Thursday 10th September Year 5 will be visiting Drayton Manor to

In Science this term we will be learning about the forces we use every day and life cycles. In
the forces topic, we will be learning about theories of gravity, water resistance and friction and
completing our own investigations to find out more. This science topic is also closely linked to
our topic work in ‘Scream Machine’. In the life cycles topic, we will be learning about the life
cycles of mammals, insects, amphibians and birds.
Thursday 10th September
Year 5 will be visiting Drayton Manor
to learn all about the forces involved
in roller coasters.
In Topic this term we will be covering the following topics:
Scream Machine
In this topic, we will be learning about the science behind roller coasters and experiment
with cam mechanisms and pulleys. We will also learn more about the location of theme parks
around the world and how the human and physical features make the locations ideal. Finally,
we will develop our understanding of computer coding by designing rollercoasters.
A Child’s War
After half term, we will be learning about key events from the Second World War from
the view of children. We will find out more about the life of a refugee child and Anderson
shelters. We will develop our Geography skills by identifying and locating the countries
which were involved in the Second World War.
Some activities you could do at home for them to bring in and share with the class.
Scream Machine
Research the history of fairground rides and present it in your own way.
Make a flipbook to animate a rollercoaster ride that includes loop the loop.
Research and write a biographical account of Walter Elias ‘Walt’ Disney, animator and entrepreneur.
A Child’s War
Talk to friends or family about their wartime or post-war memories or experiences.
Make a gas mask box using brown paper to cover and write an evacuee label showing your name, address and
school. Ask someone to take a photograph then print it with a sepia effect to make it look authentic!
Imagine a child has been evacuated to your home. How would you make them feel welcome? How could you
support them if they were missing their own home or family?
Some important days for your child:
P.E. kits are needed in schools on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned on a Wednesday.
Reading journals will be given out on a Wednesday and needs to be returned on a Wednesday.
Year 5 will be doing woodwind lessons on a Wednesday afternoon.
Thank you for your continued support with homework and reading journals.
In English this term, we will be reading and exploring ‘The Midnight Fox’ by Betsy
Byars and ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo. Our non-fiction topic this term is ‘The
Museum of Fun’ where we will create our own television adverts and develop our
understanding of presentational features. We will also be focussing on performance poetry
by Charles Causley and Michael Rosen.
In year 5, we will be continuing to work on our presentation and handwriting. We will
also be completing weekly spelling lessons and tests which allow the children to learn new
spelling rules. Please continue to encourage your child to practice their spellings at home.
In Maths this term, we will be continuing to develop our written methods for addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division and applying these methods to word problems and
puzzles. Alongside this, we will also be developing our mental recall of number facts,
including times tables. The following websites could be used to support your child with
their learning (please ask if you need the login details):