Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:1 Supplemental Information for Metal Mixtures Modeling Evaluation: 2. Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches File SI-2: USGS Model Description (2012 Version) Application of the Biotic Ligand Model-Tox Approach: Predicting Biological Response & Relative Importance of Toxicants in Metal Mixtures Laurie S. Balistrieri† and Christopher A. Mebane‡,* † ‡ U.S. Geological Survey, School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Box 355351, Seattle, Washington 98195 USA; U.S. Geological Survey, 230 Collins Road, Boise, Idaho 83702 USA E-mail: cmebane@usgs.gov; Telephone: 1-208-387-1308 Number of pages: 103 Number of tables: 4 Number of figures: 49 1 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:2 Application of the Biotic Ligand Model-Tox Approach: Predicting Biological Response & Relative Importance of Toxicants in Metal Mixtures By Laurie S. Balistrieri1 and Christopher A. Mebane2 July 7, 2012 (with editorial updates, January 2014) Contents January 2014 Note ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 July 2012 Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Overarching Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Background ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Part 1: Developing a common set of equilibrium constants for cation-biotic ligand interactions for use in a multiple-toxicant BLM ...................................................................................................................................................10 Part 2: Assessing Toxicity and Identifying the Relative Importance of Toxicants in Metal Mixtures ..............................17 Modeling Approach ...................................................................................................................................................17 WHAM 7 ................................................................................................................................................................18 Multiple -Toxicant BLM ..........................................................................................................................................19 Tox ........................................................................................................................................................................19 Generalized Logit I ................................................................................................................................................20 Determination of α and β values ........................................................................................................................20 Key Concepts of Our Modeling Approach .............................................................................................................23 Model Fits and Relative Importance of Toxicants in Project Data Sets .................................................................26 Index 1: Hyalella azteca and fatmucket mussel tested in sediment porewaters ..............................................26 Modeling does not address sub-lethal responses ..........................................................................................26 Index 4: Daphnia magna with Cd, Cu, and Zn .................................................................................................28 Index 4: Focus ...............................................................................................................................................29 Index 5: Daphnia pulex with Cd and Zn ..........................................................................................................38 Index 6: Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout with Cd, Pb, and Zn ..............................................................................39 Index 6: Focus ...............................................................................................................................................40 Index 7: Green algae with Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, using field collected water .................................................46 Index 8: Green algae with Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, laboratory waters .............................................................................47 Index 9: Lettuce with Cu and Zn in hydroponic exposures ...............................................................................50 Index 9: Focus ...............................................................................................................................................51 Competition of multiple toxicants at the biotic ligand .............................................................................................54 Tox50 ....................................................................................................................................................................56 Dissolved metal ratios ...........................................................................................................................................57 Pre-Workshop Conclusions.......................................................................................................................................58 Post-workshop thoughts regarding modeling metal mixtures .......................................................................................59 References ...................................................................................................................................................................65 Appendices ...................................................................................................................................................................76 1 U.S. Geological Survey, University of WA, Oceanography, Seattle, WA, USA; balistri@usgs.gov; +1-206-5438966 (phone) 2 U.S. Geological Survey, Boise, ID, USA; cmebane@usgs.gov; 1-208-387-1308 (phone) 2 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:3 Appendix 1: Developing the Unified individual BLMs ................................................................................................76 Testing the robustness and generality of the single-metal BLMs with different organisms and diverse waters....................................................................................................................................................................76 Zinc ....................................................................................................................................................................76 Cadmium ...........................................................................................................................................................79 Lead...................................................................................................................................................................79 Copper ...............................................................................................................................................................81 Trout tests with major ions .............................................................................................................................81 Copper and pH...............................................................................................................................................82 Fathead minnows ...........................................................................................................................................85 The soft water problem ..................................................................................................................................88 Invertebrates ..................................................................................................................................................88 Nickel ....................................................................................................................................................................91 Comparisons of benthic invertebrate tissue residues and predicted metal loading using our multipletoxicant BLM and evaluation of the diversity of benthic invertebrate communities using the BLM-Tox approach ...............................................................................................................................................................96 Metal tissue residues in aquatic insects in streams ...........................................................................................96 Stream aquatic insect diversity predicted from BLM-Tox ...................................................................................98 Appendix 2 - Calculation of the speciation of the biotic ligand ................................................................................100 Appendix 3: Illustrations of the concentration-addition toxic unit and the BLM-Tox approaches to evaluating mixture toxicity .......................................................................................................................................101 List of Tables Table 1. Examples of equilibrium constants for biotic ligand-cation complexes (log KBL-cation) ............. 12 Table 2. Summary of reactions and associated log K values for biotic ligand (BL-) interactions with cations determined from single metal toxicity data and used in a multiple-toxicant Biotic Ligand Model to predict toxicity of metal mixtures. The fractions of total biotic ligand sites occupied by metal at 50% mortality (f_50% mortality) in single metals tests also are summarized. ................... 16 Table 3. Fitting parameters (i.e., weighting coefficients (α) and logistic constants (β values) ) for Tox versus biological response, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) for predicted and observed biological response, the number (n) of samples included in each fit, and calculated values for Tox at 20 (Tox20) and 50 (Tox50) % biological response for the project data sets. .............................. 22 Table 4. Summary of the values of dissolved metal ratios where the relative importance of toxicants to Tox is equal in the project data sets. .............................................................................................. 58 3 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:4 List of Figures Figure 1. Cutthroat trout survival in relation to Zn with or without secondary additions of Cd or Pb. ....... 8 Figure 2. Variations in the sum of the fractions of total biotic ligand sites (BL total) sites occupied by metal (BLmetal) and in the speciation of biotic ligands of C. dubia at LC50 in solutions with metal mixtures using our multiple-toxicant BLM........................................................................................................ 9 Figure 3. Zinc toxicity as LA50 values versus Ca concentrations, contrasting calculations using initial and optimized BL-Ca log K values of 3.6 (left) and 5.0 (right). LA50 values are metal accumulations on the gill associated with 50% mortality. ....................................................................................... 13 Figure 4. Cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc toxicity as LA50 values versus dissolved Ca concentrations using initial and optimized BL-Ca log K values of 3.6 and 5.0, respectively. .................................. 14 Figure 5. Acute toxicity of metals to rainbow trout relative to the biotic ligand-metal equilibrium constants (log K (BL-Me)) derived for the multiple-metal BLM (our study) and literature values .... 17 Figure 6. Overview of our multiple-toxicant BLM-Tox approach. ........................................................... 18 Figure 7. Comparison of total metal load on the biotic ligand considering competition and no competition between Cd and Zn for the biotic ligand in the synthetic binary metal (Cd, Zn) data set resembling Index 6. ........................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 8. A) Total metal load on the biotic ligand for single metal (Cd or Zn) and mixtures of Cd and Zn in the synthetic binary metal (Cd, Zn) data set resembling Index 6. B) Total and relative loads of Cd and Zn for 11 tests at ~50% mortality and associated dissolved Cd to Zn ratios in the synthetic binary metal (Cd, Zn) data set resembling Index 6 ......................................................................... 25 Figure 9. A) Total fractional metal load on the biotic ligand for single metal (Cd or Zn) and mixtures of Cd and Zn in the synthetic binary metal (Cd, Zn) data set resembling Index 6. B) Tox versus fractional mortality in the synthetic data set. C) Relative importance of Cd and Zn to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cd to Zn ratio in the mixtures in the synthetic data set. ........................... 25 Figure 10. Model results for Index 1. ....................................................................................................... 27 Figure 11. Model results for Index 4. ....................................................................................................... 29 Figure 12. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Cd + constant Cu (Index 4, series Cu-Cd #12). 32 Figure 13. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Cd and Cu, where Cu was titrated into constant 5 µg/L Cd (Index 4, series Cu-Cd #16).............................................................................................. 33 Figure 14. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Cd and Cu, where Cu was titrated into constant 9 µg/L Cd. ......................................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 15. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Cd and Cu, individually and in mixtures, similar to the previous example (i.e., Cu-Cd #17). ..................................................................................... 35 Figure 16. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Zn and Cu, with copper titrated onto two fixed Zn exposures. ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 17. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Zn titrated into constant Cu concentrations. ..... 37 Figure 18. Model results for Index 5. ....................................................................................................... 38 Figure 19. Model results for Index 6. ....................................................................................................... 39 Figure 20. Rainbow trout mortalities with varying Zn, with Cd and or Pb nearly constant at about half their expected EC50s (Index 6, “Series 1). ..................................................................................... 42 Figure 21. Cutthroat trout mortalities with Pb and Zn in mixtures where both increased proportionally (Index 6, Series 2.) ......................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 22. Rainbow trout mortalities with Cd and Zn in mixtures where both increased proportionally (Index 6, "Series 3“) ........................................................................................................................ 44 Figure 23. Rainbow trout mortalities with Cd, Pb, or Zn in mixtures targeting USEPA Aquatic Life Criteria (EPA) or prospective site-specific criteria (SSC) ............................................................................ 45 4 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:5 Figure 24. Model results for Index 7. ....................................................................................................... 47 Figure 25. Model results for Index 8........................................................................................................ 49 Figure 26. Model results for Index 8 with comparison to Index 7. ........................................................... 50 Figure 27. Model results for Index 9. ....................................................................................................... 52 Figure 28. Growth inhibition in lettuce following hydroponic exposures to Zn and Cu. ........................... 53 Figure 29. Comparison of total metal load on the biotic ligand considering competition and no competition, using actual data from Indexes 4, 6, and 9. ................................................................ 55 Figure 30. The fraction of total biotic ligand sites occupied by metal for the competitive and noncompetitive cases for Index 4, 6, and 9. ......................................................................................... 56 Figure 31. Tox at 50% mortality or growth retardation (Tox50) for organisms in the project data sets.... 57 Figure 32. Zinc predicted and empirical acute EC50s with rainbow and cutthroat trout: ......................... 78 Figure 33. Cadmium predicted and empirical acute EC50s with rainbow and cutthroat trout: ................ 80 Figure 34. Lead predicted and empirical acute and chronic effects with fish: ......................................... 81 Figure 35. Copper predicted and empirical trout LC50s with varying major ions: ................................... 83 Figure 36. Copper empirical and predicted LC50s from rainbow trout tests with varying pH .................. 84 Figure 37. Copper empirical and predicted LC50s from fathead minnow tests with varying pH .............. 85 Figure 38. Copper predicted and empirical LC50s from large fathead minnow datasets developed over a wide range of water chemistry conditions ....................................................................................... 87 Figure 39. Copper predicted and empirical EC50s from cladocerans in diverse waters. ........................ 89 Figure 40. Copper predicted and empirical 21-day NOECs with Daphnia magna ................................ 90 Figure 41. Nickel predicted and empirical effects for rainbow trout and Daphnia magna. .................... 94 Figure 42. Nickel predicted and empirical EC50s for (A) cultured green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, (B) field collected green microalgae and field collected Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and (C) chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia exposures .......................................................................... 95 Figure 43. Correlations between tissue residues of Cd, Cu, and Zn measured in three stream invertebrate species collected from Colorado, USA streams and predicted metal loading on the biotic ligand..................................................................................................................................... 97 Figure 44. Relationships between species richness of EPT aquatic insects collected from Colorado, USA streams and water chemistry and relative importance of metals to toxicity using the BLM-Tox approach. Aquatic insect occurrences and stream chemistry data are from Schmidt et al. (2010). 99 Post-Workshop figures Figure 45. Tissue residues of Cd, Cu, and Zn in Rhithrogena mayflies modeled by the WHAM-7 humic acid approach or by a revised BLM approach Figure 46. Cd and Pb single metal exposures and rainbow trout gill accumulations modeled with a two-site biotic ligand model Figure 47. Cd and Pb mixture exposures metal rainbow trout gill accumulations modeled with a two-site biotic ligand model Figure 48. Zn single metal exposures and rainbow trout gill accumulations modeled with a two-site biotic ligand model Figure 49. Zn, Cd, and Pb mixture exposures resulting in with “less than additive” toxicity (Index 6, “series 1”) modeled with the two-site biotic ligand model 5 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:6 January 2014 Note This supplement describes the 2012 version of the “U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) BLM-TOX” metals mixtures toxicity model which was compared to other models in Farley and others’ article “Metal Mixtures Modeling Evaluation Project: 2. “Comparative Evaluation” to which this supplement is appended. The published version of our BLM-TOX model (Balistrieri and Mebane 2014) has substantive differences from the earlier version described in the main article by Farley and others. Because the early version of our model, as described in the main article, is not available elsewhere, we append here the full description of our modeling approach that corresponds with the critical review in the main article. Following a May 2012 workshop on comparative modeling approaches, we made substantive revisions to the “pre-workshop” modeling approach described here. Major differences between the version described here and our revised “2014 fish model” which focused on rainbow and cutthroat trout (Balistrieri and Mebane 2014) include: In the 2012 version, binding affinities for metals accumulation on the biotic ligand were defined using measured toxicity responses and metals accumulations were a modeling construct. In the 2014 fish model, binding affinities were defined directly from published gill accumulation studies. The 2012 model version described here assumed a single site of toxic action on the biotic ligand whereas our 2014 fish model assuming two sites of toxic action on the biotic ligand provided better fits to the measured data. The following describes our 2012 version, as described in the main article, Farley and others’ comparative evaluation of four modeling approaches. July 2012 Summary This work is part of a larger modeling effort that is assessing the toxicity of metal (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) mixtures to aquatic organisms and evaluating the relative importance of these metals as toxicants in the mixtures. The sponsor of the larger modeling effort, i.e., the International Lead Zinc Research Organization (ILZRO), supplied four modeling groups with seven data sets. These data sets included the composition of freshwaters and associated biological responses (i.e., survival or growth metrics) from laboratory and field studies that had either paired single and multiple metal solutions or just multiple metal solutions. Our tasks were to model the data sets, provide insight into the hierarchy of metal toxicity in the mixtures, summarize our results in a report, and participate in a collaborative workshop to integrate results from the four modeling groups. This document summarizes the modeling results of our group. We evaluated the data sets using an integrated modeling approach (Figure 6), which includes: 1. determining the loading of toxicants on biotic ligands in the solutions using WHAM 7 and a common set of equilibrium constants for biotic-ligand interactions that is incorporated into a multiple-toxicant biotic ligand model (BLM); 6 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:7 2. defining a function called Tox that incorporates the fractional loading of biotic ligands by hydrogen and metal toxicants and weights their relative toxicity to biota through toxicity coefficients; 3. evaluating the relative importance of metal toxicants in the metal mixtures by examining each term in the Tox function; and 4. using the Generalized Logit I equation to relate Tox and biological response (i.e., mortality or growth retardation) of biota. . Overarching Conclusions The BLM-Tox approach reasonably fits observed biological responses to metal mixtures using a consistent set of weighting coefficients and organism-specific logistic parameters. The composition of the metal load on the biotic ligand in metal mixtures can vary but still produce the same biological response. Tox incorporates the effects of solution composition and speciation (in particular, identities and total dissolved concentrations of toxicants); affinities of toxicants for the biotic ligand (KBL-metal); and weighting coefficients for toxicants into a single parameter. Values of Tox do not depend on the type of organism, but rather the response of an organism is related to Tox with increasing values of Tox producing more adverse responses. Organisms have different sensitivities to Tox. Tox provides an evaluation of the relative importance of toxicants in a mixture. That importance depends on the relative concentrations of dissolved metals in the mixture. The relative importance of toxicants in binary or multiple metal mixtures appear to be equal at unique dissolved metal ratios. 