INVITRO CONSERVATION AND MICROPROPAGATION PROGRAM Publications Quraishi, A., Bancilhon, L.R. and Nozeran, R. 1979. Effect of the origin of explant in Solanum tuberosum L. Var. B.F. 15. Ann. Amelior, Plantes. 29(6):639-663. Quraishi, A. and Nafees, A. 1983. Contribution of plant tissue culture in the clonal propagation of Mangifera indica L. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 4(1):12-16. Quraishi, A. and John, I. 1985. Organogenetic callus formation from various potato explants. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 6(4):271-273. Quraishi, A. 1985. Tissue culture as a means of exploring variability in potato,Solanum tuberosum L. var. B.F.15. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 6(1):20-22. Sajid, G.M., Quraishi, A. and Salim, M. 1986. Thermotherapy and meristem tip culture of Solanum tuberosum L. for elimination of potato viruses X, S and Y. Pakistan J. Bot. 18(2): 249-253. Rashid, H., and Quraishi, A. 1987. Biotechnology a tool to generate variability in plants. Somaclonal variation. J. Sci. Tech. Develop. 6(4):38-41. Quraishi, A. 1987. Biotechnology, an indispensable component for the developing countries. Egyptian J. Hort. 1(13): 83-88. Abbas, S.T., Naqvi, S.M.S. and Quraishi, A. 1988. Phenotypic variation among progeny of Basmati somaclones. Pakistan J. Sci. Indust. Res. 31(11): 788-790. Quraishi, A. 1988. Post harvest with special emphasis on biotechnology. J. Sci. Tech. Develop. 7(1): 4750. Rehman, A., Rashid, H. Quraishi, A. and John, I. 1988. Effect of GA3 on shoot proliferation in different date palm varieties. Pakistan J. Bot. 20(2): 221-225. Ahmad, I., Mumtaz, N. Quraishi, A. and Latif, M. 1989. Histological studies of embryogenic and non embryogenic callus in wheat cultivar Pavon-76. Pakistan J. Agri. AgriEng. and Vet. Sci. 5(1-2): 17-20. Naqvi, S.M.S., Abbas, S.T. and Quraishi, A. 1989. Effect of sucrose, phytohormones and some aminoacids on callus culture and subsequent regeneration in "Basmati-385". Pakistan J. Agric Res. 10(3): 224-230. Mumtaz, N. and Quraishi, A. 1989. Invitro performance of selected potato cultivars. Sarhad J. Agri. Res. 5(4): 363-367. Mumtaz, N., Ahmad, I. Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1989. Histological studies of embryogenic callus in three wheat cultivars. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 10(3): 209-213. Rashid H. and Quraishi, A. 1990. In vitro manipulation of 2,4-D for callus induction and its subsequent regeneration in selected wheat and rice cultivars. Pakistan J. Weed. Sci. Res. 3(1):26-30. Mumtaz, N. and Quraishi, A. 1990. A study of two different methods for induction of in vitro tuberization in Solanum tuberosum L. Pakistan J. Sci. Indust. Res. 33(1-2): 49-51. Mumtaz, N., Chaudhary, Q.F. and Quraishi, A. 1990. Tissue culture studies of Catharanthus roseus. Sarhad J. Agri. Res. 6(5): 467-469. Quraishi, A. and Rashid, H. 1993. Establishment of long term embryogenic cultures in Phoenix dactylifera L. cv. Dhakki. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 14(4): 320-323. G.A. Bhatti., Quraishi, N. Quraishi, A. and Sultana, K. 1993. Studies on heat shock response of wheat seedlings using E. coli Groel antibodies. Pakphyton, 5:157-166 Chaudhary, A., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1993. Analysis of proteins and peroxidases from embryogenic and non embryogenic cultures of Citrus reticulata L. c.v. Kinnow mandarin. Pakistan J. Sci. Indus. Res. 36(1): 20-22. Hussain, I., Ahmad, M. and Quraishi, A. 1994. In vitro multiplication of Dianthus caryophyllus L.c.v. CSU, Pink and White Sim. Sarhad J. Agri. Res. 10 (5): 539-546. Ahmad, S.D., Quraishi, A. and Rashid, H. 1994. Genetic engineering-Prospects and potential in agricultural development. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 286-293. Abbas, S.T., Quraishi, A. and Chaughtai, M.I.D. 1994. Salt affected soils-Problems and prospects. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 167-184. Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1994. Biodiversity in wheat using tissue culture technologies. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 78-82. Aziz, A.N., Rashid, H. Sultana, K. and Quraishi, A. 1994. Heat shock proteins in embryogenic calli of wheat. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 83-88. Tahir, F., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1994. Biochemical studies in stressed cultures (sodium chloride) of wheat. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 89-96. Rashid, H., Hameed, S. Chaudhry, Z. Tahir, F. and Quraishi, A. 1994. Quantitative proteins from embryogenic and non-embryogenic wheat calli. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 97-99. Mohammad, A.S., and Quraishi, A. 1994. Tissue culture of sunflower. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 153160. Quraishi, A., and Rashid, H. 1994. Plant tissue culture: Potentials and prospects. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 161-166. Rashid, H., and Quraishi, A. 1994. Micropropagation of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. c.v. Dhakki) through tissue culture. