Define effective teaching to guide your school (Rocketship)

Rocketship Education
Vision of Excellence
What is the Vision of Excellence?
The Vision of Excellence (VOE) captures our best thinking on what it takes to be a successful beginning and veteran teacher at Rocketship Education. For
beginning educators and experienced teachers new to Rocketship, we have developed the Rocketship Top Ten which outlines the most foundational teaching
practices in the areas of instructional planning and classroom management and culture necessary for success at Rocketship. We believe that reaching proficiency
in these ten areas helps teachers develop the necessary skills and experiences to then tackle more advanced teaching practices and to integrate fully into the
Rocketship school community.
The Vision of Excellence captures the ideal student outcomes that Rocketship teachers strive to achieve with their Rocketeers, the student evidence that tells
our teachers when they are on the right track towards reaching these outcomes, and the instructional best practices they’ll need to employ to reach this vision.
This serves as the aspirational vision for all teachers once a teacher has mastered the Rocketship Top Ten.
The Vision of Excellence is student-centered because it is Rocketship Education’s belief that exceptional teaching is fundamentally not about what specific
actions teachers take, but about what outcomes teachers achieve. In short, we know that there are many paths that lead to the student outcomes we seek and
our approach of evaluating teacher actions through student outcomes allows for maximum flexibility, decision-making and innovation on the part of our
teachers and teacher coaches to define their unique path to reaching the desired student outcomes. We also think our focus on student actions and outcomes
helps us answer the two questions that guide all of our work: 1) To what extent are Rocketeers mastering rigorous content necessary for success now and into
the future? and 2)To what extent are Rocketeers developing the enduring drive, habits and beliefs necessary for success now and into the future?
The VOE serves four primary functions:
To provide a roadmap for new teachers by explicitly naming the most foundational teacher actions necessary for success at Rocketship Education.
To provide direction for teacher coaches by highlighting the greatest priorities for new teachers as well as the highest leverage teacher actions for all
To provide a common language and shared vision of excellence for teaching and learning
To create and reinforce a shared expectation for instructional practice to facilitate teacher coaching, professional development and evaluation.
How is the Vision of Excellence organized?
 Rocketship Top Ten: the foundational teacher actions required for success at Rocketship Education. Teachers must first become proficient in these ten
practices before moving on to additional focus areas.
 Rocketship Recommendations: these are the high-yield teacher actions experience has shown most impact student outcomes at Rocketship Education.
These are bolded throughout the VOE.
 Teacher Competency Model: The full menu of teacher actions and practices that impact student actions and student outcomes.
 Domain: one of the two areas of professional practice that comprise the teacher competency model (e.g. “Culture of Achievement”)
 Pillar: a sub-area of instructional practice within any of the two VOE domains (e.g. “Establish Rigorous Classroom Expectations and Routines”)
 Element: a component of instructional practice within a pillar (e.g. “Design and Internalization”).
 Teacher Action: a specific instructional practice within an element that experience has shown most often leads to the student outcomes we’ve
articulated (e.g. “Internalizes classroom procedures, rules, consequences, rewards and behavior tracking systems outlined in the Rocketship Top 100”)
 Student Evidence: a specific action students would take, knowledge they would possess and beliefs they would hold as indicators that our vision for
student outcomes has been realized
 Synthesis: a narrative that conveys our highest aspirations for students and what we expect to be true if we’ve reached our vision of excellence
Model At-a-Glance
Rocketship Top Ten
The ten foundational teacher skills for all Rocketship teachers
Vision of Excellence & Teacher Competency Model
Domain 1: Culture of Achievement
 Invest Rocketeers in Vision and Goals
 Establish Rigorous Classroom Expectations and Routines
 Create a Rocketeer Learning Environment
 Invest in Rocketship Families and Rocketeer Community
Domain 2: Rigorous Instruction and Mastery
 Facilitate Rigorous Instruction
 Employ an Outcomes-driven Approach
Appendix: Glossary of Strategies
Includes descriptions of key instructional strategies highlighted in the VOE
While the Vision of Excellence is divided into a series of domains, pillars, elements and teacher actions, it is our belief that all of these outcomes we’re driving
towards are mutually reinforcing and therefore the divisions between and within each domain should rightfully be blurred. For example, students’
internalization of their classroom goals serves to increase their investment in the learning. Similarly, deepening investment should enhance a student’s
understanding of the content of their goals. Likewise, students’ ability to self-regulate their behavior will allow them to engage with a lesson more deeply.
