blames God. God’s gifts are made available for all His children. However the greatest beneficiaries are those who obey His commandments and walk in the light of law and justice. The government of spiritual gifts that comes from God cannot be revoked by any force, action or attraction. We must work and strive honestly for us to be blesses. It is only work that is done in the light of truth that makes us God’s Millicent and His irrevocable marble The Mystical Powers of Our Lord’s Prayer Our Lord’s Prayer which is as old as living is greatly mystical and highly need by all and sundry and universally said in different languages by all races in different creed. It is as old as creation but as new as a living child. Make it a date with this great work and discover mysteries you have never thought of all embedded in this great work- The Mystical Powers of Our Lord’s Prayer The Best Belongs to all Bring Out the Christ in You If you are truly of Christ, then don’t tell me stories Let me see the Christ in you. Man sees the truth in nature and in life but has vehemently refused to imbibe them thereby placing himself at sea with other elemental bodies which has incurred and inculcated fears and hatred into him. This invariably has made him a manslaughter against man the gardener and the caretaker of all things. What a shame! The best belongs to all, not just a particular set of people. And this is the wish and the desire of the creator and whether man regards this gesture or not. The truth remains firm. This God is for all of us and he has assured us that he will not forget us. Find out in from this book- God’s plan for you and work in line with it. - The Healing Powers Honey Honey is a natural medicine which is given to man free from nature’s garden. It is a great relief to know and appreciate that it is one gift of Mother Nature that can cure and control virtually all human sicknesses, diseases, infections and malfunctioning of the organs of the body. This is why the best to be known and treated is to assure creation that honey is best calledthe gift of God to nature and the gift of nature to man Discover a lot of things you can do with this Great Liquid- Honey in these great Honey Books Honey Is Health Honey is not only Health but the massive utilization of this natural resource from the bees in industries reveals the high level of benevolence it owns to the affairs of human survival. Welcome to Ali Farms Global Praise for Professor Aliche and His Works “My beloved son Anthony Ugo. O. Aliche follows in the footsteps of my late husband, Dr. Walter Russell, who is widely considered a modern Leonardo De Vinci.” Dr. Lao Russell, former president, University of Science and Philosophy, Virginia It is one thing to use honey and another thing to use ORIGINAL honey. They are not the same. To ensure you get BEST that honey offers, be sure to use ORIGINAL HONEY. Buy Your Original Honey from our store: 28 Okpu-Umuobo Rd., Umungasi. Aba. Abia State. “You most certainly are an ‘ordained author’. Indeed, you are creating a museum of knowledge for the balanced wisdom of posterity. The key word is balance. As we both know, we are living in a most unbalanced world of man/woman thinking and lack of higher consciousness.” Michael Hudak, president, University of Science and Philosophy, Virginia “Only an adept writer, and someone of the author’s status, could convincingly inject fresh interpretations of existing mathematical and philosophical functions and symbols, as he has done in this book. In doing so, he guides us to the obvious and incontrovertible conclusion that the field of philosophical mathematics is indispensable to the solution of human problems in the past, present, and future. His writings guarantee the continuous relevance, utility, and applicability of the discipline of philosophical mathematics. Perhaps the most significant of this book’s merits is its originality. The author does a minimum of quoting from others. Instead, he generates much of the information, which is amazingly exotic and therefore could have been derived only from the supernatural realm or inspired sources. Not many authors are so gifted!” Prof. Mkpa Agu Mkpa, former vice-chancellor, Abia State University, On: The Dynamic Functions of Philosophical Mathematics By Prof. Aliche “Your book What Makes Great Men is on the top the bestseller list. I have read it entirely, and it is inspiring. Maintain that spirit.” Pastor Praise Michael Daniels. Abuja “Surely you must be the most published author in Africa! Most important is your continuous effort to awaken and enlighten humanity to the power of loving one another and the gift of loving service to our fellow