October 17, 09:10 (W2-9710) Pacific salmon and steelhead: Life in a changing winter ocean Katherine W. Myers1, James R. Irvine2, Elizabeth A. Logerwell3, Shigehiko Urawa4, Svetlana V. Naydenko5, Alexander V. Zavolokin5 and Nancy D. Davis6 1 School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, University of Washington (Retired), Seattle, WA, USA E-mail: kwmyers@uw.edu 2 Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nanaimo, BC, Canada 3 NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, USA 4 Salmon Resources Division, Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Sapporo, Japan 5 Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Centre (TINRO-Centre), Vladivostok, Russia 6 North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission, Vancouver, BC, Canada How Pacific salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus spp.) respond to seasonal and interannual changes in their marine environment is highly uncertain, in part due to limited information on ocean life history and ecology, especially during winter. We provide an overview of what is known and needs to be known about winter ocean life history and ecology of Oncorhynchus to address the central question of this workshop: Where do Pacific salmon go in the winter and why, and how might this be affected by climate change? Historical research programs (1950s-1980s) established the ‘stock concept’ of oceanic distribution of Oncorhynchus, determined the dominant oceanographic features (currents, water masses, temperature-salinity) in regions where Oncorhynchus migrate, and discovered that Oncorhynchus exhibit broad seasonal (north-south) movements, with most Bering Sea salmon overwintering in areas south of the Aleutian Islands chain during winter. In recent decades (1990s-2010s), new fisheries-oceanographic survey methods, stock-identification techniques, remote sensing technologies, and analytical methods have expanded understanding of winter ecology of Oncorhynchus, although empirical data are still very limited. In general, we learned that the “why” of ocean distribution of Oncorhynchus is complex and variable, depending on spatiotemporal scale and synergies among heredity, environment, population dynamics (abundance and density-dependence), and phenotypic plasticity (ability of an individual fish to alter its biochemisry, physiology, behavior, and life history in response to environmental stimuli and cues). The development of quantitative multispecies, multistage models of ocean distribution of Oncorhynchus would help to identify key factors influencing winter distribution and improve understanding of potential climate change effects. October 17, 09:40 (W2-9495) Temporal and spatial variation in growth factors of Pacific Salmon Hiromichi Ueno1, Moeko Otani1, Maki Noguchi Aita2, Michio J. Kishi1 and Masahide Kaeriyama1 1 Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. E-mail: ueno@fish.hokudai.ac.jp 2 JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan Pacific salmon occupy an important role as a keystone species in the North Pacific ecosystem. The abundance and survival of Pacific salmon vary at inter-annual to inter-decadal time-scales. They are related to variations in the physical environment of the North Pacific, especially sea surface temperature (SST), and many studies relate dominant patterns of SST variability in the North Pacific with Pacific salmon production. However, ecosystems in the subarctic North Pacific are also affected by more detailed oceanographic structures, e.g. mesoscale eddies, haloclines, temperature inversions, etc. This talk will discuss the physical environment in the subarctic North Pacific including these oceanographic structures especially in winter. We also investigate temporal and spatial variation in growth factors (temperature-dependence function and prey-density function for consumption) of Pacific salmon from the view point of bioenergetics. Zooplankton density obtained NEMURO embedded in a 3-D physical model is used for prey density and Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis is conducted in the subarctic North Pacific. The first EOF mode for the prey-density function is related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. October 17, 10:10 (W2-9439) Is winter a critical period for Pacific salmon? A critical review of the “critical-period” hypothesis Marc Trudel1,2 and Jim Irvine1 1 Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, BC, Canada E-mail: marc.trudel@dfo-mpo.gc.ca 2 Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada In a seminal paper published one hundred years ago, Hjort hypothesized that for Norwegian herring and cod stocks, year-class strength, defined as the abundance of a given cohort, was determined during a critical period very early in the fishes’ life history. More recently, Beamish and Mahnken applied the critical period concept to Pacific salmon, proposing two marine critical periods: an early predation-based mortality that occurs during the first few weeks following ocean entry, and a starvation-based mortality period during the first fall and winter at sea. Because the susceptibility to predation and starvation is generally affected by size in fish, they further hypothesized that size-dependent mortality would be apparent in Pacific salmon during these critical periods. In this presentation, we review the research conducted on overwinter mortality of Pacific salmon during their first year at sea. Our review shows there is