Importance of the Project

Report on Tempus project # 517504 “Modernization and development of curricula on
pedagogy and educational management in the Central Asian countries”
Duration: 2012 – 2015 (2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015 academic years)
Importance of the Project
Tempus Project # 517504 “Modernization and development of curricula on pedagogy and
educational management in the Central Asian countries” is aimed to get objectives and fulfill
the tasks which are described in the State Programme for Education Development in
Kazakhstan for 2011-2020:
•modernization of education system
• providing education system with highly qualified pedagogical staff
• develop management in education
• renew the content of pre-school education and up-bringing
• integration into European zone of higher education
• changes in the structure, content and technology of education and up-bringing
• e-learning development and many others.
All the above mentioned changes can be done by highly-qualified pedagogical staff, by Masters
and PhD Doctors, and Tempus project is aimed at developing Master and Doctoral programmes
in Education.
Expected results by 2015: opening joint International Master and Doctoral programmes on
Effectiveness of the Project at the current stage
In Kazakhstan, 5 partners are involved into the Tempus Project # 517504
“Modernization and development of curricula on pedagogy and educational
management in the Central Asian countries” :
Kazakh National Pedagogical University
Shakarim State University of Semey
Kzyl-Orda State University named after Korkyt-Ata
Karaganda State University named after Buketov
The Ministry of Education & Science
SSUS works in close partnership with KazNPU named after Abai in Almaty (coordinator Roza
Bekmagambetova), Kzyl-Orda State University after Korkyt-Ata (coordinator Temirbolat
Kenshinbai), Karaganda State University after Buketov (coordinator Svetlana Karstina).
At SSUS there are several working groups for the Tempus # 517504:
1. Project managing group, led by the vice-rector of SSUS prof. Gulnar Iskakova
2. Expert group #1 (aimed at developing Study Plans for the MA program on Pedagogy of
pre-school education and upbringing)
3. Expert group #2 (aimed at developing syllabi for the MA program on Pedagogy of preschool education and upbringing)
4. Expert group #3 (aimed at developing documentation for PhD doctoral programme on
In January 2013, after Tempus seminar in Kzyl-Orda, expert group of SSUS changed the
title from Pre-School Education and Up-bringing for Organizational Management due to
the decision taken during the seminar in Kzyl-Orda. Our expers have designed Modul 3
“Organizational Management” and 3 disciplines: (1) Quality Management in Education,
(2) Statistics, (3) Modern organizational management in Education.
Program coordinator from EdNet, headquartered in Bishkek, is Mr. Arstanbek
Jamaliyev, who coordinates Kazakhstani partners and timely provides information
for project stages.
According to the project regulations, EdNet releases 2.400 euros for equipment
purchase to SSUS; SSUS has a choice to decide the type of the equipment to be
purchased, and we have chosen a server and software.
Our school’s co-financing share is a new computer Lab with 15 computers with
Internet access, Smart-board, and provided with Moodle platform.
Our preparations include an initiative: in April 2013 a group of SSUS specialists were
trained by an ICT specialist from Germany to use Moodle platform and effectively
use ICTs in educational process for e-learning and other forms. The 2nd stage of ELearning seminar with German specialists will start on 30 March and finish on 24 th
of April.
The project started working in 2012-2013 academic year, the Introduction meeting
took place in April 2012 in Bishkek.
SSUS group members never miss meetings organized by the Project.
(1) Thus, in April 2012, chief specialist of the Center for Internationalization of
educational programmes Mrs. Lyazzat Nurzhanova participated in Bishkek
(2) in August 2012, dean of Pedagogy-Psychology associate prof. Rakhila Aubakirova
participated in the seminar in Vilnius, Lithuania;
(3) in November 2012 two members of the working group #2 participated in the
seminar based in Magdeburg (Germany), head of the Innovative Pedagogy
Center Mrs. Karlygash Shayakhmet, and associate professor of the department
of Psychology (specialist in pre-school education) Gulnar Tursyngozhinova.
(4) in January 2013, 3 experts from 2 groups participated in the seminar based at
Kzyl-Orda State University after Korkyt-Ata: associate professors Rakhila
Aubakirova, Gulnar Tursyngozhinova, and Mrs. Karlygash Shayakhmet.
(5) In April 2013, coordinator Nailya Tulebayeva and experts’ group leader Rahila
Aubakirova took part in monitoring seminar in Almaty
(6) November 2013, Vice-rector Gulnar Iskakova participated in the seminar in
(7) April 2014, Rahila Aubakirova participated in the seminar in Dushanbe
(8) June 2014, Nurbekova and Madiyev participated in E-Learning seminar in Almaty
(9) March 2015, lecturer Dr.Senia Terzieva visited SSUS
March 2015, Rakhila Aubakirova will participate in the final seminar in
After each seminar, our experts share their knowledge with other colleagues who are involved
in the Project activities, as well as with students and other colleagues too.
Results of the Project at the current stage
We consider results of the Project at the current stage as good ones.
People work with enthusiasm, gaining and sharing knowledge and experience.
Documentation package for the Master programme has been developed.
Potential effect of the Project
At the level of departments: staff of the department of Pedagogical Psychology, who are
involved into activities of the Project, are highly interested in the process of modernization of
syllabi, and standards for Pedagogy and Educational Management. Members of other
departments show their interest too: the departments of Mathematics, Foreign Languages,
Music, Design and Arts, Informatics, Economics and Law.
At the level of faculties: deans of faculties of Pedagogy and Psychology, Distance Learning,
Physics and Mathematics, with their staff members regard the Project as extremely important
and helpful for the whole region and country.
At the level of the University: because Shakarim State University of Semey is a parent
institution for all colleges and schools of the region, we regards this Project as quite in-time
Project, which will help solve educational tasks described in our State Programme for the
development of Education system of the country.
At the level of the System of Higher Education:
As it was mention above, Tempus Project # 517504 “Modernization and development of
curricula on pedagogy and educational management in the Central Asian countries” is quite an
important one , because its aims and objectives answer those tasks which are described in the
State Programme for Education Development in Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.
Potential for sustainable development
The project is entering the productive stage: study plans and syllabi of European standard have
been developed, staff has been trained.
Local coordinator at SSUS
Ms. Naila M. Tulebayeva