7 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:8 Background Our interest and collaboration in modeling the toxicity of metal mixtures followed investigations of the speciation and bioavailability of metals and toxicity testing with trout in stream water from the Coeur d’Alene River basin in northern Idaho, USA (Balistrieri and Blank 2008; Mebane et al. 2012). These streams contain elevated concentrations of dissolved Cd and Zn and lower concentrations of dissolved Pb. One matched series of tests from this work was particularly intriguing because the survival of trout at a given concentration of Zn depended on the absence or presence of other metals (Cd and Pb) in solution; specifically, Zn alone is more toxic than mixtures of Zn with either Cd or Pb, or in mixtures with all three metals (Zn, Cd, and Pb) (Figure 1). Thus, survival depends on the composition of the metal mixture. Index 6, mixture series #1 (tests 125, 136-138) Zn Zn+Pb Zn+Cd Zn+Pb+Cd 1.0 0.9 0.8 Survival Index 6, m 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 Survival 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 200 400 0 Zn (µg/L) 1.0 Figure 1. Cutthroat trout survival in relation to Zn with or without secondary additions of Cd or Pb. 0.9 1.0 Secondary additions of Cd and Pb were at about 0.6 µg/L Cd and about 100 µg/L Pb, which were about Zn 0.5 times the expected 0.8 0.9EC50 for Cd and Pb. The apparent toxicity of Zn declined when tested in the Zn+Pb presence of Cd and Pb under these conditions. Error bars show ranges of responses across replicates, Zn+Cd 0.8 0.7 data from Mebane et al. (2012), also referred to as “Data Index 6” in this report. Zn+Pb+Cd 0.7 0.6 Using biotic 0.6 ligand model calculations, we also looked at metal loading and speciation of 0.5 biotic ligands at 50% mortality in a series of studies that examined toxicity of metal mixtures Survivalto Ceriodaphnia dubia0.5 (Cooper et al. 2009). These calculations indicated that the fraction of total 0.4 Survival biotic ligand occupied 0.4 by metal [Σ(BLmetal/BLtotal)] and the composition (or speciation) of metal 0.3 on the biotic ligand in metal mixtures vary, but still produce the same endpoint (i.e., 50% 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 8 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.00 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:9 mortality) (Figure 2). In other words, there is no unique lethal accumulation of metal at 50% mortality (LA50). This modeling-based conclusion has experimental support. In toxicity testing and radiolabeled uptake experiments of Cd and Pb with rainbow trout, Birceanu et al. (2008) found that there was greater Pb than Cd binding to the gill when the trout were exposed to Pb or Cd either individually or in two-metal mixtures. Yet, despite greater loading of Pb relative to Cd and with a Pb 96-h LC50 that is approximately 100-fold greater than that of Cd, it was clear that the acute toxicity of Pb was substantially less than that of Cd. The LA50 for Pb was about 50% of the measured maximal Pb-gill binding capacities (Bmax), whereas the LA50 for Cd was about 10% of the measured Bmax (Birceanu et al. 2008). Figure 2. Variations in the sum of the fractions of total biotic ligand sites (BL total) sites occupied by metal (BLmetal) and in the speciation of biotic ligands of C. dubia at LC50 in solutions with metal mixtures using our multiple-toxicant BLM. Metal loading on the biotic ligand ranges from 0.6 to 7.8% at 50% mortality, and the speciation varies depending on the solution composition. The toxicity tests contain the following metal mixtures: tests 1-3 (Cu+Pb); test 4 (Cu+Pb+Zn); test 5 (Cu+Zn); and tests 6-7 (Pb+Zn). The conclusion that a given biological effect, such as 50% mortality, can result from greatly differing measured or calculated metal loading on the biotic ligand challenges a key assumption of the toxic unit approach for predicting mixture toxicity based on additivity of metals bound to the biotic ligand. For example, (Playle 2004) illustrated the toxic unit approach for metal mixtures in which mortality was modeled to occur when 50% of the total binding sites were occupied by metals. Stockdale et al (2010) devised a function called FTOX to incorporate differences in apparent inherent toxicity of different metals, in addition to differences in metal loading. Stockdale et al. (2010) used FTOX to predict stream benthic macroinvertebrate diversity. In our present study, as well as recently in Balistrieri et al. (2012), we adapted their FTOX to use with toxicity data, but because our approaches for determining metal loads on the biotic ligand 9 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:10 are not identical, we call our adaptation ”Tox”. Our development of Tox is primarily detailed in Part 2. Thus, to account for differences in solution composition, speciation of the biotic ligand, and survival of biota in metal mixtures, a modeling approach that predicts toxicity of such solutions should define: (1) the speciation of the biotic ligand, most likely including competition among multiple metal toxicants at the biotic ligand; (2) a function that relates the composition of the solution and speciation of the biotic ligand to biological response; and (3) a process for identifying metals that are killers of aquatic organisms and those that are bystanders in metal mixtures. The following two major sections discuss our modeling approach for addressing these issues and the results of our modeling efforts. The first section describes our development of five new biotic ligand models with a common set of equilibrium constants that define interactions among dissolved cations and a single type of biotic ligand using water quality and toxicity data from single metal systems. We chose a biotic ligand model (BLM) approach to evaluate loading of toxicants on the biological receptor. Although biotic ligand models have been successfully developed to predict metal loading and acute toxicity of a single dissolved metal to test organisms (Paquin et al. 2002), BLMs that consider competition among multiple toxic metals (e.g., Cd, Pb, and Zn) at the biotic ligand and responses of aquatic organisms and communities exposed to metal-mixtures are not as well developed (Playle 2004). Following the work of Playle (2004), we integrate the five BLMs by using the common set of equilibrium constants in a multiple-toxicant BLM. The second section places the multiple-toxicant BLM into a larger modeling framework for assessing toxicity of metal mixtures to aquatic organisms. The framework is discussed and then applied to the seven data sets provided by ILZRO. The results and the insight gained from those results are discussed for each data set. Part 1: Developing a common set of equilibrium constants for cation-biotic ligand interactions for use in a multiple-toxicant BLM A key simplifying assumption of Playle’s (2004) multiple-metal modeling approach is that there is a common mechanism of toxicity among different metals. That is, Playle (2004) assumed that Cd, Co, Pb, Zn, Ag, and Cu all interrupted Ca homeostasis in fish, even though Ag and Cu had been previously shown to interrupt Na homeostasis. More recent multiple metals uptake experiments support Playle’s assumption of interacting mechanisms of uptake and toxicity (Alsop and Wood 2011). While Cd and Zn previously have been shown to reduce Ca2+ uptake (Niyogi and Wood 2004a), Cu and Ni uptake experiments with zebrafish also decreased Ca2+ uptake, suggesting that the epithelial transport of all these metals is through Ca2+ pathways. The toxicity from Cd, Zn, Cu, and Ni was due to total ion loss (predominantly Na+) (Alsop and Wood 2011). Similarly, Komjarova and Blust (2008; 2009) found that with both zebrafish and Daphnia magna exposed to Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, the mostly negative interactions among the metals were those with similar interaction mechanisms among the metals and cell tissues. Our first step in developing new single-metal BLMs with a common set of equilibrium constants was to compile equilibrium constants (KBL-cation) for interactions among cations (H, Na, Ca, Mg, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and biotic ligands and other BLM parameters (e.g., maximum biotic ligand sites, lethal accumulation at 50% mortality) that were previously determined in 10 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:11 single toxicant systems. Some of these equilibrium constants were estimated experimentally through radiolabeled uptake studies (e.g., Playle et al. 1993; Alsop and Wood 2000; Niyogi et al. 2008) and others were estimated from toxicity data with cladocerans that independently varied the concentrations of cations, such as H+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+. In this approach, mortality is assumed to result from critical levels of binding at a site of action, and the stability constants for competing ions are calculated by assuming a linear relation between the metal concentration causing a toxic effect and the concentration of individual competing ions (H+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+) (e.g., De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2002). These approaches provide a range of equilibrium constants for (1) the same metal toxicant; (2) metal toxicants considered to have similar modes of toxicity, such as Cd, Pb, and Zn that act as calcium ionoregulatory disruptors; and (3) presumably non-toxic cations (Ca, Na, Mg) (Table 1) . However, to evaluate toxicity in multiple toxicant systems with a single type of biotic ligand and to assess the role of competition of multiple toxicants at the biotic ligand, a common set of equilibrium constants is needed to describe simultaneous interactions among all cations and the biotic ligand. 11 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:12 Table 1. Examples of equilibrium constants for biotic ligand-cation complexes (log KBL-cation) The equilibrium constants are for the following reactions: BL- + cation+n = BL-cation+(n-1) and BL- + cation+n + H2O = BL-cationOH+(n-2) + H+. Cd #1 Cd #2 Pb Zn #1 Zn #2 6.7 4. 6.6 6.7 4.5 4. 3.8 3.8 Log K (BL-Mg+) 3.5 4. 3.8 Log K (BL-Na) 3. 3.5 2. Log K (BL-H) Log K (BL-Ca+) Log K (BL-Cd+) 3.9 8. Zn #3 Zn #4 Cu #1 Cu #2 6.4 5.4 6.67 4.9 3.8 3.5 4.4 2.9 3.5 Ni 6.7 5.0 3.6 4.0 4.5 3.3 3.6 4.0 4.0 2.6 3 3.0 3.5 2.91 8.6 Log K (BL-Pb+) Playle’s 2004 Uniform BLM #1 8.6 6. 6.0 Log K (BL-PbOH) 5.5 Log K (BL-Zn+) 5.5 -3.8 Log K (BL-ZnOH) 5.5 5.4 -3.8 -2.4 Log K (BL-Cu+) Log K (BL-CuOH) 5.6 7.4 8.02 -1.3 0.50 7.4 4.0 Log K (BL-Ni+) Log K (BL-NiOH) BLtotal (nmol/gwet) 0.62 8 % DOC reactive with metal 60% 100% 6.5 ~35-60 30 50% 8.3 100% 30 30 30 100% 100 100% 30 50% 1000 100% 5 100% Cd #1 - (Niyogi et al. 2008); Cd #2 - HydroQual unpub; Pb #1 - (Macdonald et al. 2002); Zn #1-(HydroQual 2004); Zn #2 (De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2004a); Zn 3: (Clifford and McGeer 2009); Zn 4: (DeForest and Van Genderen 2012); Cu #1:(USEPA 2007); Cu #2 (De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2004b); Ni #1: (Keithly et al. 2004); Uniform BLM #1 (Playle 2004). To address this need, equilibrium constants for all biotic ligand-cation interactions were re-evaluated using data from single metal toxicity studies on rainbow and cutthroat trout. This effort involved (1) compiling LC50 data for single metal (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and associated water compositions (i.e., all “default BLM” data) from USGS and previous studies (150+ tests); (2) determining free ion activities of H, Na, Mg, Ca, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn for the solutions using WHAM 7 and a constant conversion factor from dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to dissolved organic matter (DOM); and (3) developing an interactive spreadsheet based on the equations in De Schamphelaere and Janssen (2002) and De Schamphelaere et al. (De Schamphelaere et al. 2002, 2003) to determine equilibrium constants for biotic ligand-cation interactions and the fraction of biotic ligand sites occupied by metal at 50% mortality by selected 12 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:13 “factors-testing” of the data and later by minimizing the difference between observed and predicted LC50 values using SOLVER in Excel. An important concept in the BLM approach is that the critical concentration of metal on the biotic ligand associated with a given level of effect, e.g., LA50, should be independent of the solution water chemistry. That is, the BLM is considered to be valid only if the LA50 values for an organism are the same over the entire range of tested water chemistry (Di Toro et al. 2001). Following that concept and the approach above and using toxicity tests conducted across a range of dilution chemistries, we iteratively varied log K values to try to find a common set of log K values that (1) gave similar LA50 values as fractions of total biotic ligand (BLtotal) for Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, (2) gave LA50 fractions independent of water concentrations of H, Ca, Mg, Na, DOC, and (3) seemed plausible in relation to other experimentally derived values. Figure 3. Zinc toxicity as LA50 values versus Ca concentrations, contrasting calculations using initial and optimized BL-Ca log K values of 3.6 (left) and 5.0 (right). LA50 values are metal accumulations on the gill associated with 50% mortality. In Figure 3 we compare Zn toxicity to rainbow trout in “factors” testing, i.e., studies in which Ca was manipulated, but most other variables were nearly constant. (In some cases, water hardness was manipulated, so that Ca, Mg, and alkalinity were changing in unison). The datasets were limited to tests using different solution chemistries as part of the same study or at least from related studies conducted in the same lab to reduce the confounding influence of factors unrelated to solution water that may affect toxicity, such as fish size or age (Chapman 1978; Bradley and Sprague 1985; Cusimano et al. 1986; Hansen et al. 2002; Brinkman and Hansen 2004; De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2004a; Todd et al. 2009). 13 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:14 log K (BL-H) = 6.7 log K (BL-Na) = 4 log K (BL-Mg) = 4.4 log K (BL-Ca) = 3.6 log K (BL-Cd) = 8.1 log K (BL-Cu) = 7.6 log K (BL-CuOH) = 0.62 log K (BL-Pb) = 6.3 log K (BL-PbOH) = -1.3 log K (BL-Zn) = 5.6 log K (BL-ZnOH)= -3.8 log K (BL-H) = 6.7 log K (BL-Na) = 4 log K (BL-Mg) = 4.4 log K (BL-Ca) = 5 log K (BL-Cd) = 8.1 log K (BL-Cu) = 7.6 log K (BL-CuOH) = 0.62 log K (BL-Pb) = 6.3 log K (BL-PbOH) = -1.3 log K (BL-Zn) = 5.6 log K (BL-ZnOH)= -3.8 Cd Pb Zn Cu Cd Pb Zn Cu Avg LA50 as percentage of BL-total (BL-Me/BL-tot 14% 13% 18% 13% Avg LA50 as percentage of BL-total (BL-Me/BL-tot 4.2% 4.1% 4.1% 4.1% CV 66% 105% 72% 85% CV 56% 117% 77% 79% Figure 4. Cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc toxicity as LA50 values versus dissolved Ca concentrations using initial and optimized BL-Ca log K values of 3.6 and 5.0, respectively. Setting the log K BL-Ca value to 5.0 minimized the slope of Ca concentration versus LA50 values and resulted in similar LA50 values for all metals. Single metal datasets are described in the appendix. 14 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:15 If the log K for BL-Ca was assumed to be 3.6, then the LA50 fractions vary from 0.05 – 0.40, a factor of 8, and increase with increasing Ca concentrations. This result is directly in conflict with the “validity test” of Di Toro et al. (2001). When the BL-Ca log K was iteratively increased to 5.0 using the interactive spreadsheet and holding other parameters constant, then the pattern of increasing LA50 values with increasing Ca concentrations was largely eliminated. In Figure 4, we move beyond these well matched tests with varying Ca and Zn concentrations and include Cd, Cu, and Pb. When the BL-Ca log K value was set at 3.6, a similar pattern of increasing LA50 values with Ca concentrations is apparent with average LA50 values ranging from 13 to 18%. Changing the BL-Ca log K to 5.0 reduces the variability in LA50 with most values between 3 and 6%. Similar sequential comparisons across tests that had specifically varied H, Mg, Na concentrations were made with the objective of obtaining a slope of zero across the range of test values and minimizing the average coefficient of variability (CV) of the LA50 estimates for Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. The BL-Cd log K was similarly estimated. Free metal ions (Me2+) typically are considered the toxic form of the metal (Di Toro et al. 2001), but the first hydrolysis species (MeOH+) of at least Cu, Pb, and Zn likely are also toxic (Niyogi and Wood 2004a). To jointly optimize the log K values for biotic ligand interactions with Me2+ and MeOH+, we also used SOLVER to minimize the CVs of the LA50 values. We experimented using SOLVER to optimize all variables simultaneously, but this was unwieldy because of the many constraints needed. The first iteration of developing our new BLMs did not include Ni. However, in order to model mixtures containing Ni, we developed a new BLM for Ni. Because of the cumulative approach to constructing the models, we assumed that equilibrium constants for biotic ligand interactions with several cations (H+, Na+, Mg+2, and Ca+2) that we had previously optimized in the other BLMS could also be used in determining log K values for Ni. In other words, the only parameters we optimized during our evaluation of Ni toxicity data were log K values for BL-Ni and BL-NiOH (see details in Appendix 1). A summary of reactions, log K values, and the fraction of total biotic ligand occupied by metal in single metal toxicity experiments are summarized in Table 2. 15 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:16 Table 2. Summary of reactions and associated log K values for biotic ligand (BL-) interactions with cations determined from single metal toxicity data and used in a multiple-toxicant Biotic Ligand Model to predict toxicity of metal mixtures. The fractions of total biotic ligand sites occupied by metal at 50% mortality (f_50% mortality) in single metals tests also are summarized. Constant log K (BL-H) = log K (BL-Na) = log K (BL-Mg) = log K (BL-Ca) = log K (BL-Cd) = log K (BL-Cu) = log K (BL-CuOH) = log K (BL-Ni) = log K (BL-NiOH) = log K (BL-Pb) = log K (BL-PbOH) = log K (BL-Zn) = log K (BL-ZnOH) = 6.70 4.00 4.40 5.00 8.10 7.60 0.62 4.04 -2.58 6.30 -1.30 5.60 -3.80 Reaction BL- + H+ = BL-H BL- + Na+ = BL-Na BL- + Mg+2 = BL-Mg+ BL- + Ca+2 = BL-Ca+ BL- + Cd+2 = BL-Cd+ BL- + Cu+2 = BL-Cu+ BL- + Cu+2 + H2O = BL-CuOH+ + H+ BL- + Ni+2 = BL-Ni+ BL- + Ni+2 + H2O = BL-NiOH+ + H+ BL- + Pb+2= BL-Pb+ BL- + Pb+2 + H2O = BL-PbOH+ + H+ BL- + Zn+2 = BL-Zn+ BL- + Zn+2 + H2O = BL-ZnOH+ + H+ f_50% mortality f_50% mortality f_50% mortality f_50% mortality f_50% mortality f_50% mortality 0.035 0.027 0.113 0.014 0.015 0.019 Cd Cu-rainbow trout Cu-cutthroat trout Ni Pb Zn Overall our optimization approach yielded log K values for BLM calculations that are quite similar to those previously determined by uptake experiments. In Figure 5 we compare our equilibrium constants for cation-biotic ligand interactions with published log K values and rainbow trout acute LC50 values. This comparison emphasizes the strong correlation between metal binding affinities and toxicity to trout, with Ag being most toxic and Ni least toxic. 16 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:17 Figure 5. Acute toxicity of metals to rainbow trout relative to the biotic ligand-metal equilibrium constants (log K (BL-Me)) derived for the multiple-metal BLM (our study) and literature values (Alsop and Wood 2000; Pane et al. 2003a; Rogers et al. 2003; Niyogi and Wood 2004a). Part 2: Assessing Toxicity and Identifying the Relative Importance of Toxicants in Metal Mixtures Modeling Approach Modeling the toxicity of metal mixtures to aquatic organisms spans the gap between measured solution composition and measured biological response to that solution. The toxicity studies using trout and BLM calculations using the C. dubia dataset (Figure 2) suggested that a model of a dose-response curve should (1) define the chemical speciation of the test solution and the biological receptor and (2) provide mathematical functions that relate the chemical speciation of the solution and biological receptor to survivability of aquatic organisms. In addition, the results of the model fit should provide insight into the relative importance that individual metals in a mixture play in producing toxic conditions. 