Correspondingly, students who are truly challenged and engaged in a lesson are more likely to make wise choices about their behavior so that they can continue
to fully participate in the lesson.
Rocketship Top Ten
This tool serves to highlight the key teacher actions we prioritize for all Rocketship teachers because these ten actions lay the foundations for a successful
Rocketeer classroom by creating an environment that is efficient, focused on the achievement of all students, and reflective of Rocketship culture.
Rocketship teachers must become proficient in these ten areas before prioritizing other areas of teacher practice to focus on with their coach. We use the
descriptions contained in the Vision of Excellence below to deepen our understanding of the Top Ten.
Teacher Actions
Internalizes and implements classroom procedures, rules, consequences, rewards and behavior tracking systems outlined in the Rocketship Top 100
Sweats the details to ensure smooth, predictable, and effective outcomes in everything that is done.
Implements all components of Strong Voice (economy of language, do not talk over, do not engage, square up/stand still, quiet power, self-interrupt, and
“register”) as necessary to maintain a commanding, respectful, and purpose-driven presence
Designs intuitive procedures regarding instructional routines, student organization and transitions (Change the Pace, Brighten Lines, All Hands, Every
Minute Matters, Look Forward, and Work the Clock) that ensure that every minute in class is effectively used
Ensures that 100% of Rocketeers follow 100% of the directions and procedures 100% of the way 100% of the time
Responds to significant breaches in classroom culture swiftly and fairly and creates a “teachable moment” to reinforce the desired culture
Designs student work displays, tracking systems and incentive systems that all work to reinforce the message that through hard work and persistence, all
goals are attainable for all students
Crafts daily objectives that meet the following criteria:
 Measureable: Teachers can discern whether students have mastered the objective or not
 Manageable: The objective is “bite-sized” enough to be covered in one lesson but not so small that is allows for any down time
 Meaningful: The objective is tied to a broader goal and purpose
Create a lesson plan with all five standard lesson components: opening, direct instruction, guided practice, independent practice and closing
Is regularly implementing differentiated instruction (i.e. 1 hour per day of Guided Reading or targeted math
board/math meeting)
Domain 1: Culture of Achievement
Pillar 1: Invest Rocketeers in Vision and Goals
Synthesis: Rocketeers and their teacher share a common vision of success that, if achieved, will radically transform these students’ lives. Students treat their
class and personal goals as a public declaration of what must be true for them by the end of the year and this serves as the engine that drives all of their choices
and actions. Rocketeers’ determination and desire to achieve is palpable. Students believe they can achieve great things together and are doing everything
possible to do so. Rocketeers are fundamentally motivated by the goals themselves and the sense of personal accomplishment they receive from reaching them
and not by promises of rewards. Students believe that setting and reaching goals defines them as Rocketeers both inside and outside the classroom.
Student Evidence
Teacher Actions
For both academic and personal growth goals, Rocketeers can articulate in
their own words:
o WHAT their class goals are and what it would mean to reach them
o WHY these goals are important to them individually and to the class as
a whole
o HOW these goals connect to their personal motivations and interests
Set individual goals for behavior, academic performance, and/or personal
development aligned to their personal priorities
Express a deep belief in their ability to reach class goals
Express a deep desire to reach their class goals. Rocketeers rely on
intrinsic motivation and don’t require extrinsic supplements to motivate
View assessments as opportunities to demonstrate and celebrate their
Setting Vision and Goals
 Internalizes academic SMART goals by analyzing their ambitiousness,
attainability and alignment to make them personally meaningful and
Articulates a clear and compelling vision for what Rocketeers should be
able to say and do as evidence of the knowledge, skills and mindsets
students will have gained by the end of the academic year
Establishes goals for students’ personal growth aligned with Rocketship’s
core values of respect, responsibility, persistence and empathy that meet
the following criteria:
o Enduring: goals focus on developing students’ mindsets and habits
that they will carry forward for years to come (themes might include
sense of self, relationships and social skills, commitment to learning,
o Observable: a teacher and/or observer can see and hear the extent to
which Rocketeers have internalized these mindsets and habits.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“I Can” and “I Want”
 Builds a sense of “I can” in Rocketeers by messaging that, with hard work,
all students can reach the class goals and reinforces this often.
Builds a sense of “I want” in students by messaging the value of class goals
and connecting them to Rocketeers’ interests and motivations.
