Committee - The Principle Club

June 2015
The Principle Club
Acting Chairman
H -- 07779556446
Steve N
01892 263311
A big thank you to all event hosts!
programme for June.
We now have a varied
Can we have more of the same for July please ?
It Treasurer
gives a fresh
Robin F - 01825 732394
Membership Secretary
Membership Secretary
H - 01892
E-Mail Co-ordinator
Programme Secretary
M –Administrator
01892 459507/
P 07801 842686
E-Mail Co-ordinator
Jon I – 01732 364159
Do use your vouchers – if you
lost them,
please contact
Jan RH– 01732 667249
Records Administrator
Maureen P - 01892 616029
Committee Member
Annee B - 01892 526049
Do use your vouchers – if you
have lost them, please contact
Robin F - 01825 732394
We have booked our Christmas party night with 3 course
meal at the Mercure hotel, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells for
the 12th of December 2015.
They have a themed Hollywood evening where you can
dress as a character or wear your best to walk the red
Because we had difficulty selling 50 tickets last year we
have only ordered 40 initially. By using your vouchers,
members will only pay an extra £5 or £10 if you choose
the lamb option.
If you would consider attending please email or tell a
committee member so we can get a better idea of the
number of tickets required. Full details of the event will
be published in the autumn.
The new season runs from Thursday 7th May to Thursday
27th September.
For more details contact
We welcome to the club the following new member:
June 2015
Thurs 21st May
The Principle Club
Jazz at the Pantiles, Paul Malsom and the NoCasters. £2 contribution. From 7.30pm
Fri 22nd May
Jamie’s Trattoria, High St, TW 6.45pm
12 seats only – book quickly! Contact
Sat 23rd May
Live Music Event- ‘Heartbeats’ at Royal Oak (Prospect Rd), 8pm.
Sun 24th May
Lunchtime BBQ at David and Felicity’s house, High Brooms. From 1pm
Bring your own food for the BBQ, and your favourite tipple. Salads, desserts, burger
buns and finger rolls provided £3 head. Contact
Mon 25th May
Beer Festival at Mark Cross Inn, East Sussex. Bands, hog roast, BBQ, beers and
ciders. From noon.
Wed 27th May
Club night at ‘The Barn’.
Thurs 28th May
Jazz at the Pantiles, ‘Two Bobs Worth’. £2 contribution. From 7.30pm
From 8.30pm
Sat 30th May
Live Music Event ‘Jigglebits’ dance band at The Black Horse, Pembury, 8 for 8.30pm
Sun 31st May
Jazz lunch at the Royal Oak. Prospect Road 1230-1500. .
Names by 27th May please. Contact
News from Events
Sister Act – Sat 25th April
A total of 15 club members attended ‘The Tunbridge Wells Operatic and Dramatic Societies’ rendition of
Sister Act on Saturday 26th April. The musical version, based on the 1992 comedy film starring Whoppi
Goldberg, was first performed in the West End in 2009. Deloris is a lounge singer who has been put
under protective custody in a San Francisco convent of Poor Clares and has to pretend to be a nun when a mob
boss puts her on his hit list. She trains the convent choir to stardom and saves the convent which in need of
repair and due to be sold for development. The production was up to TWODS normal high standard which was
more than exceeded by the lead singer. TWODS productions more than equal the professionalism of the West
Pashley Manor Tulip Festival – Sun 3RD May
6 members visited the Pashley Manor Tulip Festival. The forecasters were correct and we had a dry cool
afternoon with some sunny spells. We were taken back by the wonderful displays of beautiful and elegant
tulips. Darwin,lily flowering, parrot, fringed, viridiflora, double, foresteriana, single and other categories. They
advertise 25,000, we did not count them and took their word for it; they were everywhere. The planting and
colour combinations were stunning, and our timing was perfect to see them all, even the lates ready to show
their full glory. We had tea and cake next to a bed of Marianne tulips and chatted about everything including
the bluebell woods which were lovely, but not intense. Four purchased some bulbs, one got carried away and will
have to ‘hot bed’ the garden. Thank you, we look forward to your bluebell walk next week.
June 2015
The Principle Club
Weds 3rd June
Club night at ‘The Barn’.