17 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:18 Solution Composition WHAM 7 Biotic Ligand Speciation Solution Speciation free ion activities (H, Na, Mg, Ca, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) Biotic Ligand Model (competitive, multiple toxicant) (fH, fCd, fCu, fNi, fPb, fZn) Toxicity Coefficients Tox = S(acation * fcation) (aH, aCd, aCu, aNi, aPb, aZn ) Mortality or Growth Retardation cation = H, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn Dose-Response Equation (Generalized Logit I) Importance of Each Toxicant = (acation * fcation) /Tox Figure 6. Overview of our multiple-toxicant BLM-Tox approach. We developed a modeling approach, called Biotic Ligand Model-Tox, to address these issues. The primary components of the approach are illustrated in Figure 6 and include: Windermere Humic Aqueous Model 7 (WHAM 7), which is used to determine the chemical speciation of the solutions (Tipping et al. 2011; Lofts 2012); Multiple-toxicant BLM, which was described in the previous section and is used to define the chemical speciation of the biotic ligand in single metal solutions and metal mixtures; Tox function, which “weights” the loading of hydrogen and metal toxicants on the biotic ligand (Stockdale et al. 2010) and is used to evaluate the relative importance of individual toxicants on overall toxicity; and Generalized Logit I (Scholze et al. 2001), a logistic equation that links Tox to biological response (i.e., mortality or growth retardation). A description of each of these components is below. WHAM 7 WHAM 7 is a computer program that is used to determine the chemical speciation of each solution at equilibrium (Tipping et al. 2011; Lofts 2012). The program considers both inorganic and organic complexation with cations. Several assumptions are used in the calculations. First, dissolved organic matter (DOM) is assumed to be 50% dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and 10% of DOM is humic acid (HA) and 90% of DOM is fulvic acid (HA) (Thurman 1985). Only 65% of DOC is reactive or complexes with metals, on the average 18 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:19 (Bryan et al. 2002). Thus, the conversion from DOC (mg/L) to HA and FA (g/L), which are the inputs to WHAM 7, is HA = 2*0.1*0.65*0.001*DOC and FA = 2*0.9*0.65*0.001*DOC. Second, the solutions collected in the field are assumed to be in equilibrium with amorphous iron and aluminum hydroxides [Fe(OH)3 and Al(OH)3]. The activity of dissolved Al+3 is calculated using a solubility product of 108.5 at 25ºC for aluminum oxide [Al(OH)3 + 3H+ = Al+3 + 3H2O], which is corrected for temperature using an enthalpy of -107 kJ/mole (Tipping et al. 2002; Tipping 2005). The activity of dissolved Fe+3 is determined from an empirical equation that includes a temperature correction (Lofts et al. 2008). The calculated activities of the free Al+3 and Fe+3 ions are inputs to WHAM 7 along with temperature, pH, and measured or estimated concentrations of major ions (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, SO4, total CO3), organic matter (HA, FA), and minor ions (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) for each solution. The output of interest to this study is the free ion activities of H, Na, Mg, Ca, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in each solution. Multiple -Toxicant BLM The speciation of the biotic ligand in each solution is calculated using the free ion activities of the cations (H, Na, Mg, Ca, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) determined from WHAM 7, a mass balance of total biotic ligand sites, which includes the concentrations of the free (BL-) and complexed (BL-cation) biotic ligand, and equilibrium constants and equations for biotic ligandcation interactions (Table 2) (see appendix 2 for equations). Both competitive and noncompetitive interactions among the toxicants (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) are considered. The result of the calculations is the determination of the fraction of total biotic ligand that is complexed by each cation (fcation = [BL-cation]/[BLtotal]) at equilibrium. Tox As previously indicated with the C. dubia data set (Figure 2), the amount of toxicant load and the composition of that load on the biotic ligand can vary for the same biological endpoint. Thus, a function is needed that weights the load so that the value of the function is the same for different solution compositions at a given biological response. Based on the work of Stockdale et al (2010), a function, called Tox, is defined that incorporates the load of hydrogen and metal toxicants on the biotic ligand and their associated weighting coefficients: Tox = S(ai * fi) where a is an ion-specific weighting coefficient, f is the fraction of biotic ligand occupied by an ion i, and i is H, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, or Zn. This function incorporates the effects of composition (e.g., total concentrations, suites, and ratios of toxicants) and chemical speciation of the solution on the amount, composition, and toxicity of the toxicants on the biotic ligand. It also provides an evaluation of the relative importance (RI) of each toxicant to the Tox function: RIi = (ai * fi)/Tox 19 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:20 Generalized Logit I Numerous versions of sigmoidal concentration-response curves, including Probit, Logit, or Weibull functions, are used to model acute toxicity to aquatic organisms(Christensen 1984; Scholze et al. 2001; Trögl and Benediktová 2011). A characteristic of Probit and Logit functions is that they are symmetric relative to the median response (e.g., 50% mortality). Alternately, a Weibull function and extended Logit functions that include a third adjustable parameter are asymmetrical, and therefore, apply to a larger family of curves (Scholze et al. 2001) In our modeling approach, we use the Generalized Logit I equation with three adjustable parameters (Scholze et al. 2001): 𝐹= 1 (1 + exp[−𝑛])𝛽3 where F = biological response (i.e., fractional mortality or growth retardation), n = β1 + [β2*log (Tox)], and β1, β2, and β3 are constants. To summarize our approach for modeling the toxicity of metal mixtures, we developed a common set of equilibrium constants for biotic ligand-cation interactions from single metal toxicity studies (Part I, Table 2). These constants along with solution speciation determined by WHAM 7 are used in a multiple-toxicant BLM to determine the speciation of biotic ligands in solutions with metal mixtures. BLM calculations indicate that the speciation and amount of metal on the biotic ligand in different metal mixtures can vary, but still result in the same mortality. Thus, we define a toxicity function (Tox) that weights the loading of each metal and hydrogen on the biotic ligand through weighting coefficients. Then, Tox is related to mortality through a logistic equation. The primary toxicant is assessed by evaluating each term in the Tox function. Note that in contrast to a “traditional” BLM, our multiple-toxicant BLM does not predict toxicity or water quality criteria. It is only a tool to determine the speciation of the biotic ligand. Tox and the logistic equation relate loading of metals and hydrogen ions to mortality, and are used to determine the weighting coefficients and logistic parameters. This research was presented at the 2010 SETAC meeting in Portland (Balistrieri and Mebane 2010; Mebane et al. 2010a) and the June 2011 Metal Mixtures Workshop in Toronto. Our approach for evaluating toxicity of metal mixtures was incorporated into a paper that was recently published in Science of the Total Environment (Balistrieri et al. 2012) Determination of α and β values The unknowns are the weighting coefficients (αi) for the toxicants and three logistic parameters (β1, β2, β3). Their values are determined by minimizing the absolute difference between observed and predicted fractional mortality or growth retardation (F) for the data sets using SOLVER in Excel. Toxicity data from single (if available) as well as multiple metal solutions were included in the fit to each data set, except for Index 8 where the metal mixture data were evaluated. We could not fit the single and multiple metal data together from Index 8, although a fit could be obtained to each sub-index (HS6 and HS7). Our initial hypotheses were that values of αi are intrinsic to the metal, not the organism whereas the logistic parameters are specific to the organism. Thus, there should be a single set of αi values for all project datasets and logistic parameters should vary among the datasets. A sequential approach was taken in determining the weighting coefficients. Index 6 was used to 20 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:21 determine αH, αCd, αPb, and αZn and the logistic parameters for that dataset. Then, those αi values were used in Index 4 to determine αCu and the logistic parameters for that dataset. The value for αNi was determined from Index 7 as well as the logistic parameters for that dataset. Finally, the determined set of αi values was used to evaluate logistic parameters for Index 1, 5, 8, and 9. The results indicate that there is a consistent set of αi values across the datasets, except for Index 5 where αCd is 1 order of magnitude lower than αCd for the other datasets (Table 3). The weighting coefficient for hydrogen is insignificant, and the logistic parameters depend on the organism of interest. 21 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:22 Table 3. Fitting parameters (i.e., weighting coefficients (α) and logistic constants (β values) ) for Tox versus biological response, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) for predicted and observed biological response, the number (n) of samples included in each fit, and calculated values for Tox at 20 (Tox20) and 50 (Tox50) % biological response for the project data sets. Index 1-Hyalella Index 1-Mussel Index 4-D. magna Index 5-D. pulex Index 6-trout Index 7-algae Index 8-algae-HS6 Index 8-algae-HS7 Index 8-algae combined Index 7 & 8 Index 9-lettuce aH set to 0 set to 0 set to 0 set to 0 0.00 set to 0 set to 0 set to 0 set to 0 set to 0 set to 0 aCd 1.91 1.91 1.91 0.19 1.91 1.91 0.09 0.12 1.91 1.91 aCu 4.78 4.78 4.78 aNi 7.23 7.23 4.78 0.31 0.62 4.78 4.78 4.78 7.23 22.84 5.89 7.23 7.23 aPb 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47 aZn 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 0.55 12.70 3.03 3.03 3.03 b1 10.00 1.28 6.59 4.82 7.28 5.45 3.26 4.56 1.01 2.37 0.00 22 b2 7.12 3.00 9.09 5.19 5.99 4.71 3.63 2.24 1.89 1.62 7.70 b3 3.88 1.01 1.03 1.97 2.84 2.74 0.83 3.26 1.57 4.28 0.34 Pearson r 0.725 0.947 0.841 0.604 0.806 0.916 0.911 0.953 0.873 0.876 0.923 n 62 40 561 101 356 33 57 57 12 46 122 Tox20 0.049 0.131 0.134 0.106 0.068 0.077 0.041 0.015 0.144 0.106 0.248 Tox50 0.067 0.378 0.190 0.173 0.100 0.128 0.107 0.040 0.597 0.410 0.572 Notes constrained b1 constrained b2 data set used to fix a for Cu data set used to fix a for Cd, Pb, Zn data set used to fix a for Ni mixtures only Index 8 mixtures + Index 7 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:23 Key Concepts of Our Modeling Approach Several key concepts of our approach will be illustrated with a synthetic binary metal (Cd, Zn) data set resembling Index 6. This exercise was done to gain insight into model results while minimizing the variability of the dose-response relationships observed in many of the project data sets. Two hundred samples, representing the range of dissolved Cd and Zn concentrations in Index 6, were generated for waters with the major ion and DOC composition of the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River (series 146). These samples were run through our modeling approach using the weighting coefficients for Cd and Zn and logistic parameters for trout determined from fitting the single and multiple metal data (i.e., loads and Tox) in the Index 6 project dataset. Single metal and binary metal mixtures were considered in the synthetic dataset as well as competition and no competition of multiple toxicants at the biotic ligand. The first comparison examines competition of multiple toxicants at the biotic ligand. The loading of metal on the biotic ligand in the non-competitive case exceeds the competitive case at fractional loadings greater than ~0.1, but only by a small amount (maximum ratio of total toxicant load in the non-competitive to competitive cases = 1.17 at total fractional loads of 0.31 and dissolved concentrations of 22 and 3100 µg/L Cd and Zn, respectively) (Figure 7a). As indicated by the bubble size, Cd and Zn equally contribute to the total metal load at the largest metal loads, which is consistent with optimal conditions for competition between the metals at the biotic ligand. In addition, mortality increases with increasing metal loads (Figure 7b). The implication is that competition among multiple toxicants at the biotic ligand can occur, but only at large metal loads and when toxicants equally or nearly equally contribute to that load. However, mortality of all organisms also occurs at these large metal loads. The specific speciation and total metal load on the biotic ligand, which are determined by solution composition and affinity of metals for biotic ligands (i.e., KBL-metal), appear to be important factors in determining differences in biological response between single and multiple metal solutions (Figure 8). In the synthetic data set, the fractional metal load at 50% mortality of trout in single metal systems is 4.6 and 3.3% for Cd and Zn, respectively. These values are analogous to LA50 values in traditional BLMs. The fractional metal load at 50% mortality in the mixtures is ~5.9%. This fractional load represents a combination of binding by Cd and Zn, and is less than the sum of the loads in the individual metal solutions at 50% mortality (7.9%). In addition, the specific combination of Cd and Zn on the biotic ligand at 50% mortality depends on the dissolved metal ratios. As the ratio of dissolved Cd to Zn concentration increases, there is more Cd relative to Zn bound on the biotic ligand (Figure 8b). The main premise of the Tox approach is that variability in the amount and composition of complexes with the biotic ligand at a given biological response is incorporated into the Tox value. Once metal loading on the biotic ligand and weighting coefficients for each metal are considered, then data for single and multiple metal solutions fall along a single, smooth line; that is, Tox versus fractional biological response (Figure 9). Alternately, the same Tox value represents a given biological response (e.g., 50% mortality) whether the solution contains single or multiple metals. Tox at 50% mortality in the synthetic dataset is ~0.1. The second characteristic of Tox is that it provides information on the relative importance of toxicants in metal mixtures to the Tox value. The relative importance of metal toxicants is a function of their identity (e.g., Cd or Cu in combination with Zn), which influences their affinity for the biotic ligand and weighting coefficient, and solution composition, including dissolved 23 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:24 metal concentrations and, particularly, the ratio of dissolved metal concentrations (Figure 9). The synthetic dataset suggests that the relative importance of Cd or Zn to Tox is equal when dissolved Cd to Zn concentrations ([Cd]/[Zn] in M/M) are ~ 0.003 – 0.004. Below that ratio, Zn dominates Tox, whereas above that ratio, Cd is the dominant contributor to Tox – although each metal plays some role in producing water quality conditions over the range of dissolved metal ratios. Figure 7. Comparison of total metal load on the biotic ligand considering competition and no competition between Cd and Zn for the biotic ligand in the synthetic binary metal (Cd, Zn) data set resembling Index 6. A) The bubble size indicates the relative importance (RI) of [BL-Cd] and [BL-Zn] to total metal load. Inset shows deviation from 1 to 1 line; i.e., non-competitive case has greater metal load than competitive case. Competition occurs at large metal loads that are caused by large dissolved metal concentrations, and when each metal contributes about equally to metal load on the biotic ligand. B) The bubble size indicates fractional mortality for fractional metal loads < 0.2. 24 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:25 A B Figure 8. A) Total metal load on the biotic ligand for single metal (Cd or Zn) and mixtures of Cd and Zn in the synthetic binary metal (Cd, Zn) data set resembling Index 6. B) Total and relative loads of Cd and Zn for 11 tests at ~50% mortality and associated dissolved Cd to Zn ratios in the synthetic binary metal (Cd, Zn) data set resembling Index 6 A B C Figure 9. A) Total fractional metal load on the biotic ligand for single metal (Cd or Zn) and mixtures of Cd and Zn in the synthetic binary metal (Cd, Zn) data set resembling Index 6. B) Tox versus fractional mortality in the synthetic data set. C) Relative importance of Cd and Zn to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cd to Zn ratio in the mixtures in the synthetic data set. 25 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:26 Model Fits and Relative Importance of Toxicants in Project Data Sets With the key concepts in mind, we now examine the project data sets in two complementary ways. First, a global overview is taken that looks at (1) model fits to all data in each Index and (2) the relative importance of each toxicant in metal mixtures for each Index. Second, the focus is on model fits and results for selected paired single and multiple metal series in Index 4, 6, and 9. Index 1: Hyalella azteca and fatmucket mussel tested in sediment porewaters Index 1 contains five potential toxicants (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in porewater from the TriState Mining District and 28-day survival data for two organisms (Hyalella azteca (amphipod) and Lampsilis siliquoidea (mussel)] (Ingersoll et al. 2008). Because the solutions contain near detection levels of dissolved sulfide concentrations and the important role that sulfide plays in dissolved metal speciation, we spoke with the analyst (Bill Brumbaugh, USGS) on the Tri-State project. He said that porewater did not smell of sulfide at the time of collection. This is important because smelling sulfide is a more sensitive method than most analytical methods for determining total concentrations of dissolved sulfide. Based on this information, we decided not to include sulfide as a ligand in the solution speciation calculations. Metal loads on the biotic ligand and Tox are the same for both sets of toxicity data because these parameters only depend on solution composition, the common set of equilibrium constants in the multiple-toxicant BLM, and the universal set of α values. The factor that differs between the Hyalella and mussel data is the biological response of each organism to the metal loads; i.e., the relationship between Tox and mortality as reflected in the logistic parameters. The model fit between Tox and biological response for the mussel data is better than the fit to the Hyalella data (Figure 10a and b), although the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between predicted and observed mortalities are above 0.7 (significant at the 0.01 level) for both data sets. The range in contributions of each toxicant to Tox indicates that Cd, Cu, and Zn are important, whereas the contributions from Ni and Pb are almost negligible (Figure 10c). However, no pattern in the relative importance of toxicants is distinguishable in the bubble graphs for Tox versus mortality (Figure 10a and b). For example, at the two highest Tox values in the mussel data, either Cd or Zn is the most important contributor to Tox. On the other hand, the relative importance of Zn and Cd plus Cu to Tox clarifies when the data are plotted versus the ratio of dissolved molar concentrations of Cd to Zn (Figure 10d). In general, Cd and Zn are the major players, whereas Cu has a supporting role in producing toxic conditions in the porewater. The transition from Zn dominance to Cd plus Cu dominance occurs at a dissolved Cd to Zn ratio of 0.002 to 0.003. Modeling does not address sub-lethal responses The Tox50 for these datasets was 0.07 for Hyalella and 0.38 for Lampsilis siliquoidea, indicating that for the survival endpoint, Hyalella were considerably more sensitive in this study than were the mussels. However, this conclusion has to be limited to the survival endpoint and for these particular metal mixture combinations in which Zn and Cd tended to contribute most to toxicity. We did not attempt to model sub-lethal responses because of time constraints, although sub-lethal endpoints were available from this study for both the amphipod and mussel (length, dry weight/individual, and total biomass) (Ingersoll et al. 2008). This is important because sublethal responses of mussels to metals begin to occur at lower concentrations than survival, and 26 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:27 the relative differences between lethal and sub-lethal responses may be greater with mussels than for amphipods. Also, mussels appear to be more sensitive to Cu than to other metals, relative to other species (Ingersoll et al. 1998; Wang et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2011). Figure 10. Model results for Index 1. A) Tox versus fractional mortality for Hyalella aztca. B) Tox versus fractional mortality for mussel. C) Relative importance of each toxicant to Tox (term = (ametal*fmetal)/Tox). D) Relative importance of Zn versus Cd plus Cu to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cd to Zn ratio in the data set. 27 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:28 Index 4: Daphnia magna with Cd, Cu, and Zn Index 4 contains acute toxicity data for Daphnia magna in laboratory studies of paired single (Cd, Cu, Zn) and binary (Cu plus Cd or Zn) metal exposures. All tests were conducted in reconstituted moderately-hard water with hardness ranging from 72-103 mg/L, and with either ambient DOC concentrations of about 0.3 mg/L or with about 3.0 mg/L DOC, added as Suwannee River fulvic acid (Meyer et al. 2011). Tox versus fractional mortality data were fit for the entire dataset; only the mixture data are presented in the figures (Figure 11). The Pearson correlation coefficient (r = 0.84, n = 561) between predicted and observed mortalities is significant at the 0.01 level, although there is large variability in the dose-response relationship for this data set when all data rather than individual series are examined. This data set clearly illustrates that biological response may be the same despite differences in the speciation of the biotic ligand. For example, at 20% mortality, there are tests where Cd, Cu, or Zn is the primary metal contributing to Tox (Figure 11a). Similar observations are apparent at other mortality levels. When the relative importance of each toxicant in the binary mixtures is plotted versus the dissolved metal ratio, the relative importance of the metals to toxicity is equal (i.e., each contributes 50%) when [Cu]/[Cd] = 20-30 and [Cu]/[Zn] = 0.04-0.05 (Figure 11b and c). Cd or Zn is the primary contributor to Tox for metal ratios below those values, whereas Cu is the most important toxicant at ratios above those values. 28 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:29 Figure 11. Model results for Index 4. A) Tox versus fractional mortality for Daphnia magna in binary metal mixtures (Cu+Cd or Cu+Zn). B) Relative importance of Cu versus Cd to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cu to Cd ratio in the data set. C) Relative importance of Cu versus Zn to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cu to Zn ratio in the data set. Index 4: Focus We selected several concurrent test series to more closely examine the responses of Daphnia magna to Cu, Cd, and Zn, and our BLM-Tox model behavior. The test series shown were selected to contrast different responses occurring from different combinations of the same metals, and that each had a good mix of partial responses in both the individual and mixture exposures. We also include some illustrations of the classic concentration-addition, toxic unit approach (Sprague 1970) to evaluating mixture toxicity in contrast with the BLM-Tox modeling approach in Appendix 3. 