PARTIAL NOTES Most Holy Trinity ppt outline The Most Holy Trinity

 Most Holy Trinity ppt outline
 The Most Holy Trinity:
A Family whose life is ________
God is a _________________________ of persons, a Family whose life is Love.
 “God in His deepest mystery is not a _______________________, but a family, since He has in
Himself Father hood, Sonship, and the essence of the Family, which is love” -JPII
 Mystery
 A mystery is something that would not have been known if it had not been ___________________.
 Like a bottomless well, we can obtain great knowledge of it, especially if we plunge
ourselves into it, but we will never exhaust our knowledge of the well.
 “At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face…at present I know
partially; then I shall know fully as I am fully known” (1Cor 13:12)
 Person and Nature
God is Three Divine Persons in One Divine Nature:
The Father, The Son , and The Holy Spirit
An understanding of person and nature will help
Person answers the question _________________ Rational beings who possess an intellect and a
Nature answers the question ___________________ Nature is the source of what someone or
something can do.
A person is not just something but someone…capable of self-knowledge, self-possession, and of
freely entering into communion with other persons (CCC 357)
God’s nature is what He is – Godness
 Perfect, self-sustaining, and eternal existence – I Am
 Perfect and complete knowledge
 Perfect and complete power
 Perfect, complete, and total Love
 Perfectly true, good, and beautiful
 Perfectly One, utter simplicity, not made up of parts
 Each person of the Trinity totally possesses Godness.
 The Father is God
 The Son is God
 The Holy Spirit is God
The Mystery of the Trinity is not an ___________________ ___________________. Christians do not profess
that 3 = 1.
There are not three Gods but one God who is three divine persons in total possession of one divine
 Relation of the Persons
 The Father eternally ____________________ the Son
 The Son is eternally _____________________
 The Holy Spirit is the Eternally ____________________ Love between the Father and the Son
 Each Person of the Trinity has a role, a work (CCC 257, 258, 259).
 Father—Creator-Provider (CCC 279, 302).
 Son—Savior-Redeemer (CCC 599).
 Spirit—Sanctifier-Guide-Guarantor (CCC 737).
 Transcendence & Immanence
 God__________________________all creatures. We must therefore continually purify our
language of everything in it that is limited, image-bound or imperfect, if we are not
to confuse our image of God—"the inexpressible, the incomprehensible, the
invisible, the ungraspable"—with our human representations. Our human words
always fall short of the mystery of God.
 Immanence
 God wants to make ________________ _______________ & share His ________________ with us (Jn
17:20-26; CCC 260, 1721).
 ______________________ makes it possible (CCC 1077-1109).
 Through the ________________________ we receive the life of the Trinity within us.
 The life blood that runs through the Head also runs through the body
 What does the Trinity have to do with me?
 Out of Love God made human beings in His
own image and likeness.
 God made Human beings so that they might become members of His family and share in His
divine life.
 Marriage as a reflection of the Trinity
 Within the sacrament of Matrimony God provides man and woman with a special
opportunity to be a reflection of His own divine family.
 The Two Trinities
MURILLO, Bartolomé Esteban
Oil on canvas, 293 x 207 cm
National Gallery, London
 As each divine person of the Trinity freely and completely offers Himself to the other two
persons, husbands and wives are called to freely and completely give themselves to each
 Just as the Love between the Father and the Son is the third person of the Trinity, the Holy
Spirit, often the love of the husband and the wife is a son or daughter.
 Ephesians 5 is God’s perfect plan for the family.
 The Blessed Virgin Mary
 __________________ of the Spirit
 __________________ of the Son
 ___________________ of the Father
 Jesus revealed to us the ________________ _______ _____________ he, the Son, made us know the
Father who is in Heaven, and gave us the Holy Spirit, the Love of the Father and of the
Son. Christian theology synthesizes the truth of God with this expression: only one
substance in three persons. God is not _________________, but perfect ____________________. For
this reason the human person, the image of God, realizes himself or herself in love,
which is a sincere gift of self.
 Pope Benedict XVI