mounting evidence that overwinter mortality is size-selective in juvenile Pacific salmon. However, there is little evidence to date that year class strength is regulated by overwinter mortality for Pacific salmon. Further tests of the critical period hypothesis will require direct estimation of overwinter mortality over at least several years. October 17, 10:50 (W2-9496) Russian research on winter dwelling of Pacific salmon in the central and western parts of the Subarctic Front zone Svetlana V. Naydenko Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Centre TINRO-Centre, Vladivostok, Russia E-mail: naydenko@tinro.ru Offshore waters of the North Pacific are the main ocean habitat of Pacific salmon during winter and spring periods. To understand the factors that influence survival of salmon during winter and spring in the open ocean, Russian research was conducted from 1986 to 1992 and in 2009, 2010 and 2011. It was established that the distribution of pink salmon and chum salmon is determined by the shape of the landscape zone favorable for their dwelling in winter-spring, which depends on the mode of the western Subarctic gyre in the Northwest Pacific, on the mode of the Subarctic Front, and on the intensity of the ocean branches of the East-Kamchatka Current and the Aleutian Current. In addition, the quantitative parameters of pink salmon distribution depend on fluctuations in its abundance between odd and even years. The results of plankton, nekton and trophological investigations indicate that there are sufficient forage reserves for salmon in the open ocean in winter and spring periods and that there is a lack of rigid limitation of salmon abundance by food. Analysis of the dynamics of the biochemical characteristics of juvenile Pacific salmon muscle tissue during autumn migrations to the Sea of Okhotsk and winter migrations to the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean was done. As a result information about seasonal energetic reversions in the organism of juvenile Pacific salmon and about their strategic behavioral and biochemical adaptations in the course of the first year of life in the ocean was obtained. October 17, 11:10 (W2-9529) Distribution of Pacific salmon in the North Pacific Ocean & adjacent seas, with particular emphasis on winter David W. Welch1, Yukimasa Ishida2, Kazuya Nagasawa3 and Sonia D. Batten4 1 Kintama Research Services, Nanaimo, BC, Canada. E-mail: david.welch@kintama.com National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, Shimizu, Shizuoka, Japan 3 School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan 4 Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, Plymouth, UK 2 The marine behaviour of Pacific salmon is poorly understood. Several publications in the last two decades have examined the thermal limits of salmon in the offshore. In this presentation we re-visit the complete 40 year dataset compiled by Welch et al. covering the period 1956-1996 (N=20,397 sampling locations). Plots of abundance show that the six species have different geographic distributions within the North Pacific and that the locations where they are found change seasonally. Although data for the winter period are limited, all species show a sharp upper (southern) thermal limit on the offshore marine distribution, with sockeye the most coldwater species and steelhead and coho the most warmwater species. The critical temperatures defining the southern (warmer) limit to the salmon distribution vary by species and by season, with acceptable temperatures increasing into the summer and becoming more similar between species. Recent IPCC projections of the amount of future warming are similar to those predicted two decades ago using simpler steady state models. For several species the available data indicate a near-complete loss of thermally acceptable salmon habitat in major areas of the North Pacific Ocean. The projected impacts of global warming in the ocean could thus jeopardize the billions of dollars national governments invested in salmon restoration efforts and suggest that explicit testing of these apparent thermal limits is called for. A carefully designed tagging study using archival tags could potentially provide the data needed for these tests, but will require that high technical standards are met. October 17, 11:30 (W2-9599) Distribution and trophic conditions of chum and pink salmon in the North Pacific Ocean during winter under climate change Shigehiko Urawa1, Toshiki Kaga2, Tomonori Azumaya2, Shunpei Sato1, Masa-aki Fukuwaka3 and Terry Beacham4 1 Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Sapporo, Japan E-mail: urawa@affrc.go.jp 2 Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Kushiro, Japan 3 Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Nagasaki, Japan 4 Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, Nanaimo, BC, Canada Winter is believed to be a crucial period for salmon survival in the ocean, but few biological data exist to support this hypothesis. The present paper aims to estimate stock- or age-specific distribution and trophic condition of winter chum and pink salmon and assess the impacts of climate change on their distribution and survival. Fish were caught with a surface trawl on the Japanese R/V Kaiyo-maru in the North Pacific Ocean (NPO) and Bering Sea during winter of 1996, 1998 and 2006. Young (ocean age-1) chum and pink salmon were abundant in the western NPO, while older chum salmon were mainly distributed