29 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:30 The comparisons are illustrated in a series of figures that all follow the same format. The top rows show metal concentrations in water overlain by the observed mortalities and mortalities predicted by our BLM-Tox model; the middle rows show cumulative metals loading on the biotic ligand as a fraction of total binding sites, overlain by observed and predicted mortalities, and the bottom rows show the Tox values with observed and predicted mortalities. Error bars show response ranges across replicates (Figure 12). The apparent exposure strategy in Index 4 was to first determine the expected Cd, Cu, and Zn concentrations that would likely result in partial toxicity in a series of single metals tests. Then concurrent single and binary Cu+Cd and Cu+Zn mixture toxicity tests were conducted where one metal was held constant at a concentration expected to cause partial kills, and the second metal was “titrated” into it using geometrically increasing concentrations in the usual manner. Copper and cadmium - In test series Cu-Cd#12, Cd was titrated into a constant 40 µg/L Cu solution (Figure 12). For a given load or Tox value, the Cd+Cu mixtures were more toxic than individual metals. The BLM-Tox model predictions were mostly similar to observations except “Mix2” where effects were under-predicted. EC50s in the concurrent single metal test were estimated to be about 6.8 and 77µg/L for Cd and Zn, respectively, with DOC concentrations of about 2.8 mg/L. In Series Cu-Cd #16, #17, and #19, the above dosing regime was reversed with Cu titrated into constant Cd concentrations of about 5, 9, and 14 µg/L, respectively (Figures 13, 14, 15). In contrast to series Cu-Cd#12 in which Cd was added to Cu, mortality tended to decline with increasing Cu concentrations in series Cu-Cd#17 for a given load or Tox value to a point and then increased in the highest treatment. The observed Cu responses were consistent in these three series, but Cd responses were more variable. The BLM-Tox model predicted Cu toxicity well for the most part, whereas mortality due to Cd was either under- or over-predicted because of the drift in the apparent sensitivity of the Daphnia magna to Cd in series Cu-Cd#17 as compared to Cu-Cd#12. EC50 values in the Cu-Cd#16 Cd and Cu tests were about 4.8 and 99 µg/L, respectively; EC50 values in Cu-Cd#17 were about 15 µg/L Cd and 119 µg/L Cu; and EC50 values for the Cu-Cd#19 Cd and Cu tests were about 8.1 and 116 µg/L, respectively. DOC concentrations were about 3.4 mg/L in all three series. The most striking result of test series Cu-Cd #’s 16,17, and 19 is that addition of Cu to a baseline Cd concentration was expected to cause moderate to severe mortality (5, 9, or 15 µg/L Cd), but observations indicated that mortalities tended to decline. While responses in individual tests could be highly variable, the three series taken together provide persuasive evidence of reduced Cd mortality with Cu additions. While not illustrated here, responses from three additional series in which Cu was added to higher Cd baseline concentrations (11-27 µg/L Cd) generally supported this interpretation. These reductions in toxicity were not predicted by our BLM-Tox model or by the sum of metal loading on the biotic ligand. Poor predictions of reductions in mortality occur despite the fact that our BLM loading model includes direct competition between Cu and Cd for binding sites on the biotic ligand. Thus, we cannot attribute the apparent reductions in Cd toxicity from Cu additions by direct competition between Cu and Cd for binding sites on the biotic ligand. This is treated in more detail in the section, Competition of multiple toxicants at the biotic ligand. While our present evaluations do not necessarily suggest an alternative explanation, it is intriguing that Komjarova and Blust (2008) measured decreased Cu uptake in Daphnia magna when Cd was present. They also noted that these negative interactions could not be explained exclusively by direct competition for the 30 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:31 binding sites on the cell membrane, although they did not explain how this was deduced. Because uptake rates are sometimes associated with differences in sensitivity to metals toxicity (Niyogi and Wood 2004a; Niyogi and Wood 2004b), examining links between metal uptake rates and biological response seems like a useful line of further inquiry. Copper and zinc – Two Cu and Zn exposure scenarios are considered in detail. First, Cu was titrated into solutions with constant Zn concentrations (Cu-Zn #3, Figure 16), and second, Zn was titrated into solutions with constant Cu concentrations (Cu-Zn #7, Figure 17). In series Cu-Zn #3, Cu toxicity and toxicity of the Cu-Zn mixtures were predicted well by the BLM-Tox model. Zn toxicity was substantially under-predicted (Figure 16). For a given metal load or Tox value, Cu+Zn mixtures tended to have slightly higher mortalities than Cu alone. Sensitivity of Daphnia magna to Cu in series Cu-Zn #3 was similar to that in the Cu-Cd series discussed earlier, with an EC50 value of about 116 µg/L in water with DOC concentrations of about 3.0 mg/L. The Zn EC50 value was about 490 µg/L. In the Cu-Zn test series #7, observed mortalities for Daphnia magna tended to be more severe in the mixtures than for similar metal loads or Tox values in the single metal tests (Figure 17). Mortalities were substantially under-predicted for all mixture tests, and for exposures at low Cu concentrations. Zn toxicity was predicted accurately at the 50% mortality level, but was under-predicted at lower exposures. The Cu EC50 was about 14 µg/L and the Zn EC50 was about 930 µg/L. The low Cu EC50 cannot be easily compared with other Cu tests because DOC was only about 0.3 mg/L in this test series, and the other Cu tests conducted at low DOC were not ideal for estimating EC50s because of control mortalities or limited partial kills. 31 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:32 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities 100 300 1.0 90 90 250 80 Cd Cd (µg/L) (µg/L) Cd (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Predicted mortality Observed mortality 100 0.8 70 60 0.6 150 1.0 200 80 0.8 70 150 60 100 90 0.8 70 200 50 80 1.0 200 0.6 150 60 0.6 50 50 100 100 40 0.4 100 30 20 40 0.4 10 50 20 0.2 0.0 0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 0 0 Cu 1 Cd treatments 20 50 0.2 0 0.0 10 10 0 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 0.0 0 Cu 6 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cd + 40 µg/L Cu Cu treatments B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.8 0.5 BLMetal BLTotal 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.2 1.0 BL-Cu/BLtot BL-Cd/BLtot Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.0 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.06 0.0 0.00 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Cd treatments Mortality 0.2 0.2 0.02 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 1.0 0.8 0.04 0.0 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.1 Cd + 40 µg/L Cu Cu treatments C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.6 TOX 1.2 1.1 0.5 0.4 0.4 TOX fm Cu TOX fm Cd Predicted mortality Observed mortality 1.0 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 Cd treatments 0.6 0.7 0.6 Mortality 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.2 0.1 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.7 1.2 1.0 0.4 0.3 Mortality 0.4 30 30 0.2 50 40 Cu (µg/L) 0.0 0.0 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Cu treatments 0.0 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cd + 40 µg/L Cu Figure 12. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Cd + constant Cu (Index 4, series Cu-Cd #12). In this mixture series Cd was titrated into 40 µg/L Cu solution. Error bars show response ranges across replicates. 32 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:33 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities 120 300 1.0 Cd (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Predicted mortality Observed mortality 16 100 14 250 14 0.8 12 1.0 200 0.8 12 150 150 200 10 0.6 Cd (µg/L) 8 1.0 200 14 0.8 12 16 150 10 0.6 10 0.6 8 8 100 100 0.4 6 100 4 0.2 50 2 0.4 6 4 50 4 0.2 0.0 0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 Mortality 0.4 50 0.2 0 0.0 2 2 0 6 Cu (µg/L) 0 0 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cd Cu 4 Cu 5 0.0 0 Cu 6 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu + 5 µg/L Cd Cu B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.12 0.8 0.12 0.10 0.10 BLMetal BLTotal 0.14 0.6 0.08 0.06 0.4 0.04 1.0 BL-Cu/BLtot BL-Cd/BLtot Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.8 0.6 0.08 0.4 0.06 0.2 0.02 0.0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 0.0 0.00 0.6 0.08 Mortality 0.4 0.06 0.2 0.02 0.0 0.00 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Cd 0.8 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.12 0.10 0.2 0.02 1.0 0.14 Cu + 5 µg/L Cd Cu C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 1.2 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.6 1.0 0.4 TOX fm Cu TOX fm Cd Predicted mortality Observed mortality 1.0 0.3 Mortality TOX 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 Cd Figure 13. 0.0 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Cu 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu + 5 µg/L Cd D. magna mortalities following exposures to Cd and Cu, where Cu was titrated into constant 5 µg/L Cd (Index 4, series Cu-Cd #16). 33 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:34 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities 16 300 14 1.0 Cd (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Predicted mortality Observed mortality 16 14 250 0.8 12 1.0 200 0.8 12 150 150 200 Cd 10 (µg/L) 8 1.0 200 14 0.8 12 16 0.6 150 10 0.6 10 0.6 8 8 100 100 0.4 6 100 4 0.2 50 2 0.4 6 4 50 4 0.2 0.0 0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 0 0 Cu 1 Cd treatments Mortality 0.4 50 0.2 0 0.0 2 2 0 6 Cu (µg/L) Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 0.0 0 Cu 6 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu + 9 µg/L Cd Cu treatments B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities 1.0 0.14 0.12 0.8 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.6 BLMetal BLTotal 0.14 0.08 0.4 0.06 1.0 BL-Cu/BLtot BL-Cd/BLtot Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.8 0.6 0.08 0.4 0.06 0.2 0.02 0.0 0.00 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 0.0 0.00 0.6 0.08 Mortality 0.4 0.06 0.2 0.02 0.0 0.00 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Cd treatments 0.8 0.04 0.2 0.02 0.12 0.10 0.04 0.04 1.0 0.14 Cu + 9 µg/L Cd Cu treatments C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities TOX 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.1 TOX fm Cu TOX fm Cd Predicted mortality Observed mortality 1.0 Mortality 0.0 0.0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 Cd treatments 0.0 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Cu treatments 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu + 9 µg/L Cd Figure 14. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Cd and Cu, where Cu was titrated into constant 9 µg/L Cd. For a given load or Tox value, observed mortality tended to decline with increasing Cu concentrations in the mixture, to a point. The BLM-Tox model predicted Cu toxicity very well but over-predicted mortality in Cd solutions and in the mixtures. Data from Index 4, test series Cu-Cd #17 with water hardness about 80 mg/L and DOC about 3.4 mg/L. 34 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:35 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities 130 300 120 250 20 200 15 150 1.0 14 0.8 Cd (µg/L) Cd (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Predicted mortality Observed mortality 16 1.0 200 1.0 200 14 0.8 12 16 0.8 12 150 150 0.6 10 0.6 10 0.6 8 8 100 100 0.4 10 100 5 50 0.2 0.4 6 4 50 4 0.2 0.0 0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 0 0 Cu 1 Cd treatments Mortality 0.4 50 0.2 0 0.0 2 2 0 6 Cu (µg/L) Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 0.0 0 Cu 6 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu + 13 µg/L Cd Cu treatments B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities 0.20 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.8 BLMetal BLTotal 0.15 0.16 BL-Cu/BLtot BL-Cd/BLtot Predicted mortality Observed mortality 1.0 0.20 1.0 0.8 0.16 0.8 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.0 0.00 Mortality 0.10 0.05 0.0 0.00 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 0.00 Cd treatments 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Cu + 13 µg/L Cd Cu treatments C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 1.2 1.0 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.6 TOX fm Cu TOX fm Cd Predicted mortality Observed mortality 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.4 Mortality 0.20 TOX 0.4 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.10 0.2 0.0 0.00 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd 6 Cd treatments 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.0 0.0 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Cu treatments 0.0 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu + 13 µg/L Cd Figure 15. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Cd and Cu, individually and in mixtures, similar to the previous example (i.e., Cu-Cd #17). Mortalities were highly variable in some tests, but again a pattern of declining mortalities was seen when Cu was added to the base Cd concentration, that by itself was highly toxic. The BLM-Tox model predicted mortality well in the single metals exposures but predicted the toxicity of the mixture to progressively increase. Data from Index 4, test series Cu-Cd #19 with water hardness about 80 mg/L and DOC about 3.4 mg/L. 35 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:36 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities Zn (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Predicted mortality (fraction) Observed mortality (fraction) 1000 900 250 1000 1000 1.0 200 800 0.8 200 800 600 150 100 150 300 0.6 50 0.2 100 0.4 50 0 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn 4 Zn 5 0.0 0.4 50 0.2 200 600 0 Cu 1 Cu 2 Zn treatments Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 0 0.0 Cu 6 150 400 200 100 0 Zn 6 1.0 0.8 Cu (µg/L) 0.6 Mortality 100 0.4 50 0.2 0 0.0 300 200 0.2 100 0 100 800 300 200 100 0.6 500 400 300 200 150 500 400 0.4 250 700 600 500 400 1000 900 0.8 700 600 0.6 500 1.0 200 0.8 700 700 250 900 900 800 Zn (µg/L) 250 1.0 100 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 0.0 0 0 Cu treatments Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu + 330 µg/L Zn Cu + 216 µg/L Zn B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities 0.20 0.16 BLMetal BLTotal Predicted mortality Observed mortality BL-Cu/BLtot BL-Zn/BLtot 0.20 1.0 0.20 1.0 0.20 1.0 0.16 0.8 0.16 0.8 0.16 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 Mortality 0.0 0.00 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn 4 Zn 5 Zn 6 0.00 Zn treatments Cu + 330 µg/L Zn Cu + 216 µg/L Zn Cu treatments 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 1.0 0.9 0.8 Predicted mortality Observed mortality TOX fm Cu TOX fm Zn 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.0 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn 4 Zn 5 Zn 6 Zn treatments 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu treatments 0.8 0.6 0.6 Mortality 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.4 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.7 TOX 1.0 Cu + 216 µg/L Zn 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu + 330 µg/L Zn Figure 16. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Zn and Cu, with copper titrated onto two fixed Zn exposures. For both Cu+Zn mixture scenarios, mortalities occurring at a given load or TOX value tended to be greater than for similar loads or Tox values in single Cu exposures. The BLM-Tox model substantially under-predicted mortality in Zn solutions, but did very well with the Cu solutions and Cu+Zn mixtures. Data from Index 4, test series Cu-Zn #3. 36 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:37 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities Zn (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Predicted mortality (fraction) Observed mortality (fraction) 1000 250 1000 1000 1.0 200 800 0.8 80 800 600 150 100 60 300 0.6 50 0.2 40 0.4 20 0 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn 4 Zn 5 0.0 0.6 100 0.4 50 0.2 0 0.0 600 0 Cu 1 Cu 2 Zn treatments Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 0 0.0 Cu 6 150 400 200 100 0 Zn 6 1.0 200 0.8 Cu (µg/L) 0.6 Mortality 100 0.4 50 0.2 0 0.0 300 200 0.2 100 0 150 300 200 100 800 500 400 300 200 250 900 500 400 0.4 1000 0.8 700 600 500 400 1.0 700 600 0.6 500 200 0.8 700 700 250 900 900 800 Zn (µg/L) 100 1.0 900 100 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 0 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Zn + 21 µg/L Cu Zn + 14 µg/L Cu Cu treatments Mix 1 B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.20 BLMetal BLTotal Predicted mortality Observed mortality BL-Cu/BLtot BL-Zn/BLtot 0.20 1.0 0.20 1.0 0.20 1.0 0.16 0.8 0.16 0.8 0.16 0.8 1.0 0.16 0.8 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 Mortality 0.0 0.00 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn 4 Zn 5 Zn 6 0.00 Zn treatments 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 Zn + 21 µg/L Cu Zn + 14 µg/L Cu Cu treatments C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 1.0 0.9 0.8 Predicted mortality Observed mortality TOX fm Cu TOX fm Zn 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.0 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn 4 Zn 5 Zn 6 Zn treatments 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Cu treatments 0.6 0.6 Mortality 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 Cu 1 Cu 2 Cu 3 Cu 4 Cu 5 Cu 6 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.4 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.7 TOX 1.0 Zn + 14 µg/L Cu 0.0 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Zn + 21 µg/L Cu Figure 17. D. magna mortalities following exposures to Zn titrated into constant Cu concentrations. Predicted mortalities tended to be more severe in the mixtures than for similar concentrations, loads or Tox values in the single metals tests. In marked contrast to an earlier series where titrating Cu into Cd tended to reduce mortalities (tests Cu-Cd#17 and #19). Data from Index 4, test series Cu-Zn #7 with water hardness about 90 mg/L and DOC about 0.3 mg/L. 37 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:38 Index 5: Daphnia pulex with Cd and Zn Index 5 contains survival data for Daphnia pulex in laboratory studies of paired single metal and metal mixtures containing As, Cd, and Zn. The dataset included both results from tests published by Shaw et al (2006) as well as additional, unpublished data. Solution water chemistries were not measured, but were estimated from the recipe for the growth medium used (i.e., Kilham et al. 1998). We only considered Cd and Zn data in our modeling efforts and estimated detection levels of dissolved metal (0.1 and 10 µg/L for Cd and Zn, respectively) for tests with zero metal concentrations. The compositions are nominal, and we suspect that the estimates for dissolved Cd concentrations maybe too large. All single and multiple metal tests were included in the Tox versus mortality fit, but only data for the mixtures are presented in the figures (Figure 18). The Pearson correlation coefficient between predicted and observed mortalities is 0.60 (n = 101), which is significant at the 0.01 level. These experiments were done for a range of dissolved Cd to Zn concentrations where Cd is the major contributor to Tox. By including estimates for detection level metals in the no metal tests, the relative importance of the metals to Tox is equal at an estimated ratio of 0.02 to 0.03 for dissolved Cd to Zn concentrations. Figure 18. Model results for Index 5. A) Tox versus fractional mortality for Daphnia pulex in binary metal mixtures (Cd+Zn). B) Relative importance of Cd versus Zn to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cd to Zn ratio in the data set. 38 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:39 Index 6: Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout with Cd, Pb, and Zn Index 6 examines the toxicity of Cd, Pb, and Zn to cutthroat and rainbow trout in spiked and ambient dilutions of natural waters from the Coeur d’Alene River basin (Mebane et al. 2012). There are paired single and metal mixture toxicity tests. Figure 19. Model results for Index 6. A) Tox versus fractional mortality for rainbow and cutthroat trout for tests with multiple metals. B) Relative importance of each toxicant to Tox (term = (ametal*fmetal)/Tox). C) Relative importance of Cd versus Zn plus Pb to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cd to Zn ratio in the data set. 39 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:40 All single metal and mixture data were fit, but only data from the mixtures is presented in the figures (Figure 19). The Pearson correlation coefficient between predicted and observed mortalities is 0.81 (n = 356), which is significant at the 0.01 level. Each of the metals was a major contributor to Tox in several or many tests, although the primary contributors were Cd and Zn. The relative importance of Cd and Pb plus Zn is equal at [Cd]/[Zn] (M/M) = 0.003-0.004. Many test solutions had metal ratios where the relative importance of Cd and Zn (plus Pb) to Tox is about equal. Index 6: Focus The model fits for four series of matched single metal and metal mixtures were examined in detail. In these series, the tests were conducted in test waters with matched chemistries, and the tests were either concurrent or nearly so. The evaluations of tests that were not concurrent were constrained to those conducted within two weeks of each other and fish sizes, which can influence sensitivity, were nearly identical Series #1 Four tests with rainbow trout with varying Zn concentrations were conducted, in which Cd, Pb, or Cd+Pb were added at nearly constant concentrations that were expected to be about half of their EC50s (Figure 20). Half of the EC50 value was expected to be a concentration close to the thresholds for the onset of mortalities. Index 6’s “Series #1”, consisted of tests #125, 136-138, using 0.66g fish with water hardness about 65 mg/L and DOC about 0.6 mg/L (Mebane et al. 2012). For a given total metal load on the biotic ligand or a given Tox value, the Zn+Cd, Zn+Pb, or Zn+Cd+Pb mixtures all had fewer mortalities than Zn alone (Figure 20). The BLM-Tox model under-predicted Zn mortality, predicted Zn+Pb well, and over-predicted Zn toxicity when Cd was present. BLM-Tox did not predict the observed reduced toxicity of mixtures (Figure 20). Series #2 – Cutthroat trout were tested with Pb and Zn, individually and in a constant ratio exposure (Figure 21). “Series 2” tests were conducted in very soft water, total hardness about 12 mg/L as CaCO3 and DOC was about 0.2 mg/L (Tests 89, 128, 139, Index 6). Trout mortalities were predicted well by BLM-Tox across all tests. Mortality at a given Tox value appears roughly similar whether Tox was made up of a single metal or a Pb+Zn mixture. Series #3 – Rainbow trout were exposed to Cd, Zn, and a constant ratio Cd+Zn mixture (Figure 22). BLM-Tox predicted mortalities very well across the range of Zn exposures, but severely under-predicted one Cd treatment (30% mortality predicted, 80% observed). In the mixtures, predicted mortalities tracked the general pattern of observed mortality, but consistently over-predicted mortalities. For a given Tox value or biotic ligand load, mortalities were more severe in the single metals exposures than in the mixtures. For example, a Tox value of about 0.08 in the Cd exposure corresponded with 80% mortalities, Tox of about 0.08 in the Zn exposure corresponded with 40% mortalities, and Tox of about 0.08 in the Cd+Zn mixture corresponded with 5% mortalities (Figure 22 C). Series #4 – Rainbow trout were exposed to two mixtures of Cd, Pb, and Zn that targeted the U.S. EPA’s aquatic life acute criteria values (“EPA”) and a set of prospective site-specific criteria (Mebane et al. 2012). Single metals tests were also conducted (Figure 23). Although the criteria were presumed to be “safe” from an individual metal view, metal combinations killed 53% and 96% of the trout. Tox tended to under-predict both Cd and Zn toxicity, but predicted the mixture toxicity well. In Index 4, Series 4, a given Tox value was associated with higher 40 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:41 mortalities in single metal exposures than in a mixture. A cumulative Tox value of about 0.08 was associated with 80% mortality in the Cd only test, 93% mortality in the Zn only test, but only 53% in the Cd+Pb+Zn test (Figure 23). 