List of publications Barbro Ulén since 2003 International journals with referee system Ulén, B. 2003. Concentration and transport of different forms of phosphorus during snowmelt runoff from an illite clay soil. Hydrol. Proc. 17, 747-758. Ulén, B., Mattsson, L. 2003. Transport of phosphorus forms and nitrate through a clay soil under grass and cereal production. Nutrient Cycl. Agroecosys. 65, 129-140. Withers, P., Ulén, B., Stamm, C., Bechmann, M. 2003. Incidental phosphorus losses – are they significant and can they be predicted? J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci 166, 459-468. Ulén, B., Carlsson, C., Lidberg, B. 2004. Recent trends and patterns of nutrient concentrations in small agricultural streams in Sweden. Environ. Mon. Assess. 98, 307-322. Ulén, B. 2004. Size and settling velocities of phosphorus-containing particles in water from agricultural drains. Water Air Soil Poll. 157, 331-343. Ulén, B., Aronsson, H., Torstensson, G., Mattsson, L. 2005. Phosphorus and nitrogen turnover and risk of waterborne phosphorus emissions in crop rotations on a clay soil in south-west Sweden. Soil Use Manage. 21, 221-230. Ulén, B.M., Kalisky, T. 2005a. Water erosion and phosphorus problems in an agricultural catchment – Need for natural research for implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. Environ Sci. & Policy 8, 477-488. Ulén, B. M., Kalisky, T. 2005b. Water erosion and phosphorus problems in an agricultural catchment – lesson from implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. Environ Sci. & Policy 8, 485-492. Ulén, B., Jakobsson, C. 2005. Critical evaluations of measures to mitigate phosphorus losses from agricultural land to surface waters in Sweden. Sci. Total Environ. 344, 37-50. Ulén, B., Toderski, K. 2005. Cold climate phosphorus uptake by submerged aquatic plants in a sewage treatment free water surface wetland. J. Environ. Sci. and Health A 40, 1177-1190. Braskerud, B., Tonderski, K., Wedding, K., Bakke, A.G., Blankenberg, B., Ulén, B., Koskiaho, J. 2005. Can constructed wetlands reduce the diffuse phosphorus loads to atrophic water in cold temperature regions? J. Environ. Qual. 34, 2145-2155. Kyllmar, K., Carlsson, C., Gustafson, A., Ulén, B., Johnsson, H. 2006. Nutrient discharge from small agricultural catchments in Sweden – Characterisation and trends. Agric., Ecosys. & Environ. 115, 15-26. Ulén, B. 2006. A simplified risk assessment for losses of dissolved reactive phosphorus through drainage pipes from agriculture soils. Acta Agric. Scand. B 56, 307-314. Larsson, M., Persson, K., Ulén, B., Jarvis, N. 2007. A dual porosity model to quantify phosphorus losses from macroporous soils. Ecol. Model. 2005, 123-134. Ulén, B., Snäll, S. 2007. Forms and retention of phosphorus in an illite clay soil profile with a history of fertilization with pig manure and mineral fertilisers. Geoderma 137, 455-465. Ulén, B., Fölster, J. 2007. Recent trends in nutrient concentrations in Swedish agricultural rivers. Sci. Tot. Environ. 347, 473-487. Ulén, B., Bechmann, N., Fölster. J., Jarvie, H., Tunney, H. 2007. Agriculture as a phosphorus source for eutrophication in the north-west European countries, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom and Ireland: A review. Soil Use Manage. 23, Suppl.1, 5-18. Ulén, B. M., Weyhenmeyer, G. 2007. Adapting regional eutrophication targets for surface waters – influence of the EU Water Framework Directive, national policy and climate change. Environ. Sci. & Policy 10, 734-742. Ulén, B., Johansson G., Simonsson, M. 2008. Leaching of nutrients and major ions from an arable field with an unfertilized fallow as infield buffer zone. Acta Agric. Scand. B 58 5159. Ulén, B., Johansson G., Simonsson, M. 2008. Changes in nutrient leaching and groundwater quality during long-term studies of an arable field on the Swedish south-west coast. Hydrol. Res. 1, 63-77. Hechrath, G., Bechmann, M., Ekholm, P., Ulén, B., Djodjic, F., Andersen, H.E. 2008. Review of indexing tools for identifying high risk areas of phosphorus loss in Nordic catchments. J. Hydrol. 349, 68-87. Ulén, B., Johansson G. 2009. Long-term nutrient leaching from a Swedish arable field with intensified crop production against a background of climate change. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica B 59, 157-169. Ulén, B., Aronsson, H, Bechmann, M., Krogstad,T., Øygarden, L., Stenberg; M. 2010. Soil tillage measures against phosphorus erosion and leaching and potential side-effects – a Scandinavian review Soil Use Manage 26 (in press). Ulén, B. Etana A. 2010. Risk of phosphorus leaching from low input grassland areas. Accepted in Geoderma. International book chapters: Ulén, B. 2006. Soil erosion in Sweden. In: Boardman, J. & Poesen, J. (eds.) Soil Erosion in Europe. Wiley & Sons, Ltd, London, pp 17-25. Ulén, B., Djodjic, F., Angelija Bučienė & Audronė Mašauskienė 2010. Phosphorus load from agricultural land to the Baltic Sea. In (Jacobsson, C. ed.) Sustainable agriculture and Health. (Baltic Univ. in press) Bibliometric indicators, ISI Web of knowledge (2010-05-26) No of citations 496; h-index 15.7