Mildura Palimpsest Biennale #10: everywhere all at once …here. 2

Mildura Palimpsest Biennale #10: everywhere all at once …here.
Palimpsest Symposium:
2-5 Oct, 2015
10.00am-4.00pm, Friday 2 Oct
6.00pm, Friday 2 October, Mildura Arts Centre
Palimpsest Long Weekend Experience: 2-5 October, 2015
Mildura Palimpsest Biennale #10, 2015 : ‘everywhere all at once …here’ is committed to exploring
experimental new areas of contemporary art practice grounded in the particularities of our global region.
Intercultural collaboration is inherently experimental in that it challenges the hegemonic western canon
of contemporary art and provides a platform for art that re-examines the diversity of contemporaneity
and all its histories and possible futures.
Mildura Palimpsest Biennale #10 is an experiential opportunity for artists & audience to merge; and to
expand contemporary discussion about global-intercultural identity through six International, durational
& intercultural projects. Mildura Palimpsest Biennale can be experienced in its entirety for four days
only - during the long weekend 2-5 October 2015.
The theme of Mildura Palimpsest Biennale #10: ‘everywhere all at once …here’ explores the nexus
between ‘the virtual and the grounded’, contemporary intercultural site-specificity and the virtual reality
of contemporary global culture. Walking as durational art practice is one key medium of intercultural
exchange in Mildura Palimpsest Biennale #10. Walking is a slow movement that brings us into the present
time …here. Walking together provides significant new opportunities for intercultural dialogue and
Two ambitious walking projects: ‘Walking the Murray: Weaving Stories’ and ‘Unmapping The End of the
World’, which provide the curatorial frame for the Biennale. New residency based site-specific projects
form the core of Mildura Palimpsest Biennale #10, along with several major new intercultural
collaborative projects curated across three continents and many Aboriginal Nations.
The opening weekend features the Palimpsest Symposium ‘art is a time machine’; an audience tour with
the artists of all exhibited works; artists’ talks; performances and dinners with participating artists and
thinkers. Mildura Palimpsest Biennale is an intensely experiential event, an adventure into new
philosophical terrain, inviting artists and audiences to be curious about the world beyond our comfort
zones. The Mildura Palimpsest Biennale has always been interested in art that can be experienced as a
form of material philosophy, art that makes us think about the world and our place in it.
The Palimpsest Symposium ‘art is a time machine’ brings together world renowned artists and thinkers
speaking on Contemporary Intercultural Collaboration; Walking Together as Creative Practice; and Art as
Material Philosophy; all in the context of global contemporaneity. Opportunities to meet and talk with the
artists, speakers and provocateurs are available all weekend as artists travel with audiences on the art
tour and dine with the audience each evening. A new symposia series will also run in Melbourne and
Sydney in the lead up to the Biennale to begin the discussions that will be fully experienced during the
Biennale Opening long weekend 2-5 October 2015.
The Palimpsest Postgraduate Student Mentorship Program invites ten leading Australian Universities to
nominate their most promising post graduate student(s) for a Palimpsest residency so that they can make
a new site-specific work for the Biennale.
The full program will be announced early in 2015, comprising more than 50 National, International and
Aboriginal artists.
Jonathan Kimberley & Helen Vivian
October 2014