41 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:42 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities 500 500 1.0 2.0 400 2.0 0.8 0.8 300 0.6 200 0.4 100 0.2 0 0.0 0.5 0.5 Zn 1 Zn3 Zn 2 Zn 4 0.0 Mix 2 Mix 1 Mix 4 Mix 3 100 0.2 0 0.0 0.8 1.0 400 0.8 1.5 0.6 1.0 300 1.0 200 0.4 200 100 0.2 0.5 100 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 Mix 2 Mix 1 Zn + 0.7 µg/L Cd Zn exposures 500 2.0 300 1.0 0.4 1.0 1.5 0.6 200 500 400 1.5 300 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 400 1.5 Cd (µg/L) Cd (µg/L) Zn (µg/L) Pb (µg/L) Predicted mortality (fraction) Observed mortality (fraction) Mix 3 Mix 4 Zn + 120 µg/L Pb Mix 2 Mix 1 Mix 3 0.6 Zn or Pb (µg/L) Mortality 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 Mix 4 Zn + 0.7 µg/L Cd + 120 µg/L B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities BL-Pb/BLtot BL-Cd/BLtot BL-Zn/BLtot Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.14 0.14 1.0 0.12 0.14 1.0 0.12 0.8 0.10 BLMetal BLTotal 0.14 0.12 0.8 0.6 0.06 0.4 0.10 0.6 0.08 0.06 0.4 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.0 0.00 Zn 1 Zn3 Zn 2 0.00 Zn 4 0.4 0.00 Mix 4 Mix 3 Zn + 0.7 µg/L Cd Zn 0.6 0.06 0.4 Mortality 0.04 0.2 0.0 Mix 2 0.08 0.2 0.02 0.0 0.00 0.02 Mix 1 0.8 0.04 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.6 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.10 0.8 0.10 0.08 0.12 1.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Zn + 0.7 µg/L Cd + 120 µg/L Zn + 120 µg/L Pb C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 0.30 0.30 0.4 0.10 0.05 0.00 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn3 Zn 4 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.2 0.10 Mix 3 0.2 0.05 0.0 Mix 2 Mortality 0.4 0.4 0.10 Mix 1 0.6 0.15 0.4 0.10 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.15 0.15 0.15 1.0 0.20 0.6 0.6 TOX 0.8 0.20 0.20 TOX fm Pb TOX fm Cd TOX fm Zn Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.30 0.25 0.8 0.8 0.20 1.0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.30 1.0 1.0 0.00 Mix 4 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Zn + 120 µg/L Pb Zn + 0.7 µg/L Cd Mix 4 0.2 0.05 0.00 0.0 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Zn + 0.7 µg/L Cd + 120 µg/L Figure 20. Rainbow trout mortalities with varying Zn, with Cd and or Pb nearly constant at about half their expected EC50s (Index 6, “Series 1). Metals mixtures containing zinc were consistently less toxic than were similar zinc concentrations singly. BLM-Tox predicted mortality reasonably well, although the model did not predict the observed reduced toxicity of mixtures. Data from Index 6, mixture “Series #1”, tests 125, 136-138, using 0.66g fish with water hardness about 65 mg/L and DOC about 0.6 mg/L. 42 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:43 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities Pb (µg/L) Zn (µg/L) Predicted mortality Observed mortality 200 1.0 200 0.8 150 150 0.8 150 100 100 Pb (µg/L) 0.6 0.6 100 100 0.6 Zn (µg/L) 100 0.4 0.4 50 0.2 0.2 0.0 0 Pb 1 Pb 2 Pb 3 Pb 4 Pb 5 Pb 6 0 Pb 7 0 Zn 1 Pb exposures Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn 4 Zn 5 Mortality 0.4 50 50 50 1.0 200 0.8 150 150 1.0 0.0 50 0.2 0 0.0 0 Mix 1 Zn 6 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Pb+Zn treatments Zn treatments B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities 0.14 0.14 1.0 0.12 0.12 0.8 0.10 0.10 BLMetal BLTotal 0.6 0.08 0.06 1.0 BL-Zn/BLtot BL-Pb/BLtot Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.02 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 Pb 1 Pb 2 Pb 3 Pb 4 Pb 5 Pb 6 Pb 7 0.08 0.6 0.06 0.4 0.2 0.02 0.0 0.00 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Mix 6 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn 4 Zn 5 Zn 6 Pb exposures Mortality 0.04 0.04 0.2 0.02 0.8 0.10 0.06 0.04 1.0 0.12 0.08 0.4 0.14 Pb + Zn treatments Zn treatments C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 0.30 1.0 0.25 0.8 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.20 TOX fm Zn TOX fm Pb Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.6 0.15 1.0 0.20 0.10 0.2 0.05 0.0 Pb 1 Pb 2 Pb 3 Pb 4 Pb 5 Pb 6 Pb 7 Pb exposures Mortality 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.00 0.6 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.10 1.0 0.25 0.15 TOX 0.30 0.0 0.00 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn 3 Zn 4 Zn 5 Zn 6 Zn treatments 0.2 0.05 0.0 0.00 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Cd+Zn treatments Figure 21. Cutthroat trout mortalities with Pb and Zn in mixtures where both increased proportionally (Index 6, Series 2.) The BLM-Tox model predicted both single metal and mixture exposures very well. Data from Index 6, "Series 2", tests 89, 128, and 139, using 0.3g fish with water hardness about 12 mg/L and DOC about 0.2 mg/L. 43 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:44 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities 300 Cd (µg/L) Zn (µg/L) Predicted mortality Observed mortality 1.0 2.0 2.0 250 0.8 1.5 Cd (µg/L) 300 0.8 0.2 50 0.0 0 Cd 3 Cd 4 0.6 150 1.0 0.4 0.5 50 0.0 Cd 5 0 Zn 1 Zn 2 Cd treatments Zn3 Zn 4 Zn (µg/L) Mortality 0.4 100 100 0.5 Cd 2 200 0.6 0.4 Cd 1 0.8 1.5 150 1.0 100 0.0 250 200 0.6 150 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 200 300 1.0 250 0.2 0.0 0.5 50 0.0 0.0 0 Mix 1 Zn 5 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 0.2 Mix 5 Cd+Zn treatments Zn treatments B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities 0.14 0.14 1.0 0.12 0.12 0.8 0.10 BLMetal BLTotal 0.08 0.6 0.06 0.4 0.10 1.0 BL-Zn/BLtot BL-Cd/BLtot Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.8 0.08 0.6 0.06 0.4 0.0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 0.08 0.6 0.06 0.4 Mortality 0.04 0.2 0.02 0.00 0.8 0.10 0.2 0.02 1.0 0.12 0.04 0.04 0.14 0.0 0.00 Zn 1 Cd treatments Zn 2 Zn3 Zn 4 0.2 0.02 0.0 0.00 Cd 1 Zn 5 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Cd + Zn treatments Zn treatments C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 0.30 1.0 0.25 0.8 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.20 1.0 TOX fm Zn TOX fm Cd Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.20 0.10 0.2 0.05 0.0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd treatments Cd 5 0.4 0.4 0.10 0.00 Mortality 0.15 0.2 0.05 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.10 0.8 0.8 0.15 TOX 1.0 0.25 0.6 0.15 0.30 0.0 0.00 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn3 Zn 4 Zn treatments Zn 5 0.2 0.05 0.0 0.00 Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5 Cd+Zn treatments Figure 22. Rainbow trout mortalities with Cd and Zn in mixtures where both increased proportionally (Index 6, "Series 3“) For a given load or Tox value, the Cd+Zn mixtures were consistently less toxic than single metals exposures. BLM-Tox predicted Zn mortalities very closely, but under-predicted mortality in Cd solutions and over-predicted mortality in mixtures. Data from Index 6, "Series 3", tests 14, 105, and 150. 44 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:45 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities 300 300 1.0 2.0 2.0 250 0.8 0.8 1.5 200 0.2 0.0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 0.0 0 250 50 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn3 Zn 4 Zn 5 0 200 0.6 0.6 150 1.0 0.4 0.5 50 0.0 0.0 Pb 1 Pb 2 Zn Cd 0.8 1.5 100 0.2 1.0 250 150 0.4 0.5 300 0.8 1.0 100 0.0 1.0 2.0 0.6 0.4 50 300 200 150 1.0 100 0.5 1.5 200 0.6 150 1.0 1.0 2.0 250 1.5 Cd (µg/L) Zn (µg/L) Pb (µg/L) Predicted mortality (fraction) Observed mortality (fraction) Pb 3 Pb 4 Pb 5 0 100 0.2 Zn or Pb (µg/L) 0.5 50 0.0 0.0 Control Pb EPA 0 SSC Mortality 0.4 0.2 0.0 Cd+Pb+Zn B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities BLMetal BLTotal 0.20 1.0 0.20 1.0 0.20 0.16 0.8 0.16 0.8 0.16 Predicted mortality Observed mortality 0.20 1.0 0.16 0.8 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.08 0.4 0.04 0.2 1.0 0.8 BL-Cd/BLtot BL-Pb/BLtot BL-Zn/BLtot 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd 4 Cd 5 Zn 1 Cd Zn 2 Zn3 Zn 4 Mortality Zn 5 Pb 1 Pb 2 Pb 3 Pb 4 0.00 Pb Zn 0.0 Control EPA SSC Cd+Pb+Zn C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 0.30 0.20 1.0 0.25 0.16 0.20 1.0 0.16 0.8 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.08 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.04 0.2 0.04 0.2 0.0 0.00 0.20 1.0 Predicted mortality Observed mortality TOX fm Zn TOX fm Pb TOX fm Cd 0.8 0.16 0.8 0.20 0.6 0.12 0.6 0.12 0.15 0.4 0.08 0.4 0.10 0.04 0.2 0.05 0.0 0.00 0.00 Cd 1 Cd 2 Cd 3 Cd Cd 4 Cd 5 0.2 0.0 Zn 1 Zn 2 Zn3 Zn 4 0.00 Zn 5 Zn Pb 1 Pb 2 Pb 3 Pb Pb 4 Pb 5 1.0 0.8 Mortality 0.0 Control EPA SSC Cd+Pb+Zn Figure 23. Rainbow trout mortalities with Cd, Pb, or Zn in mixtures targeting USEPA Aquatic Life Criteria (EPA) or prospective site-specific criteria (SSC) (Index 6, "Series 4“). Toxicity tended to be under-predicted in individual Cd and Zn exposures, and accurately predicted in the mixtures. For a given load or Tox value, the toxicity of the Cd+Pb+Zn mixtures were roughly similar to the sum of single metals exposures. Index 6, "Series 4", is tests 14, 60, 109, 131, and 132. 45 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:46 Index 7: Green algae with Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, using field collected water Index 7 examines the effects of metals (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) on the growth rate of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (freshwater green algae) in field samples (Bass et al. 2008). Our multiple-toxicant BLM does not include As and, therefore, we did not include As in our modeling efforts. The model fit is very good with a Pearson correlation coefficient between predicted and observed growth retardation of 0.92 (n = 33); although fractional growth retardation above 20% is only observed for six samples (Figure 24a). Of those tests, the dominant contributor to Tox includes both Cd and Zn. The relative importance of Cd, Cu, and Zn to Tox is greater than the contributions from Ni and Pb (> 70% versus < 15%) within the data set (Figure 24b). The critical [Cd]/[Zn] ratio where the contributions of Zn and Cd plus Cu are equal is 0.002-0.003. Cd is generally more important than Cu in contributing to Tox (Figure 24c). 46 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:47 A B C Figure 24. Model results for Index 7. A) Tox versus fractional growth retardation for algae in field samples. B) Relative importance of each toxicant to Tox (term = (ametal*fmetal)/Tox). C) Relative importance of Zn versus Cd plus Cu to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cd to Zn ratio in the data set. Index 8: Green algae with Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, laboratory waters Index 8 examines the effects of metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn) on the growth rate of Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (freshwater green algae) (Bass et al. 2008). Two of the more pristine water samples (HS6 and HS7) with different pH (5.5 and 8.4) and hardness (5.8 and 95 mg/L CaCO3) from the field study of Index 7 were spiked with increasing concentrations of single metals and metal mixtures. 47 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:48 Following our modeling approach, values of α determined from Indexes 4, 6 and 7 were used to model all of the data in Index 8. Some of the data in each set of tests could be reasonably fit, but data for other metals did not collapse into a good relationship between Tox and fractional growth retardation (Figure 25a and b). It was possible to get good fits (Pearson correlation coefficients > 0.9, n = 57) by adjusting all α and β values and modeling each water type separately (Figure 25c and d; Table 3), but that approach does not provide a global or universal set of α values or is consistent with our modeling scheme. In addition, values of α for Ni and Zn for the individual fits greatly varied between the two data sets (i.e., αNi = 23 or 5.9, αZn = 0.55 or 13 for HS6 and HS7, respectively). The mixture data in Index 8 were fit separately from the single metal data using the universal set of α values, and this fit resulted in a reasonable correlation between predicted and observed growth retardation (r = 0.87, r = 12) (Figure 26a). Because the waters and algae in Index 8 came from field samples in Index 7, the fit from all mixture data for tests in Index 7 and 8 also was examined. The data for HS7 (dominated by Cu) versus HS6 (dominated by Cd) is a better fit with the Index 7 mixtures, although a good correlation is observed for all of the combined data sets (r = 0.88, n = 46) (Figure 26a) . Ranges in the relative importance of each toxicant to Tox in the Index 8 mixture data indicate the dominance of Cd and Cu over Pb, Ni, and Zn (Figure 26b). Although the plot of the relative importance of Cd compared with the sum of Cu, Ni, and Zn to Tox as a function of dissolved Cu to Cd ratios is not as good as other data sets, it does suggest that their relative importance to Tox is equal for dissolved metal ratios of about 10-20 (Figure 26c). The difference in dominance among the metals to Tox between Index 7 and 8 is due to manipulation of metal concentrations and ratios in Index 8. 48 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:49 A B C aCd = aCu = aNi = aPb = aZn = D global 1.9 4.8 7.2 3.5 3 HS6 0.08 0.31 23 --0.55 HS7 0.12 0.62 5.9 --13 Figure 25. Model results for Index 8. Tox versus fractional growth retardation for algae in spiked field sample HS6 (A) or HS7 (B) using global set of α values. Tox versus fractional growth retardation for algae in field sample HS7 (C) or HS7 (D) using best fit α values. 49 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:50 A B C Figure 26. Model results for Index 8 with comparison to Index 7. A) Tox versus fractional growth inhibition for algae from Index 7 and for algae in Index 8 only for tests with spiked multiple metals. B) Relative importance of each toxicant to Tox (term = (ametal*fmetal)/Tox) for Index 8. C) Relative importance of Cd versus Cu+Ni+Zn to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cu to Cd ratio in Index 8. Index 9: Lettuce with Cu and Zn in hydroponic exposures Index 9 examines the toxicity of Ag, Cu, and Zn to root growth in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in hydroponic experiments (Le et al. 2013). Because our BLM does not include Ag, we only fit the Cu and Zn data. Metal data were given as free ion activities, and WHAM 7 calculated the total dissolved concentrations in equilibrium with those free ion activities. Total dissolved concentrations of Cu and Zn were very large in these experiments with maximum concentrations of 48 mg/L Cu and 1 g/L Zn. Thermodynamic calculations indicate super saturation with metal hydroxide and metal carbonate phases in some solutions. However, precipitation of these phases was not considered in the model fits. The entire data set was used to obtain the fit, but only the mixture data are presented in the figures. The model fit of Tox versus fractional growth retardation is very good with a 50 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:51 Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.92 (n = 122) (Figure 27a). Both Cu and Zn can dominate the Tox term at a given biological response. The relative importance of Cu or Zn to Tox ranges from near zero to 100% (Figure 27b). The dissolved Cu to Zn ratio where the relative importance of Cu and Zn to Tox is equal is about 0.08. Index 9: Focus Index 9’s Cu and Zn tests with lettuce included an exposure design where the plants were grown in solutions in which Zn was titrated into a baseline Cu concentration. This scheme was repeated several times with increasing Cu concentrations. Two of these mixture exposures, together with the single metal exposures, are examined in Figure 28. Both single metal and mixture exposures were mostly predicted reasonably well by BLM-Tox. One exception is the Zn+1000 µg/L Cu mixture exposure in which the predicted response is 10% baseline inhibition, but about 40% was observed. One quirk of how these data were reported is important for interpreting these results. The control exposures have about a 20% “inhibition” prior to the addition of any metals. This baseline occurs because rather than reporting % inhibition as a reduction in growth from controls, % inhibition was calculated and reported as a reduction from the highest growth measured in any exposure in the experiment, which happened to be a low Cu exposure (the single point with a fractional growth reduction of 0, Figure 27A). Whether this was a hormetic response because control plants were truly Cu or Zn deficient or just variability is probably not important for the data interpretation here. However, the fact that about a 20% “inhibition” equates to “no toxic effect” should be kept in mind. 51 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:52 Figure 27. Model results for Index 9. A) Tox versus fractional growth retardation for lettuce in binary metal mixtures (Cu+Zn). B) Relative importance of Cu versus Zn to Tox as a function of the dissolved Cu to Zn ratio in the data set. 52 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:53 A. Concentrations of metals in water and predicted and observed mortalities Zn (µg/L) Cu (µg/L) Predicted inhibition (fraction) Observed inhibition (fraction) 1,000,000 100,000 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1.0 1,000,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 10,000 0.8 1,000 1,000 100 1,000 10 10 0.2 10 1 1 0.0 1 Zn1 Zn2 Zn3 Zn4 Zn5 Zn6 Zn7 Zn8 Zn9 Zn10 Zn11 0.8 0.6 0.4 10 0.2 10 Cu1 Cu2 Zn treatments Cu3 Cu4 Cu5 Cu6 Cu7 1 0.0 1 Cu8 1.0 10,000 0.8 1,000 0.6 Cu (µg/L) Inhibition 1,000 100 100 100 100,000 100,000 1,000 0.4 1,000,000 10,000 0.6 1,000 100 1.0 10,000 0.6 1,000 10,000 0.8 10,000 10,000 100,000 1.0 0.4 100 0.4 10 0.2 1 0.0 100 100 Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix4 Mix5 Mix6 Mix7 10 0.2 10 1 0.0 1 Cu treatments Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix4 Mix5 Mix6 Mix7 Zn + 1000 g/L Cu Zn + 500 g/L Cu B. Accumulation of metals on biotic ligands and predicted and observed mortalities Predicted inhibition Observed inhibition 1.0 BLMetal BLTotal Predicted inhibition Observed inhibition BL-Cu/BLtot BL-Zn/BLtot 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Inhibition 0.0 0.0 Zn1 Zn2 Zn3 Zn4 Zn5 Zn6 Zn7 Zn8 Zn9 Zn10Zn11 0.0 Cu1 Zn treatments Cu2 Cu3 Cu4 Cu5 Cu6 Cu7 Predicted inhibition Observed inhibition TOX fm Cu TOX fm Zn 2.5 2.0 TOX 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 0.8 2.5 0.8 2.5 0.8 0.6 1.5 2.0 0.6 1.5 0.0 Zn1 Zn2 Zn3 Zn4 Zn5 Zn6 Zn7 Zn8 Zn9 Zn10Zn11 Zn treatments 0.0 Cu1 Cu2 Cu3 Cu4 Cu5 Cu6 Cu7 Cu8 0.6 Inhibition 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix4 Mix5 Mix6 Mix7 Zn + 500 g/L Cu Cu treatments 0.8 0.4 0.5 0.0 2.5 1.5 0.2 0.5 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.0 2.0 0.4 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.5 0.4 1.0 0.5 Zn + 1000 g/L Cu Zn + 500 g/L Cu Cu treatments C. TOX values and predicted and observed mortalities 3.0 0.0 Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix4 Mix5 Mix6 Mix7 Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix4 Mix5 Mix6 Mix7 Cu8 0.0 0.0 Mix1Mix2Mix3Mix4Mix5Mix6Mix7 Zn + 1000 g/L Cu Figure 28. Growth inhibition in lettuce following hydroponic exposures to Zn and Cu. These tests targeted very large exposure concentrations, although Zn concentrations were unmeasured and thus actual exposures are uncertain, especially at implausibly high (g/L) concentrations. Nevertheless, the BLM-Tox model tended to do well predicting the growth inhibition of roots. 53 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:54 Competition of multiple toxicants at the biotic ligand The total amount of toxicant bound by the biotic ligand potentially can be less if competition among multiple toxicants (e.g., Cd and Zn) at the biotic ligand is included in speciation calculations. The effects of competition on total metal loads can be evaluated by using our common set of equilibrium constants that define interactions of all cations (non-toxic as well as toxic) at a single type of biotic ligand. For non-competitive cases, metal loading is determined by adding the loads calculated by considering that each dissolved metal in a mixture is present as a single metal. Both competitive and non-competitive biotic ligand speciation calculations were run for mixtures in Index 4, 6, and 9. The ratio of non-competitive to competitive total metal load for the Cu plus Cd mixtures in Index 4 ranged from 1.00 to 1.16, whereas the same ratio for the Cu plus Zn mixtures in Index 4 varied from 1.00 to 1.07. The relatively low ratios suggest that competition among the toxicants for the biotic ligand in these mixtures is not that important; i.e., there is little difference in loads between competitive and non-competitive cases for many samples. The bubble graphs for the mixtures in Index 4 illustrate the relative importance of each metal to the total metal load in the competitive case (Figure 29a and b), and indicate that a single metal (Cd for the Cu plus Cd mixture and Cu for the Cu plus Zn mixtures) dominates the total metal load at the larger loads. For these tests, dissolved concentrations of Cd (or Cu) exceed that of Cu (or Zn). Because the load is comprised basically of one metal at larger loads, little competition is expected or observed. The picture changes for Index 6 (Figure 29c). The ratio of metal loads (sum of Cd, Pb, and Zn) in the non-competitive to competitive cases ranges from 1.00 to 1.51. The bubble graph for this index indicates that competition is important when Cd and Zn contribute equally to total metal load at larger loads. Many of the tests in this Index were near the ratio of dissolved Cd to Zn concentrations where Cd and Zn equally contribute to total metal loads and Tox (Figure 19 in Index 6 discussion). Likewise, the speciation calculations for Index 9 also suggest competition (Figure 29d). The ratio of total metal load for the non-competitive to competitive cases in the mixtures ranges from 1.00 to 1.27. At the larger metal loads, the tests that deviate from the 1 to 1 line are those where Cu and Zn contribute more equally to the total metal load. Metal loads on the biotic ligand for the competitive and non-competitive cases also can be examined in terms of mortality or growth retardation (Figure 30). In this figure, the bubble size represents the observed fractional biological response. Competition among multiple toxicants occurs at total metal loads that typically result in very adverse biological impacts (100% mortality or growth retardation). This analysis suggests that competition among multiple toxicants for the biotic ligand can be important at larger metal loads, which occur at larger dissolved metal concentrations, and when multiple toxicants contribute nearly equally to the total metal load on the biotic ligand. Many of the tests in the project data set were run at elevated dissolved concentrations of multiple metals that result in large metal loads and competition on the biotic ligand. However, these conditions also result in adverse impacts to biota and may not be realistic for most natural environments. 