Pre-Approved Science Artifacts

Pre-Approved Science Artifacts
All artifacts are located under the Resource Center tab in
Grade 5
Content Standard
Mastery Objective
Given examples of changes in the form in which water exists on Earth (e.g., snow melting, ice melting, rainwater
2.E.1.b (Grade 5)
evaporating, and dew evaporating), student will identify heat energy from the sun as needed to cause these
3.A.1.b (Grade 5)
3.F.1.a (Grade 4)
4.A.1.d (Grade 4)
4.C.1.b (Grade 5)
5.A.1.b (Grade 5)
6.A.1.c (Grade 5)
Given a specific group of plants or animals and two or more other organisms, student will identify one or more
features which make one of the other two organisms more closely related to that specific group.
Given picture(s)/illustration(s)/description(s) of familiar plant(s) and animal(s), student will identify the role each
organism play(s) in its habitat.
Given several samples of solid materials that have a variety of masses, student will measure and record the mass
(grams) of each sample to show that all of the materials have mass.
Given a state of matter (i.e., solid, liquid, or gas), student will identify temperature (°C) condition(s) at
location(s)/setting(s) on Earth where water exists in that state of matter.
Given illustrations or manipulatives showing the beginning and end positions of an object with units of distance
shown, student will identify the distance traveled by the object.
Given examples of nonrenewable natural resources (e.g., oil, coal, natural gas, minerals including metals), student
will identify a common human use of each nonrenewable resource.
Pre-Approved Science Artifacts
All artifacts are located under the Resource Center tab in
Grade 8
Content Standard
Mastery Objective
Given a simplified rock cycle showing igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, student will identify one or
2.A.4.e (Grade 6)
more processes (e.g., melting, crystallization, erosion, transportation, deposition, compaction, cementation, heat,
and pressure) connecting each pair of rock types.
Given cut-out outline maps of South America and Africa that include offshore continental shelves, student will
2.C.2.a (Grade 6)
demonstrate how the outline of the continents fitting together to form one larger continent is evidence of plate
Given manipulatives for "Sunlight (energy)," "Oxygen," "Carbon Dioxide," "Water," and "Sugar,", student will arrange
3.E.1.c (Grade 7)
the manipulatives to state. "Water + Carbon Dioxide + Sunlight (energy) --> (makes) Sugar + Oxygen"
(photosynthesis) and identify that sugar is used for fuel or stored for later use in plants.
4.A.1.a (Grade 8)
Given manipulatives/pictures representing familiar elements and compounds, student will identify each as an
element or compound.
Given common examples of physcial and chemical changes, student will identify each example as a physical
4.D.3.e (Grade 8)
change (e.g., melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation, dissolution, crystallization) or a chemical change (e.g.,
vinegar and baking soda, rapid oxidation/burning, slow oxidation/rusting, digestion, photosynthesis).
Given several example(s) of energy that moves from one place to another, student will identify the form(s) of energy
5.D.1.a (Grade 6)
as sound energy (e.g., echo, thunder, car horn), light energy (e.g., starlight, lightning, car headlights), or
combinations of energy (e.g., fireworks - light and sound, television- light and sound).
6.A.1.e (Grade 6)
Given a problem impacting Chesapeake Bay resources (e.g., excess plant nutrients, sediment, over-fishing,
invasive species), student will identify possible solution(s) to the problem.
Pre-Approved Science Artifacts
All artifacts are located under the Resource Center tab in
Grade 10
Content Standard
Mastery Objective
Given a data set from a scientific investigation showing variations over time of an abiotic factor (e.g., rainfall,
1-4 (1.4)
high/low temperatures, hours of daylight) present in a terrestrial or oceanic environment, student will describe
trend(s) shown in the data.
1-5 (1.5)
1-5 (1.5)
Given examples of biotic and abiotic factors present in an environment, student will describe/identify the difference
between biotic and abiotic factors.
Given a picture/illustration of a partial terrestrial food web, student will identify examples of mammals, fish, birds,
amphibians, and/or reptiles.
Given picture(s)/ illustration(s) of two or more organisms representing two or more animal groups and given the
1-5 (1.5)
name of an animal group (e.g., mammal, fish, bird, amphibian, or reptile) represented by one or more organisms,
student will identify which organisms are members of that group.
1-4 (3.4)
Given a description of a specific organism and a list of two or more genetic variations the organism might inherit,
student will identify which genetic variation(s) provide a survival or reproductive advantage to the organism.
Given a description of an organism living in a particular habitat and descriptions of two or more inherited
1-4 (3.4)
characteristics of that organism, student will identify which inherited characteristic(s) might improve the chances of
survival of that organism following a specific change in a biotic or abiotic factor in the habitat.
Given a specific example of the depletion of a specific food resource in a habitat and a partial food web
1-5 (3.5)
representing the organisms living in that habitat, student will identify disruption(s) in the partial food web that may
result from the depletion of that food resource.
1-5 (3.5)
Given a description(s) or illustration(s) of a specific organism(s) that belong either in oceanic or terrestrial
ecosystems, student will identify whether the organism belongs within the oceanic or terrestrial environment.
Given two specific ecosystems that are part of the terrestrial environment that differ in temperature range, student
1-5 (3.5)
will identify how variations in temperature affect the distribution and relative abundance of organisms present in the