FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages Publisher / Imprint Title of Student Edition: Title of Teacher Edition: Imprint: ISBN: ISBN: Reviewer Name: Reviewer Number: Date: Facilitator: TOTAL SCORE – to be completed after all criteria are scored SECTION REVIEWER TOTAL FACILITATOR VERIFICATION FACILITATOR NOTES: Section 1 Section 2A Section 2B TOTAL Facilitator Signature: FACILITATOR USE ONLY FINAL SCORE VERIFICATION (TO BE COMPLETED BY THE FACILITATOR) Verified: 90% or Higher Facilitator Signature: Verified: 89% or Lower Facilitator Signature: FORM F.10: CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten–Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Scoring Rubric REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 1 FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages Publisher: Section 1 criteria are scored as to whether the evidence demonstrates application of Bloom’s Taxonomy at the higher levels. Citations for Section 1 will usually refer to the Student Edition, but may refer to the Teacher Edition. Reviewer: Use the Student Edition and the Teacher Edition to conduct this portion of the review. Ten (10) points: The citation demonstrates Bloom’s Level 3. Six (6) points: The citation demonstrates Bloom’s Level 2. Zero (0) points: The citation does not meet either Level 2 or Level 3. For highlighted rows only – Five (5) points if the citation meets the standard and Zero (0) points if the citation does not meet. # 1 2 3 4 SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention Foundational Skills Materials aligned to standards should provide explicit and systematic instruction and diagnostic support in concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, syntax, and fluency. These foundational skills are necessary and central components of an effective, comprehensive reading program designed to develop proficient readers with the capacity to comprehend texts across a range of types and disciplinary experiences. Phonemic Awareness Citation Level 2 Citation Level 3 Instruction follows a progression to develop phonological awareness (e.g., syllables, rhyming, alliteration, onset and rime.) Phonemic awareness instruction follows a developmental progression (e.g., phoneme isolation (first, final and medial sounds), blending, segmentation, phoneme deletion; use with tiles then with letters.) Graphemes (letters) are gradually integrated into phonemic awareness instruction as students become more skilled. Foundational materials meet the needs of a wide range of SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 2 Score Subtotal Score FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages # 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention students reinforcing key lessons in concepts of print (e.g., words move left to rights, words are separated by spaces, features of a sentence,) the alphabetic principle, and other basic conventions of English. Phonics Citation Level 2 Citation Level 3 Materials support instruction that progresses from simple to more complex phonics and word analysis skills (e.g., VC, CVC, VCC, CVCC, CCVC, CVCC, single syllable words before multi-syllabic words) using manipulatives. Materials present letter sound correspondences in an explicit and sequential fashion (e.g., potentially confusing letters like b and d are not introduced together; a few short vowels are introduced early.) Materials support instruction that teaches students how to encode (write/spell) and decode common letters and sound−spelling patterns of English in an explicit, sequential fashion (e.g., CV, CVC words containing digraphs, vowel teams.) Materials support instruction that teaches students how to decode multi-syllabic words by looking for pronounceable word parts within them. (e.g., compound words, syllables.) Materials provide sufficient amount of practice in decoding words in isolation and in decodable text to allow practice of phonic skills. Materials include instruction to teach students to read both regular and irregular high frequency words. The materials introduce students to non-decodable words essential to the meaning of a passage as whole words. Materials support instruction that teaches students how to identify and know the meaning of common prefixes, suffixes, SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 3 Score Subtotal Score FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention and root words. 13 # 14 15 16 17 18 Materials support development of phonics skills (e.g., lettersound correspondences and syllabication patterns.) Fluency Materials provide structure and opportunities for oral reading practice with feedback to develop fluent and accurate reading with expression. Materials include a sufficient number of texts that allow students to read a variety of texts daily with feedback to support accuracy, fluency and comprehension. Materials provide teachers an opportunity to model fluent reading, and to scaffold and give feedback, as students read orally in order to foster accurate and efficient word identification. Reading & Text Selection Citation Level 2 Citation Level 3 Score Citation Level 2 Citation Level 3 Score The content is aligned with reading standards for “Literature and Informational Texts” for the grade level. For intervention, it is critical to have sufficient student materials and teacher resources for adapting instruction to address students’ instructional needs. Adaptations that should be supported by these types of materials include: (a) increases in length and frequency of instructional sessions; (b) acceleration of student learning based on rate and level of response to intervention; (c) the use of data to monitor changes in student performance; (d) gradual release of teacher support as students’ reading becomes increasingly self-regulated. Materials support instruction that teaches students to use text to find information and make inferences moving