54 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:55 B. A. C. D. Figure 29. Comparison of total metal load on the biotic ligand considering competition and no competition, using actual data from Indexes 4, 6, and 9. Competition occurs at large metal loads that are caused by large dissolved metal concentrations. The bubble size represents the relative importance (RI) of a metal to the total metal load. 55 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:56 Figure 30. The fraction of total biotic ligand sites occupied by metal for the competitive and non-competitive cases for Index 4, 6, and 9. The bubbles represent fractional mortality or growth retardation and vary from 0 to 1. The inset for Index 6 is for fractional biotic ligand loads < 0.2. Tox50 The model fits for each data set can be used to determine values of Tox at any level of biological response (F) (Scholze et al. 2001) The equation is: 𝑇𝑜𝑥 = 10 −ln(𝐾)−𝛽1 ( ) 𝛽2 where K = (1/F)1/β3 -1. Values of Tox at 50% biological response (Tox50) were determined using the logistic parameters for each type of organism in the project data sets (Table 3). The 56 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:57 results of this analysis provide information on the relative sensitivities of the studied organisms. Values of Tox50 indicate that the most sensitive organism is Hyalella followed by trout, daphnia and mussel with intermediate sensitivity, whereas algae and lettuce are the least sensitive (Figure 31). This comparison is to illustrate the utility of using Tox in a manner analogous to EC10s and EC50s, and is not true comparison of the inherent sensitivity of the organisms to metals toxicity. The datasets modeled are mostly short-term exposures, and for the longer term response data for Hyalella and mussel we did not attempt to include sub-lethal responses in our modeling (see Modeling focused on lethal responses). less sensitive more sensitive Figure 31. Tox at 50% mortality or growth retardation (Tox50) for organisms in the project data sets. Dissolved metal ratios Dissolved metal ratios play a key role in determining the relative loading of the biotic ligand by multiple toxicants. This loading is incorporated into Tox along with weighting coefficients, and then an evaluation is made of the relative importance of toxicants in metal mixtures. Ratios of dissolved Cu to Cd, Cu to Zn, and Cd to Zn where the relative importance of toxicants in binary mixtures or one toxicant to the sum of other toxicants in multiple metal mixtures is equal are summarized in Table 4 for the project data sets. Although this set of 57 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:58 combined results is small and Index 5 is an exception, it appears that the relative importance of toxicants is equal at critical dissolved molar metal ratios, which are [Cu]/[Cd] ~20, [Cu]/[Zn] ~0.06, and [Cd]/[Zn] ~ 0.003. At values greater than these ratios, the metal in the numerator (and its less dominant associates) are the dominant contributors to Tox, whereas at values less than the ratios, the metal in the denominator (and its less dominant associates) are the dominant contributors to Tox. Table 4. Summary of the values of dissolved metal ratios where the relative importance of toxicants to Tox is equal in the project data sets. [Cu]/[Cd] [Cu]/[Zn] [Cd]/[Zn] (M/M) (M/M) (M/M) Index 4 20 - 30 Index 8 10 - 20 Index 4 0.04 - 0.05 Index 9 0.08 Index 1 0.002 - 0.003 Index 5 0.02 - 0.03 Index 6 0.003 - 0.004 Index 7 0.002 - 0.003 Pre-Workshop Conclusions The BLM-Tox approach reasonably fit observed biological responses to metal mixtures using a common set of weighting coefficients and organism-specific logistic parameters. The composition of the metal load on the biotic ligand in metal mixtures can vary but still produce the same biological response. Tox incorporates the effects of solution composition and speciation (in particular, identities and total dissolved concentrations of toxicants); affinities of toxicants for the biotic ligand (KBL-metal); and weighting coefficients for toxicants into a single parameter. Values of Tox do not depend on the type of organism, but rather the response of an organism is related to Tox with increasing values of Tox producing more adverse responses. Organisms have different sensitivities to Tox. Tox provides an evaluation of the relative importance of toxicants in a mixture. That importance depends on the ratio of dissolved metal concentrations in the mixture. The relative importance of toxicants in binary or multiple metal mixtures appears to be equal at unique dissolved metal ratios The set of equilibrium constants for cation interactions with the biotic ligand as well as α and β values are not unique. For example, the LC50 data for Ni could be fit equally well by two different sets of constants describing Ni-biotic ligand interactions, which is similar to the 58 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:59 modeling results of Kozlova et al. (2009). An alternate set of weighting coefficients and logistic parameters also were obtained, but those values appear to be consistent as a set. The BLM-Tox approach predicts that increasing loads of single or multiple toxicants results in greater adverse impacts to biota. Potential ways to predict decreasing adverse impacts with increasing loads (as observed in Index 4) using the BLM-Tox approach are to have negative weighting coefficients, different log K values that result in greater competition of toxicants, or multiple biotic ligand sites. The perception that competition plays an important role in metal mixtures is valid, but only at large dissolved metal concentrations, large loads of toxicants on the biotic ligand, and dissolved metal ratios that result in nearly equal loading of multiple toxicants. An equilibrium approach for describing toxicity in metal mixtures probably does not adequately represent true metal interactions with biota. Biota can regulate their processes or have feedback mechanisms and kinetics may play an important role in metal uptake (Slaveykova and Wilkinson 2005; Komjarova and Blust 2009; Chen et al. 2010). However, despite the complexities and range of organisms in the project datasets, the equilibrium BLM-Tox approach did fit the data very well. This modeling project involved bridging the gap between two measurable parameters – solution composition and biological response. Different model constructs can be developed to bridge that gap. Presumably, they can provide equally good fits to biological responses. However, there are no data to validate the intermediate steps – particularly, the amount and composition of the load of toxicants on the biota. Future work could focus on determining such information, which (perhaps) can assist in differentiating among approaches for determining toxicity of metal mixtures. Post-workshop thoughts regarding modeling metal mixtures First, we thought the interchange of ideas at the workshop was exceptionally valuable, and we greatly appreciated the discussions. We grouped some of our thoughts into three general lessons learned. These in turn lead us to some thoughts for improving our understanding and modeling of metals mixture toxicity. 1. All of the models presented at the workshop included an approach for predicting metal accumulation at the biotic ligand, i.e., either applying some form of a “traditional” biotic ligand model or using humic acid as an analog for biological receptors. Yet there was no comparison among the models of those predictions, which likely varied both in amount and composition of metal accumulation. Furthermore, there was no metric to verify that prediction of accumulation because the data sets for modeling (and data sets, in general) only contained two measurable parameters – water composition and biological endpoints (survival or growth). However, there are a few data sets in the literature that report accumulation of metal on fish gills. We recognize that these measurements may be difficult to interpret; in particular, separating background and metal accumulated above background concentrations, comparing stable and radio-labeled metal accumulations. 59 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:60 Similarly, correlations between predictions of accumulation at the biotic ligand and measurements from field collected invertebrates could be informative. These too have complications, since field collections reflect indefinite metals exposures and measured residues are influenced by homeostasis mechanisms and diet in addition to the water composition. Nevertheless, it seems that more consideration of accumulation data as an intermediate metric could provide some sense whether model predictions are reasonable. 2. Several of the supplied data sets had series where the metal mixtures indicated less than additive toxicity. Our single site biotic ligand model approach was not able to properly predict biological endpoints when metal mixtures resulted in less than additive toxicity. Thus, a model that includes multiple types of biotic ligands may be needed to properly describe competition of metals and predict less than additive toxicity. The downside of including multiple types of biotic ligands with different associated functions (e.g., toxic versus non-toxic sites of action) is an increase in adjustable model parameters. 3. The third lesson of the workshop is the need to better bridge the gaps among solution geochemistry, biological function, and toxicity in the modeling approach – although the extent to which this is accomplished depends on the goal of the model. The scientific community is good at describing the speciation of many metals in solution, and is making gains in describing and modeling biological function in certain organisms. These approaches strive to incorporate our fundamental understanding of chemical and biological processes into the model. In contrast, models of hardness-based water quality criteria that are used in the regulatory arena are based on empirical relationships with limited incorporation of process-understanding. The biotic ligand model is a hybrid. The BLM assumes that a biological receptor is analogous to another ligand in solution and that metal accumulation on that biotic ligand directly relates to toxicity. Thus, it uses basic understanding and models of chemical speciation as well as empirical relationships between accumulation on that ligand (i.e., LA50) and toxicity (i.e., LC50). Although biotic ligand models do a reasonably good job of setting water quality criteria, they likely are poor representations of actual biological function. Again, it is important to define the goal of the model. We have explored several avenues since the workshop. First, we initially reconsidered Cd binding affinity because of difficulty in modeling mixtures containing Cd. In particular, there were discussions that the stability constants we and others had used for Cd were stronger than those for Cu, which would not have been expected based on metal-ligand solution binding. This phenomenon has long been recognized with the differences between metal binding to a living gill and organic acids attributed to active Ca transport and ionic mimicry in the former (Playle et al. 1993). We briefly explored whether in contrast to using stability constants derived from empirical fitting to toxicity tests, stability constants correlated with ion characteristics, a covalent index (Veltman et al. 2010) would provide reasonable accumulations predictions with field collected invertebrate tissue residues (Fig 45). Second, we considered that the biological receptor has two types of biotic ligands – one site with limited binding capacity and another site with larger capacity. Third, we adjusted binding constants for Cd, Pb, and Zn associations with biotic ligands and the maximum capacities of the two ligand sites to fit accumulation data of metals on fish gills from the studies of Birceanu et al. (2008) and Todd et al. (2009). During this fitting, we assumed that the values of binding constants for the formation of H, Na, Ca, and Mg complexes with biotic ligands were the same for the two types of sites and equivalent to the 60 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:61 constants for fish in Veltman et al. (2010). The observations and model fits are presented in Figures 46-48. The results indicate that the binding constant for Cd on site 1 is larger than on site 2, whereas the reverse is true for Pb. There is no difference in affinity between the two binding sites for Zn. And, the capacity of site 2 is about 20 times that of site 1. Next, we reexamined a “less than additive” series from Index 6 using the new log K values, maximum capacities for the two types of sites, and our BLM-Tox approach. The results are promising (Figure 49). Future work will fit Cu accumulation data on fish gills, re-visit our modeling of the fish toxicity data of Nimick et al., (Nimick et al. 2007; Balistrieri et al. 2012) and evaluate whether this new approach is transferable to other organisms and metal mixtures. A. B. Figure 45. Measured and modeled accumulation of Cd, Cu, and Zn with the mayfly Rhithrogena sp. tissue residues collected from Colorado, USA streams (Schmidt et al. 2011). At left (A), the WHAM 7 model was used with measured stream water chemistry treating all DOC as fulvic acid and assuming that invertebrate body burdens can be represented as humic acid (after Stockdale et al. 2010). At right (B), a BLM was used in the same manner as described earlier, except that earlier we used log KBL-Me constants that were optimized from single metals toxicity test data (Fig. 43). Here we used Veltman et al.’s (2010) mean KBL-Me constants for fish for Ca, Mg, Na, Cd, Cu, and Zn. In Veltman et al.’s set of constants, the KBL-Cd constant is intermediate to Cu and Zn, whereas in our pre-workshop version of a multiple-metals BLM, our KBL-Cd constant was higher than that for Cu (Table 2). Both approaches yielded modeled accumulations that were correlated with measured Rhithrogena values, however the absolute values of modeled loads differed greatly. The WHAM 7 modeled loads on humic acid were around two orders of magnitude lower than the BLM modeled loads. The comparison was limited here to Rhithrogena because metals efflux is particularly inefficient for this genus, making it less capable of regulating metals burdens (Buchwalter et al. 2008). The correlation between BLM-fractional load predictions and measured Rhithrogena tissue residues was much stronger using the present approach (R2 = 0.86, pooling the three metals) than that from our earlier optimization approach (R2 = 0.17, for Rhithrogena results in Figure 43). 61 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:62 Figure 46. Model fits using two biotic ligand binding sites and observed accumulation on rainbow trout gills following short-term, single-metals exposures to Pb and Cd. Consistent with Birceanu et al. (2008) results, we considered that the biological receptor has two types of biotic ligands – one site with limited binding capacity and another site with larger capacity. We adjusted the Cd and Pb biotic ligand binding constants and the maximum capacities of the two ligand sites to fit the measured metals accumulations on fish gills. This modeling approach reproduced the observed patterns of Cd and Pb accumulation on trout gills well. The results indicated that with Pb, site 2 accounted for all of the modeled accumulation (A), whereas with Cd at low concentrations (B), most accumulation could be attributed to site 1. However at high Cd concentrations (C), site 1 was saturated and site 2 accounted for further accumulation. Figures correspond to Birceanu et al.’s Figure 1. 62 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:63 A. B. Figure 47. Model fits using two biotic ligand binding sites and observed accumulation on rainbow trout gills following short-term exposures to Pb and Cd mixtures. Figures correspond to Birceanu et al.’s Figure 2. Figure 48. Model fits using two biotic ligand binding sites and observed accumulation on rainbow trout gills following short-term exposures to Zn alone. The affinities were the same between the two binding sites for Zn. Figure corresponds to Todd et al.’s (2009) Figure 3.b. 63 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:64 A. B. Figure 49. Modeling a “less than additive” mixture toxicity scenario, redux: The “Index 6, Series 1” data are a set of toxicity tests where cutthroat trout were exposed to varying concentrations of Zn alone, or to varying concentrations of Zn as mixtures with Cd or Pb also present with concentrations close to half their respective EC50s (our Figure 1). At left (A), the observed mortalities (symbols joined by dashed lines) are plotted against the predicted toxicity (solid lines) from the same 1-site BLM-Tox model as we used in the pre-workshop modeling approach. At right (B), the modeled mortalities using the 2-site BLM approach with the conditional binding affinity and capacity constants estimated from the Cd, Pb, and Zn rainbow trout gill accumulation studies (Figures 46-48) are compared with the observed mortalities. The 1-site BLM failed to reproduce the observed reductions in toxicity of the mixtures compared to Zn alone (A., see also our Figure 20). 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These model comparisons are usually called “predicted versus observed” or “predicted vs. measured” comparisons, although we used the phrase “predicted versus empirical” because EC50s are not observable or measureable data, but rather model fits themselves. For the comparisons, we evaluated our new BLMs with three tests of model performance: (1) the ideal model has the slope of a simple regression close to 1, (2) the R-square coefficient of determination is close to 1, and (3) the prediction values fall close to the 1:1 line of perfect agreement. In practice, a more achievable standard is if the model predictions are not obviously skewed, and if the great majority of predictions fall within a factor of 2 of the line of perfect agreement (Santore et al. 2001). Where available, we also compare our model predictions to published models for the metal. Our objective was that the performance of the new BLMs should not be substantively worse than previous published BLMs for that metal. While there have been previously developed BLMs that were calibrated using multiple species across many studies (HydroQual 2004; DeForest and Van Genderen 2012), most commonly BLMs have been calibrated using data from a single species, and often from a single study. Conceptually, a BLM based on data from a single species or especially a single study should, for the dataset or organism, handily outperform a BLM derived with data from multiple metals, datasets, and different species. However, models developed from a single dataset are vulnerable to over-fitting, and may lack generality. Zinc Our initial model comparisons with Zn toxicity datasets were limited to 96-h tests with rainbow and cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss and O. clarki). Tests were further constrained to those that used early juvenile life stages, that is, fish that were free swimming and feeding but were still in their first few months of life, weighing about 2g or less. Datasets meeting these criteria included a study of the effects of modifying Ca, Mg, Na, and pH in artificial waters on the acute and chronic toxicity of zinc to juvenile rainbow trout (De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2004a), studies of the effects of modifying water hardness and or pH by blending natural well waters with RO water or adding strong acids (Chapman 1978; Cusimano et al. 1986; Stratus 1999; Hansen et al. 2002; Brinkman and Hansen 2004; Todd et al. 2009), and a study adding Zn to stream waters that had a natural range of ionic strength but low DOC (Mebane et al. 2012). Hansen et al (2002) and Stratus (1999) report the same tests, but they are referenced to both sources since their journal article only reported 120-h LC50s and summaries of test water chemistries. We estimated 96-hour LC50s from their raw data appendices using EPA’s Toxicity Relationship Assessment Program (Erickson 2010). 76 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:77 Our BLM performed reasonably well with all datasets, with the predicted and empirical 96-h EC50s being highly correlated (R2 = 0.86). Only a slight bias is obvious in the predictions, with our new BLM tending toward under-prediction of toxicity (that is, predicting higher that the empirical EC50s) at the low range of EC50s. The lowest EC50s, which tended to be over-predicted, occurred in test waters with very soft water (Figure 32a). The problem that Zn was more toxic than predicted in dilute waters cannot simply be attributed to BLM calibration, because fish living in very dilute freshwaters without the presence of elevated metals may undergo changes that make them become more sensitive to later metal stress (Mebane et al. 2010b). It seems plausible that Zn was more toxic than predicted in very soft waters because of osmoregulatory stress from low ionic strength water and variations in Zn concentrations, with complex physiological and compensation responses by fish (Hogstrand et al. 1998). These physiological changes in very soft water are unaccounted for in our BLM, and to our knowledge, any other released BLMs. Also of note are the good predictions of the influence of pH on Zn toxicity to rainbow trout (plotted as blue diamonds, Figure 32a). There is an unexpected plateau in predictions of the Hansen data at about 100 µg/L (plotted as red circles, Figure 32a). This plateau is from testing fish of different sizes that turn out to have different sensitivities; swim-up fry become more sensitive as they get larger. Since the tests were in almost identical dilution water, the model of course predicts nearly identical results for tests with nearly identical waters. Mebane et al. (2012) encountered the same problem with Zn sensitivity being dependent on fish size, which introduces much scatter into their dataset as well (plotted as black circles, Figure 32a). In contrast, De Schamphelaere & Janssen’s (2004a) rainbow trout Zn BLM works reasonably well with the data from which it was developed, but toxicity is greatly under-predicted, by a factor of 10 or more, for the more sensitive measured LC50s, which tend to be from low Ca waters. Also of note are the very poor predictions of the varying pH test series (plotted as blue diamonds, Figure 32b). Opposite of this bias pattern, the HydroQual (2004) BLM developed from multiple species predicts reasonably well the samples for which Zn would be highly toxic (the low Ca tests), but greatly over-predict toxicity as Ca concentrations rise (Figure 32c). Predictions with pH are at least trending in the correct direction, but toxicity at high pH was strongly under-predicted. The final comparison between empirical and predicted Zn toxicity shown here is with Daphnia pulex, tested in artificial waters that were manipulated to vary pH, Ca, Mg, Na, and natural organic matter (NOM) (Clifford and McGeer 2009). Our BLM performed as well as did the Clifford and McGeer (2009) BLM, which was specifically fit to their data with linear R2 of 0.83 and 0.80, and slopes of 0.89 and 0.85 for our model and Clifford and McGeer’s model, respectively. Curiously, while pH had a pronounced influence on Zn toxicity to rainbow trout, it had little influence on Zn toxicity to Daphnia pulex (Figure 32d). Overall, the performance of our BLM with these datasets performed at least as well as did previous published BLMs for Zn. 77 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:78 A. Uniform BLM: Zn and trout B. De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2004 BLM: Zn and trout D. Uniform BLM: Zn and Daphnia pulex, data from Clifford and McGeer 2009 C. HydroQual 2004 BLM: Zn and trout Figure 32. Zinc predicted and empirical acute EC50s with rainbow and cutthroat trout: (A) using our uniform BLM), (B) the same tests using De Schamphelaere and Janssen’s(2004a) BLM, and (C) using HydroQual’s (2004) Zn BLM, and (D) our uniform BLM using Daphnia pulex data from Clifford and McGeer (2009). Other data sources: (Stratus 1999; Hansen et al. 2002; Brinkman and Hansen 2004; Todd et al. 2009; Mebane et al. 2012). 