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 1-7. Quraishi, A., Chaudhary, Z. Rashid, H. and Khaliq, P. 1994. Pre-basic seed potato production through tissue culture. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 8-13. Chaudhary, Z., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1994. Somatic embryogenesis in Citrus reticulata L. c.v. Blanco. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 14-18. Hussain, I., Rashid, H. Chaudhry, Z. Quraishi, A. Arjumand, S.S. and Amin, S. 1994. Effect of explant source and age of seedlings on callus formation of carnation. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 49-53. Mahmood, S., Rashid, H. Quraishi, A. Iqbal, N. Arjumand, S.S. and Malik, M.N. 1994. Clonal propagation of strawberry through tissue culture. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 15(1): 54-59. Hussain, Iqbal., Ahmad, M. and Quraishi, A. 1995. Effect of explant source on in vitro regeneration of plants through tissue proliferation in Phoenix dactylifera L. c.v. Fusli. Pakistan J. Bot. 27(1): 101-104. Shakeel, A.J., Sajid G.M. Quraishi, A. and Munir, M. 1995. Callogenetic and morphogenetic response of leaf explants of in vitro grown F1 hybrids to different level of plant growth regulators. Pakistan J. Plt. Sci. 1(2): 281-287. Quraishi, A. and Khaliq, P. 1995. Agricultural Development in Pakistan. J. Sci. Tech. Develop. 14(4): 1-5. Abbasi, F.M., and Quraishi, A. 1996. Problems and prospects of indica rice anther culture. J. Sci. Tech Develop. 15(1):47-50. Ahmed, S., Hussain, A. and Quraishi, A. 1997. In vitro response of date-palm c.v Dhakki; to plant growth regulators. Sarhad J. Agri. Res. 8(1): 46-53. Quraishi A., Hussain, I. Ahmed, M. Rashid, H. and Latif, M. 1997. Sustained multiplication of long term embryogenic cultures of date palm and their field performance. Pakistan J. Bot. 19(1): 135-141. Muhammad, A., and Quraishi, A. 1999. Clonal propagation of ginger through shoot tip culture. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 2(1): 145-147. Muhammad, A., Sajid, M. Hussain, I. and Quraishi, A. 1999. In vitro morphogenesis from seeds of Helianthus annus L. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 2(4): 1432-1434. Quraishi, A., Tahir, F. and Rashid, H. 2000. Effect of NaCL on callogenesis of Triticum aestivum L. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 16(1): 28-29. Ullah, I., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2000. Varietal response of wheat, triticum aestivum L. to tissue culture and assessment of somaclonal variation. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 3(10):1598-1600. Malik, T.A., Mohammed, A. Ch. Ahmed, S.M. and Quraishi, A. 2000. In vitro multiplication of banana c.v. Desi. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 3(12): 2253-2255. Rashid, H., Toriyama, K. Quraishi, A. Hinata, K. and Malik, K.A. 2000. An improved method for shoot regeneration from calli of indica rice (Basmati). Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 3(12): 2229-2231. Gul, N., Sawati, Z.A. Naqvi, S.M.S. Ullah, I. and Quraishi, A. 2000. Magnitude of somaclonal variation in Oryzae sativa L. cvs. Basmati-385, JP-5, Pakhal and Swat-II. Plt. Tiss Cult. 10(2): 119-124. Muhammad, A., Hussain, I. Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2000. Enhanced in vitro multiplication of banana. Plt. Tiss. Cult. 10(2): 111-117. Abbasi F.M., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2000. Regeneration efficiency and embryogenic callus production of three cultivars of rice. Pakistan J. Agri. Res. 16(2): 97-99. Quraishi, A. and Muhammad, A. 2000. Role of tissue culture in banana improvement. J. Sci. Tech. Develop. 19(3):51-54. 52. Jatoi, S. A., Baloch, M. S. and Quraishi, A. 2000. Response of calli derived from diverse explant of tomato hybrids to different plant growth regulators. J. Pure App. Sci. 19(2):19-23. Quraishi, A. 2001. Impact of banana biotechnology in Pakistan. J. Sci. Tech. Develop. 20(1):1-5. Rabbani, A., Askari, B. Abbasi, N. Akhter. Bhatti, M. and Quraishi, A. 2001. Effect of growth regulators on in vitro multiplication of potato. Intl. J. Agri. Bio. 3(2):181-182. Zaman, M. S., Quraishi, A. Hassan, G. Ali, S. Khabeer, A. and Gul, N. 2001. Meristem culture of potato (solanum tuberosum L.) for production of virus free plantlets. Online J. Biol. Sci. 1(10): 898-899. Rashid, H., Bokhari, S. Y. A. and Quraishi, A. 2001. Callus induction regeneration and hygromycin selection of rice/super basmati. Online J. Biol. Sci. 1(12): 1145-1146 Chaudhry, Z., Feroz, I. Ahmed, W. Rashid, H. Mirza, B. and Quraishi, A. 2001. Varietal response of Lycopersicon esculentum L. to callogenesis and regeneration. Online J. Biol. Sci. 1(12): 1138-1140. Hussain, I., Mohammad, A. and Quraishi, A. 2001. Invitro cormlet production in gladiolus crassifolium L. c.v. Pink. Online J. Biol. Sci. 4(5):535-536. Jatoi, S. A., Sajid, G. M. Suppal, H. U. Baloch, M. S. Quraishi, A. and Rashid, H. 2001. Differential invitro response of tomato hybrids against a multitude of hormonal regimes. Online J. Biol. Sci. 1(12): 11411143 Hussain. I., Muhammad, A. Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2001. Invitro multiplication of gladiolus (gladiolus crassifolius). Plt. Tiss. Cult. 11(2): 121-126. Rashid, H., Bokhari, S.Y.A. and Quraishi, A. 2001. Callus induction, regeneration and hygromycin selection of rice (Super Basmati). Online J. of Biol. Sci. 1(12):1145-1146. Niaz, F., and Quraishi, A. 2002. Studies on somatic embryogenesis in sugarcane. Online J. Biol. Sci. 2(2): 67-69. Khan, M. R., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2002. Development of aseptic europa L.) cv. Pantaloon Asian j. Plt. Sci. 1(3): 220-221. protocols in olive (Olea 64. Tahir, F., Rashid, H. Chaudhry, Z. and Quraishi, A. 2002. Protein estimation of embryogenic calli as a monitor of salt tolerance. Pak. J. of Agri. Res. 17(1): 55-56. Khan, M. R., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2002. Effects of various growth regulators on callus formation and regeneration in Brassica napus c.v. Oscar. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 5(6): 693-695. Rashid, H., Ghani, R. A. Chaudhry, Z. Naqvi, S. M. S. and Quraishi, A. 2002. Effect of media, growth regulators and genotypes on callus induction and regeneration in (triticum aestivum). Biotech. 1(1):49-54. Khan, M. R., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2002. Invitro shoot development from juvenile cuttings of fieldgrown olive (Olea europaea L.) cv. Leccino. Online J. Biol. Sci. 2(7):438-440. Naqvi, S.M.S., Yasmin, T. Rashid, H. Chaudhry, Z. and Quraishi, A. 2002. Callus induction from seeds of zee mays Var. EV-2097. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 5(9): 956-958. Niaz, F., and Quraishi, A. 2002. Effect of growth regulators on the regeneration potential of two sugarcane cultivars SPF-213 and CPF-237. Pakistan j. Biol. Sci. 5(10):1081-1083. Noor, A., Chaudhry, Z. Rashid, H. and Mirza, B. 2006. Evaluation of resistance of rice varieties against bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas Oryzae pv. Oryzae. Pakistan J. Bot, 38(1): Hussain, I., Chaudhry, Z. Muhammad, A. Asghar, R. Naqvi, S.M.S. and Rashid, H. 2006. Effect of chlorocholine, sucrose and BAP on invitro tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum). Pakistan J. Bot. 38(1): Noor, A., Rashid, H. Chaudhry, Z. and Mirza, B. 2005. High frequency regeneration from scutellum derived calli of basmati rice cv. Basmati 385 and super basmati. Pakistan J. Bot. 37(3): 673-684. Rashid, A., Noor, A. Chaudhry, Z. 2005. Improvement of basmati rice for disease resistance by Agrobacterium mediated transformation. Plt. Tiss. Cult. 15(2): 165-174 . Hussain, I., Muhammad, A. Chaudhry, Z. Asghar, R. Naqvi, S.M. S. and Rashid, H. 2005. Morphogenic potential of three potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars from diverse explants, a prerequisite in genetic manipulation. Pakistan J. Bot. 37(4): 889-898. Jabeen, N., Chaudhry, Z. Rashid, H. and Mirza, B. 2005. Effect of genotype and explant type on in vitro shoot regeneration of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill). Pakistan J. Bot. 37(4): 899-903. Saqlan, S.M. N., Sultana, R. and Rashid, H. 2005. Tissue culture studies in Oryza sativa L. cvs. Basmati 385 and Super Basmati. Pakistan J. Bot. 37(4): 823-828. Muhammad, A., Hussain, I. Naqvi, S.M.S. and Rashid, H. 2004. Banana plantlet production through tissue culture. Pakistan J. Bot. 36(3):617-620. Malik S.M. Rashid, H. Yasmin, T. and Minhas, N.M. 2004. Plant regeneration by somatic embryogenesis from callus of mature seed explants of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L). Pakistan J. Bot. 36(3):629-634. Khan, M. R., Ansar, M. Rashid, H. and Chaudhry, Z. 2003. High frequency shoot regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer in Canola (Brassica napus L.). Plt. Cell. Tiss. Org. Cult. 75: 223231. Rashid, H., Yokoi, S. Toriyama, K. and Hinata, K. 1996. Transgenic plant production mediated by Agrobacterium in Indica rice. Plt. Cell Reports. 15:727-730. Rashid, H., Toriyama, K. and Hinata, K. 1996. Transgenic plant production from leaf discs of Moricandia arvensis using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Plt. Cell Reports. 15: 799-803. Malik S.I., Rashid, H. Yasmin, T. and Minhas, N.M. 2004. Effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid on callus Induction from Mature Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Seeds. Intl. J. Agri. Bio. Ullah, I., Rashid, H. and Khan, M. R. 2004. Establishment of tissue culture protocol in Brassica (B. napus L.). Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 7 (2): 277-278. Farooq M., Rashid, H. Ullah, I. Chaudhry, Z. and K. Marwat, B. 2004. Comparative tissue culture response of wheat cultivars and evaluation of regenerated plants. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 7(3):406-408. Muhammad, A., Hussain, I. Akbar, M.F. and Rashid, H. 2003. Enhanced rate of multiplication of tissue cultured raised banana (musa) plants in the field. Pakistan J. of Biol. Sci. 6(6): 587-588. Rashid, H., Rahim, S.N. Chaudhry, Z. Naqvi, S.M.S. 2003. Studies on genotype response to callus induction from three Basmati cultivars of rice (oryza sativa L.). Pakistan J. of Biol. Sci. 6(5): 445-441. Rashid, H. Yokoi, S. Toriyama, K. and Hinata, K. 1995. Production of transgenic plants mediated by Agrobacterium in Indica rice. Breeding Sci. 45 (1): 72 Rashid, H., Toriyama, K. and Hinata, K. 1995. Transgenic plant production by Agrobacterium in Moricandia arvensis, a C3-C4 intermediate plant. Breeding Sci. 45 Suppl. 