man or woman! I have looked at your website and feel a greater appreciation for your love of humanity. We both are committed to the unending effort to raise the consciousness of our fellow world citizens to a new way of thinking and acting as we live our lives.” Michael Hudak, president, University of Science and Philosophy, Virginia “Your works aim to restore the dignity of man, and they are destined for global acknowledgement. The fact that it is climbing the bestseller list in Abuja is a sign of the avalanche of global recognition that will follow this selfless and cerebral author of our time. Congratulations, sir, my dear mentor.” Ibe Edede “I am a fan of your series, and I remain grateful to my friend who bought me a copy of your work Whose Vessel are You. It dawned on me then that I could be an empty vessel, and I really understood what it means to be a true vessel. I decided that I would be a golden vessel, made for the Master’s use. Bless you, sir. You are a true vessel.” Adimchimnobi Ezinne. Lagos. Nigeria “Prof. Aliche, you are a genius of the highest order! In all my life as an IT specialist, I have not seen this type of interpretation of information technology and information communication technology. It is a great work.” Eno Etuk. Port Harcourt. Nigeria “Professor, the northerners in the cabinet of Kastina state government under Gov. Shehu Shema are in love with your articles on metaphysics.” Ovie Ben, editor-in-chief, The President Afrique Magazine “I know you are an authority in many different fields of human endeavor, and I encourage and congratulate your dynamic wisdom in exploring the boundless world. All of us at the world headquarters are grateful to honour and designate you as our new Nigerian chairman and to supervise the metaphysical activities in other African countries.” John J. Williamson, president/founder, College of Metascientists, Archer’s Court, England “You are indeed an excellent and brilliant friend whose vast knowledge of nature and its dynamism deserves to be understudied.” Prof. Ralph Onwuka “Aliche has shown the world that he is a true and perfect breed of the Russellian scientist/philosopher. His achievements, which will be favoured by posterity, must certainly dazzle his contemporaries.” Lara Lindo, former president, University of Science and Philosophy Prof. Harley Enoch “Anthony U. Aliche is an illumined mystic from the East. I respect the comprehensiveness of his ingenuity, particularly his rare gift of considering everybody as one.” Nanik Balani, India “My esteemed friend Anthony U. O. Aliche is best described as a rare gift to humanity, living a life that appears unequalled in our present chaotic age. To God be the glory for his esteemed and universal intelligence.” Dr. Singh, India “After studying What Is beyond Truth on my visit to Nigeria, I discovered that great talent can be found in this humble country, the most populous in Africa. I invite noble souls who appreciate the wisdom of truth to buy this book and analyze it in order to appreciate the fact that nothing is beyond truth.” “Your books are greatly inspiring. After studying The Mystical Powers of Our Lord’s Prayer, I was personally inspired to honour the wisdom of the Celestial Sanctum. Thank God for your person.” Nick Helen, South Africa “My great friend is a gifted and rare scholar of our race. I respect and love him particularly for his humility, honesty, and intelligence, and for his accomplished, purpose-driven life.” Sen. Milford Okilo, Former Governor of Old Rivers State, First African president Of the University of Science and Philosophy “Surely you are the legend of our race!” Senior staff of the Federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Nigeria “You are truly a blessing to our nation. I bought your book Honey Is Health from Ogbete market, Enugu and I am so glad I bought it. I have never thought of honey in this way. God bless you for your knowledge.” Tony Udedike, Enugu State “You are indeed a ‘mobile encyclopedia’!” Participant at the Garden City Literary Festival, September 12–17, 2011, Presidential Hotel, Port Harcourt “Nnana Aliche, you were born great. Many were not aware of this truth; others knew it but refused to accept it. Your life in the service of humanity will be rewarded not only on earth but eternally. Amen.” “You are awarded as a role model and the author of the year as one of the twenty distinguished Nigerians who have, through hard work and excellence, put Nigeria on the world map.” African Child Foundation Dr. Anthony E. Torty, CEO, Malic International Services, Ltd. I thank God for giving you this great wisdom you use in guiding us Jude Obisike. Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria You are an epitome of a noble man Erika Ray, Senior Publishing consultant iuniverse Publishing Company 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200 Bloomington, IN 47403 Prof. Anthony U. Aliche is an internationally recognized and acclaimed great man, orator, philosopher, scientist, author, farmer, consultant, music and melody composer, sensitizer, management icon and a known noble human who is greatly involved in peace advocacy. He is a metaphysicst/Metascientists, he is a rare scientist of our era and this is why he is endowed with an ingenious knowledge of all areas which benefit human endeavour. This great scholar is a designer, a sculptor, an architect; a technologist including being an engineer of a higher esteem whose creations have always dazzled his contemporaries and the global family. He is indeed the epitome of a God fearing and wise man. He is the Future President the Federal Republic of Nigeria needs. He is a real genius from God in this planet-earth. Lawrence I. Iwuoha, ACIA Philosopher, Humanist, Ant-Racist and Human Rights Activist. ECHOES: On- Have You Discovered Your Assignment with Destiny? Prof. Aliche, I was keen on your authoritative angle on destiny because we had divergent views with no consensus in sight, until it became obvious that there was need for expert rescue. I never knew you had a wonderful book on it already - my instincts were perfect! Am glad I did. You came to mind, and I am glad you came to rescue - and beyond. Thank you. Please do not hesitate to make the publication of your book(s) known to the house. I wait with childlike anxiety. Mr. Vivian Iwuoha – Wisdom lane Düsseldorf, Germany Wow! You sure have some long list here Sir. Versatile,! May the future bring you far more plus that distinct fulfillment that seem to run from a lot of people. Best wishes. Su'eddie Vershima Agema posted to Aliche Anthony U Principal Writer/Partner at SAGE Writers Inc Prof. you are Africa’s pride and blessing to the world. You have made us proud through your globalized publishing. Bravo our hero! Dennis Nwankwo. Imo State, Nigeria Fine paper back; uniquely designed and I believe the content can only be compared to a masterpiece which of course is 2nd nature to Prof. Aliche. A must read for any with destiny! Nwahizu Chijindu on- Have You Discovered Your Assignment with Destiny? Dear Prof. Anthony Aliche, you are a great author of the present generation. The Lord who has endowed you with wisdom and intelligence to do all these research work will continue to sustain, keep and strengthen you on this roadmap of greatness as he changed the name of Jacob to Israel, as he changed the name of Israel so shall you be called the liberator of the African Race- Congratulations Hon. G.C. Iwuoha FNSIM Life without discovering one’s assignment with destiny is subject to tragedy. Congratulations! You are wonderfully made. Sincere love to iuniverse- Anthony O. Aliche production. God will continue to keep you as you are saving souls for him Uche and Nonye-UBA Your self-discipline, hard work, education and perseverance have eventually metamorphosed into an author of an international bestseller. I know that your talents are transcendental. No wonder you discovered your assignment with destiny. Thank God for your rare, divine intuition and illumination. Congrats sirFrom Ibe EdedeYou have made another inroad in the world of academics. Bravo! From I.G. Akwada Prof. A. U. Aliche shalom! Beloved Hip hip hurray! Congratulations and kudos for your worthy advancement of knowledge in the province of humanities (Num 6:24-26) Amen. Elder Nkem Agha Okwuagha There are reasons with practical evidence to show that you belong to the topmost echelon of the advanced race. Cynthia Herod, England A great look at your works which cannot be comprehended by any human being reveals the dynamism of your genius which is naturally bestowed in you by no other person than the creator. Florence Pam, Switzerland Prof., you are highly gifted and ordained with a constant and consummate fluent pen which will continue to flow for the fact that the level of wisdom it passes to humanity is something to acknowledge the creator for the gift of a millicential genius like you. Cornelius Uka, Owerri Imo State Prof., people are celebrating, jubilating and acknowledging your resource-oriented creativity with global ovation but for me, this is your starting point. Chijioke. Abuja Prof., a look at your contributions to human development reveals that your presence in our contemporary society is a lesson which knowledge will continue to dazzle human existence, civilization, evolution and