Messages the value and importance of assessments as opportunities to
“show what you know” and actively works to eliminate test anxiety
Know where they stand relative to their goals, their academic strengths
and weaknesses, and what they will need to do to improve their work and
reach their goals.
Reinvests students in class and individual goals by making Rocketeers
aware of their progress towards their goals and by praising students’
effort toward the class goals
Express pride in their personal accomplishments and those of their peers
Designs student work displays, tracking systems, data walls and
incentive systems that all work to reinforce the message that through
hard work and persistence, all goals are attainable for all Rocketeers
Monitors individual students’ “I can” and “I want” and deploys multiple
strategies to increase students;’ investment. Strategies include:
o communicating progress towards goals’
o using role models
o building personal relationships
o tailoring messages to individual Rocketeers
Pillar 2:
Establish Rigorous Classroom Expectations and Routines
Synthesis: The Rocketship 100 Culture Items are well-established and function without teacher prompting. Students thrive in the security created by shared
expectations, consistency and a culture of purposeful and organized urgency.
Student Evidence
Teacher Actions
Know what is expected of them and believe that rules and procedures are
established to maximize their learning and create a positive and safe
classroom environment
Self-regulate to exceed well-established behavioral expectations and
procedural routines and encourage peers to do the same
Internalizes and faithfully follows directives
Design and Internalization
 Internalizes classroom procedures, rules, consequences, rewards and
behavior tracking systems outlined in the Rocketship 100 Culture Items
Internalizes and accept s consequences without debate and eagerly seek
to correct misbehavior
Maintain all the above actions across campus even when their teacher is
not present
Designs intuitive procedures regarding instructional routines, student
organization and transitions that ensure that every minute in class is
effectively used. Strategies include Change the Pace, Brighten Lines, All
Hands, Every Minute Matters, Look Forward, and Work the Clock
 Provides explicit instructions on and rationale for the Rocketship 100
Culture Items focused on what to do rather than what not to do and is
able to do so with decreasing regularity as Rocketeers internalize these
 Sweats the details to ensure smooth, predictable, and effective
outcomes in everything that is done
Implements all components of Strong Voice (economy of language, do
not talk over, do not engage, square up/stand still, quiet power, selfinterrupt, and “register”) as necessary to maintain a commanding,
respectful, and purpose-driven presence
Offers precise praise to reinforce positive choices and behaviors
Redirects inappropriate or off-task behavior using precise language and a
variety of strategies (proximity, group reminder, anonymous reminder,
signaling, quick word, lightning-quick public correction, consequence)
Ensures that 100% of Rocketeers follow 100% of the directions and
procedures outlined in the Rocketship 100 Culture Items 100% of the
way 100% of the time
Pillar 3: Create a Rocketeer Learning Environment
Synthesis: The learning environment fully embodies all facets of Rocketeer culture and core values which allows all Rocketeers to operate as a team working
urgently to achieve their collective goals. In this culture built upon the foundation of shared expectations and rituals of the Rocketship 100 Culture Items, the
class emanates warmth and positivity and every member of the team is valued and celebrated for their contributions to the class. Students challenge
themselves and their peers to be better students and teammates. Instructional time is sacred and students make the most of every minute.
Student Evidence
Teacher Actions
Class Culture
 Take responsibility for sustaining the culture of the learning environment
through their own actions and by holding their peers accountable for
actively promoting and advancing the class culture. Rocketeers exhibit
pride in the behavior and efficiency of their class
Express a sense of responsibility for their own learning and that of their
peers. Rocketeers share ideas and participate eagerly and don’t hesitate
to offer support to a peer who needs it.
