
April 18, 2013
(X) Action Required
(X) Informational
Educational Service District Superintendents
School District Superintendents
District Assessment Coordinators
High School Principals
High School Counselors
Randy I. Dorn, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Class of 2013 Assessment Graduation Requirements Update
Kimberly DeRousie, State Test Coordinator
(360) 725-6353
Assessment Hotline: (360) 725-6348
Agency TTY: (360) 664-3631
Laurel Nanke, Certificate of Academic Achievement (CAA) Operations Specialist
(360) 725-6223
Amanda Mount, Collection of Evidence (COE) Operations Specialist
(360) 725-6037
Summary: The purpose of this memorandum is to inform districts and schools about the
remaining opportunities available to 12th grade students in the Class of 2013 who have still not
met one or more assessment graduation requirements.
The Class of 2013 is the first cohort of students to be required to meet standard on the state
assessment or legislatively approved alternative in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics. At this
time, OSPI believes all but about 15 percent of students have fulfilled this requirement. For
students who have not yet met standard in one or more subject areas, there are still
opportunities, reflected in Table 1. Please note the new opportunity for students who did
not meet standard on their February Collection of Evidence (COE) to submit an additional
collection by June 12, 2013.
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April 18, 2013
Grades / GPA
Collection of
Evidence (COE)
End of Course (EOC)
High School Proficiency
High School Proficiency
Spring 2013
Exam (HSPE) August 2013
Exam (HSPE) August 2013
(Overall 3.2 GPA
(Overall 3.2 GPA
(Overall 3.2 GPA
to be eligible.)
to be eligible.)
to be eligible.)
Cut scores:
Cut scores:
Cut scores:
SAT - 390
SAT - 350
SAT - 380
ACT - 16
ACT - 13
ACT - 15
AP - 3
AP - 3
AP - 3
Augmented Collections
due May 1 (scores May 28)
Augmented Collections
due May 1 (scores May 28)
Augmented Collections
due May 1 (scores May 28)
First 12th grade
First 12th grade
First 12th grade
Due May 1 (scores May 28)
Due May 1 (scores May 28)
Due May 1 (scores May 28)
Second 12th grade
Submission – 2013 only.
Second 12th grade
Submission – 2013 only.
Second 12th grade
Submission – 2013 only.
Due June 12 (scores in
Due June 12 (scores in
Due June 12 (scores in
A student who transfers from another state in the 11th or 12th grade may apply to receive
a waiver of the assessment graduation requirement if the student has previously passed
another state’s high school exam. The waiver does not grant the student a Certificate of
Academic Achievement (CAA). See OSPI webpage for rules related to Transfer Student
See OSPI webpage for rules related to a Special Circumstance Appeal if student was
unable to access tests due to unusual unavoidable circumstances.
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April 18, 2013
Students may re-take the large-scale state assessments as many times as they like in an
attempt to meet assessment graduation requirements. The next mathematics EOC testing
window will be the last three weeks of the school year. Results will be available September
3–6, 2013. The next reading and writing HSPE administration is August 13–15, 2013. Results
will be available in early November 2013. For additional information contact OSPI State Test
Coordinator, Kimberly DeRousie, by e-mail at: Kimberly.DeRousie@k12.wa.us or call the
Assessment Hotline at (360) 725-6348.
Districts, schools, parents, and students are also encouraged to attempt the additional
Certificate of Academic Achievement (CAA) Options available to meet the standard on required
assessments. CAA Options include the Grades/GPA Comparison, College Admission Test
Score Equivalencies, and Collections of Evidence (COE).
The Grades/GPA Comparison is calculated by the district and/or school and can be accessed at
any time. A student must have attempted an assessment for the content area being considered
(the EOC or the HSPE) at least one time and have an overall GPA of at least 3.2 in order to be
eligible. The school or district then compares the grades of the student who did not meet
standard on the EOC or the HSPE to the grades of students who did meet standard. If the
student’s grades in that subject area are higher, they meet the assessment graduation
requirement. Contact Laurel Nanke, CAA Options Specialist, at: laurel.nanke@k12.wa.us or call
(360) 725-6223 for more information.
College Admission Test Score Equivalency is another CAA option. To use the SAT equivalent, a
student must earn an SAT score of 390 in math, or 350 in reading, or 380 for writing. To use the
ACT, a student must earn a 16 in math, or a 13 in reading, or a 15 in writing. For the Advanced
Placement Exam, a student who earns a 3 in any of the eligible content areas will have fulfilled
the assessment graduation requirement. The following sites provide dates and locations of
these tests: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home, www.satcollegeboard.org, or
www.actstudent.org. Contact Laurel Nanke, CAA Options Specialist, at:
laurel.nanke@k12.wa.us or call (360) 725-6223 for more information on filing the paperwork for
this option.
There is an RCW that says students can only submit one COE in a content area, but because of
a lack of understanding around COE rules that limit submissions, OSPI has decided to accept a
second submission for students who did not meet standard on their February COE. A full
second collection can be submitted by June 12. Please see http://coe.k12.wa.us/Page/272 for
further information on second submissions. These second collections will be scored in
July/August, and results will be available in late-August. There will be no district reimbursement
for second collections. Also the opportunity for a second COE submission is available only for
students in 12th grade in the Class of 2013. We do not expect to make a second submission
available next year unless there is a legislative change. For questions regarding COE, contact
Amanda Mount, COE Operations Specialist, at: amanda.mount@k12.wa.us or call (360) 7256037.
Score appeals are also available for state assessments and COEs. Please see
http://www.k12.wa.us/assessment/WaiverAppeals/Appeals.aspx for information and rules
related to score appeals.
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April 18, 2013
Districts are reminded that rules that are applied to meeting high school graduation
requirements are not linked to participation in locally determined graduation ceremonies. Those
decisions are made at the sole discretion of the district.
OSPI strives to assist district, schools, and students in supporting the important job of preparing
our students for graduation. The multiple opportunities to take the large-scale assessments and
the additional CAA options are designed to make many routes possible for students to
demonstrate the skills necessary for high school graduation.
For questions regarding the content of this memorandum, please contact the Assessment
Hotline at (360) 725-6348, agency TTY: (360) 664-3631, or by e-mail at:
Alan Burke, Ed.D.
Deputy Superintendent
Robin Munson, Ph.D.
Assistant Superintendent
OSPI provides equal access to all programs and services without discrimination based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age,
honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory,
mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. Questions and complaints of
alleged discrimination should be directed to the Equity and Civil Rights Director at (360) 725-6162 or P.O. Box 47200 Olympia, WA 98504-7200.