development. I thank God for you. Barr. Nwator All of us are happy to celebrate your ingenuity as the consummate and ordained author of the century Alice Jonah, Minna, Niger State Bravo! The Crown, when placed on a deserving head, fits without adjustment. Your bestseller publication is the deserving head of my dream, wearing this Golden fitting Crown. More grease to your ever busy and God blessed elbows, Prof Aliche. From Amb. Chief John Onwukwe, MD IEA LTD., ABA. THE DYNAMIC CONCEPTS PHILOSOPHICAL MATHEMATICS OF applicability to modern developments. He also proposes abolishing most ancient and primordial mathematical policies and formulas, as they are not helping the world of science and technology to grow. In "The Dynamic Concept of Presenting principles, practices, and theories, Philosophical "The Dynamic Concept of Philosophical Mathematics," author Mathematics" demystifies the oracle of Anthony Ugochukwu mathematics and communicates that knowledge O. Aliche delves is power and must therefore be progressive. He deeply into a equally insisted that the progressive nature of comprehen knowledge which must be Godsive driven fundamentally fulcrumed Aliche presents innovative discussion the demystification of QED interpretations of into the which he replaced with the mathematical and intertwined Infinitude Method which philosophical issues and relationshi scientifically agrees with the reexamines their relevance p between progressive dynamism of and applicability to modern philosophy and mathematics. Aliche knowledge. developments. He also begins by defining philosophical proposes abolishing most mathematics and traces its origins "A product of seasoned ancient and primordial and its branches. He then relates the scholarship, natural wisdom, mathematical policies and concept to the worlds of science, empirical research, and formulas, as they are not engineering, technology, creative inspired originality. It is helping the world of and applied arts, and human perhaps one of the most science and technology to existence. sophisticated intellectual inputs grow. In this systemic, practical and to the world of research-driven work, Aliche presents innovative knowledge" interpretations of mathematical and philosophical issues and reexamines their relevance and Corporate Governance has 260 pages. THE MEDIA ON PROF. ALICHE: Anthony Aliche: Hands in Many Pies By Jacob Aguomba How is it possible for one man to write over a thousand full length books? And even at below 50 years of age? The question began to have voice recently at Abuja as a book exhibition audience became astonished on the day Prof Anthony Aliche was crowned among 20 other achievers of excellence as Role Models of Africa for 2012. The latest of Prof Aliche's 1263 books is a paperback The Role of Ethics and Morals in It is published by Truth Is Universal Publishers, a multidimensional and "inspired organization founded by Prof Aliche and other ingenious apostate and gifted scholars". The author could best be described as one who has his hands deep in many pies as he has authoritative postulations in many academic and industrial disciplines. It is even harder to point his area(s) of core competence. He has books in so many diverse areas that only specially gifted and voracious readers can keep pace with him. Prof. Aliche is a metaphysician, Meta-scientist and philosopher and has a doctor of science degree in Concept Therapy from the Concept Therapy Institute Texas, USA where he was awarded Beamer (DSc.). Aliche had earlier been won over by the illumined wizardry of Socrates and great acts of Plato. This led him to study at the Philosophical Research Institute, California. He later acquired a PhD from the Columbus University, Virgin Island, England in Industrial Management. His awards are equally expansive but he holds dear to his heart, the award of Role Model by the African Child Foundation. Elsewhere, he has been listed as the most Prolific Author in Africa. The present book on reference is a result of his many public lectures and contributions as a resource person on issues on ethics and moral rectitude. "You cannot build a peaceful and egalitarian society in a morally decadent society. There will always be frictions and hiccups and violence in society where business managers and office administrators do not give 'jobs on merit, where nepotism and Godfatherism heightens incidences of corruption and all sorts of abuses", one had observed. But Prof Aliche's answer is in line with his unwavering commitment to ethical re-orientation of a Nigerian society whose future lies in a knowledge and moral driven economy. Over a million tweets hit his website every month