Self-regulate to maximize their own learning. This includes coming to class
prepared, eliminating distractions that may compromise their learning,
working urgently, and finding productive ways to engage when they finish
an assignment early or even when the teacher is not present
Dare to take risks by admitting uncertainty and asking for help. Students
Class Culture
 Creates a classroom that embodies the Rocketship core values of
responsibility, respect, empathy and persistence (built on the foundation
of the Rocketship Top 100)
Creates a positive and welcoming classroom environment that celebrates
students’ backgrounds and differences
Responds to significant breaches in classroom culture swiftly and fairly
and creates a “teachable moment” to reinforce the desired culture
Heightens students' urgency and desire to complete assignments, learn
new materials and succeed in school
Infuses a culture of teamwork, collective purpose, responsibility and
urgency into daily activities and messages
are persistent eager to “get back on the horse” when they make an
academic or behavioral misstep
Celebrates Rocketeers who take academic risks and capitalizes on
mistakes as learning opportunities for the class
Maintain all the above actions when their teacher is not present
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interpersonal Relationships
 Display genuine interest in learning more about and developing
relationships with their peers and teacher
Demonstrate sensitivity, empathy and interpersonal awareness in
interactions with peers and adults
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interpersonal Relationships
 Builds authentic personal relationships with Rocketeers
Models appropriate and respectful communication skills
Reinforces and praises productive and supportive peer interactions and
Pillar 4: Invest in Rocketship Families and Rocketeer Community
Synthesis: Rocketeers see their school and family working seamlessly to support their development as scholars and citizens. This web of support further invests
students in their success as they consistently hear similar messages at school, at home and in their community.
Student and Parent Evidence
Teacher Actions
 See alignment between academic and personal goals and feel supported
by a network of people at inside and outside the classroom who are
working to help them achieve their goals
Builds trusting relationships with Rocketeers’ parents/families and
devotes time and energy to continuously developing those relationships
throughout the year while regularly connecting with the greater
community. Strategies include:
o Home visits (100%)
o Parent/family meetings
o Parent-teacher conferences
o School-wide events
o Exhibition night
Engages parents and families in reinforcing and monitoring progress
towards class goals and in setting, reinforcing and monitoring progress
towards personal goals at home
Engages parents and families in the larger movement of Rocketship and
great schools throughout their neighborhood, city, and region so that we
can ‘Eliminate the Achievement Gap Within Our Lifetimes.’
Strive to meet and exceed the shared expectations set forth by both their
school and their family
 Can articulate their Rocketeer’s progress towards all goals and reinforce
these at home
Are acutely aware of what their Rocketeer is learning each day in school
Actively participate in school activities and events including community
meetings, exhibition night, teacher conferences and complete parent
volunteer hours
Actively engage in the movement of Rocketship to ensure that all schools
are great schools and that all parents are informed and empowered
Seek out and speak openly with teachers and school leaders to discuss
their Rocketeer’s progress or any other relevant matters
Are capable, confident and dedicated advocates for their Rocketeers,
demonstrated by their ability to seek out opportunities for their
Rocketeers including a suitable middle school and to engage with teachers
and school leaders in an effort to improve the learning environment
Domain 2: Rigorous Instruction and Mastery
Pillar 1: Facilitate Rigorous Instruction
Synthesis: Students are intensely engaged in the lesson and ready to take on the challenge it presents. It’s clear that the wheels are turning in all students’
heads as they ask pointed questions, make connections between the lesson and prior material or experience and engage in rich discussion. The classroom is
abuzz with instructionally-focused conversation. Students enthusiastically share what they’re learning and take advantage of opportunities to dig deeper and
more fully express their thoughts. The bar is high and students expect to reach it with the support of their teacher and peers. All lesson activities and
assessments confirm that an instructionally transformative experience has occurred for all students.
Student Evidence
Teacher Actions
Mastery of Rigorous Content
 Achieve desired learning and create the expected products through each
stage of the lesson
Share what they are learning and why they believe it to be critically
important to their success that day and into the future
Lesson Cycle
 Crafts daily objectives that meet the following criteria:
o Measureable: Teachers can discern whether students have mastered
the objective or not
o Manageable: The objective is “bite-sized” enough to be covered in
one lesson but not so small that is allows for any down time
o Meaningful: The objective is tied to a broader goal and purpose
Designs and delivers lesson openings that immediately “hook” students
onto the material, activates prior knowledge and explains the importance
of the objective and how it relates to previous and upcoming lessons
Designs and delivers direct instruction that meets the following criteria:
o succinctly, efficiently and captivatingly explains new material
o models the required skills, cognitive processes and desired student
end products
o employs student-centered activities
Designs and delivers guided practice that meets the following criteria:
helps to reach lesson objectives in the most efficient and
instructionally rigorous way
releases increasing responsibility to students throughout guided
practice time
provides multiple opportunities for all students to practice the
objective in different contexts
Designs and delivers independent practice that meets the following
o helps to reach lesson objectives in the most efficient and
instructionally rigorous way
o fully releases responsibility to students
o provides multiple opportunities for all students to demonstrate
Designs and delivers lesson closings that allow students to summarize their
learning, make connections to upcoming lessons and explain the
significance of their learning
Provides the greatest “bang for the buck” by optimizing the depth of
student learning, the balance of teacher talk to student talk and the
number of Rocketeers actively engaged at any one time
Allocates an appropriate amount of time for each lesson component
within or across instructional days to maximize efficiency and optimize
time spent on student practice, discussion and application of material.