Thurs 4th June
Jazz at the Pantiles, John Critcherson trio, £2 contribution. From 7.30pm
From 8.30pm
Fri 5th June
It’s not too late to put an event on by email – contact
Sat 6th June
Oast Theatre, Tonbridge - 'The Deep Blue Sea' by Terence Rattigan. 7.30 for 8pm
The sensitive story of Hester who leaves her comfortable life with an older husband for a
passionate relationship with Freddie.
Tickets £10 (members £7.50). Contact -
Sat 6th June
Live Music Event – ‘Charlie Monroe’ band at The Black Horse (Camden Road), 8.15pm
Sun 7th June
Approx 6 miles from East Dean public car park (free) near The Tiger Inn (postcode BN20
0DA). From East Dean we will go over the cliffs passing Birling Gap, Belle Tout lighthouse
and Beachy Head into Eastbourne along the sea front. We will then stop for pub lunch after
which we will catch a bus back to the car park in East Dean.
Wed 10th June
Club night at ‘The Barn’.
Thurs 11th June
Jazz at the Pantiles, Mark Parnell Quartet, £2 contribution. From 7.30pm
From 8.30pm
Fri 12th June
Killer Queen, at the Assembly Halls, TW
Sat 13th June
London Walk with the Portsmouth Ramblers, from London Eye through Whitehall to
Lambeth, Battersea, returning via Chelsea. Train to London to arrive Waterloo by 10am,
possible meal in London afterwards (6pm ish). Approx 9 miles, fairly flat.
Sat 13th June
Murder Mystery Evening ‘Hawls well that ends in murder’. Christ Church, Crabb Hall, High
Street, TW. 7pm In aid of Hospices of Hope. A fun interactive evening to test your powers
of deduction. Tickets £12 to include light home-made supper. Drinks available to purchase.
Limited places. Contact
Sun 14th June
Walk from Sundridge, 2pm
For details contact
Sun 14th June
Ten Pin Bowling Evening at Knights Park, £8 for 2 games. 7.15pm
Weds 17th June
Programme night at ‘The Barn’.
From 8.30pm
June 2015
Thurs 18th June
The Principle Club
Jazz at the Pantiles, with Raul D’Olivera. £2 contribution. From 7.30pm
Fri 19th June
Midsummer picnic and rounders, Dunlorlan Park. 7pm
Come for picnic only, if you do not wish to play rounders. Enjoy the lovely surroundings of
Dunorlan Park on one of the longest days of summer.
Sat 20th June
Live Music Event- ‘Heartbeats’ at Royal Oak (Prospect Rd), TW, 8pm.
Sun 21st June
South East Open Studios – See website. Meet in Hadlow main square outside Casa
Portuguese at 2 pm. Park in side streets. Visit stained glass artists studio, afterwards
possible visit to Tonbridge Carnival fair. Email
Mon 22nd June
Book Club – Meeting at Janice’s house in T.Wells at 7.30 pm. Book chosen “Before I fall” by
Lauren Oliver. If interested in joining the group, Tel
Wed 24th June
Club night at ‘The Barn’.
Thurs 25th June
Jazz at the Pantiles, Tina May trio. £2 contribution. From 7.30pm
From 8.30pm
Fri 26th June
Beau Nash pub – dance to Soul and Motown. Contact
Sat 27th June
Summer Disco – joint with New Venture, Poult Wood, Tonbridge. 7.15 for 7.30pm
Tickets £11 to include light finger buffet. For details contact
Sun 28th June
BBQ on the beach at Pevensey Bay. From 1.00 pm onwards
Bring your own meat and drink. Salads, baked pots, bread, desserts and soft drinks
provided. Arrange car share where possible, directions will be provided. For those
interested and weather dependant bring cossies for swim, surf boarding or go out in a little
dinghy. Low tide that afternoon so even shrimping !!
Tues 30th June
Quiz Night at The Cross Keys, St Johns Road, TW
7.30 - 10.30pm (Quiz starts 8pm). £2 entry. Maximum 6 per team
Sat 4th July
Oast Theatre, Tonbridge – ‘The Thrill of Love’ 7.30 for 8pm
Tickets £10 (members £7.50). Contact
Sat 11th July
BBQ at Carole R’s. Starts 6 pm
Please bring your choice of meat, fish or veggie for the BBQ, side dish or dessert.
Car parking is limited so car share where you can please, and bring a chair. To book email
Sat 28th Nov
TWODS present ‘Sunset Boulevard’ a Hollywood Story. Assembly Halls 7.30pm £17. For
the best seats in the house – the Tiered Stalls please contact
by 1st July.