2. Chaudhry, Z., Yoshioka, T. Satoh, S. Hase, S. Ehara, Y. 1998. Stimulated ethylene production in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Ky 57) leaves infected systemically with cucumber mosaic virus yellow strain (CMV-Y). Plant Cell Physiol. PROCEEDINGS Quraishi, A., 1973. Studies of some aspects of vegetative multiplication in Solanum tuberosum L. var. B.F. 15, by tissue culture techniques. D.E.A. (M. Phil/MS) thesis: University de Paris, Sud, 91-Orsay France. Quraishi, A., (a) (1976). Study of callogenesis and organogenesis from primary explants and organogenesis from explants of in vitro-shoots in Solanum tuberosum L. Var. B.F. 15. Doctorat eme3 cycle (Ph.D). University de Paris, Sud, 91-Orsay France. Quraishi, A., (b) (1976). A comparative, morphological and biometric analysis of the neoformed shoots and those produced by simple vegetative multiplication in Solanum tuberosum L. Var. B.F.15. Doctorat eme3 cycle (Ph.D). University de Paris, Sud, 91-Orsay France. Bancilhon, L.R., Nozeran, R. Quraishi, A. and Darpas, A. 1979. Beginning of the exploration of the extension of variability in potato, information on callus. In: Intern. Semin. on Potato. May 13-23. Algiers. Hiruki C., Quraishi, A. and Chen, M.H. 1980. Histo-chemical diagnosis of plant disease associated with mollicutes like organisms (MLO). In: Second South East Asian Symposium of plant diseases, in Tropics. Bangkok, Thailand. Oct. 1980. Quraishi, A., Mahmood, N. and Abbas, S.T. 1982. Callogenesis and organogenesis in the mature seeds of salt sensitive rice varieties like Basmati-385 and IR-6. In: Ihsan Ilahi and Farrukh Hussain (eds.). An Approach to Some Problems in Plants. p.115-120. Quraishi, A., Mahmood, N. John, I. and Sajid, G.M. 1982. In vitro culture of sprouts of two cultivated varieties of potato; In: Ihsan Ilahi and Farrukh Hussain (eds.). An Approach to Some Problems in Plants. p: 128-134. Quraishi, A., Ahmad, S.U. Rehman, A. and Mahmood, N. 1982. A study of callogenesis in Phoenix dactylifera L. the date palm; In: Ihsan Ilahi and Farrukh Hussain (eds.). An Approach to Some Problems in plants. p.233-229. Rehman, A., Ahmad, S.U. John, I. and Quraishi, A. 1983. Growth responses by different explant tissues in Phoenix dactylifera L. In: Azra Quraishi and Isaac John (eds.). Plant Tissue Culture. p.73-78. Abbas, S.T., Mahmood, N. and Quraishi, A. 1985. Effect of NaCl and CaCl2 on callus induction in Oryza sativa L. In: Azra Quraishi and Isaac John (eds.). Plant Tissue Culture. 56-63. Abbas, S.T., Mahmood, N. and Quraishi, A. 1985. Tissue culture of Oryza sativa L. In: Azra Quraishi and Isaac John (eds.). Plant Tissue Culture. p. 46-55. Mahmood, N., and Quraishi, A. 1985. Callogenesis and initial organogenesis in Triticum vulgaris L. In: Azra Quraishi and Isaac John (eds.). Plant Tissue Culture. p. 64-67. Quraishi, A., Sajid, G.M. John, I. and Mohammad, A.Q. 1985. A study of callogenesis from diverse explants of Vinca major. In: Azra Quraishi and Isaac John (eds.). Plant Tissue Culture. p.86-90. Rehman, A., Sajid, G.M. John, I. and Quraishi, A. 1985. Mass clonal propagation of potato variety cardinal for basic seed production programme. In: Potato in Pakistan National seminar April 2-4, NARC, Islamabad. Pakistan. p. 123-126. Mahmood, N., and Quraishi, A. 1985. Induction and selection of salt tolerant wheat lines through tissue culture. In: Manzoor Ahmed and Banaras H. Niazi (eds.). Biosaline Research in Pakistan. (Proc. of National Workshop Feb.10, NARC, Islamabad. Pakistan). p. 96-106. Abbas, S.T., and Quraishi, A. 1985. Studies on callus induction from the anthers of Pakistani rice varieties IR-6 and KS-282. In: Ihsan Ilahi (eds.). Plant Tissue Culture. p. 27-32. Rehman, A., Sajid, G.M. Quraishi, A. and John, I. 1985. Pre-basic seed production techniques. In: Ihsan Ilahi (eds.). Plant Tissue Culture. p. 33-35. Mahmood, N., and Quraishi, A. 1985. Response of wheat to sodium chloride stress by means of tissue culture. In Ihsan Ilahi (eds.). Plant Tissue Culture. p. 20-25. Mahmood, N., and Quraishi, A. 1986. Effect of sodium chloride and calcium chloride stresses in selected wheat cultivars by tissue culture. In: PARC-KFK Symposium on Biotechnology in Agriculture and Energy. March 3-7, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Mahmood, N., Abbas, S.T. and Quraishi, A. 1986. Screening salt tolerance through tissue culture in local wheat and rice cultivars. In: R. Ahmad and A. San Pietro. (eds). In: Proc. US. Pak Biosaline Res. Workshop. Prospects of Biosaline Research. p.57-66. Quraishi, A. (1986). Rice callus growth under salt stress. In Proc. Intern. Plant Biotech. Network Newsl. p.8. Quraishi, A. (1987). Abstract of the country paper on plant quarantine for exchange of germplasm and planting materials. RAPA Report/ FAO, Bangkok: In New Delhi, (India); p.8. Quraishi, A., and Rashid, H. 