Pacing strategies include change the pace, brighten lines, all hands, every
minute matters, look forward, and work the clock
Feel “on the hook” for their learning and display evidence of significant
progress towards mastery of the objective
Respond to and build upon the thoughts of their peers
Respond clearly, compellingly and coherently
Anticipates both conceptual and procedural misunderstandings and
proactively addresses them throughout the lesson
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gather Feedback and Adjust
 Is acutely aware of who knows what at all times in the lesson
Employs checks for understanding throughout the lesson and at the end
of a lesson that meet the following criteria:
o Consistently focus on the most important ideas
o Accurately measure student learning
Take feedback in stride. Rocketeers are able to incorporate their teacher’s
feedback and produce a better response as a result of this feedback
Carry a significant portion of the work load throughout all parts of the
lesson. Students are working harder, thinking more deeply and talking
more than their teacher
Enjoy the challenge of material and eagerly accept more responsibility
throughout the lesson without getting frustrated or demotivated
Engage in deep analysis and discussion to fully comprehend the lesson
Ask questions that demonstrate a clear grasp of the material and a desire
to learn more
Capitalize on student mistakes as opportunities to dig deeper and develop
a more complete understanding of the content. The teacher holds
Rocketeers accountable for producing accurate and well-presented
responses. Strategies include:
o Right is Right: Teacher makes student aware when answer is
incomplete or partially incorrect
o No Opt Out: Students who answer incorrectly or incompletely at first is
supported until they can answer the question correctly
o Format Matters: Students respond in complete and thoughtful
o Stretch it: Students are required to support or prove their answers
Adjusts in real time to students’ needs as appropriate. This may mean
increasing the pace or rigor of instruction, re-teaching a challenging
concept or capitalizing on a teachable moment
Adjust to course corrections seamlessly. Rocketeers aren’t “thrown”
when the lesson deviates from the plan or norm
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Work vigorously at all times without waiting for further instruction or
Apply learning from lesson to new and unfamiliar scenarios and situations
Efficiently gauge the learning of all students or a strategically selected
subset of students
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rigor and Differentiation
Capitalizes on opportunities to pass the cognitive work load to students
without frustrating or demotivating them. Strategies include:
o Customizing the lesson content for individual Rocketeers based on
students’ readiness
o Customizing the instructional processes for individual Rocketeers to
allow for increased independence
o Customizing desired products for individual Rocketeers to allow
students to demonstrate mastery at varying levels of Bloom’s
o Tipping the scales of teacher talk time to student talk time and
teacher work to student work in favor of students.
Differentiates lesson materials and instructional strategies during both
whole group and small group instruction (e.g. guided reading, math
meeting/math board) to ensure that 100% of students can access the
material and meet the lesson objective. Strategies include:
o Customizing the lesson content for individual Rocketeers based on
students’ interests
Customizing the instructional processes for individual Rocketeers
including use of GLAD strategies such as CCD, Sentence Patterning,
Input Charts, Expert Groups, Songs and Chants, Mind Maps, etc.
Customizing desired products for individual Rocketeers to allow
students to demonstrate mastery in multiple forms
Seamlessly integrates a wide variety of strategies to address the varied
needs of all ELLs in the classroom at all times and offers a daily center
with differentiated ELL activities and Academic Language instruction
during guided reading time
Pillar 2: Employ an Outcomes-driven Approach
Synthesis: The stakes are high and students are confident and eager to take on the challenge. Students view every moment of every lesson and every
assessment as an opportunity to work harder, acquire more knowledge and inch closer to their goals. Students have a productive and goal-oriented view of
assessments. They are keenly aware of what they know, what they don’t and what they’re going to do about it.
Student Evidence
Teacher Actions
Know what they are working towards and how they will be assessed
Can accurately describe what they are learning, why they are learning it
and how it connects to their larger goals
Most of the student evidence plays out during the lesson cycle. See Pillar 1 for
more details.