with questions and eulogies over his many lifechanging books and intellectual forays in such highly technical areas as Techniques of Industrial Chemistry, Principles of Industrial Physics and Dynamics of Environmental Management. predictably, the time of grace soon proved shortlived. Soon enough, stepmother waxed strong as an unstable character, cold today, hot tomorrow. For these and many more narrow escapes, the protagonist embarked on a jalopy lorry ride to Maha, a Sub-urban town in distant Cameroon His migration was an incandescent journey… and the unfolds-- Review- Jacob Aguomba of Ph telegraph Prof. Anthony Aliche's latest literary offering is a 200 page presentation of his father, Aliche Ufomba who converted the challenges of his status as an orphan to build an enviable dynasty. It was not only a typical story of rising from grass to grace but for the numerous hurdles which the elder Aliche had to cross, it is hardly surprising that his son, a celebrated writer has woven an epic story which would fittingly cast him within the mould of Zig Ziegler 75% of 300 world class leaders who were raised in poverty and abused as children. The Orphan is a lesson in self-preservation. It is also a study in the templates on which man can dictate the pages of his own destiny. Here, Aliche Ufomba lost both parents as a minor and found refuge in the bosom of a stepmother. But this comfort zone was very compact and almost Chains. The Orphan is as instructive for orphans as it is for princes! consciousness and sub-consciousness on the fact that truth is sacred; and that whatever is Defining Success Through Prof. Aliche’s Role Of Ethics And Morals In Corporate Governance Saturday, 07 July 2012 00:36 Review by Okechuku Keshi Ukegbu - Nigerian Pilot The Role of Ethics and Morals in Corporate Governance, a 260-page book of 30 chapters written by a highly respected author, Prof. Anthony Ugochukwu Aliche, clearly subscribes to the fact that success achieved in every sphere of human endeavour is fostered within the ambit of certain natural laws and beliefs embellished with some standard code of practice, remains gloriously sacred. It further presents to the world the fulcrum of knowledge and a consequence of an inspired in-depth research aimed at defining success, development and achievement anchored on sound leadership. Whereas it re-enforces moral wrong is wrong; it is a glaring testimony that laws (both natural and physical) in as much as they are not against equity and good conscience nor repugnant to natural justice, remain the compass to success. Because of the level of moral decadence in our society, heinous crimes such as terrorism, kidnapping, etc. have almost crippled the society. The corporate world is not spared by this trend as corporate moguls throw caution to the whirlwind, a situation that led to recklessness in handling the affairs of their organizations. Ethics, which is defined as the guiding rules for directing the affairs of the organizations, has been discarded resulting in the collapse of big organizations in Europe, America and the unprecedented collapse of banks, public enterprises and infrastructures in Nigeria and other African countries... Find out more on this in The Role of Ethics and Morals in Corporate Governance. All the cover books will be used to decorate the back page with the contact addresses FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK Aliche dear, you are God's gift... No, l mean one of God's greatest gift to the black race. Even at that deep down l know l have made an understatement. Can you imagine that even being a words smith l still lack enough vocabulary to describe you. I accept my limitations because u r one of the brightest minds of the entire universe at least counting from the last ten centuries. Before anybody picks a fight with me let him or her first Google Anthony Ugochukwu Aliche. Even after that l still expect a fight from two set of people; the ignorant mind and the religious bigot. Peter Agba Kalu Senior Writer- Daily Sun Newspaper Prof. Aliche is a man of many parts. Your conception or acclaimed knowledge of him might at its best be a mere minute glimpse of who he truly is. Considering him as a researcher, writer, author, industrialist, humanist, etc, etc. are just divisional appreciations of his eclectic nature. He is simply a unique comet whose appearance in the orbit of time has come. UBANI Ikemba Editor, TIUP Aba. CONTACT US: Truth is Universal Publishers, 28 Okpu-Umuobo Rd., PO Box 708, Aba, Nigeria. You can reach us by telephone at 082-225217, 08037065227, 08059227752, or 08064718821; on our website; or by e-mail at or and on facebook hers 817099148 e