from simple to complex application in narrative text (e.g., ask and answer SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 4 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages 19 20 21 22 SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention questions about details in a text, provide details and examples in a text when making inferences from the text) and informational text (e.g., ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of key details in text, explain the relationships between two events in a historical text based on specific information in the text.) Additional materials provide for regular independent reading of texts that allow students to develop knowledge and explore individual interests. Materials support instruction that develops student movement from simple to complex understanding of the relationships between illustrations and texts in Narrative (e.g., describe the part of a story the illustration depicts, compare a text and a visual presentation of the text) and informational text (e.g., explain how a diagram clarifies a text, use information from digital and print sources to solve a problem.) Materials support instruction that allows students to develop skills to identify reasons and evidence in informational text to support specific points (e.g., identify reasons author gives to support points, identify specific reasons and evidence that support a point made in text) with increasingly complex application. Note: Not applicable to literature. Materials support instruction that teaches students to compare and contrast or analyze information within and across narrative text (e.g., compare and contrast two versions of the same story, compare and contrast stories in the same genre) and informational text (e.g., identify similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic, integrate information from several texts on the same SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 5 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention topic to write about the subject) with increasing complexity. # 23 24 25 26 27 28 Writing The content is aligned with the writing standards for the grade; the material design supports differentiated instruction (adjustments based on skill level) and provides sufficient resources for re-teaching and extended practice to support student achievement of skills. Materials include activities that require students to analyze and synthesize text sources and present the analysis in writing using well-defended claims and clear information. Materials include extensive practice with short, focused research projects. This will allow students to have multiple experiences with the research process throughout the year, thus facilitating development of the ability to conduct research independently, and present results in writing. Materials support use of grammar and language conventions to develop reading and listening comprehension. Materials include explicit instruction and scaffolding in the writing process (i.e., drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.) Materials are designed with activities for students to write about what they read in both literary and informational text (e.g., summaries, reactions, analysis or interpretation of text, notes, ask/answer questions) utilizing appropriate text structures (e.g., sequence, comparison, contrast, and SE Title: ISBN: Citation Level 2 REVIEWER #: __________ Citation Level 3 PAGE 6 Score Subtotal Score FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention cause/effect.) 29 # 30 31 # 32 33 34 35 # 36 Materials include opportunities and prompts for students to write arguments, information/explanations or narratives in response to texts read. Speaking and Listening Citation Level 2 The content is aligned with the speaking and listening standards for the grade; the material design supports differentiated instruction (adjustment based on student skill level) and provides sufficient resources for re-teaching and extended practice to support student achievement of skills. Materials include opportunities to continue to build oral language and listening skills as students determine main ideas and supporting details, paraphrase, and summarize texts read. Citation Level 2 Vocabulary Materials include instruction for students to understand figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. Materials include instruction for students to choose from a range of strategies to determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words and phrases based on grade appropriate text and content. The materials provide frequent opportunities for students to encounter, utilize, and review newly acquired words in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Materials teach academic vocabulary prevalent in complex texts in the context of listening and reading activities. Citation Level 2 Academic Language Skills The materials include activities for students to acquire and SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ Citation Level 3 Score Citation Level 3 Score Citation Level 3 Score PAGE 7 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention use grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and that are basic to a particular topic (e.g., wildlife, conservation, and endangered when discussing animal preservation.) # 37 Additional New Mexico Content Standards for English Language Arts The following are additional New Mexico standards that shall be utilized for grades K–5 in conjunction with the CCSS incorporated by reference in 6.29.13 NMAC. If Grade levels are provided, enter citations for those that apply. Reading Literature Citation Level 2 Citation Level 3 Score Grade K Kindergarten students will identify the main topic, retell Grade K Grade 1 Grade 1 key details of a text, and make predictions. Grade 2 Grade 2 Grade 1 students will: Grade 3 Grade 3 (a) identify the main topic, retell key details