1988. Date palm tissue culture. In: Workshop on the Improvement of Date palm Cultivation and Processing. Feb. 15-16, ARC, Islamabad. Pakistan. Rashid, H., and Quraishi, A. 1988. Factors affecting callus induction and plantlet regeneration in IR-6 and KS-282. In: Ihsan Ilahi and Karen Hughs (eds). Intern. Conf. on In vitro Selection and Propagation of Economic Plants. p. 126-127. Quraishi, A., Naqvi, S.M.S. and Mumtaz, N. 1989. History and development of tissue culture and rapid multiplication in Pakistan (Biotechnology). In: Training course on "Rapid Multiplication of Pre-basic Seed Potato in Pakistan". from March 7-9, PARC, Islamabad. Rashid, H., and Quraishi, A. 1989. High frequency embryogenic callus induction and its regeneration in three wheat cultivars. In: Mujeeb Kazi and A.L.A.Sitch (eds) Review of Advances in Plant Biotechnology; Second International Symposium on Genetic Manipulation in Crops. Mexico. D.F. and Manila, Philippines. CIMMYT and IRRI. p. 205-215. Mumtaz, N., and Quraishi, A. 1989. A new development in seed potato research. In vitro minituber production. In: training course on Rapid Multiplication of Pre-basic Seed Potato in Pakistan. March 7-9, PARC, Islamabad. Pakistan. Rashid, H., and Quraishi, A. 1989. A sexual embryogenesis in Phoenix dactylifera L. c.v. Dhakki. In: Intern. Symp. On Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Jan.2-4, at University of Karachi, Karachi (In press). Quraishi, A. 1990. Biotechnology developments in tropical vegetables; In: S. Shanmugasundaram (eds.). Proc. Workshop on Vegetable Research and Development in South Asia. Sept. 24-29 at Islamabad, Pakistan. p. 172-179. Chaudhry, Z., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1990. Biochemical studies in embryogenic and nonembryogenic cultures of citrus reticulata L. cv. Blanco as a model to identify factors in stresses. In: International Symposium on Molecular and Genetic Approaches to Plant Stress. Feb. 14-17, New Delhi, India. p.28. Rashid, H., and Quraishi, A. 1990. Establishment of long term embryogenic callus cultures for stress selection in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. c.v. Lyp-73, Pak-81 and Pavon-76). In: International Conf. on Current Developments in Salinity and Drought Tolerance of Plants. Jan.7-11, AEARC Tandojam, Pakistan. Rashid, H., Quraishi, A. and Chaudhry, A. 1991. Establishment of long term embryogenic cultures and their subsequent regeneration in date palm. In: First Intern. Symp. on Contemporary Biol. Nov. 7-10, U.G.C., Islamabad. Rashid, H., Quraishi, A. and Chaudhary, Z. 1991. Development of protocols for quick propagation of superior cultivars of date palm. In: A. Ghaffar and S. Shahzad (eds). Status of Plant Pathology in Pakistan. p. 335-341. Chaudhry, A., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1991. Virus elimination, meristem tip culture and in vitro multiplication of potato. In: A. Ghaffar and S. Shahzad (eds). Status of Plant Pathology in Pakistan. p.323328. Hussain, I., Rashid, H. Chaudhary, Z. and Quraishi, A. 1991. Mass propagation of healthy carnation through shoot tip culture. In: A. Ghaffar and S. Shahzad (eds). Status of Plant Pathology in Pakistan. p.329-333. Sajid, G.M., and Quraishi, A. 1992. Potential of Genetic Engineering in Lathyrus improvement. In: Ist National Conference on Lathyrus Improvement. NARC, Islamabad, Pakistan. April 8-10. Quraishi, A., Rashid, H. Chaudhry, Z. and Hussain, I. 1992. Field performance of tissue culture raised date-palms. In: Intern. Symp. on New Genetical Approaches to Crop Improvement., Feb. 15-20, Karachi, Pakistan Rashid, H., and Quraishi, A. 1992. Varietal response to somatic embryogenesis and F1 testing in Triticum aestivum L. c.v Shalimar-88, Hyderabad-88, Barani-83: In: Intern. Symp. on New Genetical Approaches to crop Improvement, Feb. 15-20, Karachi, Pakistan Chaudhry, Z., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1992. In vitro studies of somatic embryogenesis in citrus reticulata L. c.v Kinnow Manderin. In: Intern. Symp. on New Genetical Approaches to Crop Improvement. Feb. 15-20, Karachi, Pakistan. Aziz, A.N., Rashid, H. Quraishi, A. and Sultana, K. 1992. Comparison on heat shock response in embryogenic calli and seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum) L. c.v. Lyallpur-73. In: Proc. First National Biochemistry Symp. March 6-7, Univ. of Karachi: 209-213. Chaudhry, A., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1992. Biochemical analysis of proteins from embryogenic and non embryogenic calli of Citrus reticulata L. In: Proc. the First National Biochemistry Symp. March 6-7. Univ. of Karachi. p.201-203. Hussain, I. and Quraishi, A. 1993. In vitro multiplication of Dianthus caryophyllus L c.vs CSU-Pink and White Sim. In: Second International Symposium on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Jan 6 to 9, Karachi, Pakistan. Quraishi, A. 1993. Role of tissue culture in the development of horticulture: In: Mumtaz Ahmad. (eds.). Proc. of Intern. Semin. on Horti. Jan 9 to 11. p. 75-86. Ahmed, S., Bhatti, M. Ullah, H. and Quraishi, A. 1993. An improved method for in vitro multiplication of potato. In: Ihsan Ilahi (ed.). Advances in Plant Tissue Culture. 