Problem-Solution Essay and MM Assignment

Description of Problem-Solution Essay
Part 1:
Due to resource issues, the problem-solution essay will be a modified research paper. Instead of
locating all of your own sources, ones will be provided to you.
You are expected to write an essay which appropriately uses the information gathered for you to
investigate the issue and report on the process involved in order to find a solution to the problem.
Topics will be assigned.
Each essay must meet the expectations as described below:
 5 paragraphs total
o Neatly hand-written (cursive or printed) on every second line or
o Typed, double-spaced, in size 12 Times New Roman or Calibri
 Minimum of 2 resources
o MLA format in-text citations
o MLA format works cited page
o At least 1 quotation and/or 1 paraphrase or summary per body paragraph
 Clear thesis statement and outline
 DUE: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 (the day of the Final)
 NOTE: Plagiarism (by failing to cite sources or copying another) will result in a ZERO for the
assignment until it is rewritten without plagiarism, so it is extremely important to put any
words, phrases or statements you use from your research in quotation marks and add a citation.
Due to limited class days before the Final exam date, class time for the essay will be provided as below:
January 8 – 9
January 10 – 11
January 11 - 12
- Read through and annotate
- Work on transferring your
- Transfer your Essay Outline into
research to identify its
research to the Essay Outline
a fully developed essay
- Make notes about the people
- NOTE: The more thorough your
involved, the problem being
outline, the easier it will be to
dealt with, the proposed
write your essay
solution, and the process
involved in solving the problem
Mark Breakdown:
Annotated Research: 15 marks
Outline: 25 marks
Essay: 25 marks
Part 2:
Working either on your own or with the other people who researched the same problem and solution as
you, choose one of the options below to demonstrate your knowledge and comprehension of the
people, issues, and process(es).
Choose One of the Following:
Stage and film a reenactment of the issue. All group members must appear and speak in the
video. You need to mention / introduce all the people involved in the solution, reenact
important events and moments in the process, and include all important information.
The tone of your video can be serious or fun, but you must ensure the information presented is
accurate and appropriately presented. The video must be a minimum of 3 minutes long, and no
longer than 6 minutes.
2. Create a photo essay of the people and process involved in the issue. Your photos can either
be found online or staged with your group members to reenact the moments / events. It will be
important to ensure images are labeled to explain their significance.
A minimum of 15 images must be included.
3. Create a video diary in the persona(s) of the person or people involved. Play the part of the
person / people involved in the process of solving the problem, and have them discuss the
issues they are dealing with, the steps they are taking to solve the issue, and what they are
attempting to accomplish.
The tone of your video can be serious or fun, but you must ensure the information presented is
accurate and appropriately presented. The video must be a minimum of 3 minutes long, and no
longer than 6 minutes.