of a text, Grade 4 Grade 4 and make predictions; Grade 5 Grade 5 (b) identify characters and simple story lines from selected myths and stories from around the world; (c) recognize repetition and predict repeated phrases; and (d) relate prior knowledge to textual information. Grade 2 students will:(a) identify the main topic, retell key details of a text, and make predictions;(b) use literature and media to develop an understanding of people, cultures, and societies to explore self- identity. Grade 3 students will: (a) ask and answer questions and make predictions to demonstrate understanding of a text; (b) develop an understanding of people, cultures, and societies and explore self- identity through literature, SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 8 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages # 38 # SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention media, and oral tradition; (c) understand that oral tribal history is not a myth, fable, or folktale, but a historical perspective. Grade 4 students will: (a) develop an understanding of people, cultures, and societies and explore self -identity through literature, media, and oral tradition; (b) understand that oral tribal history is not a myth, fable, or folktale, but a historical perspective. Grade 5 students will: (a) develop an understanding of people, cultures, and societies and explore self- identity through literature, media, and oral tradition; (b) understand that oral tribal history is not a myth, fable, or folktale, but a historical perspective. Writing: Production and Distribution of Writing Citation Level 2 Citation Level 3 Kindergarten students will apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Grade 1 students will apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students will use letter formation, lines, and spaces to create a readable document. Grade 2 students will: (a) use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively. (b) apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information Writing: Text Type and Purposes SE Title: ISBN: Citation Level 2 REVIEWER #: __________ Citation Level 3 PAGE 9 Score Subtotal Score Score FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages 39 # 40 # 41 SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention In grades 3, 4, and 5, students will use digital media environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and to contribute to the learning of others. Writing: Research to Build and Present Knowledge Citation Level 2 Citation Level 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 3 students will: Grade 4 Grade 4 (a) gather relevant information from multiple sources, Grade 5 Grade 5 including oral knowledge; (b) apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Grade 4 students will: (a) gather relevant information from multiple sources, including oral knowledge; (b) apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information; (c) demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Grade 5 students will: (a) gather relevant information from multiple sources, including oral knowledge; (b) apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information; (c) demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Speaking and Listening Citation Level 2 Citation Level 3 Grade K Grade K Kindergarten students will: Grade 1 Grade 1 (a) demonstrate familiarity with stories and activities Grade 2 Grade 2 SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 10 Score Subtotal Score Score FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 1: Common Core State Standards – CORE Reading Intervention related to various ethnic groups and countries; Grade 3 Grade 3 (b) with prompting and support: students will role play; Grade 4 Grade 4 make predictions; and follow oral and graphic Grade 5 Grade 5 instructions. Grade 1 students will: (a) describe events related to the students’ experiences, nations, and cultures; (b) follow simple written and oral instructions. Grade 2 students will describe events related to the students’ experiences, nations, and cultures. Grade 3, 4, and 5 students will: (a) understand the influence of heritage language in English speech patterns; (b) orally compare and contrast accounts of the same event and text; (c) demonstrate appropriate listening skills for understanding and cooperation within a variety of cultural settings. SECTION I: TOTAL SECTION SCORE SECTION II: OTHER RELEVANT CRITERIA Publisher: Section 2 criteria are scored as to whether the evidence occurs in the instructional material; they are not scored using Bloom’s. Citations for Section 2 “Other Relevant Criteria” will usually refer to the Teacher Edition, but may refer to the Student Edition. All three citations must be found satisfactory by the Review Team to meet the requirements of the standard. SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 11 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages Reviewer: Use the Teacher’s Edition and the Student Edition to conduct this portion of the review. Zero (0): All 3 citations did not meet the requirements of the standard. Five (5): All 3 citations met the requirements of the standard. SECTION 2.A: Other Relevant Criteria – Publisher’s Criteria Key Criteria for Reading Foundations # 42 43 44 45 Materials aligned with CCSS provide sequential, cumulative instruction and practice opportunities for a full range of foundational skills. (Specify or cite how the following instructional recommendations occur within this curriculum.) Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Materials allow for flexibility in meeting the needs of a wide range of students, and provide cognitively demanding activities that demand critical thinking and reasoning. Materials provide explicit and systematic instruction and diagnostic support in concepts of print, phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, syntax, and fluency. The amount of pre-reading is brief in proportion to the amount and duration of the text. Targeted pre-reading and teacher scaffolding activities are highly focused and oriented to the text. Written and oral tasks at all grade levels require students to confront the text directly, to draw on textual evidence, and to support valid inferences from the text. By grades 4 and 5, the proportion of writing tasks should be 30 percent SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 12 Score Subtotal Score FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 2.A: Other Relevant Criteria – Publisher’s Criteria 46 47 # 48 49 50 51 # argumentative, 35 percent explanatory, and 35 percent to convey real or imaginary experiences. Materials focus on academic vocabulary prevalent in complex texts throughout reading, writing, listening, and speaking instruction. Materials offer assessment opportunities that measure progress in foundations in reading. Fluency Content Reading selections (read-aloud) facilitate accurate, confident and independent reading. Reading selections represent a balance of literature and informational texts, are high quality, authentic texts worth reading and re-reading across multiple days and lessons and can be used for addressing multiple content standards at grade level. Content should include sufficient practice to achieve accuracy, and a variety of specific fluency building techniques supported by research. Content should include sufficient practice to achieve accuracy, and a variety of specific fluency building techniques supported by research. Key Criteria for Text Selection Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Score Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Score The submission exhibits concrete evidence that quantitative and qualitative indexes have been used to select complex 52 texts aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Further, submissions include a demonstrable staircase of text complexity. As materials progress within and across grades, SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 13 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 2.A: Other Relevant Criteria – Publisher’s Criteria 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 topics or themes are included that systematically develop the knowledge base of students. Reflect genres and text characteristics that are specifically required by the standards at each grade level. (e.g., informational text, narratives, poetry, plays speeches, scientific and historical documents.) Provide a sequence or collection of texts, with specific anchor texts of grade level complexity that are selected for close reading. Provide a sequence or collection of texts that build knowledge systematically through reading, writing, listening and speaking about topics. Materials support instruction that teaches students to understand and analyze various points of view for narrative text (e.g., author, narrator, characters) and informational text (e.g., what the author wants to explain, multiple accounts of the same event) with increasing complexity.) Materials include specific narrative and informational text for teaching various text structures (e.g., story grammar, sequence, comparison, contrast, cause/effect) to support comprehension knowledge development. Materials provide students extensive opportunities to read a variety of grade-level text (e.g., novels, plays and short and extended information texts.) Provide text dependent questions and tasks that require the use of textual evidence, including supporting valid inferences from the text. SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 14 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 2.A: Other Relevant Criteria – Publisher’s Criteria Provide questions and tasks that assess the depth and complexity of analytical thinking required by the standards. # Scaffolding and Supports Materials provide all students, including those who read below grade level, with extensive opportunities to encounter 61 and comprehend grade-level complex texts as required by the standards. Specific scaffolding instruction is a prominent part of each lesson. Examples: Begin a lesson with a short review of previous learning. Begin a lesson with a short statement of goals. 62 Present new material in small steps, providing for student practice after each step. Give clear and detailed instructions and explanations. Provide a high level of active practice for all students. Guide students during initial practice. Provide systematic feedback and corrections. 60 63 Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Score Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Score Provide opportunities to enable all students to experience, rather than avoid complexity of text through scaffolding. # Academic Vocabulary Provide focused resources to support students’ acquisition 64 for both general academic vocabulary and domain specific vocabulary. SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 15 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 2.A: Other Relevant Criteria – Publisher’s Criteria 66 # 65 66 67 68 # 69 70 71 72 73 Provide ample opportunities for students to practice the use of academic vocabulary in speaking and writing. Content Reflect integration of the CCSS across the various strands in English language arts. Provide clearly stated learning goals and objectives for lessons and tasks aligned with CCSS. Provide guidelines for differentiated instruction, including materials for flexible grouping. Provide a scope and sequence that enables students to demonstrate their independent capacity to read and write at the appropriate level of complexity and sophistication defined by the CCSS. Key Criteria for Questions and Tasks Questions and tasks cultivate students’ abilities to ask and answer questions based on the text. Materials provide opportunities for students to build knowledge through close reading of specific texts (including read-aloud.) Scaffolds enable all students to experience, rather than avoid complexity of the text. Reading strategies support comprehension of specific texts and focus on building knowledge. Reading passages are by design centrally located within materials. Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Score Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Score 74 Writing opportunities for students are prominent and varied. SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 16 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 2.A: Other Relevant Criteria – Publisher’s Criteria 75 # 76 77 78 79 80 81 # # Provide questions and tasks that support students in unpacking the academic language (vocabulary and syntax) prevalent in complex texts. Assessment Content elicits direct, observable evidence of degree to which students can independently demonstrate foundational skills addressing reading, writing speaking and listening as well as language. Materials Assess student proficiency using methods that are unbiased and accessible to all students. Content includes assessment guidelines that provide sufficient guidance for interpreting student performance and responding to areas where students are struggling. Materials assess students at a variety of knowledge levels (Bloom’s depth of knowledge, etc.) centered on grade level texts aligned with CCSS expectations. Materials include assessments that align with instructional materials, and offer formative and summative assessment tools, clearly defining which standards are being assessed, and whether students are developing standards-based skills. Materials offer rubrics and scoring guidelines for accompanying assessments that provide teachers sufficient guidance in interpreting student performance. Technology and Digital Resources Construction and Design of Materials Reviewers: Items 82-85 are to be scored based upon reviewer assessment as follows: High 8 – 10; Medium 5 – 7; Low or none 0-4. SE Title: ISBN: Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Publishers: do not enter citations in this section Publishers: do not enter citations in this section REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 17 Score Subtotal Score Score Score FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages SECTION 2.A: Other Relevant Criteria – Publisher’s Criteria 82 83 84 85 Materials include technology-based reference tools that provide teacher guidance for use of embedded technology to support and enhance student engagement and learning. Materials provide opportunities for students’ presentations, reading, and projects using technology. Materials have a highly functional yet inviting appearance, with appropriate font and print size. Materials include teacher supports, strategies and resources in the Teacher Edition that are user-friendly and supportive of student learning. # SECTION 2.B – Other Relevant Criteria – Student Edition 86 The textbook provides pictorials, graphics and illustrations that represent diversity of cultures, race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, language or disability. 87 The textbook provides a variety of cultural perspectives used within the lesson content to account for various cultural/background experiences. 88 The textbook provides assignments with activities requiring student responses that promote respect for all people regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, language or disability. 89 The textbook provides an introduction to the lesson including the comprehension questions (i.e., focus questions or guiding questions) the student will be expected to answer at the conclusion of the classroom instruction, along with on-going review and practice. SE Title: ISBN: Occurrence 1 REVIEWER #: __________ Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 PAGE 18 Score Subtotal Score FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages # 90 91 # 92 93 SECTION 2.B – Other Relevant Criteria – Student Edition The textbook provides activities for students to make interdisciplinary connections to social studies, science, language arts, music, art and sports plus connections with their personal experiences. The textbook provides references to support student learning such as a glossary and word lists, along with visual presentations to assist comprehension. SECTION 2.B – Other Relevant Criteria – Teacher Edition Teacher’s Edition is well organized, and presents learning progressions to provide an overview of the scope and sequence of skills and concepts. Teacher’s Edition supports variety of activities and approaches to learning, including sheltered, advanced and below proficiency, along with measureable learning objectives for differentiated instruction. Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Score Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Score Teacher’s Edition includes writing activities where students explain their thinking, cooperative learning and instructional 94 strategies, and daily or weekly lessons that use CCSS standards. Teacher’s Edition embeds various assessments (e.g., preand post-tests, self-assessments, written reflections, mid-unit 95 quizzes, quick checks for understanding of the key concepts, etc.) that address lesson and/or chapter objectives. Teacher’s Edition embeds student assessments that are accompanied by student work exemplars and score 96 identification of concepts and skills to support further instruction, differentiation, remediation or acceleration. SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 19 Score Subtotal FORM F.10 Citation Alignment and Scoring Rubric – CORE Reading Intervention; Kindergarten – Fifth Grade 2015 Adoption Institute Grade K – 8 ELA; CORE Reading Intervention; Modern, Classical and Native Languages TOTAL SECTION II: SECTION SCORE SE Title: ISBN: REVIEWER #: __________ PAGE 20 Score Subtotal