Assessments & Student Data*
 Thoroughly understands the data analysis process and DAF tool at
Rocketship and is able to independently analyze data in appropriate
manners while identifying and applying appropriate interventions that
results in Rocketeers realizing student achievement outcomes
Internalizes suite of diagnostic, formative and summative assessments
that meet the following criteria:
o Varied: the teacher uses pen and paper tests, portfolios and
performance assessments to get a full picture of students’ learning.
Pen and paper assessments incorporate several tasks such as multiple
choice and open-ended response
o Efficient: assessment are thorough enough to accurately assess
students’ learning while showing concern for time spent testing and
o Reliable: assessment items reveal true mastery by testing only one
idea at a time, using plausible “distractors” and avoiding “leading”
question stems
o Fair: the assessment only assesses standards that have been taught
(with the exception of pre-tests and diagnostics) and provides multiple
opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery
o Scaffolded: assessment items can discern the extend of student
readiness and student mastery by pinpointing where student learning
has broken down
Daily, Unit and Long-term Planning*
 Employs a backwards-planning approach at the lesson-level to ensure that
all instructional choices lead towards mastery of objectives, standards and
ultimately the class’ academic goals
 Plans well ahead of time and is able to flexibility adjust plans in response
to emerging priorities
Internalizes long-term plans, unit plans and SSMs that meet the following
o Well Grouped and Sequenced. Standards and objectives are logically
grouped and sequenced such that the material builds upon itself
conceptually over time
o Well Paced: The pacing of the units and long-term plans allow for
contingencies, remediation and enrichment
*Rocketship provides many assessments and planning tools to our teachers as
part of our investment in instructional quality and teacher sustainability.
Excellent teachers must still internalize these tools and make the appropriate
adjustments to best suit the needs of their Rocketeers.
Appendix: Glossary of Strategies
Lemov—Sweat the Details
Teacher notices small, minor details (un-tucked shirt, student off-task, student sitting crooked, etc.) and immediately addresses them prior to the culture of the class being
Lemov—Strong Voice
Teacher maintains effective control of the classroom 100% of the time through a calm presence that initiates all seven components of Strong Voice (economy of language, do
not talk over, do not engage, square up/stand still, quiet power, self-interrupt, and ‘register’).
100% of the time students meet the goal of the lesson, follow 100% of the directions, and 100% of the students create the expected product.
Lemov—Precise Praise
100% of the time, teacher strategically uses positive recognition and effectively differentiates between acknowledgment and praise.
All minutes in class are used effectively and all six components of Pacing are effectively implemented (change the pace, brighten lines, all hands, every minute matters, look
forward, and work the clock).
Lemov—Format Matters…
When responding to a question, students always use complete sentences, stretch their answers, and prove their work/responses.
Lemov—No Opt Out
100% of the time that a question is asked of a student, the sequence ends with that same student responding to the question through whatever scaffolding is necessary.
ELL Instruction
On a daily basis, teacher purposefully interweaves ELL instruction into guided reading, other sections of the day, and daily ensures that there is an ELL center provided during
guided reading as well.
This strategy is used on a consistent basis, when it is most relevant, and is executed in an incredibly effective manner that ensures all students master the vocabulary and word
analysis skills.
GLAD Farmer in the Dell
This strategy is used on a consistent basis, when it is most relevant, and is executed in an incredibly effective manner that ensures all students master sentence patterns and
structures with the application of taught vocabulary.
GLAD Input Charts
This strategy is used on a consistent basis, when it is most relevant, and is executed in an incredibly effective manner that ensures all students master the content (vocabulary
and concepts) of the lesson and includes active student participation.
GLAD Expert Groups
This strategy is used on a consistent basis, when it is most relevant, and is executed in an incredibly effective manner that ensures all students master the content by applying
note taking skills through reading material while also working in a positive, collaborative group experience.
GLAD Songs and Chants
This strategy is used on a consistent basis, when it is most relevant, in thoughtful ways with purposeful chants and songs, and is executed in an incredibly effective manner that
ensures all students master the vocabulary, content, and language art skills of a lesson.
GLAD Process Grid and Mind Map
This strategy is used on a consistent basis, when it is most relevant, and is executed in an incredibly effective manner that ensures all students master the ability to utilize
advanced organizers with reading material for content and academic vocabulary.
GLAD Cooperative Strip Paragraph or Group Frame
This strategy is used on a consistent basis, when it is most relevant, and is executed in an incredibly effective manner that ensures all students master the writing process.