STSM Scientific Report The ecophysiological field equipment for forest ecosystems monitoring STSM Information COST Action: FP0903 "Research, monitoring and modelling in the study of climate change and air pollution impacts on forest ecosystems" COST STSM Reference Number: COST-STSM-FP0903-10925 Period: 2012-07-16 to 2012-08-05 STSM Applicant: Dr Vitas Marozas, Aleksandras Stulginskis University,Kaunas(LT) , Host: Rainer Matyssek,Technische Universität München,Freising(DE), Purpose of the STSM The climate change and pollutants has consequences in the functioning of forest ecosystems. The combination between climate change and pollution has an effect on gas exchange at different levels. It is important to improve our knowledge of the responses of trees at the different levels and to be able to explain the processes of trees response to climate change and pollutants. Different types of measurements are used to address those responses: gas-exchange, sap-flow and others. The purpose of the visit to Chair for Ecophysiology of Plants, Research Department Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München was to get familiar with experimental ecophysiological methodology (gas exchange, xylem sapflow etc.), its theoretical background, to learn new techniques, to study literature for further research; to get familiar with ongoing research projects in host institution and develop new collaboration. Description of the work carried out during the STSM During the STSM the following ecophysiological methodology and equipment was studied: The gas exchange system LICOR 6400. The LI-6400 is LI-COR’s third generation gas exchange system. The LI-6400 is an open system. The measurements of photosynthesis and transpiration are based on the differences in CO2 and H2O in an air stream that is flowing through the leaf cuvette (LI-6400 Manual, 1998). The theoretical background of the gas exchange system was studied and practical experience of measuring was gained. Sap flow measurement methodology and equipment. During visit the installation of thermal dissipation probe transpiration sensor in the forest was acquainted. The Thermal Dissipation Probe (TDP) transpiration sensor measures sap velocity which is converted to volumetric flow rate. The basic TDP probe has two thermocouple needles inserted in the sapwood, the upper one containing an electric heater. The probe needles measure the temperature differences between the heated needle and the sapwood ambient temperature below. The variable and the maximum temperature difference at zero flow provide a direct conversion to sap velocity. During the STSM it was opportunity to visit the group of Gerhard Wieser of The Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape in Innsbruck. The sap flow measuring system installed in alpine environment conditions was studied. Other system used in the experiment in the growth chamber implemented by Dr. Karl-Heinz Häberle was familiarized. The EMS 62 sap flow system includes the EMS 62 controlling module, sap flow sensor SF 60, radiation shield, connecting cables and a datalogger. Measuring principle is based on the stem heat balance method with external heating and internal temperature sensing (Lindroth et al. 1995, Čermák et al. 2004). The sensor consists of two similar cylindrical parts. Each part wraps the stem with insulation foam. One part contains linear heating elements which are pressed to the stem by soft foam. A needle thermocouple is inserted to the stem in radial direction at the level of upper edge of heating elements (in direction of water movement). Second cylinder has no heaters and it just covers the reference needle thermocouple located with respect to the thermal symmetry. The water passing along the sensor is warmed and the temperature increase is measured with thermocouples as the water leaves the heated space. The feedback loop of EMS 62 module maintains the temperature difference at preset level 2 K or 4 K. Then, the input power is directly proportional to the amount of water passing the sensor in terms of kg/hr (EMS 62 sap flow system instruction manual, 2010). Stable isotope method. The use of stable isotopes in ecology has expanded tremendously in the last decade. Natural abundance isotope can be used to find patterns and mechanisms at the organism level, to trace food webs, follow whole ecosystem nutrient cycling in ecosystems. Isotopic analysis has become almost a standard tool for physiologists, ecologists, and other scientists studying element or material cycling in the environment. The access to isotope ratio mass spectrometers has increased and prices for analysis have decreased. This is chance for ecologists from a broad range of disciplines, not necessarily trained as isotope chemists, to use stable isotope analysis in their research (Michener and Lajtha, 2007). During the visit it was opportunity to join to the advanced ecophysiology course and get acquainted with all steps of use of stable isotope δ18O method detecting different water sources used by trees. Description of the main results obtained The experience of use of Li-COR gas exchange system in the field surveys. The experience of use of different kinds of sap flow measurement systems. Introductional study of the use of the stable isotope method in forest ecosystems. STSM visit resulted establishment new relations that lead forward collaborations in the field of use of stable isotope in dendroecology and air pollution bioindication. Description about how the results contribute to the Action aims Visit of STSM will contribute to the scientific objectives of a COST Action FP0903. The main objective of the Action is to increase understanding of state and potential of forest mitigation and adaptation to climate change in a polluted environment, and to reconcile process oriented research, long-term monitoring and applied modelling at comprehensive forest research sites. The other objectives of the Action include add value to the current forest monitoring and improve data quality for extrapolation to larger scales; increase the multidisciplinary knowledge of current state and future potential of forest mitigation and adaptation to climate change in a polluted environment; improve European research infrastructure and capacity building; enhance the role of European forest research in the global community; improve transnational cooperation in the field of forest protection. The techniques and methodology learned during this STSM, developed ideas for future collaboration will contribute to the aims of the COST action. Confirmation by the host institution of the successful execution of the STSM Copy of the confirmation is attached. Authorization to post the report at the Action website I authorize the posting of this report to the Action website.