78 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:79 Cadmium Similar to Zn, our BLM evaluations with Cd were focused on trout tests and Clifford and McGeer’s (2010) Daphnia pulex study that was parallel to their Zn study. Both the datasets and the modeling results for Cd were similar to those for Zn. We think that our BLM model worked very well with the Cd data over the range of available data, including reasonable predictions with high and very low Ca waters and high and low pH (Figure 33a). As with Zn, there is a plateau in our model predictions at about 0.8 µg/L with the Hansen data (plotted as red circles, Figure 33a) that reflects a Cd sensitivity dependency on fish size, where the rainbow trout became more sensitive with increasing size. The model of Niyogi et al (2008) worked very well with the tests at the high range of the EC50s where Cd was relatively less toxic because of higher Ca or DOC concentrations in the dilution water. However, their model did not perform as well at the low range of the data because of low Ca concentrations, and their model, which did not include a BL-H term (Table 1), did not work at all with changing pH (Figure 33b). A non-referenced Cd BLM is included within HydroQual, Inc. (2007) BLM software. This model also performed reasonably well, and the pH series is trending in the correct direction. Overall, the performance of our BLM with these datasets performed at least as well as did previous published BLMs for Cd. Lead Compared with Zn and Cd, and as follows, Cu, much fewer data are available with Pb (Figure 34). Most recent BLM calibration studies used “factors testing” designs in which one key water parameter is varied while attempting to keep other parameters constant. No such studies have been reported with rainbow trout although extensive factors testing has been reported using the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas (Grosell et al. 2006; Mager et al. 2010). Similar to Zn and Cd tests, Mebane et al. (2012) tested Pb toxicity to trout by adding Pb to stream waters that had a natural range of ionic strength, but low DOC. These data provide information on the performance of our BLM with Pb in natural waters. We calibrated our BL-Pb parameters using the series of tests of different factors with varying Ca and humic acid concentrations, and acute and chronic exposures with varying pH (Grosell et al. 2006; Mager et al. 2010). Applying the model to Mebane et al.’s data with cutthroat trout, mayflies, black flies, and snails worked reasonably well (Figure 34). The rainbow trout empirical EC50s from Mebane et al.’s (2012) testing were highly variable, with tests straddling both sides of the factor of two prediction interval. This variability was correlated with differences in the size of the tested fish, with the swim-up fry apparently becoming less resistant as they got older during their first months of life (Mebane et al. 2012). More factors testing data with fathead minnows and Ceriodaphnia dubia have recently become available (Parametrix 2010; Esbaugh et al. 2011; Mager et al. 2011; Esbaugh et al. 2012). However, we have not had an opportunity to go back and compare the performance of our BLM with those datasets. In 2010 Robert Santore and Adam Ryan at HydroQual generously shared an unreleased Pb BLM they were developing. While the testing with their unreleased model is not shown in Figure 34, its performance with these datasets was comparable to that of our BLM. Overall, the limited data reviewed supported the use of our BLM for Pb. 79 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:80 Figure 33. Cadmium predicted and empirical acute EC50s with rainbow and cutthroat trout: (A) using our BLM, (B) the same tests using Niyogi et al.’s (2008) BLM, and (C) using HydroQual’s unpublished Cd BLM, and (D) our BLM using Daphnia pulex data from Clifford and McGeer’s (2010). Other data from: (Chapman 1978; Cusimano et al. 1986; Stratus 1999; Hansen et al. 2002; Besser et al. 2007; Mebane et al. 2012). 80 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:81 A. Uniform BLM: Pb and fish B. Uniform BLM: Pb and invertebrates Suspect value Figure 34. Lead predicted and empirical acute and chronic effects with fish: (A) using our BLM, and (B) acute Pb tests using invertebrates with our BLM (Grosell et al. 2006; Birceanu et al. 2008; Mager et al. 2010; Mebane et al. 2012) Copper The performance of our BLM with copper is reviewed more extensively than for other metals. This is because much more data are available with Cu than other metals and because of contrary results between datasets, especially between rainbow trout and some fathead minnow datasets with pH. Previous BLMs with Cu are more mature than with other metals, and comparisons focus on the BLM incorporated by USEPA (USEPA 2007) into its regulatory Cu criteria. The USEPA Cu criteria BLM in turn is refined from Di Toro et al.’s (2001) and Santore et al’s (2001) BLM. Trout tests with major ions Several rich datasets were reviewed of cutthroat or rainbow trout responses to Cu in waters with varying ionic content. Chakoumakos et al. (1979) tested cutthroat trout with Cu in spring waters that were manipulated to provide a range of alkalinities and pH, and differing Ca and Mg concentrations. We think our BLM handled these data very well, with an overall R2 coefficient of determination of 0.78 between our model predictions and the empirical results. The tests were conducted over a 3-month period and as the fish grew during the holding period, differences in size of tested fish likely introduced variability into the empirical results. When predicted and empirical results are compared among concurrent tests using the same sized fish, the correlations were nearly perfect with R2 coefficients ranging from 0.92 to 1.00 (Figure 35a). The predictions from USEPA (2007) BLM were almost as 81 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:82 good, with an overall R2 of 0.72 and for the individual series, R2 coefficients ranged from 0.68 to 0.99 (Figure 35b). The relative influence of either Ca or Mg on Cu toxicity to rainbow trout was investigated by Welsh et al (2000; 2001) and Naddy et al (2002). Both studies concocted solution waters with a common total hardness as CaCO3 but were composed of different ratios of Ca and Mg. Generally, Ca tended to reduce copper toxicity in DOC-free solutions, but Mg had little or no influence on copper toxicity in rainbow trout or fathead minnows (although Mg did mitigate Cu toxicity in Daphnia magna) (De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2002; Naddy et al. 2002). Our BLM at least predicted copper LC50s to trend in the same direction as the empirical LC50s from these tests with differing Ca and Mg ratios, although the regression slopes were all appreciably lower than 1.0 (Figure 35c). In contrast, the USEPA (2007) BLM “flatlined” the predictions for these tests, predicting nearly identical LC50s for the tests with differing Ca and Mg concentrations (Figure 35d). This result occurs because the BL-Ca and BL-Mg log K values in the USEPA (2007) BLM are identical, implying they are equally important competitors for binding sites on the gill. This is clearly not the case for rainbow trout. Copper and pH We examined the influence of varying pH on Cu toxicity to rainbow trout from three studies. Stratus Consulting (1996, 1998) tested the toxicity of copper to rainbow trout in a series of tests in lab and natural waters (Sacramento River, CA, USA) in which they amended pH in low or high Ca waters. DOC ranged from about 0.1 to 2 mg/L in the lab and natural waters. Ng et al. (2010) tested the toxicity of Cu to rainbow trout in soft water with pH ranging from 5 to 8.5 in 30-d exposures, and Cusimano et al. (1986) tested the toxicity of Cu to rainbow trout in soft water with pH ranging from 4.7 to 7. Tests were grouped by common Ca concentrations for the comparisons. The predicted LC50s for tests varying pH in lab or river waters matched our predictions very well (Figure 36a), which was not wholly surprising since these tests were among those used to calibrate our model. Likewise, the Cusimano pH series was also used to calibrate the pH response in our BLM and these empirical LC50s were also predicted well by our model (Figure 36d). The Ng 30-d tests were not used in our model calibration, which was limited to 96-hr test data, but these empirical test results were also predicted well by our model (Figure 36c). In contrast, the USEPA (2007) BLM predicted much more pronounced decreases in Cu toxicity with increasing pH than were actually observed with rainbow trout in any of these three series. These results with rainbow trout and pH and the corresponding excellent performance of our BLM and the poor performance of the USEPA (2007) with these datasets are sharply reversed with fathead minnows tested with Cu across a pH range of 6 to 9 (Figure 37a). These data are from Erickson et al.’s (1987; 1996) series of about 150 fathead minnow experiments with Cu under a wide variety of solution water chemistries. In their pH test series, Cu toxicity was consistently reduced at pH values greater than 7.5 (Figure 37a). This empirical pattern was not at all reflected in predictions using our BLM, but was matched very closely by the USEPA (2007) predictions (Figure 37b). This agreement between the Erickson empirical results and the USEPA (2007) BLM predictions was expected because the Erickson data were used to calibrate USEPA (2007) BLM. 82 Cu, major ions, and trout Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:83 A. Uniform BLM: Cu, major ions and cutthroat trout C. Uniform BLM: Cu, major ions and rainbow trout B. USEPA 2007 BLM: Cu, major ions and cutthroat trout D. USEPA 2007 BLM: Cu, major ions and rainbow trout Figure 35. Copper predicted and empirical trout LC50s with varying major ions: (A) our BLM, and (B) the same data with the USEPA (2007) BLM; (C) rainbow trout LC50s with varying major ions and our BLM; (D) the same data with the USEPA (2007) BLM. (Chakoumakos et al. 1979; Welsh et al. 2000; Welsh et al. 2001; Naddy et al. 2002) 83 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:84 Cu, pH and trout B. USEPA 2007 BLM: Cu and paired rainbow trout tests at pH 6 or 8 in different lab or river waters (Stratus 1996, 1998) A. Uniform BLM: Cu and paired rainbow trout tests at pH 6 or 8 in different lab or river waters (Stratus 1996, 1998) C. Copper, rainbow trout 30-d tests with varying pH, and our Uniform and USEPA 2007 BLMs (Ng et al. 2010) D. Copper, rainbow trout 96-h tests with varying pH, and our Uniform and USEPA 2007 BLMs (Cusimano et al. 1986) Rainbow trout copper 168h LC50s, across pH gradient, Cusimano et al 1986 Cusimano empirical Cu LC50s (µg/L) 40 35 Cusimano 2007 BLM parameters 30 Cusimano - uniform parameters 25 20 15 10 5 0 4.0 5.0 6.0 pH Figure 36. Copper empirical and predicted LC50s from rainbow trout tests with varying pH (Cusimano et al. 1986; Stratus 1996, 1998; Ng et al. 2010) 84 7.0 8.0 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:85 A. Uniform BLM: Cu and fathead minnow LC50s obtained over a pH range and otherwise constant conditions (Erickson 1987,1996) B. USEPA 2007 BLM: Cu and fathead minnow LC50s obtained over a pH range and otherwise constant conditions (Erickson 1987,1996) A. Uniform BLM: Cu and fathead minnow LC50s obtained over a pH range and otherwise constant conditions (Sciera et al 2004) B. USEPA 2007 BLM: Cu and fathead minnow LC50s obtained over a pH range and otherwise constant conditions (Sciera et al 2004) Figure 37. Copper empirical and predicted LC50s from fathead minnow tests with varying pH (Erickson et al. 1987; Erickson et al. 1996; Sciera et al. 2004). The apparently contradictory story of rainbow trout and fathead minnow responses is further complicated by a series of tests by Sciera et al (2004). Sciera and her colleagues used a factors testing study design comparable to Erickson’s wherein waters with a constant Ca content were pH adjusted by adding HCl or NaOH. However, unlike Erickson’s results, raising the pH from about 7.3 to 8 resulted in only small increases in the Cu LC50s. Our BLM tracked the general patterns of these responses reasonably well, except for the very soft water series with only 2 mg/L Ca, for which our model predicted a decrease in Cu toxicity from pH 6.0 to 7.3 when none was observed. The USEPA (2007) matched the empirical results for the highest Ca water (8 mg/L) from pH 6 to 7.3, but every other transition from low to higher pH, Cu toxicity was predicted to decrease more than was observed. Fathead minnows 85 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:86 The preceding string of comparisons of Cu toxicity as modified by pH showed that in different, closely matched test series, contradictory response patterns have occurred between rainbow trout and fathead minnow tests. Even among factors testing studies with fathead minnows, markedly different patterns arise from tests across similar pH ranges at overlapping Ca concentrations (Figure 37). These different patterns elude simple explanations, but emphasize an important limitation to our goal of developing a highly generalized BLM: if fundamentally different biological responses result from similar water chemistry conditions, no water chemistry based model is going to be able to predict these different biological responses. Next, we move from comparing species test series with fathead minnows and Cu to more general comparisons of predicted and empirical LC50s from large fathead minnow datasets developed over a wide range of water chemistry conditions (Figure 38). Erickson et al. (1987; 1996) reported 150 test results of Cu toxicity to fathead minnows from many different water chemistry combinations in addition to the pH experiments previously presented (Figure 37). Other tested factors included Ca, Mg, Na, K, alkalinity, and humic acid in both flow-through or static exposures (Figure 38a). This is the dataset used by Santore et al. (2001) to calibrate the Cu BLM that was later refined and used to establish USEPA’s national aquatic life criteria for Cu (USEPA 2007). As did Santore et al. (2001), tests with added K are excluded from the analyses because, independent of Cu, elevated K appears to be toxic to fathead minnows. Data are segregated by whether flow-through or static exposures were used because the exposure method also influences test results. Flow-through tests with limited contact time between Cu and solution, such as the ~45 minute volume replacement used by Erickson et al., will not have reached equilibrium with humic acid, leaving more Cu bioavailable than if equilibrium had been reached (Santore et al. 2001). In contrast, in static tests with no or limited water replacement, DOC may increase over the test duration reducing copper toxicity (Welsh et al. 2008). Thus, we segregate, but retain, both test types in our analyses. In contrast to the performance of our BLM with Erickson’s pH series (not correlated), when compared to the larger dataset, our BLM predictions are highly correlated with their empirical LC50s, with R2 0.58 to 0.91 for the static and flow-through tests, respectively (Figure 38a). Particularly with the static dataset that make up the majority of the data, our predictions are more ragged and correlations are weaker than those obtained with the USEPA (2007) BLM (R2 of 0.77 and 0.90 for the static and flow-through tests respectively (Figure 38b). This suggests that while our BLM may handle certain pH transitions poorly, overall for most water chemistry combinations in this dataset, our BLM performed adequately. Four other large studies of Cu toxicity to fathead minnows under a wide variety of water chemistry conditions were evaluated with our BLM (Figure 38c). Ryan et al. (2004) reported 30 tests with different natural DOC sources and amounts, all in reconstituted moderately hard water (hardness about 90 mg/L). Sciera et al. (Sciera et al. 2004) reported 39 tests of various combinations of water hardness, pH, and DOC, all in reconstituted waters, emphasizing soft water conditions (hardness was <50 mg/L). Van Genderen et al (2005) reported 81 tests conducted using both low-hardness natural waters from coastal South Carolina, USA and reconstituted waters, with hardness ranging from 4 to 122 mg/L CaCO3, pH ranging from 6 to 8, and DOC ranging from 0.4 to 13 mg/L. Welsh et al (1993; 1996) reported 38 tests with fathead minnows and Cu conducted in natural lake waters from the Canadian Shield region of Ontario, Canada. The lakes were all soft water and moderately acidic with DOC ranging from 0.4 to 16 mg/L. Hardness ranged from only 7 to 20 mg/L and pH from 55 to 7.2. 86 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:87 A. Uniform BLM: Cu and fathead minnow LC50s obtained over a wide range of ionic composition, pH, and DOC concentration (Erickson 1987,1996) B. USEPA 2007 BLM: with the same data as plot “A” D. USEPA 2007 BLM with same data as plot “C” C. Uniform BLM: Cu and fathead minnow LC50s obtained from soft or hardwater tests with varying DOC concentrations and or pH and ionic compositions Figure 38. Copper predicted and empirical LC50s from large fathead minnow datasets developed over a wide range of water chemistry conditions (Erickson et al. 1987; Welsh et al. 1993; Erickson et al. 1996; Welsh et al. 1996; Ryan et al. 2004; Sciera et al. 2004; Van Genderen et al. 2005) Considering these four large datasets with fathead minnows tested in diverse natural and laboratory soft and hard waters water, we see the data sets for the three soft water studies grouped together (open symbols) and the fish used in the hard water study were dramatically more resistant (solid symbols) (Figure 38c). Because of this dichotomy, our BLM tended to under-predict toxicity in very soft water and over-predict in hard water, i.e., predicted LC50s tended to be too high in soft water and too low in hard water tests. The USEPA (2007) BLM was similar in this regard, although the under predictions in soft water were more severe and the fit in the hard water tests was very good (Figure 38d). 87 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:88 The soft water problem The problem with the BLMs under-predicting Cu toxicity to fish in very soft water (Figure 38c) appears systematic and is consistent with similar observations noted earlier in the Cadmium Toxicity Tests and Zinc Toxicity Tests sections. This limitation to the BLM predictions goes beyond getting the competition terms correct for Ca, Na, and Cu or other metals at the biotic ligand. Rather it is related to changes that the fish undergo that are independent of metals exposure (Taylor et al. 2000; Van Genderen et al. 2008; Mebane et al. 2010b). In very soft waters without elevated metals, fish have increased energy requirements for respiratory gas transfer across the gill and to counter passive diffusive losses of Ca and Na from their bodies (Wendelaar Bonga and Lock 2008). Conceptually, these increased efflux rates in soft water could be incorporated into a biodynamic model adjusted to Ca levels in the ambient water (Veltman et al. 2010). However, such a model, especially if extended to multiple metals, seems likely to be overwhelmingly complex, which would limit its generality and utility. A more pragmatic solution might be to empirically reduce the LA50s of organisms in soft water by regression analysis (Paquin et al. 2011). Such an adjustment could be thought of as an extension of the common BLM practice of adjusting LA50s to fit observed sensitivities of organisms. Because we did not have empirical soft water adjustments to metals other than copper, and because we did not wish to add more complexity to our modeling approach, we decided to accept this potential bias in Cu predictions in soft water from our BLM. In general, although our BLM did not work well for every fathead minnow dataset, on the whole we thought the predictions seemed acceptable. Invertebrates Because our multiple-toxicant BLM was calibrated from rainbow trout data, whether it was suitable for use with invertebrates was uncertain. Separate Cu BLMs have been developed for fish and invertebrates (Daphnia magna), where the latter has been argued to be more appropriate for use with invertebrates (Niyogi and Wood 2004a). Thus we analyzed several datasets in diverse waters with our BLM. All datasets analyzed used cladocerans, Daphnia magna or Ceriodaphnia dubia. GLEC (2006) tested the acute toxicity of Ceriodaphnia dubia to Cu using a wide variety of natural waters collected from the southern boreal forests in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA. Water hardness ranged from 17 to 213 mg/L and DOC ranged from <1 – 30 mg/L. We think our BLM performed quite well with these data with reasonably accurate predictions and little obvious bias (Figure 39a and b). 88 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:89 A. Uniform BLM: Cu and Ceriodaphnia dubia tested in natural waters with a wide range of DOC and hardness, and pH (GLEC 2006) B. USEPA 2007 BLM predictions with the same data as plot “A” C. Uniform BLM: Cu 48-h tests with Daphnia magna in diverse Chilean waters (Villavicencio et al 2005) D. USEPA 2007 BLM predictions with the same data as plot “C” E. Uniform BLM: Cu 48-h tests with Daphnia magna in waters with varying pH, hardness and DOC concentrations (Ryan et al 2009) Figure 39. F. USEPA 2007 BLM predictions with the same data as plot “E” Copper predicted and empirical EC50s from cladocerans in diverse waters. 89 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:90 Villavicencio et al. (2005) tested the acute toxicity of Cu to different daphnids across a range of natural waters in Chile. The natural waters included high Ca and low DOC waters from rivers in arid north central Chile; low Ca and low DOC from mountain rivers and lakes, and lakes with high DOC. We think our BLM predicted these empirical data exceptionally well, as did the USEPA (2007) BLM (Figure 39c and d). Ryan et al (2009) tested the influence of different water chemistry factors on Cu toxicity to Daphnia magna, with varying Ca, pH, and DOC in soft waters. Their study design was analogous to the fathead minnow studies by Sciera et al. (2004). Again we thought that our BLM did very well with test data from these diverse waters, except perhaps for a couple of tests with artificial water and no added DOM (Figure 39d and e). While most of our calibration or validation datasets involved acute data, environmental exposures are probably more commonly long-term, low level exposures. Thus, we also tried to evaluate chronic test data when available. One major study was De Schamphelaere and Janssen’s (2004b) testing and modeling the chronic (21-d) toxicity of Daphnia magna in natural waters collected from The Netherlands and Belgium, and amended by varying DOM and inorganic factors. They found their chronic effects were not predicted well by a previously developed acute Daphnia magna BLM, and developed their “Model 3’ that was the best model fit specifically to the dataset. Applying our BLM to their chronic Daphnia no-observed effect concentrations (NOECs), our model did almost as well as “Model 3” (Figures 40a and b). A. Uniform BLM B. “Model 3”, De Schamphelaere & Janssen (2004b) C. USEPA (2007) BLM Figure 40. Copper predicted and empirical 21-day NOECs with Daphnia magna (De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2004b). These various Cu toxicity datasets with invertebrates represented diverse water types. However all comparisons were based on daphnids, which begs the question whether other freshwater invertebrates would respond similarly. We note that Wang et al. (2009; 2011) were able to predict acute and chronic Cu toxicity to juvenile freshwater mussels using the USEPA (2007) BLM, as was acute Cu toxicity to the amphipod Hyalella azteca (C. Mebane, unpublished data). 