Heat exposure

Heat Stress & Sun Exposure
The last few weeks has been so hot and steamy, we want to make sure you avoid
the dangers of heat stress and sun exposure.
According to the NZ Health statistics, heat related stress causes serious harm to
over 600 persons per year while at work.
To avoid heat stress, be sure to drink plenty of water. We encourage Allendale staff
to begin their working day by making sure the work place has fresh drinking water
readily available, cooled water is ideal but not always practical. Always have
Refillable bottles of water, they make a good companion for any tool
bag. Remember, soda and carbonated drinks may taste good, but they will
only dehydrate you more!
When working outdoors, be sure to scope the area for sources of shade. Permanent
structures such as trees, fixed overhangs, or pavilions may be nearby, and can serve
as a good place to take your breaks. If nothing like this is available, consider using a
small portable canopy to shade your work area.
Sun exposure also poses a substantial threat during the summer
months. Make applying sunscreen lotion to your face, neck, ears, and arms part of
your morning routine. Many lotions require reapplication every few hours, so throw a
bottle of it in your tool bag. A hat and long sleeves in a light, breathable fabric can
also help to block out harmful sun rays.
Signs of overexposure include the sudden onset of confusion or forgetfulness,
irritability, belligerence, lightheadedness, lack of coordination, fatigue, and
paradoxical chills.
When these signs appear, stop activity immediately, move to a cool, shady area, and
drink some fluids.
During the summer months, special care should also be taken with children and the
elderly. Supervisors need to keep a check on all staff working in sunny or hot areas.
Here are some symptoms that you should look out for :
Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion is the most common type of heat related
illness. Symptoms may include fatigue, nausea, giddiness or
headache. Cool clammy skin, extreme thirst or fainting may be
the first signs of heat exhaustion. Prevention requires that
workers drink plenty of fluids, avoid overexertion and monitor
their body temperature.
Treatment should include moving the affected worker to a cooler place (airconditioned) and have them drink fluids. DO NOT give caffeinated drinks, such as
cola of coffee, as they dehydrate the body. Symptoms should lessen after
approximately thirty (30) minutes of treatment and the victim should feel better. Seek
medical assistance if symptoms are severe as heat exhaustion can develop into heat
Heat Cramps
Symptoms for heat cramps are painful muscle spasms that occur during or after
strenuous activities and maybe experienced as an acute abdominal problem.
Prevention requires the consumption of plenty of fluids such as water or juice at
regular intervals, as well as acclimatizing oneself to the work conditions. Treatment
should include laying the victim down away from the heat and loosening their
Recovery should take place in a short period of time. If camping is severe or long
lasting, seek medical assistance.
Heat Rash or Prickly Heat
Heat rash symptoms may be small raised blisters, reduced sweat production or
inflamed sweat glands and itchy or prickly skin. Prevention requires that your
clothing and skin remain dry. Moisture wicking clothing is a good choice. Treatment
consists of keeping the skin cool and dry, limiting further exposure and by resting in
a cool location.
The application of a mild drying lotion may reduce irritation. Allow the skin to dry
between heat exposures by sleeping in cool (air-conditioned) rooms. If heat rash is
severe, seek medical attention
Heat Stroke
Heat stoke is the least common heat related illness. Heat stroke can result in brain
damage or even death if left untreated. Prevention requires the monitoring and
maintaining of body temperature at safe levels. Heat stroke has many symptoms that
Core body temperature greater than 40.5 C
Weakness, drowsiness or loss of consciousness
Lack of sweating, dry hot skin, may be mottled with a red or blue tinge
Dilated pupils
Decreased muscular activity or loss of coordination
Erratic behavior or mental alertness
Treatment requires that the victim be cooled off immediately. Cooling should include
removal of clothing and the wrapping or covering of the victim with wet clean cloths
or towels. Heat stroke is a medical emergency and treatment requires
hospitalization, call 111 for transportation to the hospital as quickly as possible.
Sunburn is the effect of ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin and roofers working out
of doors are sunburn candidates. Over exposure to UV radiation can cause skin
To assist in determining the risk of sunburn, weather reports include a UV index.
Skin can sunburn in only fifteen minutes when the UV index is higher than seven (7).
The highest levels of UV are normally experienced between noon and three (3) PM
each day. Sunburn symptoms include skin reddening and in severe case blistering is
observed. Typically sweat does not evaporate from sunburned skin. Prevention
requires that workers keep their skin covered with cool light coloured clothing and
requires frequent application of sunscreen or sun block lotions to protect exposed
body parts. Remember for continuous protection during the workday, frequent reapplication of sunscreen lotions is required, as they wear off. Sunburn treatment
should include covering the damaged skin with a lotion to reduce swelling and
inflammation. Do not break blisters that have formed. When sunburn is severe the
worker should stay out of the sun, cover the damaged skin area and seek medical
Tinted safety glasses with UV protection will protect the eyes from UV radiation as
cataracts and other eye damage can occur. Remember that sunlight exposure does
not have to be direct, as light can be reflected off light coloured surfaces like
exposed concrete.
All workplaces should have a comprehensive sun protection programme
in place that includes:
Risk assessment/hazard identification (for all tasks outside)
Sun protection control measures (Shades, Clothing, Hats, and Creams)
Safety in the sun training (Tool box Talks)
Monitoring (Supervision staff work site observation)
A workplace sun protection policy
Make this a workplace sun protection policy
Skin cancer is a major health risk for New Zealanders, including for outdoor workers
who are often exposed to excessive levels of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR).
Because UVR produced by the sun can cause skin cancer and damage to skin and
eyes, this policy has been established as a sun protection policy that is implemented
during peak UVR periods. The peak UVR periods are from the beginning
of September to the end of March, especially between the hours of 11am
and 4pm
If you have any concerns regarding this or any other Health & Safety matter Contact
your project Manager or Kerry Harris 021 722 493