in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Genetic stock identification confirmed various chum salmon stocks of Asian and North American origins intermingled in the GOA. North American stocks were dominant in the northern GOA, and Asian stocks were dominant in the southern GOA. Mean SST of winter chum salmon habitats was almost stable among years but differed between regions: around 4ºC in the western NPO and 6ºC in the GOA. Ocean age-1 chum salmon had lower lipid content than older fish, suggesting a critical condition of young fish during their first winter. The total lipid content of chum and pink salmon was significantly lower in the GOA than in the western NPO, perhaps due to higher habitat temperature and/or low availability of prey organisms. Two climate warming scenarios (SST increase of 1.5ºC or 3ºC) have suggested the winter habitat space for chum salmon will be reduced in the GOA, increased in the western NPO, and expanded to the Bering Sea. Future climate warming may affect the ocean distribution, trophic conditions, and survival of overwintering salmon, and the degree of the effects may be different among regional stocks or age groups. October 17, 11:50 (W2-9543) Winter mortality of Okhotsk Sea pink salmon in the ocean Alexander V. Zavolokin and Elena V. Strezhneva Pacific Research Fisheries Centre (TINRO-Centre), Vladivostok, Russia. E-mail: zavolokin@tinro.ru Winter mortality of Okhotsk Sea pink salmon varies greatly from year to year resulting in uncertainty in the forecast of their returns the following year using data on their abundance in fall surveys. We examined size-selective mortality of pink salmon and determined the possibility of utilizing body size of juvenile pink salmon to forecast their returns. Scale increments of juvenile pink salmon caught in the southern Okhotsk Sea in fall 2007 and 2008 and of adult fish returning the following year were studied. For the 2007 generation of pink salmon that had very low overwinter survival in the ocean, average scale increments during the first year of life for juvenile fish were significantly lower than those of adult fish. For the 2008 generation of pink salmon that had very high overwinter survival, scale increments of juvenile and adult fish were similar. These results corroborate the critical size-critical period hypothesis which states that slowly growing juveniles that did not store up enough energy in summer and fall have a stronger probability to die during the overwinter period compared to rapidly growing fish. Correlation analysis showed significant negative relationships between body length, mass and mortality of pink salmon in the ocean in 2001-2009. However, survival of the last pink generation (2012-2013) was unexpectedly low despite their large body size. We speculate that although rapid growth is important it does not guarantee survival. Wintering conditions can greatly influence pink salmon resulting in variations in their return strength. October 17, 12:10 (W2-9583) Impact of climate variability and change on winter survival of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon Edward Farley1, Greg Ruggerone2, Phil Mundy1, Ellen Yasumiishi1 and Beverly Agler3 1 NOAA, NMFS, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Auke Bay Laboratories, Juneau, AK, USA E-mail: phil.mundy@noaa.gov 2 Natural Resources Consultants, Seattle, WA, USA 3 Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Mark, Tag and Age Laboratory, Juneau, AK, USA Overwinter survival of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.) is believed to be a function of size and energetic status they gain during their first summer at sea. We test this hypothesis for Bristol Bay sockeye salmon (O. nerka), utilizing data from large-scale fisheries and oceanographic surveys conducted during mid-August to September 2002 to 2007. Specifically, we compared distributions of mean circuli spacing during the first year at sea between juvenile salmon and adult sockeye salmon scales to evaluate the magnitude of size-selective mortality during this life stage. A probability curve of size-selective mortality in relation to weight (g) of juvenile salmon was constructed. The juvenile size (weight) was then compared to summer/fall oceanographic characteristics on the eastern Bering Sea shelf that may impact their growth rates and probability of survival during winter. This analysis is placed within the context of previously published results on summer/fall and winter marine ecology of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon and how continued warming on the eastern Bering Sea shelf may impact their future growth (during summer and fall) and survival during winter. October 17, 14:00 (W2-9616) Does physical environmental variation influence winter salmon habitat? Shoshiro Minobe Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan E-mail: minobe@sci.hokudai.ac.jp Physical environmental variation associated with climate change and climate variability can influence marine ecosystems in general, but to identify what aspects of physical variation affect specific marine species is a challenge. In this paper, we examine whether and how the physical environment influences winter habitat of salmon. The physical environmental parameters to be examined include water temperatures, surface current velocities, and atmospheric sea-level pressures. A primary focus will be on past variation, but future changes may also be examined using CMIP5 model outputs where they are appropriate.