55-60. Hussain, I., and Quraishi, A. 1993. Long term maintenance of in vitro cultures of Dianthus Caryophyllus L. cvs. CSU-Pink and White Sim: In: Ihsan Ilahi (ed.). Advances in Plant Tissue Culture. p. 35-39. Abbasi, F.M., Ullah, H. and Quraishi, A. 1994. Rice Anther Culture. Rice Biotechnology Quarterly. 19, 94: 7. Quraishi, A. 1994. Role of public organizations in seed potato production in Pakistan. In: CIP-SDC. Seed Potato Seminar. Oct. 4-6, Islamabad. Pakistan. Iqbal, H., and Quraishi, A. 1995. An improved method for in vitro propagation of carnation: In: Nuzhat Ahmed, Mohammad Ishaq, Obaid Yousaf Khan and Farzana-Sarwar (ed.). Biotechnology for Environment and Agriculture. p. 237-242. Quraishi, A., Mumtaz, N. and Bhatti, M. 1995. Advancements in seed potato production through tissue culture at NARC. In: Proc. National Semin. on Research and Development of Potato in Pakistan. April 2325; Islamabad. Pakistan. p. 26-31. Quraishi A., Sajid, G.M. Rashid, H. Hussain, I. and Ahmed, M. 1996. Tissue Culture advancements at the National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad:. In: A.S Islam (ed.). Plant Tissue Culture. p. 203-210. Quraishi, A. 1997. Biotechnology for sustainable agriculture. In: the Intern. Semin. on Plant Genetic Resources for Food Security in South and West Asia. Nov. 3-6, Islamabad, Pakistan. Khokar, S. and Quraishi, A. 1997. Interaction of Azorhizobium Caclindons with 4 desi cultivars of rice for increased nitrogen fixation in non-legumes. In: Intern. Symp. on Nitrogen Fixation in Non-legumes, NIBGE, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Rashid H., Quraishi, A. and Tahir, F. 1998. Varietal response and the effect of explant source on embryogenic callus induction, growth and regeneration: In Syed Shamshad Mehdi (ed.). New Genetical Approaches to Crop Improvement II. p. 73-80. Chaudhry Z., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1998. In vitro studies of somatic embryogenesis in citrus reticulata L. In: Syed Shamshad Mehdi Naqvi (ed.). New Genetica Approaches to Crop Improvement. p. 81-87 Quraishi A., Rashid H. Chaudhry, Z. and Hussain I. 1998. Field performance of tissue culture raised date palms: In: Syed Shamshad Mehdi Naqvi (ed.). New Genetical Approaches to Crop Improvement p. 149161. Quraishi, A., Rashid, H. Naqvi, S.M.S. Muhammad. A. Hussain, I. and Bhatti, M. 1999. Tissue culture: Research and development at the agricultural biotechnology institute, NARC. In: Second National Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture And Genetic Engineering. (June 1-3), Islamabad. Ullah, I., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1999. Genotype and hormonal effect on callus formation and regeneration in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In: Second National Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture And Genetic Engineering. (June 1-3), Islamabad. Maqbool, I., Ghafoor, A. and Quraishi, A. 1999. Invitro response of tulip (Tulipagesneriana L.) to various growth regulators. In: Second National Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture And Genetic Engineering. (June 1-3), Islamabad. Hussain, I., and Quraishi, A. 1999. Micropropagation of carnation through shoot tip culture in Scania Red and CSU Red. In: Second National Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture And Genetic Engineering. (June 1-3), Islamabad. Muhammad, I., Hussain, I. and Quraishi, A. 1999. Invitro multiplication of indigenous banana cultivars. In: Second National Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture And Genetic Engineering. (June 1-3), Islamabad. Bhatti, M. and Quraishi, A. 1999. Effect of different concentration of BAP & Sugar for in vitro tuberization of solanium tuberosum. In: Second National Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering. (June 1-3), Islamabad. Rashid, H., Quraishi, A. Chaudhry, Z. and Hussain, I. 1999. Somatic embryogenesis, regeneration and field studies in date palm. In: Second National Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture And Genetic Engineering. (June 1-3), Islamabad. Hussain, I., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 1999. Invitro plantlet production from ten years old cultures through somatic embryogenesis in date palm (Pheonix dactylifera). In: Second National Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture And Genetic Engineering. (June 1-3), Islamabad. Rashid, H., Toriyama, K. Chaudhry, Z. Quraishi, A. and Malik, K.A. 2000. Developing transgenic basmati rice by Agrobacterium mediated transformation. In: Fourth International Rice Genetics Symposium. Oct. 22-27, IRRI, Philippines Chaudhry Z., Feroz, I. Ayaz, M. Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2000. Callus induction and regeneration from different varieties of tomato: Lycopersicon L. c.v. mill. In: Fourth National Botanical Conference; Dec. 1416, Lahore. Hussain, I., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2000. Studies on invitro multiplication and somatic embryogenic potential of long termed maintained cultures of date palm. In: Fourth National Botanical Conference, Dec. 14-16, Lahore. Mohammed, A., Hussain, I. and Quraishi, A. 2000. Banana plantlet production through tissue culture. In: Fourth National Botanical Conference, Dec. 14-16, Lahore. Quraishi, A., Rashid, H. Hussain, I. and Bhatti, M. 2000. Tissue culture research, development and commercialization. In Intern. Semin. on Biotechnology for Development. Jan. 25-27, Islamabad. p. 72-73. Rashid, H., Quraishi, A. Toriyama, K. Hinita, K. and Malik, K.A. 2000. Transgenic plant production of Basmati rice via Agrobacterium mediated transformation. In Intern. Semin. on Biotech. for Develop. Jan. 25-27, Islamabad. p. 74-75. Hussain, I., Rashid, H. and Quraishi, A. 2001. Invitro multiplication of date palm. In Second International Conference on Date Palm. 24-27th March, Al-Alin, U.A.E. Toriyama, K., Tanabe, M., and Rashid, H. 2001. Transgenic Moricandia. In: Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, vol. 48, Transgenic Crops III (ed. By Y.P.S. Bajaj). Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, P.352-358. Quraishi, A. and Rashid, H. 1994. Technical editors: Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, special issue on Biotechnology (49 technical papers on all aspects of biotechnology). P.319 Extensions papers/news paper Quraishi, A., 1987. B00iotechnology and agriculture. Fantastic applications come to light. The Daily Muslim, June 20. Quraishi, A., John, I. and Rehman, A. 1987. A strategy for technology transfer from lab to field in potato. Prog. Farm. 7(1): 38-41. Quraishi, A., and Rashid, H. 1991. Date palm propagation through tissue culture. The Daily Muslim, Feb. 15. Quraishi, A., and Rashid, H. 1992. Date Palm through tissue culture. Prog. Farm. 12(6) p.24-26. Quraishi, A., 1993. Tissue Culture: A booster technology; The daily Muslim, Dec. 24. Quraishi, A., 1993. Tissue culture and horticulture. Pakistan Rose Annual. p. 51-53. Quraishi, A., 1994. Plant tissue culture holds promise for global food security. The Daily Muslim, July 3. Quraishi, A., 1994. Womenfolk play vital role in agriculture. The daily Muslim, July 16. Quraishi, A., 1994. High-Tech versus farmer. The daily Muslim, Aug. 1. Quraishi, A., 1994. Agriculture; discipline wedded. The Daily Muslim, Sept. 3 Quraishi, A., 1994. Agriculture a multidisciplinary sector of economy. Business Recorder, Karachi; Oct. 3. Quraishi, A., 1994. Roses in test tubes. Pakistan Rose Annual; p. 29-31. Quraishi, A., 1994. Conventional breeding vis-a-vis biotechnology. The Muslim, Oct. 8; Nov. 27. Quraishi, A., 1994. Need to tap new and emerging technologies to avoid damage to crops. The News Oct. 22 Quraishi, A., 1994. Impact of biotechnology on agricultural growth. Business Recorder Karachi Nov. 16. Quraishi, A., 1994. Tissue Culture: a lucrative venture for non-traditional exports. The Muslim Dec. 5; Business Recorder Dec. 9. The News Dec. 17. Quraishi, A., 1995. Biotechnology for nurserymen. The Muslim Jan. 20; Business Recorder Jan. 24. The Nation Jan. 24. Quraishi, A., 1995. The vast and so far untapped potential of biotechnology. The News Jan. 20. Quraishi, A., 1995. Hi-Tech untapped in fruit production. The Muslim Feb. 27. Quraishi, A., 1995. Date palms through tissue culture. The Nation Feb. 28. Quraishi, A., 1995. Pakistan needs substantial increase in fruit production which requires exploitation of new and emerging technologies. The News March. 18. Quraishi, A., 1995. Pollen culture, a short cut to varietal improvement. The Muslim May 29; The Nation May 4; The News May 13. Quraishi, A., 1995. Use of biotechnology for better crop. The Muslim May 10. The News June 17. Quraishi, A., 1995. Utilization of wild species for crop improvement. Business Recorder May 21. Quraishi, A., 1995. Hi-Tech must for improving crops production. The Nation May 23. Quraishi, A., 1995. Biotechnology and rose nurseries. Rose Annual p. 61-63. Quraishi, A., 1995. Hi-tech for the Potohar Region. The Muslim May 27. Quraishi, A., 1995. Application of high tech in drought-prone agri zones. Business Recorder June 4. The Nation June 6; The News July 29. Quraishi, A., 1995. Seed potato production through tissue culture. The Muslim June 17. The News July 1. Quraishi, A., 1995. Agriculture woman power. The Muslim July 9. The News Aug. 5; The Nation Dec. 15. Quraishi, A., 1995. Hi-tech Agriculture. The Muslim Aug. 5. Quraishi, A., 1995. Need for Hi-tech Agriculture. Business recorder Aug. 30 Quraishi, A., 1995. Biotech added dimensions to traditional technology. The News Aug. 19. Quraishi, A., 1995. Mini potato mega impact. The Muslim Aug. 26. The Nation Sept. 26. Mini-potatoes: an option for quality seed production: The News, Oct., March. 