90 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:91 In summary, we note that in the analyses presented in this study, our BLM mostly performed on par with the USEPA (2007) Cu BLM. We think that these various datasets, each of which were large and obtained from diverse water chemistries, amply support the use of our BLM with Cu. Nickel Our initial development of new BLMs for single metals did not include Ni. Because this model was added after the other metal BLMs had been developed, we assumed that the biotic ligand binding constants that we had previously optimized for nontoxic cations could also be used to evaluate Ni toxicity (i.e., BL-H, BL-Ca, BL-Mg, and BL-Na). Thus, we only optimized log K values for BL-Ni and BL-NiOH in developing the new Ni BLM. This approach probably pushes the limits of our BLM approach for several reasons. First, until recently Ni has had much less research interest than more toxic metals such as Cu or Cd (Pyle and Couture 2011). The burst of recent research findings indicate different organisms have different modes of toxicity and model parameters such as Mg may have markedly different influence on Ni toxicity for different organisms. Something as fundamental as the mechanism of Ni toxicity to aquatic organisms seems to vary with organism. The fundamental concept of the BLM approach to predicting metals toxicity is that ionoregulatory function may be disrupted by trace metals (Di Toro et al. 2001; Paquin et al. 2011). Yet, with rainbow trout exposed to Ni concentrations far higher than those expected in aquatic ecosystems, Ni was found to be a respiratory toxicant, not an ionoregulatory toxicant. However, Ni has subsequently been shown to be a ionoregulatory toxicant with zebrafish, with a common mechanism of toxicity with the other metals included in our BLM evaluations: Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn (Alsop and Wood 2011). Further, nickel has also been shown to be an ionoregulatory toxicant to Daphnia magna impairing Mg2+ uptake, which results in a net decrease of whole bodyMg2+ (Pane et al. 2003b). A second fundamental assumption of the BLM approach is that the parameters that describe interactions between cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and H+) and the toxic free metal ions are constant across organisms, and that among species only the intrinsic sensitivity varies (Di Toro et al. 2001; Paquin et al. 2011). The evidence for this is also equivocal. With fish and daphnids, increasing either water hardness or Ca and Mg individually appears to mitigate Ni toxicity, with Ca generally providing a stronger protective effect (Lind et al. 1978; Meyer et al. 1999; Deleebeeck et al. 2007a; Deleebeeck et al. 2007b; Meyer et al. 2007; Kozlova et al. 2009). These findings are consistent with the structure of our BLM (Table 2). However, with the single-cell green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, also known as Selenastrum capricornutum, www.itis.gov), increased Mg strongly reduced Ni toxicity, but Ca had little effect. With pH, the influence on Ni toxicity is also variable, with reports that increasing pH resulted in increased toxicity of Ni to fish (Schubauer-Berigan et al. 1993; Deleebeeck et al. 2007a), or decreased toxicity of Ni to fish (Pyle et al. 2002). Thus, at the outset it was not clear that our BLM (or any single BLM) could be applied across algae, invertebrates, and fish. Candidate data sources for modeling were sought that tested Ni toxicity across a range of solution chemistries and that fully reported necessary biological and chemical data. Data sets used in modeling were sub-acute rainbow trout tested across a range of pH, Ca, Mg, and DOC concentrations in artificial and natural waters in ~17 day exposures (Deleebeeck et al. 2007a), acute Daphnia magna tests similarly conducted in artificial and natural waters (Deleebeeck et al. 2008a), chronic Daphnia magna tests similarly conducted in artificial and natural waters (Deleebeeck et al. 2008b), green algae growth tests in artificial and natural waters (Deleebeeck et al. 2009b), acute and chronic tests with wild cladocerans and green microalgae collected from Swedish lakes (Deleebeeck et al. 2007b; Deleebeeck et al. 2009a), and chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia in artificial waters from two studies (Keithly et al. 2004; De Schamphelaere et al. 2006, citing Wirtz et al. 2004). Unused data included studies that varied 91 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:92 solution waters, but full measured BLM water chemistry parameters were not readily available (Lind et al. 1978; Meyer et al. 1999; Pyle et al. 2002; Hoang et al. 2004). Some studies measured and reported all necessary chemistry to evaluate in a BLM context but were not very useful to calibrate a BLM because tests were conducted in a single type of solution chemistry (Nebeker et al. 1985; Brix et al. 2004; Besser et al. 2011). Two studies that would have been useful for calibration or validation of the Ni modeling were reviewed while we were writing the report and we intend to add them later. Kozlova et al.’s (2009) factors testing with Daphnia magna would have been a useful calibration dataset. Schlekat’s et al. (2010) study of Ni toxicity to six species in five different natural waters would have been a good validation check. To obtain BL-Ni and BL-NiOH binding affinity constants, the fractions of biotic ligand bound by each cation were calculated in an interactive Excel spread sheet following Appendix 2. The log K values for BL-H, BL-Ca, BL-Mg, and BL-Na were carried forward from other metals. We used the Solver optimization add-in for Microsoft Excel (http://www.solver.com/) to calculate the log K (BL-Ni) and log K (BL-NiOH) values by minimizing differences between predicted and empirical LC50s using the rainbow trout data of Deleebeeck et al. (2007a). Using the rainbow trout data to define the binding constants in preference to other Ni data was a judgment based on two reasons. First, our review of the literature mentioned above indicated diverse responses by different organisms to factors modifying Ni toxicity making it unlikely that we could find good universal solutions, and second, to be consistent with our approach with other metals for which we used trout data preferentially. Specifically, using Solver we set the objective to find the minimum difference between the average predicted and observed LC50s by adjusting all combinations of (1) log K (BL-Ni), (2) log K (BL-NiOH), and (3) the f_50% mortality (fraction of the BL occupied at 50% mortality effectively, the LA50). Both of the Solver global optimization algorithms were used and produced similar results, the generalized reduced gradient (GRG) nonlinear method for smooth nonlinear problems, and the Evolutionary algorithm for problems that are assumed to be non-smooth. With the GRG nonlinear method, 1000 iterations were used with 100 restarts to reduce the likelihood that Solver would only find a local vs. global optimum. Constraints imposed were that log K (BL-Ni) had to be between 2 and 10, and f_50% mortality had to be between 0 and 1. Then using the solution from minimizing the average differences between the predicted and observed LC50s as initial values, the process was repeated setting the goal to obtain a slope of 1.0 between the predicted and observed LC50s. The results of these steps were a log K (BL-Ni) of 4.04, log K (BL-NiOH) -2.58, and an f50 of 0.012. The other datasets were optimized using these binding constants and only using Solver to find the best f_50% mortality. Curiously, depending on initial conditions, Solver also found a very different solutions that worked almost equally well with all datasets (log K (BL-Ni) of 6.16, log K (BL-NiOH) 0.84 , and an f50 of 0.477) While mathematically these two solutions were almost equivalent, we chose the first set because the lower log K (BL-Ni) of 4.04 was within the range of values determined by others, e.g., 4.0 to 4.68 (Keithly et al. 2004; Kozlova et al. 2009), and it preserved the rank order correspondence of increasing log K (BL-Metal) with increasing toxicity of the metal (Figure 6; Niyogi and Wood 2004a). Also, a 50% fractional mortality occurring only when almost 50% of the total biotic ligand binding sites are filled (f_50% mortality of 0.477) is far greater than that obtained for other metals which usually predicted 50% mortality to occur when less than 5% of total binding sites were filled. Obviously, this selection of which parameter set to use was a judgment call on our part that illustrates an unsettling aspect of our and most BLM related models that are developed from toxicity data. Only the solution chemistries and the biological endpoints are measured, and all the intermediate steps are constructs. Thus, BLMs generally and our BLM, in particular, suffer from the fact that there 92 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:93 are non-unique solutions that may be about mathematically equivalent, but imply different underlying chemical or biological mechanisms or interpretation of model results. Considering the model datasets specifically, our BLM parameters predicted LC50s for trout that were strongly correlated with empirical LC50s in test series that varied pH and Ca. Correlations were still reasonably strong with the Mg series (r2 =0.40), but not at all with the field validation series (Figure 41a). Daphnia magna (acute) patterns between predicted and empirical LC50s are almost reversed from those with the rainbow trout. The strongest correlations were with the Mg and field validation series, and pH and Ca (the strongest correlates with rainbow trout) were minimally correlated (Figure 41b). However, if the toxicity test in 5 mM Ca (total hardness 525 mg/L CaCO3) were excluded, then the correlation would be reasonably good (r2 = 0.52). Deleebeeck et al (2008a) noted that above 3 mM Ca or Mg, further increases in concentrations did not result in further decreases in toxicity, and excluded these data from their model development. Daphnia magna (chronic) predicted EC50s were strongly correlated with the pH, Ca, Mg and field validation test series (r2 0.54 to 0.92, Figure 41c). These strong patterns with the chronic test are additionally curious because the model predictions fit the empirical data far better than for the acute Daphnia magna data. This is unexpected because most BLMs, including ours, have mostly been developed from acute datasets (Niyogi and Wood 2004a). In their critical review of the BLM, Slaveykova and Wilkinson (2005) argued that the fundamental theory and critical assumptions implicit to BLM are unrealistic and contradicted when extrapolated from acute to chronic settings. The green algae model predictions have yet another strikingly different response pattern. pH and Ca tests were highly correlated with predictions, but the slopes of the predicted responses were far steeper than occurred with the empirical data (Figure 42a). Magnesium tests predictions and observations of growth inhibition were well correlated. This stands to reason, assuming that Ni acts as an ionoregulatory toxicant to algae, similarly as it does with Daphnia magna. Magnesium deficiency in plants impairs photosynthesis because Mg must be incorporated into the chlorophyll molecule before chlorophyll is effective at gathering light for photosynthetic carbon reduction (Wilkinson et al. 1990). Wild cladocerans and green microalgae responses to acute and chronic Ni exposures were all predicted exceptionally well by our BLM (Figure 42b). It is interesting that the green microalgae Desmodesmus sp. growth inhibition predictions were in such good agreement with the empirical results yet the (Pseudokirchneriella/Selenastrum) growth inhibition predictions were generally poor (Figure 42a). Likewise, in the acute testing with daphnids, the wild, Swedish daphnid responses were predicted well but the cultured Daphnia magna responses not so well (Figures 41b and 42b). Chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia responses were predicted well from the Keithley et al.dataset, but not so well with the Wirtz et al. dataset (Figure 42c). Of note is that the two test results with the worst predictions in the Wirtz data were conducted in test waters with alkaline waters. (The Wirtz data included tests in natural waters of low alkalinity, but we excluded them from our evaluation because we noticed that Cu and Zn were elevated in the natural waters, 7 to 27 µg/L Cu and 3 to 11 µg/L Zn, and could confound interpretation of Ni toxicity (De Schamphelaere et al. 2006).) Others had noted a dichotomy in the Ca and Ni toxicity relations in soft or hard water that could not easily be modeled together. Calcium apparently provides a relatively greater protective effect from Ni toxicity in soft waters than harder water (Deleebeeck et al. 2007b; Kozlova et al. 2009). Overall, the performance of our BLM with these datasets indicated that we could reasonably apply a single Ni BLM to various species. 93 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:94 Rainbow trout, ~17-d EC50s, Deleebeeck et al. (2007a) A. Ppredicted LC50 Ni (µg/L) 10,000 Rainbow trout f_50% mortality = 0.012 1,000 pH series Slope r2 2.33 0.98 Ca series 1.36 0.67 Mg Series 0.27 0.40 Field validation 0.13 0.03 100 100 1,000 10,000 Observed LC50 Ni (µg/L) B. Daphnia magna, acute f_50% mortality = 0.012 C. Slope r2 -2.38 0.05 0.79 0.10 0.97 0.46 3.52 0.11 0.71 0.52 Daphnia magna, chronic f_50% mortality = 0.00031 Slope r2 Figure 41. Nickel predicted and empirical effects for rainbow trout and Daphnia magna. 94 3.08 0.54 2.57 0.87 0.53 0.92 0.47 0.66 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:95 A. r2 Slope Green algae, 72-h growth inhibition 3.19 0.76 14.1 0.80 0.67 0.58 0.37 0.25 f_50% effect = 0.00031 B. f_50% effect = 0.00031 Slope r2 f_50% effect 0.79 0.70 0.0077 0.85 0.95 0.0005 0.80 0.84 0.0067 C. 7-d 50% inhibition, lowest endpoint Slope f_50% effect = 0.00009 0.26 r2 0.14 f_50% effect = 0.00004 Slope 0.49 r2 Low alkalinity 0.63 Figure 42. Nickel predicted and empirical EC50s for (A) cultured green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, (B) field collected green microalgae and field collected Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and (C) chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia exposures 95 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:96 Comparisons of benthic invertebrate tissue residues and predicted metal loading using our multipletoxicant BLM and evaluation of the diversity of benthic invertebrate communities using the BLM-Tox approach Metal tissue residues in aquatic insects in streams Schmidt et al. (2011) analyzed tissue residues from three species of aquatic insects collected from streams in Colorado, USA. Stream water chemistry was collected once and analyzed for all needed BLM parameters. The three aquatic insect taxa studied, the mayflies Rhithrogena spp. and Drunella spp. and the caddisfly Arctopsyche grandis, are expected to accumulate metals such that loads are Rhithrogena > Drunella > Arctopsyche because of their relative abilities to eliminate metals (Rhithrogena < Drunella < Arctopsyche) (Buchwalter et al. 2008). The streams studied reflected leastdisturbed reference streams, streams with naturally elevated metals, and streams influenced by mining disturbances. Schmidt et al.’s (2011) interpretation focused on zinc, although Cd and Cu were also elevated in some streams (90th percentile concentrations were Cd 0.83, Cu 17, and Zn 209 µg/L; maximum concentrations Cd 7.9, Cu 935, and Zn 1790 µg/L). Arctopsyche were metals tolerant, and populations were not at all limited by zinc. In contrast, declines in Rhithrogena and Drunella populations were suggested to begin at very low Zn concentrations, 4 and 7 µg/L respectively (Schmidt et al. 2011). Comparing the predicted fractions of the biotic ligand for Cd, Cu, and Zn to the measured accumulated metals shows that the BLM predicted accumulations had some correlation with measured accumulations (Figure 43). Correlations were strongest with Zn for all three taxa (ignoring r2 of 0.91 with Cu and Rhithrogena because it was highly leveraged by a single value), and correlations for all three metals were strongest in Rhithrogena. 96 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:97 Cd Cu Zn 10000 A. Arctopsyche grandis (n=48) 1000 Figure 43. Correlations between tissue residues of Cd, Cu, and Zn measured in three stream invertebrate species collected from Colorado, USA streams and predicted metal loading on the biotic ligand. Data from Schmidt et al (2011). Cd r2 = 0.04 Cu r2 = 0.25 Zn r2 = 0.34 100 Tissue 10 metal (mg/kg dw) 1 0.1 0.01 1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 0.01 0.1 1 BL-Me/BL-Tot 10,000 B. Drunella doddsi (n=58) 1,000 Cd r2 = 0.09 Cu r2 = 0.25 Zn r2 = 0.33 100 Tissue 10 metal (mg/kg dw) 1 Cd Cu Zn 0.1 0.01 1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 0.01 0.1 1 BL-Me/BL-Tot 10,000 1,000 Cd Cu Zn C. Rhithrogena sp. (n=14) Cd r2 = 0.21 Cu r2 = 0.91 Zn r2 = 0.41 100 Tissue metal (mg/kg dw) 10 1 0.1 0.01 1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 1E-3 BL-Me/BL-Tot 97 0.01 0.1 1 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:98 With Zn, the correlations between BLM predicted accumulations and measured accumulations were somewhat similar with r2 values between 0.33 and 0.41. Still, more than half of the variability in measured accumulations was not “explained” by our BLM. This unexplained portion presumably could be related to factors such as (1) limitations in the general BLM concept, (2) inaccuracies in our BLM, (3) aquatic organisms are not passive biotic ligands, but have mechanisms to regulate essential trace metals to avoid deficiency or overload, (4) insects get much or most of their metals exposure through their diet than directly through the water in time-dependent, chronic exposures, (5) one-time sampling may not be representative of antecedent conditions, and (6) measurement error. Considering this host of potentially confounding factors, the fact that there was any correlation between modeled and observed accumulations was somewhat encouraging. Stream aquatic insect diversity predicted from BLM-Tox Previous approaches have used quantile regression and toxic units (Schmidt et al. 2010) or quantile regression and FTOX (Stockdale et al. 2010) to assess water quality impacts to benthic invertebrate communities. We used the Schmidt et al. (2011) data set to illustrate the application of our BLM-Tox approach to these field samples. Water composition was used to calculate solution and biotic ligand speciation, Tox was calculated, and the relationship between Tox and the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) richness index was determined. The weighting coefficients determined in the project data sets were used. The EPT richness index is used to assess water quality and its effect on the diversity of aquatic invertebrates in ecosystems. We were able to successfully model the macroinvertebrate data (Figure 44). Our results indicate that EPT richness is high at low values of Tox, begins to decrease at Tox ~ .02, and then levels off at Tox ~ 0.4. The midpoint between high and low diversity occurs at Tox = 0.069. Cd, Cu, and Zn are important contributors to Tox in this dataset. The relative importance of the metals to Tox again varies with metal ratios. 98 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:99 Figure 44. Relationships between species richness of EPT aquatic insects collected from Colorado, USA streams and water chemistry and relative importance of metals to toxicity using the BLM-Tox approach. Aquatic insect occurrences and stream chemistry data are from Schmidt et al. (2010). 99 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:100 Appendix 2 - Calculation of the speciation of the biotic ligand Calculation of the speciation of the biotic ligand (i.e., fraction of biotic ligand bound by each cation) Nomenclature ( ) = activity [ ] = concentration BL- = biotic ligand cat+n = cation, including H+, Na+, Mg+2, Ca+2, Cd+2, Cu+2, Ni+2, Pb+2, and Zn+2 fcat = [BL-cat+(n-1)]/BLtotal = fraction of total biotic ligand bound by cat+n fcatOH = [BL-catOH+(n-2)]/[BLtotal] = fraction of total biotic ligand bound by catOH+(n-1) Equilibrium reactions and constants BL- + cat+n = BL-cat+(n-1) BL- + cat+n + H2O = BL-catOH+(n-2) + H+ Kcat = [BL-cat+(n-1)]/([BL-](cat+n)) KcatOH = [BL-catOH+(n-2)](H+)/([BL-](cat+n)) Re-arrange: [BL-cat+(n-1)] = Kcat [BL-](cat+n) [BL-catOH+(n-2)] = KcatOH [BL-](cat+n)/(H+) Mass balance on biotic ligand [BLtotal] = [BL-] + S[BL-cat+(n-1)] + S[BL-catOH+(n-2)] Substitute and re-arrange: [BLtotal] = [BL-] (1 + S Kcat (cat+n) + SKcatOH (cat+n)/(H+)) Define: C = (1 + S Kcat (cat+n) + SKcatOH (cat+n)/(H+)) (C is a constant for given solution speciation and BLM equilibrium constants) Then re-arrange: 1/C = [BL-]/[BLtotal] = f BL- (fraction of total biotic ligand as BL-) Calculate fractional speciation of biotic ligand f BL-cat = [BL-cat+(n-1)]/[BLtotal] = Kcat (cat+n)/C f BL-catOH = [BL-catOH+(n-2)]/[BLtotal] = KcatOH (cat+n)/((H+)C) 100 Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:101 Appendix 3: Illustrations of the concentration-addition toxic unit and the BLM-Tox approaches to evaluating mixture toxicity Selected comparisons of concentration-based Toxic Unit (TU), additive approach to evaluating mixture toxicity, observed mortalities (black circles) vs. the fractional mortalities predicted by BLM-Tox model (white circles). Observed mortalities at 1.0 Toxic Unit implies additive toxicity of the mixture components, >50% mortality at 1 TU indicates greater than additive toxicity, and <50% mortality indicates less than additive toxicity. Toxic Units were defined from the matched single metal test for each mixture test. Daphnia magna Conclusion: Mixture toxicity was less than additive in this test, based on exposures #2-5 having <50% mortality at >1 TU. Conclusion: Mixture toxicity was greater than additive in this test, based on exposure #2 having nearly 100% mortality at 1 TU. Daphnia magna Daphnia magna Daphnia magna Conclusion: Mixture toxicity was less than additive in this test, based on exposures #4-6 having <50% mortality at TUs near or >1. Appendices-101 Conclusion: Mixture toxicity was about additive in exposure #2 and much less than additive in exposures #3-6 which had <50% mortality at TUs >1. Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:102 Daphnia magna Daphnia magna Conclusion: Mixture toxicity was less than additive in exposure #2 having <50% mortality at >1 TU. Other exposures were ambiguous re concentration additivity. Conclusion: Mixture toxicity was probably greater than additive in this test, based on exposure #2 having ~60 to 90% mortality at TUs of about 1.1 to 1.3. Daphnia magna Daphnia magna Conclusion: Exposure #2 suggests roughly additive toxicity, however mixture exposure #1 was actually solely Cu, with 25% observed at an exposure concentration that happened to be the same as the 50% mortality concentration from the concurrent Cu test. This intra-batch variability cautions against making too strong of conclusions from any single experiment. Appendices-102 Conclusion: No conclusions on concentration additivity are possible from this test series because of high mortalities in all mixture exposures, which were all dosed at >1 TU. Farley et al.: Comparison of Four Modeling Approaches, File SI-3:103 Rainbow trout Cutthroat trout Conclusion: Mixture toxicity could be considered roughly additive because exposures 3 and 4 bracket 1 TU and bracket 50% mortality Conclusion: Mixture toxicity was consistently less than additive in this series since <50% mortality occurred in all mixtures with >1 TU Rainbow trout Conclusion: Exposures #3 and #4 suggest less than additive toxicity, based on low mortality in exposure #3 at close to 1 TU and because in exposure #4, 1.75 TUs resulted in only 60% mortality. Rainbow trout Conclusion: Toxicities appear less than additive on a concentration basis, because 1.85 TUs in exposure #2 only produced 53% mortality. Appendices-103