CAREER PREPAREDNESS UNIT TOPIC: TECHNOLOGY SKILLS APPLICATIONS Title of Lesson: Proficiency with Emerging Technologies LESSON PLAN #: 2/2 Total Time on Task: 500 Minutes Content Standard: 11. Analyze cultural, social, economic, environmental, and political effects, and trends of technology to assess emerging technologies and forecast innovations. a. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of emerging technology resources, including social networking and other electronic communications (e.g., desktop conferencing, mobile technology, listservs, blogs, virtual reality, online file sharing). Lab Access: Required for Students ☒ Optional for Students Not Needed for Students ☐ ☐ Overview/Annotation: In this lesson, students are challenged with demonstrating their proficiency in the use of emerging technology resources. Essential Question(s): What is my relationship with social networking and other electronic communications? In what ways will technology become increasingly more important in my life? How do we use online file sharing? Learning Objective(s): The students will: 1. Demonstrate their knowledge for the use of emerging technology resources. 2. Demonstrate their knowledge utilizing social networking and other electronic communications. Conceptual Outline: I. Proficiency with Emerging Technologies A. Social Networking B. Electronic Communications Materials, Equipment, and Technology Resources: Materials: The attached handouts are copies of the websites. If Internet access is available, it will be a better use. 1. Handout 1: GCF LearnFree Lesson 2 – Introduction to Blogs 2. Handout 2: GCF LearnFree Lesson 2 – Introduction to Skype 3. Handout 3: GCF LearnFree Lesson 2 – Getting Started with the iPad 4. Handout 4: GCF LearnFree Lesson 2 – All About Google Drive and Docs 5. Handout 5: GCF LearnFree Lesson 2 – Facebook 101 6. Handout 6: GCF LearnFree Lesson 2 – Pinterest 101 7. Handout 7: GCF LearnFree Lesson 2 – Twitter 101 Equipment: 1. A SMART Board 2. Computer Access with Internet for all students. 3. Document Camera Technology Resources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Procedures/Activities: Teacher Information: Note, modules in this lesson plan were developed by the Goodwill Community Foundation, GCF LearnFree web site. The teacher is encouraged to print GCF LearnFree modules as needed when computer access will not be available. 1. Class Discussion: The teacher and students review the importance of emerging technology in the 21st Century. 2. Students access and review the GCF LearnFree Blog Lessons,, taking notes to be stored in their Edmodo Backpack, Google Docs and or flash drive. At the end of the Blog Module, have students pair and share with their neighbor about the Blog Module. Once they’ve shared, have the students individually type a 250-word paragraph regarding a topic they would like to blog. 3. Students access and review the GCF LearnFree Skype Lessons,, taking notes to be stored in their Edmodo Backpack, Google Docs and or flash drive. Group Discussion: What are the benefits of using Skype? Activity: Plan a Skype call with another teacher in the school or a guest speaker. 4. Students access and review the GCF LearnFree iPad 101 Lessons,, taking notes to be stored in their Edmodo Backpack, Google Docs and or flash drive. Activity: Have students to individually create a list of all the professionally and personally benefits with using an iPad (or another Smart Pad/Tablet). 5. Activity: Students who do not have a professional Gmail account are to create a professional Gmail account. Verify the professionalism of each students’ account via having them email you a test email. Once all student Gmail accounts have been created, students are to access and review the GCF LearnFree Google Drive and Docs Lessons,, taking notes to be stored in their Edmodo Backpack, Google Docs and or flash drive. Once all student Google Docs accounts have been created, students are to share their notes so the teacher has access to their notes. 6. Students access and review the GCF LearnFree Facebook Lessons,, taking notes to be stored in their Edmodo Backpack, Google Docs and or flash drive. You’ll find most students will have a Facebook account. The remaining students without Facebook Accounts usually do not have an account because their parent(s)/guardian will not allow them to have one. 7. Class Discussion: The teacher asks all students if they remember the Pin feature in MS Office allowing a user to keep commonly accessed files pinned in a specific location? If the number of those who remember is low, ask the students if they remember playing pin the Tail on the Donkey? Students are to access and review the GCF LearnFree Pinterest Lessons,, taking notes to be stored in their Edmodo Backpack, Google Docs and or flash drive. 8. Students access and review the GCF LearnFree Twitter Lessons,, taking notes to be stored in their Edmodo Backpack, Google Docs and or flash drive. Class Discussion: Ask students already having a Twitter Account to share who they are following and who follows them. 9. Teacher Resource: Remind 101 is an opportunity for you to communicate with your students and or their parent(s)/guardian via a one way text message reminding them of upcoming projects, assignments and or tests. Technology Resources #1 is a resource for the teacher to learn about Remind 101. 10. Students are to research QR Codes and Tags (see websites above). After researching QR Codes and Tags, have each student to create a QR Code for the notes they’ve taken on a lesson of their choice. Have the students send you this QR Code. Activity: Have students with Smart Devices to download a QR Code/Tag app. Technology Resources #2, #3, #4 are for teacher review. 11. Demonstration of Virtual Reality Game: Teacher or students demonstrate how to use a PlayStation/Xbox game day with a virtual reality game. Assessment: 1. Class participation 2. Assignments 3. Pair/Share Activity