21. Quraishi, A., 1995. Food and Agriculture. The Muslim Nov.18. The Nation Nov. 21; Quraishi, A., 1995. Agriculture: Are we shying away from adopting new technologies. The News, Dec. 9. Quraishi, A., 1995. Food autarky and agricultural development. Business Recorder, Nov. 23. Quraishi, A., 1995. Biolistic plant transformation: a novel approach in genetic engineering. The Muslim Dec.11. The News Jan. 21. Quraishi, A., 1996. Farm research and technology development. The Muslim Feb. 11. Quraishi, A., 1996. Investment in agricultural research and technology development. The News Feb. 24. Quraishi, A., 1996. Agricultural research and technology development. Business Recorder Feb 24. Quraishi, A., 1996. Biotechnology and Environment. The Muslim March 23. Quraishi, A., 1996. Environment and Agriculture. The Nation March 29. Quraishi, A., 1996. Environment and biotechnology. The News April 20. Quraishi, A., 1996. Variability in Rose through new and emerging technologies. Rose Annual. p. 18-19. Quraishi, A., 1996. Women in Research and Development, opportunities and challenges: The Muslim May 9. Quraishi, A., 1996. Role of molecular markers in plant tissue culture. The News July 20. The Muslim Aug. 3. Quraishi, A., 1996. Afforestation and Biotechnology. The Muslim July 20. The Nation July 24. Quraishi, A., 1996. Combating environmental pollution. The News August 17. Quraishi, A., 1996. Afforestation, biotechnology. Business Recorders Aug. 12. Quraishi, A., 1996. Biotechnology: olive as and oilseed plant. The Muslim Aug. 25. The News Sep.7. Quraishi, A., 1996. Agricultural Biotechnology. The Nation Oct. 16. Quraishi, A., 1996. Role of communication in agricultural biotechnology. Business Recorder Oct. 26. Quraishi, A., 1996. Communicating agricultural biotechnology. The News Nov. 2. Quraishi, A., 1996. Role of women in research and development; In: S. Nair Hussain Shah (ed.). Proc. Regional Symp. on Livestock Biotechnology April 16-18. Veterinary Research Institute, North West Frontier Province. Peshawar, Pakistan. p. 143-146. Quraishi, A., 1997. Agri-tech; Public -private Sector wedlock inevitable: The Daily News Nov. 25; The Daily Nation. Dec. 22. Quraishi, A., 1997. Existing basic infrastructure for biotechnology education, research and development in Pakistan. Strategies for the development and application of biotechnology for economic growth: Export group meeting: Report compiled by Pakistan Council for Science and Technology. p. 56-61. Quraishi, A., 1997. Transgenic plants: The Nation. March 19. Quraishi, A., 1997. Biotech raising ecological imbalances. The Muslim. April 18. Quraishi, A., 1997. Tissue culture: a lucrative venture for rose nurseries. Rose Annual, p. 34-36. Quraishi, A., 1997. Biotechnology and food security; The News Oct.12. The Muslim Oct. 16. Quraishi, A. and Khokar, S.1997. Biofertilizer and food security. The Frontier Post Oct 14; The Muslim Oct. 15. The News Oct. 20. Quraishi, A., 1997. Agri-tech; Public -private Sector wedlock inevitable: The Daily News 25 Nov. The Daily Nation Dec. 22. Quraishi, A., 1998. Tissue Culture, genetic engineering synergism. The Daily News: Feb. 2. Quraishi, A., 1998.Disease-free roses through hi-tech. Pakistan Rose Annual. p. 49. Quraishi, A., 1998. Test tube date palm from fantasy to reality. The Daily News. Oct. 21. Quraishi, A., 1998. Private sector participation in agricultural research. The News: 23 Nov. Miniature Rose Nurseries. 1999. Rose Annual p. 67-69. Quraishi, A., 1999. Tissue culture and Genetic Engineering, the cutting edges of agricultural technology. The Daily Nation. June 1. Quraishi, A., 1999. Biotechnology for sustainable agriculture. The Daily Nation: Nov. 28. Business Recorder Dec. 8. The News International, December 27. Quraishi, A., 2000. Genetic Engineering. The Daily Nation, Jan 16. Quraishi, A., 2000. Bio-safety protocols and risk control in Pakistan. The Daily News; Feb 21. Quraishi, A., 2000. Development of agricultural biotechnology in Pakistan. The Daily News. March 27. Quraishi, A., 2000. Hijacking biological resources of developing countries. The Daily News. May 15. Quraishi, A., 2000. Cost effective technology for developing countries. The Daily News; May 21. Quraishi, A., and Rashid, H. 2000. Diversity in roses through genetic engineering. Pakistan Rose Annual. p. 55-58. Quraishi, A., 2000. Seabuckthorn: A wonder plant; The Daily News, July 17. The News April 26. May, Pakistan Observer April 24, Business Recorder May 15, Frontier Post May 9. The Daily Nation May 2. Quraishi, A., and Rashid, H. 2001. Development of transgenic Basmati rice. The Daily News. Jan. 1. Quraishi, A., 2001. Increasing sugar production: tissue culture has a promise. The News International, Feb. 5. Quraishi, A., and Chaudhry, Z. 2001. Beauty thy name is rose. Biotechnologists cant efford to lose you. Pakistan Rose Annual. P. 36-38. Quraishi, A., and Rashid, H. 2002. Biotechnology: an engine for economic development. The News International, Feb. 11. Baisakh, N., Datta, K. Rashid, H. Olive and Datta, S.K. 2002. Agrobacterium tumefactions-mediated transformation of an elite indica rice maintain rice IR 68899 B with a reconstructed T-DNA carrying multiple genes. 2002. Rice Genetics News letter. 17:122-125 Quraishi, A., and Rashid, H. 2002. Biotechnology: the driving force of agri-research. The News International, July1. Quraishi, A., 2002. Biotechnology, an effective catalyst to conventional breeding. Pakistan Observer, June 18 Quraishi, A., and Chaudhry, Z. 2002. Transgenic rose. Pakistan Rose Annual. P.29-31. Quraishi, A., 2002. Tissue culture: a gateway to genetic engineering. The News International, Monday, Sept. 2.